, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Jun 25, 2014

Wednesday, June 25, 2014 Matt Skoczen

Theme: ALL THAT BLOWS IS NOT THE WIND. [With a H/T to Bill G from comments yesterday.] The first word of each theme answer can follow the word BLOW, yielding a common, in-the-language phrase.

17 A. *Bit of formalwear : TOP HAT.  To BLOW one's TOP is to get very angry.  But nobody could be angered by Fred Astair showing us the entire formal outfit.

 18 A. *Interrupt : HORN IN ON.  This implies a forceful and unwelcome interruption or coercion -- or something a trombonist might happily do.

39 A. *Scandal management ploy : COVER UP.  You can run, but you can't hide.  I'm sure you can think of an example or two.  Seems like somebody always BLOWs the COVER, though.

60 A. *Less intense workout after a workout : COOL DOWN.  Self explanatory, I hope.  After working on my feeble high register, I COOL DOWN by playing low notes.  BLOWing one's COOL is similar, but perhaps less severe than BLOWing one's TOP.

11 D. *Psychologically manipulative tactics : MIND GAMES.   A series of deliberate ploys planned to achieve some advantage or superior position.  To BLOW one's MIND is to make a particularly strong impression.

33 D. *Snoop : NOSE ABOUT.  I'm not sure this is a common phrase, but the meaning is clear enough.  As for BLOWing one's NOSE - well, it's allergy season, s'nuff said.

And, of course, the unifier. 62 A. Lose when you should have won, and a hint to the start of the answers to starred clues : BLOW IT.  But viewed from the other side, it's a clutch come-from-behind victory.  It all depends on whose ox is being gored.  But why am I thinking about Joe Nathan?

Hi gang, it's JzB, your humble resident trombonist and frustrated Tigers fan, in case you haven't guessed by now.  Today we have a very rich and well-executed, perfectly symmetrical theme, with horizontal and  long vertical crossing entries.  Did it BLOW your MIND?  Let's see if I can lead the way through without BLOWing IT.


1. Looking at the stars : GAZINGAstronomy perhaps. Star gazing can also imply absorption in chimerical or impractical ideas, or the quality or state of being absent-minded. How do you spend your nights?  

7. Dog star's first name? : RIN.  RIN Tin Tin.  And I'm Sirius.

10. Singing an olde-fashioned love song? : SMIT.  Derived from "smite" to strike forcefully - yet another kind of BLOW.  Here, pierced by Cupid's arrow -- but --
I've heard of being SMITTEN, but not being SMIT,
There are old-fashioned love songs, but this doesn't quite fit.
So SMIT can be today's odd SMITTEN nit.

14. Saudi neighbors : OMANIS. To the East.

15. Poetic preposition : ERE.  I've heard this before

16. Opera set in Egypt : AIDA.  Premiered in Cairo in 1871.  The story of a love triangle between AIDA, an Ethiopian Princess captured and enslaved by the Egyptians; Ramides, an Egyptian military commander torn between duty and his love for her; and Amneris, the Pharaoh's daughter, whose love for Ramides is unrequited.  "In fact, a perfect opera."

20. Wear a long face : MOPE.  I have granddaughters who have raised this to the level of high art.

21. Lucrative way for a handicapper's bet to pay off : TENFOLD.  A long shot winning at 10-1 odds.

22. Supply with weapons, old-style : ENARM.  The erstwhile arms race, as 'twere.

24. Letters for the Queen Mary : HMSHer Majesty's Ship.

25. Numeral : DIGIT.  Any number, suitable for counting on your fingers.

28. Mideast ruler : EMIR.

30. Delaware tribe : LENAPE.  Also known as the Delaware tribe.  Because of displacements from their native territory along the Delaware River watershed, they are now mainly located in Ontario, Wisconsin, and Oklahoma.

31. "General Hospital" extra, for short : LPNLicensed Practical Nurse

34. Territory in dispute between Russia and Ukraine : CRIMEA.   The OTHER Crimean war occurred from 1853 to 1856.  Either way, a sad story.

37. FBI agent : G-MANGovernment Guy.

38. U.N. workers' rights agcy. : I. L. O.   International Labor Organization.

41. Memphis-to-Nashville dir. : ENE. East North East.

42. Condé __ Publications : NAST.  A mass media company headquartered in New York, and famous for its many magazines.  Read all about it.

44. Like Enya's music : NEW AGE.   Eithne Patricia Ní Bhraonáin has shown up as fill so many times in puzzles I've blogged.  It's refreshing to see her in a clue.  As a music genre, NEW AGE is rather bland and amorphous, intended to inspire relaxation, optimism and NEW AGE spirituality, sadly characterized by a conspicuous absence of trombones.  It probably will not BLOW your MIND.

45. Emulated Miss Muffet : SAT.  On a tuffet.  Said Miss Muffet to the Spider:  "Get out of my whey!"

46. Vigor : ENERGY

48. Open carriage : SHAY.   It seems this is a back-formation from chaise, taken as plural.

50. Jazz player, briefly : NBA- ER.  As you can well imagine, this had me entirely down the wrong track.  I hold this fill in the same high regard that I hold NFL-ER, AL-ER, and NL-ER.  Which, I suppose, makes me a nitter.

51. "__ seen enough!" : I'VE.  Well placed fill, IMHO.

