, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Apr 18, 2016

Monday, April 18, 2016 C.C. Burnikel

Theme: Simian set-up - The last word of the unifier can precede the last word of the indicated phrases.

60A. It more or less coincides with 2016 on Chinese calendars ... and a hint to this puzzle's circles : YEAR OF THE MONKEY

16A. Ready to admit customers : OPEN FOR BUSINESS. Monkey business. It was a Howard Hawks film in 1952 with real monkeys, no monkey business. (mischievous or deceitful behavior)

38A. Outfit for the slopes : SKI SUIT. Monkey suit, slang word for a tuxedo.

10D. Seller's come-on : FREE TRIAL. Monkey trial. Scopes

34D. Snickers and Milky Way : CANDY BARS. Monkey bars, aka, Jungle gym. Found on playgrounds everywhere.

Argyle here. An ambitious if somewhat ambiguous offering from C.C. to start the week. The use of circles instead of stars seems odd as does 29-Across clue/answer. Nice to see the two grid spanners and the two long columns, as well as the center of the pinwheel being used.


1. "That was close!" : "PHEW!"

5. Fictional whale hunter : AHAB

9. Dying-out sound : [PFFT!]

13. Affectionate email closing : LOVE

14. Farmer's place, in song : DELL. Hi-ho, the derry-o.

15. Cuisinart setting : PUREE

19. Al __: firm, as pasta : DENTE. (firm to the bite)

20. "Splish Splash" singer Bobby : DARIN. A far cry from Mack the Knife

21. Inexact no. : ESTimate

22. Baseball card figs. : STATS

24. Skillful : ADEPT

26. Blot up the moisture on : PAT DRY

29. Like a perfect game : NO-RUN. While a perfect game IS a no-run game, so are many others that are far from "perfect".

32. Cinderella's horses, after midnight : MICE

35. "I __ you one" : OWE

36. Like wolves : LUPINE

37. Springsteen's "Born in the __" : USA

40. TV program breaks : ADs

41. Cocktail party bite : CANAPÉ

43. Envoy's bldg. : EMB. (Embassy)

44. Thicken, as cream : CLOT

45. Many-headed monster : HYDRA

46. Potato or rice, e.g. : STARCH

48. Gulf of Aden republic : YEMEN

50. False name : ALIAS

53. Texter's "Hang on a minute" : [BRB]. (Be Right Back)

55. Super-fun party : BLAST

58. Planet attacked in some sci-fi films : EARTH

63. Fortune-teller's deck : TAROT

64. Coke, e.g. : COLA

65. Like a 2-2 game : TIED

66. "What __ is new?" : ELSE

67. Wait on the phone : HOLD

68. Memo starter : IN RE


1. Walk with difficulty : PLOD

2. Crosses one's fingers : HOPES

3. The World Series, e.g. : EVENT

4. Came unglued : WENT APE

5. Hue and cry : ADO

6. Buffalo group : HERD

7. "Dark Angel" actress Jessica : ALBA

8. Movie disk format : BLU RAY

9. "I used to be a banker but I lost interest," e.g. : PUN

11. Come clean, with "up" : FESS

12. Dry run : TEST

15. Pesto ingredient : PINE NUT

17. Brine-cured Greek cheese : FETA

18. Vicious of the Sex Pistols : SID

23. Tend, as a fire : STOKE

25. Dad : POP

27. SADD focus : DWI. Students Against Destructive Decisions, formerly Students Against Driving Drunk.

28. Put back to zero : RESET

30. Bring to ruin : UNDO

31. Hornet's home : NEST

32. "__ obliged!" : MUCH

33. Words to an old chap : "I SAY ... "

36. Sign of many an October baby : LIBRA

38. Program that sends unsolicited messages : SPAMBOT

39. Thurman of "The Producers" : UMA

42. "__ you nuts?" : ARE

44. Wine in a straw-wrapped bottle : CHIANTI

46. Grab : SNATCH

47. 1963 Liz Taylor role : CLEO

49. Helper for Santa : ELF. I'd rather have Liz.

51. "Argo" actor Alan : ARKIN. Got enough A's?

52. T-bone source : STEER. Talk about going to the source!

53. Computer memory unit : BYTE

54. Genuine : REAL

56. "Beat it!" : "SHOO!"

