, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


May 27, 2020

Wednesday, May 27, 2020, Kurt Mengel & Jan-Michele Gianette


17. Give up: CHUCK IT IN.

24. Block the sun: CAST SHADOWS.

40. Frighten: THROW A SCARE INTO.

52. Attack verbally, with "at": HURL INSULTS.

66. Lose control: PITCH A FIT.

Hi all, Melissa here. Theme is self-explanatory, easily gotten after any two of the five theme answers filled in. Love the grid-spanner in the middle.


1. Choice words?: AND OR.

9. "Take me __": AS I AM.

14. Supported: BORNE.

15. Relative of Downy and Tide: ERA.

16. Like San Francisco summer weather, often: FOGGY. I remember one very hot day in San Jose, when my sister-in-law asked where was the coolest place in the bay area. Her husband's answer was Candlestick Park (former home of the SF Giants), and they went to a Giant's game that day to cool off.

19. Delicate bridal netting: TULLE.

20. "Very well": SO BE IT.

21. Irish __: SEA. Not pub.

23. Jordanian queen who is also a humanitarian activist: NOOR. The widow of King Hussein, she was his fourth spouse and Queen Consort between their marriage in 1978 and his death in 1999.

27. Restraining device: SHACKLE.

31. Brewpub unit: TAP. Not mug.

32. "Thus do I ever make my fool my purse" speaker: IAGO. Shakespeare's Othello.

33. WWII battle site, for short: IWO. Famous image from the Battle of Iwo Jima.

35. Pub perch: STOOL.

44. Japanese mushroom: ENOKI.

45. __TV: reality channel: TRU.

46. Bat mitzvah, e.g.: RITE. Bat mitzvah is a Jewish coming of age ritual for girls. Bar mitzvah is for boys.

47. Tallahassee sch.: FSU. Florida State University.

50. See 22-Down: I SEE NOW.

57. __ Day VitaCraves: ONE A. When I saw the name of this, I assumed it was vitamins for pets. Nope. Gummy-vitamins for varied consumers (women, men, teens, adults, and immunity support).

58. Filming site: LOT. When my daughter and I took the Gilmore Girls-themed Warner Brothers tour, I discovered that The Waltons filmed on the same lot, and recognized some of the exteriors from both.

59. Cornell University city: ITHACA. New York.

64. Not be straight with: LIE TO. Those two-word answers are tricky.

68. Delaware capital: DOVER.

69. Green prefix: ECO.

70. Disney princess from Avalor: ELENA.

71. McCarthy's dummy friend: SNERD. Mortimer Snerd was the secondary dummy of Edgar Bergen, after Charlie McCarthy.

72. Anti vote: NAY.

73. Worked on a galley, perhaps: ROWED. A galley is a type of ship propelled mainly by rowing.


1. Basics: ABCS.

2. NYC neighborhood: NOHO. North of Houston Street, as opposed to Soho, which is South of Houston Street.

3. Trounce: DRUB. I've heard trounce, but not DRUB.

4. Some time ago: ONCE.

5. Football do-over: RE-KICK.

6. Pet doc: VET.

7. Apple Watch spot: WRIST.

8. Most rational: SANEST.

9. Toward the tiller: AFT. Aft - at, near, or toward the stern (rearmost) of a ship. The tiller is the lever used to steer the ship.

10. Squeak or creak: SOUND.

11. Digs in the snow: IGLOO. Nice misdirection - digs as noun, not verb.

12. Lit: AGLOW.

13. "Wayne's World" co-star: MYERS. Party on!

18. Home of Roma: ITALIA.

22. "I get it!": AHA.

25. Works with thread: SEWS.

26. Abbey area: APSE.

27. Construction area: SITE.

28. See 38-Down: HAHN.

29. Business opening: AGRO.

30. Work in a galley, perhaps: COOK. One word short of a clecho. In this instance, the galley is the kitchen of a ship.

34. Scorpio mo.: OCT.

36. Fade: TIRE.

37. "Come __!": ON IN.