53. Stavros superior, in '70s TV : KOJAK.  Another famous show I never watched.  But I still know "Who loves ya!"

57. "Star Wars" weapon : BLASTER.  Which makes me wonder why the Imperial troops even bothered with their totally ineffective armor.

59. Mandlikova of tennis : HANA.  From the '80's.

64. Molokai neighbor : MAUI.  Islands.

65. When repeated, a Kenyan rebel : MAU.  The MAU MAUs revolted against British occupation in the 50's.

66. Puccini's "La __" : BOHEME.   More opera.  Its premier was in  Turin in 1896, conducted by Arturo Tuscanini.  The Bohemians were the dirty hippies of a by-gone time. 

67. Times in the p.m. : AFTSAFTernoonS.  Also, I'm guessing, the best time to go to the back of a boat.

68. Suffix with Canton : -ESE. Food, language, people.

69. Quarters : ABODES.  Living quarters, not fourths of things.


1. "I dunno" : GOT ME.

2. "There's __ Out Tonight": 1961 hit : A MOON.  When you get tired of Star GAZING, you can go MOONing.

3. Rock legend Frank : ZAPPA.  Pappa of Dweezil and Moon Unit.

4. Response from the next room : IN HERE.  Where are you, Pappa?

5. Singer Peeples : NIA.   Virenia Gwendolyn Peeples is also an actress.

6. Clock-setting std. : G.S.T.  Greenwich Sidereal Time. More astronomy.

7. Sew up again : REHEM.  A HEM is a narrow cloth edge folded over and sewn to provide a finished look and prevent unraveling. REHEMing a dress or skit would make it shorter.  Selena Gomez demonstrates.

8. Presses : IRONS.  Next step after REHEMing.

9. Indoor ball brand : NERF.  The trademark for this line of polyurethane foam game and play products introduced in 1970 is in all caps.

10. Asea : SAILING.  Literally out on the waves.  Another frequent filler turned refreshingly into a clue.

12. Words often said in front of a priest : I DO.  Not always.  We got married in the Courthouse in Dearborn.  As it turned out, not the best VENUE.

13. Brown shade : TAN.  Can be confusing at times

19. Plant stem joint : NODE.

21. Flourish : THRIVE.

23. DL x IV : MMCC.  Erstwhile 550 x 4 = 2200.

26. "Brusha, brusha, brusha" toothpaste : IPANA.  Takes me back to my 'ute.

27. Maxim : TENET.  Core belief.

29. "The Twilight Zone" plot device : IRONY.  In this sense, dashed expectations, often associated with a plot twist.

30. Chuckle : LAUGH.  HA!

31. Flax fabric : LINEN

32. Something to fall back on : PLAN B.  If you BLOW plan A.

35. Litter sound : MEW.  Kittens.

36. Pencil topper : ERASER.  Mistake eliminator.  Necessary with Sudoku.

40. Busiest type of season : PEAK

43. Ivy support : TRELLIS

47. Alum : GRAD. Alumnus and GRADuate.   A former student who made the grade

49. Start of a pirate's refrain : YO HO HO.   And a bottle of rum.  Absolutely no ice, though.

51. "__ a dark and stormy night ..." : IT WAS.  Does any story actually start this way?

52. Locale : VENUE.  Place where something happens.

54. Yakked : JAWED.  Gabbed.

55. Cartoon genre : ANIME.  The concept seems a bit muddled, but I guess I know it when I see it.  It can look like this.

56. Beckinsale and Chopin : KATES.   Kathrin Romary Beckinsale (b. 1973) is a British actress.  Katherine Chopin (nee O'Flaherty, 1850 — 1904) was an American author of short stories and novels.

58. A few : SOME.  Not many.

60. Awards often co-hosted by Carrie Underwood: Abbr. :  C.M.A.  Country Music Awards.  No link.  I'm not a fan.

62. Mgr.'s degree : B.B.A.  Bachelor of Business Administration.

63. Toss : LOB.  A soft throw.

We made it.  Nice puzzle, with some musical interludes.  There were a couple of nits, but nothing to BLOW your COOL over.  I had a lot of fun with this one, and hope you did, too.

[Not BLOWN] Cool regards!

Note from C.C.:

Below are 2 sweet photos of JD, Bob and their grandsons. JD, who is now in Amsterdam,  said:

"This was taken on Sat. at Cameron’s 4th birthday. Grady will soon be 5, and Truman will be 7. Dylan was already down for the night when we took this. They are growing up fast."

 Left to Right: Cameron, JD, Grady, Bob & Truman

Here they were in 2010:
Taken on July 5, 2010.
From left to right: Grady (11 months), Truman 3 & Cameron (2 weeks)

Jun 24, 2014

Tuesday, June 24, 2014 Bruce Venzke and Gail Grabowski

Theme: Three Runners - The unity is in the clues.

20A. Runner on a corridor floor : HALLWAY CARPET

40A. Runner in a long race : MARATHON ENTRANT

58A. Runner in a nursery : PLANT OFFSHOOT

Argyle here. I like the cop shows where they confront a suspect and he takes off, "We've got a RUNNER!" We caught three runners today. Some stumble spots but the perps get it in the end.