57. Be a snitch : TELL

59. Jekyll's alter ego : HYDE

61. Lobster eggs : ROE

62. Fuming : MAD


Notes from C.C.:

1) I finally figured out why Rich put circles in this puzzle (no circles in my original submission). My original reveal clue for YEAR OF THE MONKEY is  [2016, on Chinese calendars, and a hint to the ends of answers to starred clues]. As you can see, I made a big mistake in putting part of the answer in the clue. Thanks for fixing my goof, Rich!

2) Constructor Todd Gross took these pictures while he visited the Bellagio in Feb. He said they had an elaborate display celebrating Chinese New Year there. Thanks for the pictures, Todd!

3) Wish Bluehen a successful hip surgery today! You're my our thoughts and prayers, pal.

Apr 17, 2016

Sunday April 17, 2016 Matt McKinley

Theme:  "A Storm Is Brewing*"- The first words in starred answers all lightning and thunder- related.

 23A. *Vegas visitor's hope : STREAK OF LUCK. See The Mirage on the back? This is outside Caesars Palace. No streak of lightning, but it rained two days while I was there this year. Highly unusual.

25A. *Seemingly impromptu public performance : FLASH MOB. Isn't flash of lightning same as streak of lightning?
45A. *Classic 1974 sports contest : RUMBLE IN THE JUNGLE. Odd that they held the match in Africa.

68A. *Solution for a forgotten combination : BOLT CUTTERS. Lock. 
92A. *Historic 20th-century disaster : CRASH OF TWENTY NINE. 20th should not be in the clue.
115A. *Bama rallying cry : ROLL TIDE

118A. *Arrange hastily : CLAP TOGETHER. Never heard of this phrase before. 

I feel there's a slight sequence. Argyle is not fully convinced.

Matt stacked his 8-letter themers with two more 8-letter entries. Pretty daring. Those chunks of whites in the upper right and lower left are  hard to fill cleanly.


1. Office alerts : MEMOS. Smooth start.

6. Lubricate : GREASE

12. Golfer for whom the original Tour was named : BEN HOGAN. Unknown trivia to me. Wiki said it's originally named Ben Hogan Tour. Minor league for golfers.

20. Vols' school : U Tenn

21. Family reunion attendees : NIECES

22. Baja tourist city : ENSENADA. Google shows it means "bay" in Spanish. Sure it's a long word.

26. Brief and on point : SUCCINCT

27. Corn serving : EAR

29. Buffalo NHLer : SABRE

30. Director Jean-__ Godard : LUC

31. Formal opening : DEAR SIRS

36. Troon turndowns : NAES. Troon is known for its golf course. Host of many British Opens.

37. Greek earth goddess : GAIA. Or GAEA.

41. Caught in __ : THE ACT. Rare 6-letter partial. The norm is 5-letter.

43. Frisbee golf starting point : TEE PAD

48. Word to a restaurant host : TWO

51. Barcelona bye : ADIOS

52. Chargers linebacker Manti __ : TE'O. I remember the girlfriend hoax story a few years ago.  So cruel.

53. Unusual : ODD

54. "Honest!" : I SWEAR

56. Sales chart, e.g. : VISUAL AID. Thought of Husker Gary, my very first Facebook friend! (Can you spot my mystery friend in the group?) Also 59. Sales chart metaphor : PIE

60. Attic function : STORAGE

61. Reputed UFO fliers : ETS

62. Arcade no-no : TILT

63. Where to find "The Blacklist" : ON NBC. I thought it's ON HBO.

65. "Mr. __ Passes By": Milne play : PIM. Learned from doing crosswords.

66. Time fraction: Abbr. : NSEC
72. USAF noncom : TSGT. Never know which one to choose: MSGT, SSGT, or TSGT.

75. Driver's lic. info : DOB

77. Aired for binge-watching, say : RE-RAN

78. Film princess : LEIA

80. Screened leader? : PRE. Pre-screened.

81. Nestlé candy with a white covering : SNO-CAPS

84. "Another thing ... " : AND

85. Old-style delivery man : TOWN CRIER

87. Exotic pet : IGUANA

88. Bermuda hrs. : AST

89. Word in discount store names : SAV

90. Long-eared critters : HARES. Not ASSES.

91. Base bed : COT

97. "Frankenstein" genre : GOTHIC. Not HORROR.

98. Cause to be : RENDER

99. Old Roman road : ITER. Root for itinerary.

100. Word from a doll : MAMA

103. Extreme folly : INSANITY

105. 120-Down source : TAP. 120. Scottish __ : ALE. How is it different from the Irish ale, Steve?