38. With 28-Down, German nuclear fission pioneer: OTTO.

39. MGM mogul Marcus: LOEW. Wikipedia.

41. In-flight amenity: WIFI. Anyone flying these days?

42. Seed pod: ARIL.

43. Like much beach cottage decor: RUSTIC.

48. "... from New York!" show, briefly: SNL. Saturday Night Live. Like other late-night shows, broadcast without a live audience these days.

49. Annual Queens sports event: US OPEN. Tennis.

51. Bible book named for a woman: ESTHER.

52. Wrestling moves: HOLDS. Growing up, my brother used to practice new wrestling holds on me. I was never a fan of wrestling after that.

53. Labor group: UNION.

54. Kent player in film: REEVE. Clark Kent, played by Christopher Reeve, in Superman.

55. "Gotta run!": LATER.

56. Seat of New York's Oneida County: UTICA.

60. Angelic ring: HALO.

61. Not very many: A FEW. "I'm not gonna have 'em all now, I"m just gonna have a few ..."

62. French movie: CINE.

63. Not very much: A TAD.

65. O'Hare, on tix: ORD.

67. First car, for many: TOY.

May 26, 2020

Tuesday, May 26, 2020 Craig Stowe

Crazy Eight Balls.  The word BALL can be added after each word in the theme answer (and there are 4 theme answers), giving us EIGHT different types of Balls.

17-Across. *   Usual burger component: GROUND MEAT.  Ground Ball and Meat Ball.


39-Across. *   British afternoon tradition: HIGH TEA.  High Ball and Tea Ball.

Tea Ball

11-Down. *   Military might: FIRE POWER.  Fire Ball and Power Ball.

33-Down. *   Monarch or viceroy: BUTTER FLY.  As in Butter Ball and Fly Ball.

And the Unifier:
62-Across. "Magic" toys ... or what the answers to starred clues add up to?: EIGHT BALLS.

Nice how the first and last balls in the series are both baseball references.

1. "Happy Motoring" gas brand: ESSO.

5. Puppy love: CRUSH.

10. Contemptuous sound: PFFT!

14. Long (for): ACHE.

15. Hang __ dry: OUT TO.

16. Make really upset: RILE.

19. Periods often named for presidents: ERAs.

20. Young insects: LARVAE.

21. "Baby back" morsel: RIB.

22. Risqué message: SEXT.

23. Board in a salon: EMERY.

24. In a row: LINED UP.

26. Morales of "Ozark": ESAI.  He makes frequent appearances in the puzzles.

28. Metaphors for inner turmoil: DEMONS.

31. Takes into custody: NABS.

34. On sale, say: LESS.

37. Ruby or emerald: JEWEL.

38. Big Aussie bird: EMU.  //  And 41-Across.  Broody music genre: EMO.  Nice how these two answers are beside each other.

42. Opel compact car whose name means "stars" in Latin: ASTRA.

44. Literary governess Jane: EYRE.  Jane Eyre is a novel by Charlotte Brontë (1816 ~ 1855).  It was first published in 1847.

45. Forehead: BROW.

46. Bottom lines: TOTALS.

48. In addition: ALSO.

50. Narcissist's indulgence: EGO TRIP.

53. Blow away: AMAZE.
57. Poet Byron's title: LORD.

59. Fled: RAN.

60. Black furs: SABLES.

61. Recon target: INFO.  As in Reconnaissance and Information.

64. Leave no room in: FILL.

65. Didn't show for a date with, with "up": STOOD.

66. Hitchhiker's hope: RIDE.  //  And 57-Down. Hitchhiker's hope: LIFT.

67. Texting farewell: TTYL.  Textspeak for Talk TYou Later.

68. Satisfies: SATES.

69. Faculty head: DEAN.

1. Philadelphia NFLer: EAGLE.  The professional football team in Philly.

2. "Get lost!": SCRAM!

3. Jersey __: coastal vacation area: SHORE.  It was probably very crowed there this weekend with little social distancing.

4. Bodies of work: OEUVRES.  Sometimes written as Å“uvres.  The work has an interesting etymology.  It comes from the old French word, uevre, which came from the Latin word opera.

