, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Jul 4, 2016

Monday, July 4, 2016 Bruce Venzke & Gail Grabowski

Theme: No Reveal Monday - No need; straight rhymes. Totally different spellings.

17A. Pre-exam review session : REFRESHER COURSE

27A. Multinational military alliance : COALITION FORCE

49A. Reporter's trustworthy contact : RELIABLE SOURCE

63A. Coin-operated kiddie ride : MECHANICAL HORSE

Argyle here. No tribute puzzle here, nothing to slow you up so you can get out there to watch the parades.


1. Son of God, in a Bach cantata : JESU

5. Sacred wading bird of ancient Egypt : IBIS

9. English class topic : USAGE

14. Novelist Hunter : EVAN. One of his names. IMBd

15. Outstanding credit : DEBT

16. __ Valley, Calif.: 1960 Winter Olympics site : SQUAW
20. Prepare to propose : KNEEL

21. Figure skating leap : AXEL

22. Satisfied sounds : AAHs

23. Tel __, Israel : AVIV

25. Use an acetylene torch on : WELD

33. PIN requester : ATM

34. In a bit : SOON

35. Words before "Happy New Year!" : ... TWO, ONE ...

37. Explore eBay : SHOP

39. Vintage roadster : REO

41. Pop singer Diamond : NEIL

42. Medal of Honor recipients : HEROES

45. State firmly : AVER

48. Delta rival: Abbr. : UAL. United Airlines

52. "What have I gotten myself __?" : INTO

53. Bring in from the fields : REAP

54. Cries from successful solvers : A-HAs

57. Flu symptom : AGUE

59. Sounds of thunder : CLAPS. I hope it doesn't rain on your parade.

66. Spin docs : PR MEN

67. "If all __ fails ... " : ELSE

68. Out of the wind : ALEE

69. Shabby : SEEDY

70. Puts into words : SAYS

71. Where boats tie up : DOCK


1. Soda __: fountain worker : JERK. The term Soda Jerk came from the action the fountain attendant made when pulling the soda draft arm. This jerking motion coined the phrase “Soda Jerk.” The origin and date of the phrase are unknown.

2. Tied, as a score : EVEN

3. Out of danger : SAFE

4. Hard to believe : UNREAL

5. Checkpoint requirements: Abbr. : IDs

6. Conduct, in report card comments : BEHAVIOR

7. Curly-horned goat : IBEX

8. Sprinkled widely : STREWN

9. GI show gp. : USO. (United Service Organizations)

10. Detachment of fighter jets : SQUADRON

11. Subtle glow : AURA

12. Nasty cut : GASH

13. Fleecy farm females : EWEs

18. "Don't Be Cruel" singer : ELVIS

19. Chin indentation : CLEFT

24. Simpson trial judge : ITO

26. Weather map "L" : LOW

27. Tens and twenties : CASH

28. "None of the above" choice : OTHER

29. Love, in Rome : AMORE

30. NBA great Shaquille : O'NEAL

31. __ d'Alene, Idaho : COEUR

32. Room-filling computer unveiled in 1946 : ENIAC. (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer)

36. Magazine you can read forward and backward? : ELLE

38. Like shiny shoes : POLISHED

40. Flipped during frying, as eggs : OVEREASY

43. Austrian "a" : EIN

44. The devil : SATAN

46. Tampa-to-Palm Beach dir. : ESE

47. Pest control target : ROACH

50. Unidentified flying radar blips : BOGIES

51. Transfer, as computer data : UPLOAD

54. Bandstand boosters : AMPs

55. "Present!" : "HERE!"

56. Summit : ACME

58. Golden St. campus : UCLA

60. Folksy Guthrie : ARLO

61. Tiny time meas. : P-SEC. One trillionth of a second, picosecond.

62. Search for : SEEK

64. Vague quantity : ANY

65. "__ Misérables" : LES

Happy Fourth!


Jul 3, 2016

Sunday, July 3, 2016 Mark McClain

Theme:  "First Cuts"- Saw can follow the first word in each theme answer.

27A. Something to deal with? : COPING STRATEGY. Coping saw. Another puzzle where the first themer starts in Row 4.

42A. Olympic sport since 1988 : TABLE TENNIS. Table saw.

67A. Music in a shell : BAND CONCERT. What's "in a shell"? Band saw. 

96A. Mouse feature : SCROLL WHEEL. Scroll saw. This is new to me. 

115A More than an idea : CONCRETE OBJECT. Concrete saw. New to me also.

14D. Domino effect : CHAIN REACTION. Chainsaw.

56D. Begging the question : CIRCULAR LOGIC. Circular saw.


119. A kind of one appears in this puzzle's seven longest answers : SAW

As I mentioned a few weeks ago that "we don't often see words that precede/follow theme type on Sundays. They're mainly the early week domain.Not easy to get a "Go ahead" from Rich with this type."

I'm not a tool person. When I googled those SAW images, DeWalt keeps showing up. They must be big.

Smooth sailing. The puzzle is solid made and the fill is quite clean. Reminds me of Gail's puzzles.


1. "VoilĂ !" : THERE!