107. 2003 NBA Rookie of the Year Stoudemire : AMAR'E. Forgot. My computer showed that I googled him before.

109. Brian of ambient music : ENO

110. Fish pond treatment : ALGICIDE. New word to me. Wiki said it can also be "algaecide".

122. It established Congress : ARTICLE I. Also 83. Saga opening : PART I

123. Ancient serfs : HELOTS

124. Dental treatment : CROWN

125. Box for bags : TEA CHEST. Like this? I just call them tea boxes.

126. Plant swellings : EDEMAS

127. Best Game and Best Upset : ESPYs. Easy in retrospect.


1. Disarray : MUSS

2. Words to a traitor : ET TU

3. Grand Marquis, for short : MERC

4. 100 smackers : ONE C

5. Mail modifier : SNAIL

6. Ristorante dumplings : GNOCCHI. Need good sauce, TTP! What's your handicap, by the way? Boomer shot 103 in his first round of golf, about his average.

7. Break : RIFT. And 35. Breakup : SPLIT

8. Anago or unagi : EEL

9. Start to pressure? : ACU. Acupuncture.

10. Champagne label word : SEC

11. Glacial ridge : ESKER. The mountain ridge is ARETE.

12. Get close to : BEFRIEND

13. Photo lab svc. : ENL

14. DOD intel arm : NSA

15. Company with toy trucks : HESS. I see lots of rusted Tonka trucks at the flea market. Not many Hess. Tonka is based here in Minnesota.
16. Available : ON HAND

17. Viola da __ : GAMBA. Learning moment as well.

18. Cherish : ADORE. And 64. Cherished : BELOVED

19. Theaters in the area, briefly : NABES. Know the word. Never used it in real life.

24. Immortal coaching name : KNUTE (Rockne)

28. Dean's list topper : A STUDENT

31. Not exactly new : DATED

32. Repeat : ECHO

33. Picked at, say : ATE

34. Coffee order: Abbr. : REG

37. Second Commandment word : GRAVEN. "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image". Difficult clue for me. 

38. Annual reviews : AUDITS

39. Rueful words about an opportunity : I MISSED OUT. And 48. It may be affected by a tough loss : TEAM SPIRIT.  A pair of 10's.

40. "__ Ben Adhem" : ABOU. Also learned from doing crosswords.

42. Give the right : ENTITLE

44. Legendary storyteller : AESOP

46. Future D.A.'s hurdle : LSAT

47. Like some custody : JOINT

49. Tail movement : WAG

50. Salem home: Abbr. : ORE. Where our Melissa Bee now lives.

55. Lawyer's petition : WRIT. Got via crosses.

57. Women's __ : LIB

58. Then, in Toulouse : ALORS. Et alors... 

59. Egyptian currency : POUND

60. Hardware fastener : SCREW
67. Half a soft drink : COCA

69. Place for deleted files? : TRASH CAN. On your PC.

70. Spanish song : CANTO. Spanish for "song"?

71. Offense : SIN

73. "The Quiet American" author : GREENE (Graham)

74. Not so wordy : TERSER. Argyle knows I'm in trouble if I send him long emails.

76. Baccarat call : BANCO. Never played Baccarat.

79. Sore : ACHY

81. [Originally shown this way] : SIC

82. Park __: airport facility : 'N GO.  Google shows that we have a Park 'N Go here in Minneapolis. Never used their service though.

85. Like a lion's coat : TAWNY

86. Hindu royal : RANI

88. "In my opinion ... " : AS I SEE IT. Nice entry also.

89. Editor's mark : STET

93. Master Kan portrayer on "Kung Fu" : AHN. Felt guilty using it in our Squad puzzle last Sunday.

94. Part of TGIF: Abbr. : FRI

95. Disappointing result : NET LOSS. Great clue.

96. "Perry Mason" lieutenant : TRAGG. Stranger to me.