1. "Dracula" author Stoker : BRAM

5. + or - particles : IONs

9. Ocean movements : TIDEs

14. Wine city near Sacramento : LODI. So it's not so bad to be stuck in Lodi again.

15. "The Bridge on the River __": 1957 film : KWAI. Link to the story behind the score.

16. "Step __!": "Out of my way!" : ASIDE

17. Goes on to say : ADDS. "I'm important; let me through!"

18. Pizazz : ELAN

19. Trademarked copy : XEROX

23. Derisive expression : SNEER. This goes along with 16- and 17-Across.

24. Harbor structure : PIER

25. Public health agcy. : CDC. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

28. Brake part : DISC. I feel old; I put in drum first.

31. Actress Loren : SOPHIA. She began her career at age 14 and is 79 now.

33. Sunscreen letters : SPF. (sun protection factor)

36. Twenty-one-gun show of respect : SALUTE

39. Multi-vol. references : OEDs. (The Oxford English Dictionary)

43. Steam-emitting appliance : IRON

44. "__ Fideles": carol : ADESTE

45. Qt. halves : PTs. Gallons and quarts and pints, oh my!

46. Dry twigs for a fire : TINDER

48. Old Russian ruler : TSAR

50. DDE's predecessor : HST

51. Eye protector : LASH

54. Stiller's comedy partner : MEARA. (Jerry Stiller and Anne Meara) Parents of Amy Stiller and Ben Stiller.

62. Sheikdom of song : ARABY. For Bill G.

64. Sunburn soother : ALOE

65. Golden Fleece ship : ARGO

66. Access Facebook, say : LOG ON

67. Prefix with bucks : MEGA

68. Vitamin __: PABA : B-TEN

69. Noisy migratory birds : GEESE

70. Subtle call for attention : [PSST!]

71. Satisfy to the hilt : SATE


1. Slight depression, with "the" : BLAHS. Not as deep as the blues.

2. '50s sci-fi monster : RODAN


3. Confuse : ADDLE

4. Gave false clues to, e.g. : MISLED

5. Swedish furniture chain : IKEA

6. Big-eyed : OWLY

7. Civil rights org. : NAACP. (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People)

8. Mount climbed by Moses : SINAI

9. Many an H&R Block employee : TAX PRO

10. "It's clear now" : "I SEE"

11. Very inexpensive : DIRT CHEAP

12. Old name for Tokyo : EDO

13. Male or female : SEX

21. What a cuff may cover : WRIST. Links.
22. Is indignant about : RESENTS

26. Failed to : DIDN'T

27. Lets the lure fly : CASTS. Cute one.

29. Desertlike : SAHARAN

30. Bumbling sort : CLOD

32. __ ejemplo: Juan's "for example" : POR

33. Patti of punk rock : SMITH

34. City on the Seine : PARIS

35. Where the major headlines are : FRONT PAGE

37. A, in Arles : UNE

38. Diagnostic aid : TEST

41. "What's more ..." : "...AND..."

42. Tigers and Cubs : TEAMs. Oh my!

47. Comical Boosler : ELAYNE. Why oh why did she use a Y?

49. Fixes up, as a fixer-upper : REHABS

52. Snail-mail attachment : STAMP

53. Putters' targets : HOLES

55. Primary artery : AORTA

56. Name synonymous with synonyms : ROGET. Roget's Thesaurus.

57. More than apologize : ATONE

59. Debt-laden corp. takeovers : LBOs. (leveraged buyouts)

60. Clouds (up) : FOGS

61. Accomplishment : FEAT

62. Calc. prerequisite : ALG. (calculus/algebra)

63. Fish delicacy : ROE. (shad roe on grits)



Notes from C.C.:

1) Happy 26th wedding anniversary to Dennis and his lovely wife Linda  (second from the right)! Dennis is ageless. He looks the same as he did when he joined our blog in Feb 2008.

2) Happy 25th anniversary to TTP and his wife as well! I recall you really annoyed your wife the first time you met, right?

3) Today also marks the 500th post Argyle blogged for us. Every time I hear "One Night in Bangkok", I think of the young Marine Argyle. He has lots of stories to tell, but he's not a talker.  Thank you for all you've done to help me, Santa!

15-year-old Argyle

Jun 23, 2014

Monday, June 23, 2014 Amy Johnson

Theme: Cocktail Drops Drinks often call for Angostura bitters; today's puzzle calls for entries that can follow BITTER.

17A. *Totally, as sober : STONE COLD. Bitter cold.

21A. *Interior decorator's asset : GOOD TASTE. Bitter taste.

38A. *Facetious treatment suggestion to a bundle of nerves : CHILL PILL. Bitter pill.

59A. *Somewhat deceptive statement : HALF TRUTH. Bitter truth.

65A. Finale to fight to, and what 17-, 21-, 38- and 59-Across each literally has : BITTER END

Argyle here. No fight to the bitter end here. It all went well. I can't say that about last week. I liked seeing the overlapping entries. All in all, a good mix that should be an easy solve. Several partial clechos.


1. Home of Iowa State : AMES

5. Glasgow native : SCOT

9. Back-to-school mo. : SEPT.

13. First name in denim : LEVI. (Strauss)

14. Part of a.k.a. : ALSO

15. Butterlike spreads : OLEOs

19. "Help" signal fired from a gun : FLARE

20. Vivacity : ELAN

23. Maury of tabloid talk : POVICH. "We will have the test results at the end of the show."

25. Gal sib : SIS

26. Sharing word : OUR

27. Mined find : ORE

28. "Damn Yankees" vamp : LOLA. What she wants, she gets.