6. Midday refresher : NAP. I wanted TEA.

9. "Monday Night Football" airer : ESPN

13. Note-to-self paper : SCRAP. I have lots of cute notebooks.

18. Dealt with a squeak : OILED

19. Busy as __ : A BEE

21. West Point mascot : MULE

22. ORD, on luggage tags : O'HARE. ORD stands for Orchard Field.

23. Clobbered, old-style : SMOTE. We just had it last Sunday.

24. Wine bottle info : YEAR. And 75. Red options, briefly : CABS. Cabernet.

25. Sticking point? : CRAW. Nice clue.

26. Hard to spot : FAINT. Not VAGUE.

30. Fence crossings : STILES

31. "We agree completely!" : AMEN!

32. Brewer's kiln : OAST

33. Pay attention to : HEED

34. Lady lobster : HEN

35. Like granola bars : OATY. Have any of you tried overnight oats? Mine has toasted coconut flakes mixed in, and various berries. So good.

37. Rene of "Nightcrawler" : RUSSO

38. Beyond belief : UNREAL

47. Sickly : WAN. Not ILL.

49. View from Catania : ETNA. Got via crosses.

50. It beat out Madrid as host city for the 2016 Olympics : RIO. Golf is back to the Olympics after many years of absence. Alas, lots of golfers skip it due to Zika. We also have 53. Dream Team org. : USOC

51. Unisex wrap : SARONG

52. Back : FUND

54. Sonoran flora : CACTI

55. Brand that evolved from Standard Oil of Indiana : AMOCO

57. Needles : TEASES

59. Bummed : MOOCHED. Not DEPRESSED.

61. Salon indulgence : MANI-PEDI. Don't think I can paint my big toe like this. Pro work. 

64. Old hand : PRO

65. Tracy Marrow's stage name : ICE-T

66. Road or gang ending : STER

71. Carnival stop : ISLE. Carnival Cruise Line.

77. Organ with a drum : EAR

78. Thought-out : REASONED

80. Misery : ANGUISH

83. Coca-Cola brand : FRESCA. Not in our house. We're loyal to Pepsi.

86. Gale's 40, on the Beaufort scale : KNOTS. Tiny clue/answer dupe with  3D. Tie the knot on the fly : ELOPE.

87. Sam of "Jurassic Park" films : NEILL

88. Breyers shelfmate : EDY'S

90. Not effective : FUTILE

93. MLB line score letters : R H E (Runs, Hits, Errors)

94. Forum attire : TOGA

95. Air pressure meas. : PSI

98. Rudely sarcastic : SNARKY. Tricky for me to catch sarcasm at times. 

100. Some entryways : RAMPS

103. Operate with a beam : LASE

104. Rapper __ Wayne : LIL

105. Falco of "The Sopranos" : EDIE

106. Certain language unit : SIGN. This refer to sign language, correct?

108. Montand of cinema : YVES

112. Make a decision : CHOOSE

118. Ladder units : RUNGS

119. Houston player, to fans : STRO. And 123. 119-Across, since 2013 : ALer (American Leaguer). Glue entry.

120. Penzance pad : FLAT. Got via crosses.

121. Site of Theban ruins : LUXOR. Also a casino in Vegas. Also an ex-Cornerite who liked to attack others. He might be lurking.

122. Paraplegic "Glee" teen : ARTIE.  I think we had this clue a while ago.

124. Dog seller : DELI. Hot dog!

125. Artist with the album "25" : ADELE

126. Voting groups : BLOCS

127. "The Swiss Family Robinson" author : WYSS. I learned this while making a puzzle with Don G.

128. Barfly : SOT

129. "... your laments, / Wherewith you now __ King Henry's hearse": Shak. : BEDEW. This might be Rich's clue.