97. Spaghetti sauce staple : GARLIC. Have you tried Hasselback Potatoes, D-Otto?

100. Corday victim : MARAT

101. Luigi's love : AMORE

102. European island nation : MALTA

104. Night in Nogales : NOCHE

106. Composition : PIECE

108. Engrave : ETCH

110. "__ boy!" : ATTA

111. Part of CDC: Abbr. : CTRS (Centers)

112. Rooty Jr. server : IHOP. Never had Rooty Jr.

113. __-eyed : DEWY

114. Sea eagles : ERNS

116. Key for Ravel? : ILE. Last time Rich clued it as "Key for Debussy?" for mislead. Nothing musical.

117. __ Moines : DES

119. Played the first card : LED

121. Fluffy toy, briefly : POM


Apr 16, 2016

Saturday, Apr16th, 2016, Debbie Ellerin

Theme: Debut~!

Words: 70 (missing F,J,Q,Z)

Blocks: 31

  This is Debbie Ellerin's debut Saturday puzzle for the LA Times, as far as I can tell.  She has had two other puzzles, one duo with Jeff Chen on a Sunday, and a solo effort on a Monday - which to me seems to be the hardest day to construct a puzzle; there has to be a simple theme, simple answers, and simple clues.  I have tried my hand at construction; it's a lot harder than you think earlier in the week.  This one looked a bit daunting at the outset, but then a few solid fills led me to finish in half my personal allotted time.  A pretty pinwheel grid today with triple 9's and almost triple 9's - and nothing longer than that.  And a gratuitous shout-out to yours truly at 46d.~!  Debbie is already in my good books~!

17a. Agitated : STIRRED UP - I had stEAMed up at first

13d. They're turnoffs : EXIT LANES - oooh, so close with EXIT RAMPS

52a. Vanity case? : EGOMANIAC

28d. Sci-fi emergency vehicle : ESCAPE POD - my first experience with an 'escape pod';



1. Ring pairs : TAG TEAMS - on the first pass, I was not sure if this was wedding rings or boxing rings - turned out to be wrestling

9. Result of hitting the bar? : SPACE - I thought we might be looking for something like DRUNK

14. Some strays : ALLEY CATS

16. Plant from the Greek for "flame" : PHLOX - the clue led me to discover this interesting reading

18. Garlicky sauce : AIOLI - my first fill; crossword staple

19. Present, say : TENSE - ah.  Took too long to see this definition of "present"

20. One to keep closer? : ENEMY - one only keeps the friends "close"

22. Setting for a Det. Tigers game : EDT - Went with CST - central standard time; of course, the baseball season is only during Daylight time, and Detroit is not that far from the east coast, really

23. Designer of many Harper's Bazaar covers : ERTE

24. Golden Horde members : TATARS - learning moment for me

25. Dancer Chmerkovskiy of "Dancing With the Stars" : VAL

26. Rutabagas, e.g. : TUBERS - nailed it

27. Chicago Cubs' spring training city : MESA - filled via perps

28. Squired : ESCORTED

32. Lethal phosphorus compound : SARIN

one can just look this up these days

33. Lose control, in a way : SPIN OUT

34. Grind : RAT RACE

36. Evasive : CAGEY

37. Epitome of slowness : MOLASSES - "AS A SNAIL" did cross my mind

38. Parted sea : ARAL - I thought it was the "RED" sea, but in today's geography, this sea has split

39. "Rent" Pulitzer-winning dramatist : LARSON - half crossings, half WAG

41. __ se : PER 

42. Fortune : KISMET - ah, fate, not riches

43. Private dining room? : MESS - clever

47. "Yada yada yada" letters : etc.

48. Place to get clean : REHAB - BT, DT.

49. "Affliction" Oscar nominee : NOLTE - did not see the movie

50. Key location : PIANO - I was trying to be overly clever and pondered Florida; it was only after I came here that I see the answer filled itself in

54. Bean seen on-screen : ORSON

55. "Aha!" : "NOW I GET IT~!"

56. Many a combine model : DEERE

57. Some seniors : OLDSTERS


1. Kind of buds? : TASTE - I tried BOSOM to start

2. Size up, maybe? : ALTER - tailoring humor

3. Sparkle : GLINT

4. Far from flowery : TERSE

5. Title narrator in an 1847 novel : EYRE

6. Deck top : ACE - ah.  Cards, not carpentry

7. Entered the pool? : MADE A BET

8. Hindered the development of : STUNTED

9. Fixes : SPAYS

10. Golden ratio symbol : PHI - φ

11. Some succulents : ALOE VERAS

12. Frigid : COLD AS ICE - look away Tin~!  Look away~!

15. Stick a fork in : SPEAR - "me...I'm done"

21. "__ Robinson" : MRS.