5. Hammurabi's creation: CODE.  Hammurabi (1810 ~ 1750 BCE) was a King of the First Babylonian Dynasty.  He is best known for drafting the Babylonian Code of Law, now known as the  Code of Hammurabi .  It is one of the oldest deciphered writings of the ancient world.  The Code established rules for commercial interactions, as well as gruesome punishments for crimes.

6. Cuba libre liquor: RUM.

7. Wombs: UTERI.  Plural of Uterus.

8. What a Tide to Go pen can remove: STAIN.

9. Area of rapid growth: HOT BED.

10. Take for granted: PRESUME.

12. Linen fiber source: FLAX.

13. Word with sniff or taste: TEST.

18. Those opposed: NAYS.

24. Respected feudal figure: LIEGE.

25. __ vu: familiar feeling:  DÉJÀ.  Today's French lesson.

27. Boxer Laila: ALI.  The daughter of Muhammad Ali.

29. Lost fish in a Pixar film: NEMO.  Was Nemo ever found?

30. Sluggish: SLOW.

31. "Fun!": NEAT.

32. "I __ confused": AM SO.

35. Like a wallflower: SHY.

36. Seat belt, e.g.: STRAP.

39. Ring of light: HALO.

40. Ribbonlike fish: EEL.

43. Hit for Aerosmith and The 4 Seasons (different songs, though): RAG DOLL.

45. Overwhelm, as with questions: BOMBARD.

47. Add emphasis to: STRESS.

49. Former Swedish automaker: SAAB.

51. Yogurt-based condiment served to cool hot curry dishes: RAITA.  Here's an easy recipe.

52. Bar of gold: INGOT.

54. Kate's TV sidekick: ALLIE.  A reference to the 1980s television sit-com Kate and Allie.  Kate was played by Susan Saint James and Allie was played by Jane Curtain.

55. Video game princess: ZELDA.

56. German steel city: ESSEN.  Do the cars in Essen fuel up with Esso?

58. "Don't count __!": ON IT.

60. Norms: Abbr.: STDs.  As in Standards.

63. Clod buster: HOE.

Here's the Grid:

May 25, 2020

Monday May 25, 2020 Paul Coulter

Theme: ESSAY TEST (55. Exam answered in a blue book ... and a phonetic hint to 17-, 23- and 44-Across) - Each theme entry is in the pattern of S* A* and they're all study-related:

7. Old enough to start kindergarten: SCHOOL AGE.

23. Attend a foreign university, say: STUDY ABROAD.

44. Kind of exam with brief responses: SHORT ANSWER.

Boomer here.  

Greetings and best wishes for a great holiday! I am happy to join you in remembering friends and loved ones which have gone before us.


1. Terrible reviews: PANS.  I am not going to abuse this puzzle with cookware.

5. Dots in the Seine: ILES.  The Seine, the Seine, when will I again, meet her there, Greet her there on the moonlit banks of the Seine.  (Kingston Trio and others)

9. Shoelace tip: AGLET.  I hate when they fall off.

14. Baseball's Hershiser: OREL.  Dodger great with an odd first name.

15. Pie à la __: MODE.

16. Singer Lopez: TRINI.  He had a hammer.

19. Divided Southeast Asian island: TIMOR.

20. Sing to romantically: SERENADE.

21. Roll the dice: GAMBLE. There are many ways to gamble in Nevada, but my favorite is craps.

22. Academic URL ending: EDU.  Many are trying to decide whether to open in the fall.

25. Way to get off base?: JEEP.  I drove a Jeep at Fort Campbell.

26. Wind quintet wind: OBOE.

27. Native Alaskan: ALEUT.  Many Aleutian islands off Alaska's horse's leg.

30. Ability to float: BUOYANCY. We had many families in MN spending time at lakes and campgrounds this weekend.  Lots of kids bring plastic float toys.

34. Spill the beans: SING.  Sing a song, Make it simple to last the whole night long.  Don't worry if it's not good enough.  (Carpenters)

35. Done to __: perfectly cooked: A TURN.  I think you may have to give it A TURN to make sure it's done on both sides.

37. Numbered book part: PAGE.

38. Sonic, in gaming: HEDGEHOG.  If you can stand their looks, you may want to keep one in your garden to get rid of pests.