31. Safe and sound : SECURE

33. Cato's "to be" : ESSE

35. The Big Easy acronym : NOLA. (New Orleans, Louisiana)

37. Ran easily : LOPED

41. Youngest Obama : SASHA

44. Glasgow gal : LASS

45. 1998 Sarah McLachlan song : ADIA. Peaked at number three on the Billboard Hot 100 chart, 1998.

49. Busy in a cubicle : AT WORK

51. Something to keep under your hat? : HEAD. [ha, ha]

53. Mischievous kid : IMP

54. '70s radical org. : SLA. (Symbionese Liberation Army)

55. SSE or NNW : DIR. (direction)

57. "Pucker up!" : "KISS ME!"

63. Florist's container : VASE

64. China's Zhou __ : ENLAI

68. Thunder-and-lightning event : STORM. Catastrophic events of late.

69. Gaga over : INTO

70. Part of NIH: Abbr. : INST. (National Institutes of Health)

71. __ bit: slightly : A WEE. Little more of Glasgow.

72. Scruff of the neck : NAPE

73. Canonized mlles. : STEs. French saints.


1. Capp and Gore : ALs. Capp penned Li'l Abner.

2. Shooting stars : METEORs

3. Develops over time : EVOLVEs

4. Egypt's __ Peninsula, which borders Israel : SINAI

5. Anatomical pouch : SAC

6. Bathtub trouble : CLOG

7. Capital NNW of Copenhagen : OSLO

8. Hubbubs : TO-DOs

9. Subtle marketing technique : SOFT SELL

10. "Enchanted" title girl in a 2004 film : ELLA. "Ella Enchanted"

11. Dense fog metaphor : PEA SOUP

12. Agony : TORTURE

16. Get hot under the collar : SEE RED

18. Something besides the letter: Abbr. : ENCL. (enclosure)

22. Bad-mouth : DIS

23. American master of the macabre : POE or EAP, to some people.

24. Hägar and Helga's daughter : HONI. (l. to r.): Snert, Hamlet, Helga, Hägar, Honi, Kvack (save for future reference.)

29. Kick back : LOLL

30. Islamic deity : ALLAH

32. Coca-__ : COLA

34. Cave feedback : ECHO

36. Vaulted church area : APSE

39. Period in the pen, to a con : HARD TIME

40. "Out of Africa" novelist Dinesen : ISAK

41. Girl Scout accessories : SASHes

42. Home of Georgia Tech : ATLANTA

43. One of the birds that "come back to Capistrano," in song : SWALLOW

46. Voice an objection : DISSENT

47. Bigger than big : IMMENSE. Don't forget you can click on the pictures to see bigger results.

48. Chest-beating beast : APE

50. White wine apéritif : KIR. Blackcurrant liqueur topped up with white wine.

52. Plunge : DIVE

56. Apply during a massage : RUB IN

58. Bollywood wraps : SARIs

60. Bus rider's payment : FARE

61. Fey of "30 Rock" : TINA

62. Internet address letters : HTTP

66. From head to __ : TOE

67. Rehab woe : DTs


Notes from C.C.:

I'd like to share with you a few photos from the third Minnesota Crossword Tournament held at The Landmark Center in Saint Paul yesterday. Those who missed the tournament should be able to buy the puzzles online for $5.

It's fun catching up with Tom Pepper, George Barany, David Hanson, David Liben-Nowell, Dan Kantor, Jay Kaskel, Michael David and our hard-working editor Victor Barocas. I was also delighted to finally introduce myself to the talented Andrew Ries. Also lovely to meet with Peter Broder (author of THE CROSS NERD blog). He traveled from Canada for the event.

We missed you, Andrea Carla Michaels! Wish Don G and Andy Kravis were here too.

Left to Right: Jay Kaskel, Tom Pepper, David Liben-Nowell & David Hanson (David H used "Rosebud" avatar and posted on our blog long long time ago).

Left to Right: George Barany, Andrew Ries, David Liben-Nowell, C.C.,
Tom Pepper, Victor Barocas, David Hanson & Peter Broder 

Please click here for more constructor photos.

I watched Public Enemies long time ago. Don't remember the John Dillinger Minnesota tie at all. It turns out that his girlfriend Evelyn Frechette lived close by and was tried at The Landmark Center.

Jun 22, 2014

Sunday June 22, 2014 Mike Peluso

Theme: "Ob-la-di, Ob-la-da" - Long E sound is changed into short O or "Ah" sound.

23A. Clancy explaining the spelling of his name? : THERE IS NO "I" IN TOM - There is no "I" in team. Tom Clancy would have confused me if he did explain so.

38A. Victoria's Secret seasonal line? : SUMMER BRAS. Summer breeze.

64A. Trading Clue, Monopoly, Life and Boggle? : FOUR-GAME SWAP. Four game sweep. World Series.

75A. Monastery grounds? : LAND OF THE FRA. Land of the free.

98A. Bathrooms decorated in denim? : LEVI'S JOHNS. Levi's Jeans.