24. Peace Nobelist of 1984 : TUTU - Desmond

26. Metal-measure word : TROY - precious metals; the Wiki

27. Men's home? : MARS - the women from Venus

29. Fifth wheel : SPARE TIRE - ah, the actual definition, not the guy who tags along on a double date

30. Cuban home? : CIGAR CASE - I'm a cigar smoker (not Cubans, mind you ), and so this one was sort of a gimme

31. Law school newbie : ONE-L

32. Kenton of jazz : STAN - filled via perps

34. Bruins' home : ROSE BOWL - I was of course, in an NHL Boston Bruin's mindset - this is UCLA

35. Beaucoup, with "of" : A LOT - "I made beaucoup bucks betting on the game last night"

37. Onetime Sterling Optical spokesman : Mr. MAGOO - seemed logical to me

39. Piece of fiction : LIE

40. Beyond the pale? : ASHEN - cute.  Skin tone

42. Scandinavian capital : KRONE - dah~!  Fell into the trap; not Oslo, Stockholm, nor Helsinki - the money kind of capital

43. "Bouquet of Sunflowers" painter : MONET - I had the "M", so it was an "A" or "O" WAG for the artist - I got it

44. Choice : ELITE

45. Flight segment : STAIR - my lovely Siberian friend got sticker shock when she discovered how much it would cost to come to America

46. Splinter groups : SECTS - I am a part of a lot of groups; this blog is one (LOL)

49. Badgers or hounds : NAGS

51. Negative link : NOR

53. Prefix with life or wife : MID - mid-life, midwife


Apr 15, 2016

Friday, April 15, 2016, Jeffrey Wechsler

Title: Where R you?

JW is back in my backyard with a truly ambitious effort, built around a simple theme...take the letter "R" out of a word in a phrase and clue with hilarity. Package this in a 68 word grid with all kinds of fun fill. Quad sixes in the NW and SE Corners mixed in with double 7s over grid spanning theme fill make for a really cool puzzle. Locating two sixteen letter phrases that become  funny phrases when you remove an R is an amazing find.  Only one R per phrase, and all are removed.The 6-7-8 fill include some wonderful stuff like CABANA, AVOCET,  REVERE,  CREDOS,  DEMEAN,  MY DUST, BAD LEAD,  ADAGIOS,  TAVERNA,  ON A AND E,  CHAUCER,  NELLIES,  TIE GAME, TRIES IT and  ASSAYER. As always, some of his choices are two or more words.  Let's get 'er done.

17A. Oath sworn in a kosher kitchen? : ABOVE ALL DO NO HARM (15). Some Greek, as this hearkens to the Hippocratic Oath for Physicians but it is a popular misconception that the phrase "do no harm" is a part of the oath. Jews do not eat pork products so "do no ham" is true. The rumor about WalMart advertising is not, it was a Greenwich Village deli.

27A. Double-dealing in Delhi? : INDIAN COR(9). I am sure there are con men in India as well. The corn was a colorful part of childhood.

32A. Cutthroat entrepreneur? : BUSINESS CARD (11). How many of you keep anyone's business cards anymore? CAD is such an old fashioned word.

38A. Demand from a Stooge fan? : SHOW ME MORE (9). A wonderful CSO to our Chairman.

54A. "Stir-frying is an option, too"? : I COULD USE THE WORK (15). Another delightful phrase emerged. We do not own a wok.

The final element of the skill JW has, is the placement of the R that is removed, as each one is in the last word of the phrase, and is the third letter in a four letter word. HAM, CON, CAD, MOE and WOK make such an appealing set of three letter words.


1. Not as available : SCARCER. Not the easiest for 1A, but fair.

8. Red herring, to a cop : BAD LEAD. Police depend on leads from the public in many investigations, enhanced in modern days by all the cameras.

15. Athens eatery : TAVERNA. I love me a good Greek TAVERNA especially the tzatziki, spanakopita and souvlaki.

16. Where to view "Duck Dynasty" : ON A AND E. This has an attractive letter string but is hardly fair as the network always uses the ampersand. Do you think puzzles should include ampersands?

19. Hightailed it : RACED.

20. Le Mans law : LOI. A French word for Law.

21. Great Plains tribe : OSAGE. One of the Native American tribes loved by CW puzzlemakers.

22. 9-Down opener : ENERO. Spanish for January

23. '50s pres. candidate : AESAdlai Ewing Stevenson. ran agains DDE twice.