40. Old photo tone: SEPIA.  Reddish brown.

41. Dept. with a sun on its seal: ENER.

42. Carbon monoxide's lack: ODOR.  Texas Rangers Rougned.  Second baseman with a funny name.

48. Scratch the surface of: MAR.  More than one could be a planet.

51. Attached, as a corsage: PINNED. I guess there could be a bowling reference here.

52. Go up, as prices: INCREASE. Groceries are not too bad, except toilet paper. Gasoline is working its way up.  $1.79 per gallon here in MN. Was 1.49 two weeks ago.

54. Beelike: APIAN.

56. Pontificate: SPOUT.  I'm a little teapot short and stout.  Here is my handle and here is my SPOUT.  (Kid's song)

57. Fab Four fellow: PAUL.  McCartney. Yeah, Yeah, Yeah

58. Assert as true: AVER.

59. Three-card con: MONTE.  Nickname for Colin Montgomerie, British pro golfer

60. Heidi's range: ALPS.  Huge mountain range in Europe.  Often an answer on "Jeopardy".

61. Jared of "Panic Room": LETO.


1. Rapper's entourage: POSSE.  Hey Chester, fix one up for Marshall Dillon.  We need to catch bank robbers.

2. Rainbow-shaped: ARCED.  A decent bowling shot may arc from the 15 board out to ten. Then back to carry the back row.  For an arced golf shot - use the correct club.  That's all I know.

3. '60s jacket style: NEHRU.  I lived in the 60's but never had a NEHRU.  Funny collar.

4. Gin flavor: SLOE.  SLOE is a berry for this gin.  Slow is how you should drink it.

5. Behind-schedule comment: I'M LATE.  I'M LATE, for a very important date.  White Rabbit in Wonderland.

6. Amass, with "on": LOAD UP.

7. Barely defeated: EDGED.  Time to LOAD UP the edger with some of that plastic string and EDGE the garden.

8. Observe: SEE.  I joined the Navy to see the world, but what did I see - I saw the SEA.

9. "Way to go, fella!": ATTA BOY.  You can say it, but no high fives.  Social Distancing is the rule these days.

10. Scary scythe bearer: GRIM REAPER.

11. Dance under a bar: LIMBO.  How low can you go, Chubby Checker.

12. __ Gay: WWII bomber: ENOLA.  I was not alive in 1945, however I believe this B-29 was payback for the Pearl Harbor attack.  I don't think I agree with this but I was not around then.

13. Out of gas: TIRED.  Nope, I still have a way to go.

18. Initial stage: ONSET.  Interesting word in this age of Covid-19.  Stay safe.

21. West African country: GABON.

24. Part of BYO: YOUR.  Add a "B" for Bottle ??

25. Inexorable force: JUGGERNAUT.

27. Blond shade: ASH.  I think I have mentioned this before.  In a short time of my life, I used to smoke a pipe.  I bought tobacco from "Ashes" in a shopping center.  The owner was George Ash.

28. Fish story, so to speak: LIE.  So remember if you lie, Everyone will know.  The Boogie Man will get you..  Your nose is gonna grow.  Johnny Crawford.

29. Call off: END.  A tight lineman in the NFL.  I wonder if they will play this year.  Probably for TV only.  That's okay with me.  I have not been to a game since the Metrodome.

30. Software glitch: BUG.

31. Day break?: NAP.  Don't BUG me, I'm taking a NAP.

32. Cinematic FX: CGI.

33. Vote for: YEA.  I am amazed that Congress still uses this word to tally votes.

35. Leading in the race: AHEAD.

36. In tatters: TORN.  Elmore "RIP" Torn was an American Actor.  He passed away last July. R.I.P. RIP

39. Diplomatic accord: ENTENTE.

40. "My bad!": SORRY.  "I'm Sorry, So Sorry, please accept my apology". Brenda Lee.