116A. Character in "Satanic Star Trek"? : SPOCK OF THE DEVIL. Speak of the devil.

17D. Gorgeous farm gal feeding the pigs? : SLOPPING BEAUTY.  Sleeping Beauty.

49D. Stain left by a pool disinfectant? : CHLORINE BLOTCH. Chlorine bleach.
I hope I got the theme correctly. Sound change gimmick is always hard for me. I don't have problem with consonants or long vowel sound. It's those short ones that bother me, esp short E and short A. I pronounce "bad" & bed" the same.
Mike Peluso is a language expert. He taught French, German, Spanish and Latin at high school level. 
Today's grid is hard to fill. Look at the 18 7-letter entries alone! 6 pairs are stacked along the edges, intersecting at least 3 answers of 6-, 7- or 8- letter long. And a 140-worder. You rock, Mike!

The clue for  PASS GO (19D) should be "Round the Boardwalk corner". Cruciverb has "Round the Broadway corner". 

1. Favoring Mideast unity : PAN-ARAB. I wanted PRO-ARAB, but 2D said "No" immediately.

8. Jungle chopper : MACHETE

15. Creator of a cocky hare : AESOP

20. One who stole from thieves : ALI BABA. Also China's biggest e-commerce company.

21. Like spring jackets : UNLINED

22. __ fast one : PULL A

25. Walks heavily : PLODS

26. Costa __ : RICA

27. It's nothing to Hollande : RIEN. It's human nature to sin. God can't help us.

28. B followers : CDE

29. Blue gem, briefly : LAPIS

30. Provo neighbor : OREM

31. CXXII x V : DCX. 610.

32. 1978 film based on a Harold Robbins novel : THE BETSY. Never saw the film.

36. Square problem? : PEG. Nice clue.

37. Many OCS grads : LTS (Lieutenants)

40. Soup with a bento : MISO. You won't find Miso soup inside a Bento box though. Bento is for cold food. Miso is hot.

41. Run on : GAB

44. Sonora Mrs. : SRA

45. Like adobe : EARTHEN

47. One leading a Spartan lifestyle : ASCETIC

51. Barely move : INCH

54. Serenaded : SANG TO

57. Distinguished types : SCHOLARS

59. Bite-size appetizer : PUPU.  Pu-pu platter.

62. Treasury secretary under Clinton : RUBIN (Robert). From Wiki: He received more than $126 million in cash and stock during his tenure at Citigroup. 

63. Bear's cry : SELL

69. Photo lab process: Abbr. : ENL

70. First album in a Green Day trilogy : UNO. News to me. The ¡Uno!, ¡Dos!, ¡Tré! trilogy.

71. Pro Football Hall of Famer Nagurski : BRONKO. Unknown figure.

72. Chances to golf with Mickelson or McIlroy : PRO-AMS. Yes to Mickelson. What a  gentleman!

73. Salty assent : AYE. The sailor "salt". And 34D. Salt : TAR

74. La Méditerranée, e.g. : MER

77. I'm-here link : OUTA. I use "outta".

78. Susan's "All My Children" role : ERICA

80. Sailing, perhaps : ASEA

81. Attacker of Athens, per Plato : ATLANTIS

83. Type A, often : DYNAMO

85. Reddish horse : ROAN

88. [Headslap] : SILLY ME!

89. Spewed out : EGESTED

93. Itinerary word : VIA

95. Nevada city on US 50 : ELY. What's it famous for?

96. Melville title starter : MOBY

102. Four in a gal. : QTS. I did not see the . after gal.

105. Rose of rock : AXL. Of Guns N' Roses.

106. Cabbage side : COLE SLAW

107. Word with order or reel : GAG

109. Exec : SUIT

110. Rhone tributary : SAONE

112. Prez, to GIs : CIC. We just had this in Splynter's post yesterday: Commander In Chief.

113. Latin 101 verb : ESSE

114. Mozart's "__ kleine Nachtmusik" : EINE

115. Choir voices : ALTOS

120. Legal decrees : DICTA

121. Tiny stinger : FIRE ANT

122. How many a management group is trained : AS A TEAM. Oh, I read "How many" as a unit. Don't. Split it. 

123. One of Israel's 12 tribes : ASHER

124. Spoons : CUDDLES

125. "Don't beat around the bush!" : YES OR NO


1. Keep the beat? : PATROL. Another nice clue.

2. "Sugar Lips" trumpeter : AL HIRT

3. Holiday visitors, perhaps : NIECES

4. Garfield's middle name : ABRAM

5. Nunavut's __ Strait, named for an explorer : RAE. Named for John Rae.

6. "__ in the hand ..." : A BIRD


8. Subatomic particle : MUON

9. Singer DiFranco : ANI

10. "Hot enough for ya?," e.g. : CLICHE

11. Block : HINDER. Deluge in our area due to the excessive rain. Luckily the plumber arrived in time last week, otherwise, our basement might be totally flooded.