25. Long of "Third Watch" : NIA. This actress has WORKED.  She is on the left.

26. New Year's Eve get-togethers? : DATES. Meh.

30. "A symptom of man's failure as a thinking animal": Steinbeck : WAR. The LINK.

31. Old knives : SNEES. We have this 5 or 6 times a year.

36. Pool option : CRAWL. Back again, a stroke popular in swimming.

37. Six-time '70s Dodger All-Star : CEY. Ron, the Penguin, was part of a great Dodger infield, and then lead the Cubs to a rare NL championship series appearance.

40. Unyielding : SOLID. When an irresistible force...

45. Lobbying gp. : PAC.

46. Neighbor of Turk. : SYRia.

47. Place to play : ARENA. Hence this GAME .

48. Riches : LUCRE. Often called filthy...

51. Deg. for drillers : DDSDoctor of Dental Science.

53. Unyielding : STERN. Often not irresistible

57. Nervous __ : NELLIES. Comes from the description of anxious race horses.

58. No-win situation : TIE GAME.

59. Doesn't back away : TRIES IT. Vague Friday cluing, but doable.

60. Gold rush figure : ASSAYER. Very important for they told you if you really found the gold.


1. Was googly-eyed : STARED. This and scarcer were a hard beginning for me. I think of this as what Kanye looks like when he sees Kim's booty...

2. Place to bring a suit : CABANA. Bathing suit; a gimme for a Floridian.

3. Wading bird : AVOCET. Pretty BIRD.

4. Put on a pedestal : REVERE. more Kanye and Kim?

5. Beliefs : CREDOS. From the Latin.

6. "Bambi" doe : ENA. Spoiler alert, she is in the sequel.

7. Award-winning political cartoonist Ted : RALL. No clue. he apparently won a Pulitzer, but he is hard to link in a non-political blog.

8. Word with able or full : BODIED. Sailor? Wine? Kim?

9. Munich : Jahr :: Madrid : __ : ANO: Fort Lauderdale: YEAR,

10. "Hawaii Five-O" nickname : DANO.

11. Landlocked Asian nation : LAOS. I think it is the only four letter one; all I can think of are Mongolia and Kazakhstan which may only exist in Ali G's mind.

12. Heightened : ENHANCED.  Ribbed for her pleasure?

13. Slow movements : ADAGIOS. We have lots of musical clues and many musicians as constructors and solvers.

14. Insult : DEMEAN. I didn't mean to demean.

18. Some bank files : LOAN RECORDS. I prefer Loretta's records.

24. 1980 Oscar winner who portrayed Loretta : SISSY. Spacek who also was the original Carrie. She did all of her own singing in the movie.

27. Actor McKellen : IAN. So many great roles.

28. Mandela's org. : ANCAfrican National Congress.

29. Exhibition funding gp. : NEA. National Endowment for the Arts (NEA). Yes another mistake on my part filled in NEA and never read the clue. Thanks anon. I liked seeing it with ENA, btw.

30. Trickery : WILES. Generally related to feminine.

32. Cabbage family member : BROCCOLI. A nephew I think.

33. Detroit labor org. : UAW. United Auto Workers.

34. Letters in personal columns : SWMSingle White Male, or perhaps swimmer who does the front crawl in his freestyle event.

35. Get : SEE. ironically perfect for a puzzle.

36. First poet interred in Westminster Abbey's Poets' Corner : CHAUCER.

38. Immobilize, in a way : SPLINT.

39. Something to eat in a Western? : MY DUST. While I ride off into the sunset.

40. Miss America contestants' array : SASHES.

41. Salsa brand : ORTEGA.

42. Room to maneuver : LEEWAY.

43. Where to emulate the natives : IN ROME, do as the Romans do; pinch.

44. More unpleasantly moist : DANKER.

49. Dominate : RULE.

50. Some Ivy Leaguers : ELIS. Yale gets more love than all the rest combined.

52. Words with limit or trap : SET A. Is this a dreaded partial?

55. Agnus __ : DEI.

56. It's in many poems : 'TIS. The anagrammatic reference even dupes the '. For both Will S., JW and I, let's end with ....Sonnet 110.
"Alas, 'tis true I have gone here and there
And made myself a motley to the view..."

Happy April 15, you have until Monday to file your taxes. Really enjoyed this one as much as I have any of JW's efforts. Lemonade out.