42. Says "My bad!": OWNS UP.

43. Car window stickers: DECALS.  There was a time when nearly every car had decals for where they had been.  Now bowling centers and golf courses don't give decals so my van windows are clear.

44. Involuntary jerk: SPASM.

45. Safari heavyweight: HIPPO.

46. Gibson garnish: ONION.  I do not drink alcohol now so my onions garnish a hamburger.

47. Rope fiber: SISAL.

48. "Circle of Friends" author Binchy: MAEVE.

49. Balance sheet item: ASSET.  A lot of assets slipped away in February.  Hope you all are okay.  Thank the stars, they did not whack Social Security.

50. Back in style: RETRO.  I have been watching RETRO baseball and golf on TV for a month.  I'm ready for the real thing again.

53. And others: Abbr.: ET AL.  No others, we are done.  Thanks for playing.

55. Org. concerned with PCB's: EPA.


May 24, 2020

Sunday May 24, 2020 Pam Amick Klawitter

Theme: "Top to Bottom" - Definition puzzle with a "Down" layer. Each theme entry defines the second part of each clue.


5D. Downgrade: KINDERGARTEN. No kindergarten when I grew up.

10D. Downplay: THE CRUCIBLE. It's an Arthur Miller play. Here, it's an example rather than defining PLAY.



67D. Downcast: THEATER GROUP

70D. Downdraft: ORDER IN A PUB.

Pam seems to be fond of definition puzzle. We just had her "Get Going" earlier this month.

As I mentioned before, definition puzzles tend to have made-up entries. No "all caps" clues for this one. Just an extra "Down" element.


1. Dodge a conviction: WALK. And 58. Help the bad guys: ABET.

5. Kin kin: KITH.

9. Amazon review rating units: STARS. Alas, still no umeboshi for me. Amazon has another glitch.

14. Gathered dust: SAT.

17. Morlock prey: ELOI.

18. Logical opening: IDEO. Ideological. And 85. Prefix with cortical: ADRENO. 123. Gator tails?: ADES. 26. New start?: NEO. 55. Surgery opening?: NEURO.

19. Swift's brutish race: YAHOOS.

20. Backing: PRO.

21. Easter precursor: LENT.

22. What's expected: NORM. I finally caved in and went to the local Asia store for my salt kelp,  umeboshi, fermented tofu, etc. Sadly lots of stuff are out of stock. There are just not enough planes to fly from Asia to the States.

23. Kind of lead a closer often has to protect: ONE-RUN. And 8. One that usually leaves the park: HOMER.

24. Hop on the bandwagon: JOIN.

25. People's 2019 Sexiest Man Alive: LEGEND (John)

27. Drop-down item: MENU.

29. Grammy channel: CBS.

30. Patient person?: NURSE. Nice clue.

31. Sense: FEEL.

33. Copter topper: ROTOR.

35. Tarnished: TAINTED.

37. More than just asks: IMPLORES.

41. Dawn: SUN UP.

43. "Now __ heard it all!": I'VE.

44. Austin __: Tennessee university: PEAY. Wiki says "the university was established in 1927 and named for then-sitting Governor Austin Peay, who is further honored with "Governors", the name of the university's athletic teams.

45. Conquest for Caesar: GAUL.

47. Osso __: BUCO.

48. Court break point: RECESS.

52. 1971 New York prison riot site: ATTICA.

54. Phil Collins' longtime band: GENESIS.

56. First name in student loans: SALLIE. Mae.

57. Big 12 Cowboy's rival: SOONER.

59. Buzz creator: BEE.

61. Twilights, in verse: EENS. Twilight is plurable?

62. Vocalist: SONGSTER.

64. Long border range: URAL.

66. Dives into, as a workload: ATTACKS.

69. Dundee denials: NAES.

70. Speak with style: ORATE.

71. Makeshift weapon: SHIV.

72. Luray attraction: CAVERNS.

75. Burgundy and Weasley: RONS.

76. Landed with a line: REELED IN.

80. Novelist Waugh: ALEC.

81. Ref. whose recent updates include "chillax" and "whatev": OED. Oxford English Dictionary.

83. Ward of "FBI": SELA.

86. College URL ending: DOT EDU.

89. Madison in "Splash," e.g.: MERMAID.

91. Acorn coats: TESTAE. No idea. Plural of "testa".

92. Thumbs-ups: YESSES.

93. "... kissed thee __ killed thee": Othello: ERE I.