12. 1976 airport raid site : ENTEBBE

13. Formula One racer Fabi : TEO

14. Oilers, on NHL scoreboards : EDM (Edmonton)

15. Be relevant : APPLY

16. Faulkner vixen Varner : EULA. So hard to remember her name.

18. Many playlist entries : OLDIES

24. Connecting point : NEXUS. Or what's in D-Otto's hand.

32. Still destroyer : T-MAN. I googled and found out "Still" refers to the "Distilling device".

33. Many a presidential term, historically : ERA. Clinton era, e.g.

35. Bygone fliers : SSTS

39. It may be done on one foot : MRI. I was thinking of some tricky Yoga maneuver. Can you do this, Marti?

40. File __ : MENU

41. Natural sci. : GEOL

42. The pond, in the U.K. : ATL

43. Former Nigerian secessionist state : BIAFRA. No idea. Wiki said it existed from 1967 to 1970, "taking its name from the Bight of Biafra (the Atlantic bay to its south)".

46. Strings with pedals : HARPS

47. Fictitious : ASSUMED

48. Attraction for shutterbugs : SCENERY

50. Sing like Bing : CROON

52. One for whom Apr. is the cruelest month? : CPA. Fun clue.

53. Disgruntled word : HUMPH

55. Father of Tulip Victoria : TINY TIM. Never heard of Tulip Victoria.

56. Like most fleet cars : ON LEASE

58. __ Islands: Malay Archipelago group : SUNDA. So, Java, Sumatra, Borneo, Bali, Timor are all part of the chain. Good to know.

60. Mari de la mère : PERE. Mari = Husband.

61. Lady Liberty's land, proudly : US OF A

65. Bygone theaters : RKOs

66. Menial helper : GOFER

67. __ and all : WARTS

68. Charlotte __ : AMALIE. Capital of the Virgin Islands.

71. Find fault with : BLAME

76. Eastern ideal : TAO. Literally "way". Spelled as "Dao" in Mandarin.

77. No more than : ONLY

79. Sly : CAGY

82. Every one : ALL

84. Scandinavian capital : OSLO

86. Declare frankly : AVOW

87. Biomedical research agcy. : NIH

90. __ Aviv : TEL

91. Apple consumer : EVE. I like this clue also.

92. Strife : DISCORD

94. Teen phase, often : ANGST

96. Israeli desert fortification : MASADA. I bet this is a gimme for Hahtoola, Yellowrocks  & Lucina.

97. Wood sorrel genus : OXALIS. We had this before. Some articles says it's tart and tasty, and that the Algonquin Indians considered it an aphrodisiac.

99. Cut through : SLICED

100. Canine predator : JACKAL

101. Walk casually : SASHAY. Hi there Lucina!

102. Shake : QUIVER

103. Strategic WWII island in the Northern Marianas : TINIAN. Total stranger to me.

104. High seas patron : ST. ELMO

106. Activist Chavez : CESAR

108. Monogamous waterfowl : GEESE

109. Take care of : SEE TO

111. Take heed : NOTE

113. Young newts : EFTS

116. Army E-7: Abbr. : SFC

117. More, on a score : PIU. Italian for "more".

118. 1300 hours : ONE

119. German article : DAS

Hope to see some of you at the third Minnesota Crossword Tournament this afternoon.

Jun 21, 2014

Saturday, Jun 21st, 2014, Barry C. Silk

Theme: Saturday Silkie~!

Words: 70 (missing Q,X)

Blocks: 32

  Yes, it was feeling like we'd get a Silkie today - and the first day of summer, officially 6:51am EDT.  Not a terribly daunting puzzle, with a different looking grid.  Three-letter fill to start, which didn't help me much, but there were a few fills on the first pass, and even more on the Downs. Triple 11- and 7-letter corners, and two 10-letter fills on the inside;

33. Cocktail with rum : BAHAMA MAMA - My friends and I came up with the drink name "Gilligan's Island", which was a total misnomer - the drink consisted of Captain Morgan and Ginger Ale, but the show had a Skipper, not a Captain....and I preferred Mary Ann anyway

37. Crusaded : CAMPAIGNED - Great fill, considering the silent "G"

oooh, uh, Onward?!?!?


1. Image on many Oregon license plates : FIR - Makes sense now

4. Drink containing the antioxidant lycopene : TOMATO JUICE - shoulda had a V-8

15. Rock genre : EMO - Rock? Meh.

16. "I'd have never guessed!" : "IMAGINE THAT"~!

17. Male __ : EGO - Can't believe Mr. Silk threw us all under the bus with this clue

18. Fight site : BATTLEFIELD

19. Doesn't start well? : HOT WIRES - Nice

21. Georgia-based insurance giant : AFLAC - Huh - not AETNA, not GEICO

22. One way to shrink : IN FEAR - made me think of this song, with the lyric "shrinking violet"

23. "Lassie Come-Home" author Knight : ERIC

25. Nautical units : KNOTS - Sort of a 'freebie' for a Saturday

26. Soup served with sour cream : SCHAV - Total WAG; I had SC-A-; never heard of this soup, never had it

31. "You betcha" : YUP - My first thought, and considered it too easy

32. Bring in : EARN

35. Cocktail with sweet vermouth : AMERICANO - never had one

40. Old Venetian judge : DOGE

44. Food franchise initials : IGA - another fill I hesitated on

45. Enjoy on the sly : SNEAK

46. Rancor : VENOM

47. Magazine fig. : CIRCulation

49. Menace at sea : PIRATE - I really wanted to put in KRAKEN

50. Words to un caro : TI AMO - "I love you" of these days

53. Nassau Coliseum player : ISLANDER - Mr. Silk rocks~!  Home town fill - and yes, I AM a Ranger fan, but I will root for the Islanders, just because

55. First Bond actor born after the Bond films began : DANIEL CRAIG - Most logical, and it fit; gratuitous image for one C.C.