94. Foreshadow: BODE.

96. Cut down: HEWN.

97. "Told you so!": SEE.

98. Laundry cycle: RINSE.

100. Furthered the development of: NURTURED.

102. Eager beaver's demand: ME FIRST.

106. Leading airplane features?: NOSES.

108. Farm gatherings: EGGS.

109. Red-carpet honorees: ELITE.

110. Thurman of "Pulp Fiction": UMA.

112. Maker of BILLY bookcases: IKEA. Looks nice.

114. Outback offering: RIB-EYE.

118. Small craft: DORY.

119. Acknowledge the general: SNAP TO.

121. Folksy Guthrie: ARLO.

124. "Great" primate: APE.

125. Post-Christmas event: RETURN.

126. "Forbidden" perfume: TABU.

127. One of a seagoing trio: Niña. 68. 127-Across feature: TILDE.

128. Beethoven's "__ Adieux" Sonata: LES.

129. Horses originally developed in a desert climate: ARABS.

130. Sty feed: SLOP.

131. He played Ricky in early TV: DESI. "I Love Lucy".


1. Competently: WELL.

2. Sheltered, at sea: ALEE.

3. Time-consuming: LONG.

6. Sworn statement: I DO. And 37. Bridge call: I PASS.

7. Stint: TERM.

9. __ Salvador: SAN.

11. Simple choice: A OR B.

12. Haul out of bed: ROUST. And 15. Crop up: ARISE.

13. Phishing target, briefly: SSN.

14. Wear with pride: SPORT.

16. Fit as a fiddle: TONED.

28. Cardinals, e.g.: Abbr.: NOS. Numbers.

30. Skin care brand: NIVEA.

32. Field: LEA.

34. Heavy burden: ONUS.

36. What some put on to feel better about themselves: AIRS.

38. Anti-harassment movement: ME TOO.

39. Anti-apartheid author Alan: PATON. He wrote "Cry, the Beloved Country".

40. Cube makeup: SUGAR.

42. Prepare for a selfie: POSE.

46. Syr. neighbor: LEB.

49. TVA output: ELEC.

50. Descend: SINK.

51. House mtg.: SESS. Session.

53. "Dog Whisperer" Millan: CESAR.

60. Simplify: EASE.

63. Canadian gas: ESSO.

65. Very confused: AT SEA.

72. Suffragist Elizabeth __ Stanton: CADY. Learning moment for me also.

73. Skin soother: ALOE.

74. November honorees: VETS. We're going to the big VA hospital on June 5th. A bit nervous to be there for a few hours. The blood draw area is always a zoo. But we have the KN 95 masks Spitzboov kindly sent to us.

76. Home detector target: RADON.

77. Block: DETER. Our Asia store has this sign.

78. Blown away: IN AWE.

79. Interminably: NO END.

82. Part of FEMA: Abbr.: EMER.

84. Rights movement shorthand: LIB.

87. Maker of Zero-Turn mowers: DEERE.

88. Functions: USES.

90. City that aptly rhymes with "casino": RENO.

95. Word on a bill: DUE.

99. What a mouse may evoke: EEK. Boomer just set up a trap two days ago. We have a troublemaker in the basement.

101. __ Fridays: TGI.

102. Podium handout: MEDAL.

103. Bolt to tie the knot: ELOPE.

104. Sends packing: FIRES.

105. One working on pitches: TUNER. Don G is one.

107. There aren't quite enough of them in musical chairs: SEATS. I don't get this clue.

111. Hari of espionage: MATA.

113. Sea devastated by irrigation projects: ARAL.

115. Actress Falco: EDIE.

116. Urges: YENS.

117. Morales of "Jericho": ESAI.

119. Span. title: SRA.

120. __-80: old computer: TRS.

122. Bit of Wall St. news: LBO.