57. Charlton's "Earthquake" co-star : AVA - IMDb

58. Redealt, say : STARTED OVER

59. No. with a prefix : TELephone

60. It includes the Jurassic period : MESOZOIC ERA

61. Close : END - Great way to "end" the Across clues


1. Budget-squeezing announcement : FEE HIKE - we had this discussion at Home Depot yesterday while building grills; we are trapped on Long Island, unless we're willing to pay $15 to cross the Geo. Washington Bridge - highway robbery?

2. Response to "Did you clean your room yet?" : I'M GONNA - Aww, ma~

3. Support : ROOT FOR - I don't care that the Rangers lost in the Stanley Cup - they played ALL the games they could have played this season.  Not much to "rebuild", either.  Rick Nash, however....

4. Fibula neighbors : TIBIAS

5. Astrologer Sydney : OMARR - I read my daily and love horoscopes before starting work at UPS each morning

6. King's demise : MATE - Chess finale - that kind of king, not "The King" ( Elvis ) or Martin Luther

7. CIA employees : AGTs - ah, not G-Men

8. Up to, in ads : TIL - unTIL

9. Most fit to serve : ONE-A

10. Lynne of ELO : JEFF - forced me to change my insurance company (21a.)

11. Not worthless : UTILE

12. "Gotcha" : "I HEAR YA"

13. Element #20 : CALCIUM - semi-cheat; I have a Periodic Chart app on my phone - can you say nerd?

14. JFK announcement : ETD - Dah~!  not e.t.A

20. Brand used with wings : WET-NAP - Thought it might be "HOT-NIP" or something like that, for a spicy sauce

24. Pro concerned with losses : CPA - my CPA got me a huge return this year - thank you Home Inspection classes~!

26. Military nickname : SARGE

27. 20th-anniversary gift : CHINA - A list, for those curious

28. Czech diacritical sometimes called an inverted circumflex : HAČEK - not a clue, but I WAGed it right the first time. "Little hook", according to Wiki

29. Make __ dash : A MAD

30. Police vehicle : VAN - so vague; this is Saturday cluing

33. "__ Green": Kermit's song : BEIN' - I prefer the Rainbow Connection

34. Today : MODERN

36. More, in Mexico : MAS

37. Title for Obama: Abbr. : CIC - Commander In Chief

38. Shake up : AGITATE - Nailed it, but that's not sayin' much

39. Mooring areas : MARINAs

41. Out, perhaps : ON A DATE - One of these days....

42. Didn't let bygones be bygones : GOT EVEN

43. Shade of green : EMERALD

46. Levitra competitor : VIAGRA - Left out Cialis....I don't watch TV, but when I am at mom's house after hockey, I end up watching Jeopardy, and I can't stand the commercials for these drugs - but really, what else can they depict?

48. 2011 revolution locale : CAIRO

49. Diligent worker : PLIER

51. City on the Moselle : METZ

52. Bar in the kitchen : OLEO - margarine

53. Camaro __-Z : IROC

54. Statistic in baseball and hockey : SAVE - so here's another thing C.C. & I have in common~!

55. Mil. honor : DSM - Distinguished Service Medal

56. Fifth-century date : CDI - 401 in Roman numerals


Jun 20, 2014

Friday, June 20, 2014, Jacob Stulberg

Theme: One is the loneliest number. I am avoiding any politically incorrect reference to LAY'S, in deference to the breakfast rule.

The major challenge in this puzzle was sussing a theme, which appears to be four items found at the end of fill,  which do not appear by themselves when eaten (i.e, they're always in plural form). I may be all wrong as after some 200 puzzles write ups, I just am not sure. I blogged Jacob's first publication last year (a quote theme)  and see he has had a NYT as well as another here in March since then. The long fill was the theme and reveal, but there also were: AMENITY, ASIATIC, LABELED, ORATION, GO TO SEED, HABITATS which are nice. Remarkably few proper name references so this should be doable by most. Left handed reliever Jesse Orosco was probably the most obscure along with the YMCA reference to Geneva but I know baseball and the perps were easy because it had to be a place, so it was all good.  I also do not want to rock the boat, so let us head out into the sea of clues/fill.

24A Source of much government history : NATIONAL ARCHIVE. (15) It have been featured in many action movies, and you always get chives with your baked potato or cream cheese, not a chive.

32A Tax-exempt outlet : DUTY-FREE SHOP. (12) Having the Bahamas close by helps getting some great buys on imports without paying the excise tax. Well a beer related clue; I learned so much about hops in the past few years.

40A. Theme of many a ballad : ROMANTIC LOVE. (12) This is the odd one out as like the others it is the end of the fill, but it alone spans two words.

50A. Warning to a would-be rebel : DON'T ROCK THE BOAT.(15) One oat...nah. One clue.

18A. With 56-Across, memorable snack food slogan ... or a hint to what's hidden at the end of 24-, 32-, 40- and 50-Across : BETCHA CAN'T.(10) and 56A. See 18-Across : EAT JUST ONE.(10) I grew up eating Wise potato chips, so when this campaign started I gladly ate just one.


1. "Good one!" : HA HA.

5. See 55-Across : PAUL. More cross-referencing.55A. With 5-Across, musician for whom a classic Gibson guitar model is named : LES. The inventor of the electric guitar, and pioneer with his wife Mary Ford.

9. Lexicographer's concern : USAGE.They write dictionaries, not much plot but lots of big words.

14. Dutch export : EDAM. Cheesy answer.

15. Big Apple sch. : CCNY. The City College New York. Actually part of the CUNY system, so the full name is the The City College of the City University New York LINK.

16. Procreates : SIRES. The word  procreate sounds biblical to me.

17. Monk's wear : ROBE. More biblical stuff.

20. Company name tag? : INC. Cute , as most states require INC., Co.  etc at the end of the name.

22. Glass on a radio : IRA. From This American Life. We have had this a number of times, I had in in March in a John Guzzetta puzzle. I think Gershwin is being retired.

23. Symbol of industry : BEE. Busy as a...

30. Campaign staple : ORATION. Has anyone read much Cicero?

31. Surveillance device : SPYCAM. You are on camera half of your life now; get used to it.

35. Crash site initials : EMS.  Emergency Medical Service

36. Eggs that may be served with grits : ROE. This clue was fishy.

37. Roadside purchase : GAS. Which you get from the burrito you foolishly bought at the 7 11.

46. 1980s Mets relief star Jesse : OROSCO.  World Series HERO. Started I believe with the Twins.

49. Like some elephants : ASIATIC. They come in African and Asiatic? Why not ASIAN?

53. Souse's woe : DTS. Delerium Tremens. Not just a beer, but the shakes and eventually the pink elephants which are neither African or Asian.

54. A little light : RAY. A DO(E), a female deer?

61. Bound : LEAP. Tall buildings...

64. Desolate : STARK. Where they lived, Winterfell, was all of that. 19D. Desolate : HARSH. A mini-theme as well as clecho.

65. Series curtailer : ET AL.

66. They lack pelvic fins : EELS. Well, I have a pelvis but no pelvic fin

67. Short and sweet : TERSE. Sweet in a not very sweet way.

68. Deprives (of) : ROBS. Tempted to write ROBB just to be consistent.

69. June observance : D-DAY. We always should thank the soldiers and their families,


1. Start of some royal titles : HER. Does PIA count as the rest of the expression?

2. Flap : ADO. Is quiet 'adont'?

3. Rainforests, for many : HABITATS. Wonderful people building and helping others.

4. Hotel pool, say : AMENITY.

5. Banned chem. pollutant : PCB. All you wanted to know and more about these Polychlorinated Biphenyls

6. More than just pass : ACE.

7. No later than : UNTIL.

8. Wet suit material : LYCRA. Gratuitous

9. "Covert Affairs" airer : USA. The network not the country.

10. [Not my typo] : SIC. Latin for thus.

11. Like some numerals : ARABIC. Like 1, 2, 3 etc.

12. YMCA world headquarters city : GENEVA. Never knew this but it makes sense..

13. Value : ESTEEM. How do Italians remove wrinkles?

21. Do : COIF.

24. Bump on a branch : NODE. Much better than being a bump on a log.

25. Calla lily family : ARUM.

26. Logical connector : NOR.

27. End of __ : AN ERA.

28. Nav. noncom : CPOChief Petty Officer.

29. Right triangle part: Abbr. : HYPotenuse.

33. Quite a stretch : EON.

34. Ripped into : SET AT.

37. Deteriorate : GO TO SEED. Always wondered about this expression since seeds begin life, but then as vegetables go bad..

38. Adidas competitor : AVIA.

39. Religious faction : SECT.

40. Queue after Q : RST. A cute way for an alphabet string.

41. Text-scanning technology, briefly : OCR. Optical character recognition,

42. Secures, in a way : MOORS. How many own boats?

43. Native suffix : ISH. Moorish, Turkish, Spanish

44. Sky, to Sarkozy : CIEL.  Simple French.

45. Called : LABELED.

46. Most unusual : ODDEST.

47. Perform a pirouette, say : ROTATE.

48. GM navigation system : ONSTAR. They advertise often. LINK. (0:54) I guess we are to forget about the recalls and non-recalls.

51. Supply with a spread : CATER.

52. City near Lake Biwa : KYOTO. A new way to clue an old answer.

57. PSAT takers : JRS. In high school.

58. Luau entertainment feature : UKE. CSO to our lost battalion of Hawaii posters.

59. Pinch : NAB.

60. Some Bronx lines : ELS. We couldn't have Ernie again so soon.

62. Like : A LA. as Splynter would say, frawnch.

63. Would-be social worker's major: PSY. My undergraduate and graduate field.

Well, tomorrow starts summer and the days start getting shorter. We do get closer to the NFL season. Today is 5 year wedding anniversary for son one, so I get to babysit my grandpuppy. LPGA playing their open at Pinehurst number 2 this week, should be fun. Thanks for the puzzle Jacob and thanks for the rest Corner. L714 out.

Note from C.C.:

Happy 60th Anniversary to dear Chickie and her husband Bill! Chickie has a backyard full of fruit trees. I saw a bag of dried persimmon at Trader Joe's the other day and thought of you.