1. Puccini heroine : TOSCA

2. Sideline greeting : HI MOM

4. Vitamin A form : RETINOL. Ingredient in eye creams.

5. Steinbeck title place : EDEN. East of Eden.

6. Skeptic : NAYSAYER

7. Provides a false alibi for : ABETS

8. Rush drummer Neil : PEART. Splynter might have linked this picture before.

9. Handles the intros : EMCEES

10. Swells : SURGES

11. Trivialize : PLAY DOWN

12. Dvorák's "__ World Symphony" : NEW

13. Ease : SOFTEN

15. Training guide? : RAIL. Clever clue or a bit far-fetched?

16. "Rule Britannia" composer : ARNE

17. Strokes : PETS

20. Big time : ERA

28. "Ya __ believe!": 1973 Mets catchphrase : GOTTA

29. Like so : THUS

30. Avoid : SHUN

36. "Zeus and the Tortoise" storyteller : AESOP

37. Baltic port : RIGA

39. Permanently mark : ETCH

40. It will get you a hand : ANTE

41. Let go, with "off" : LAID

42. Mine vehicles : TRAMS

43. Point toward : AIM AT

44. Wilderness Road pioneer : BOONE (Daniel). Solving crosswords is how I learn American history.

45. Away : NOT IN

46. Nashville-to-Louisville dir. : NNE

48. Look up to : ADMIRE

52. Maidenhair, e.g. : FERN. I don't know it has a specific name: Maidenhair. Also 58. 52-Down cell : SPORE

54. Cedar Rapids college : COE

60. Numerical prefix : OCTA. Eight.

62. Drops back : EBBS

63. Short races : DASHES

68. Stand up to : DEFY

69. Diner and sleeper : CARS

70. Rhyme writer's Muse : ERATO. She loves our Owen!

72. Sleep soundly? : SNORE. Another great clue.

73. River in Hades : LETHE

74. Ranger of the '50s : EDSEL. I had to ask Boomer for explanation.

76. Suffer : AIL

79. Distorts : SKEWS

80. Hill builders : ANTS

81. Its atomic number is 10 : NEON. Is this a gimme for you? We had a terrifying chemistry teacher and I was scared to attend her class.

82. Prefix with byte : GIGA

84. Army E-7s : SFCs. OK, Sergeant First Class.

85. Despicable character : CUR

89. Forthwith : DIRECTLY.  Do you use "forthwith" in your daily conversation? I just use "straightforward with".

91. Response to a doorbell : I'LL GET IT. Nice fill.

92. West Texas grassy plain : LLANO

95. Pulitzer-winning WWII journalist : PYLE (Ernie)

96. An article may be written on it : SPEC. On spec. Same with crossword puzzles.

97. 1968 #1 hit with a four-minute coda : HEY JUDE

99. Chocolate bites : KISSES. And 101. Loves a bunch : ADORES. Sweet.

102. Many nonvoters : MINORS

106. Nine-time Grand Slam singles champ : SELES

107. Author Calvino : ITALO

109. Nettled : VEXED

110. French school : ECOLE

111. Spread : STREW

112. Chesapeake delicacy : CRAB. If you had a choice, would you rather live near the beach or by the mountain?

113. Attack with, as insults : HURL

114. Not bamboozled by : ONTO

116. Outlying mail rte. : RFD

117. Prove untrustworthy, in a way : BLAB


Jul 2, 2016

Saturday, Jul 2nd, 2016, Gail Grabowski

Theme: GG

Words: 70 (missing G,J,Q,V,W,Z)

Blocks: 28

 This was a truly enjoyable solve - I was talking to the same customer at each of the restaurants twice this week, as he was attempting to do a crossword in the newspaper.  I mentioned that I blogged the Saturday puzzle for the LA Times; he claimed that he drew the line at Thursday, finding every paper's puzzle to be too difficult on Friday and Saturday.  Today's construction had what felt like a lot of vague cluing, but in the end, with just a few tweaks I got the ta-DA~!   No Google, no red-letter, no cheating; I might have done better for knowing some answers straight up, but in the end, no sponges in this fun~!  Triple 9's all around;

6a. Where many leading males may be seen? : BALLROOMS - my one big gaffe was putting in "ACRES" for "BALES"; which led me to look for ACTOR - something here

54a. Russian Orthodox church feature : ONION DOME - how to build one, here


1d. Courses around courses : CART PATHS - misread this on the first pass as "courses AND courses"

31d. Bag lady? : KATE SPADE - I knew where this "?" clue was going, but the only expensive bags I could think of were Prada and Gucci

(How did GG NOT have any G's in the puzzle~?)


1. Prepares to strike, in a way : COILS - I have mentioned this before; once had a Ball Python that ate live mice - and it would stealthily coil up before striking; fascinating example of nature

15. Nocturnal problem, usually : APNEA

16. Source of some sauce : APPLE TREE - oh applesauce~! ACRES did me in here, too

17. Lets : RENTS

18. Help : LEND A HAND

19. Chic modifier : TRÉS

20. Advertisers say it sells : SEX - love those classic Hanes ads

21. Mother of Huey, Dewey and Louie : DELLA - all perps and one WAG

22. Service providers : PARSONS - Sunday service, that is

24. Hall of Fame NHL coach Roger : NEILSON - I knew this one, as he was once a NY Rangers coach - just didn't know the correct spelling at the start

26. Small power source : AA CELL

27. Paragon : MODEL - sometimes words I read in books make sense in the context, but stand-alone in a crossword, and I'm stumped; this is one of those words.  I went with MORAL first

28. Took a shot at : TRIED

29. Sticks : BOONDOCKS - ah, to be out in the sticks, which you could say of my present living situation, and I happen to like it - great water view

33. Google goal : HIT

34. "Semper Fidelis" composer : SOUSA - total WAG on my first pass, but it fit

35. "I like that!" : "AAH~!"

36. Encouragement before a shot : "SAY CHEESE~!"

39. Millions can play it at once : LOTTO

41. Frequent Greenstreet co-star : LORRE - Sydney Greenstreet, before my time; it's good to read that he got his start in films at age 62

42. Olympics competitor since 1896 : FENCER - France fit, too; 1896 was the year of the first "modern" Olympic games

43. To the extent that : AS FAR AS

46. Quaint inn room upright : BEDPOST - I went with SPINNET, but was pretty sure I had too many "N"s

47. Adjust one's sights : RE-AIM

48. Get even with : TIE

49. Pic Sans Nom, par exemple : ALPE - ah. "pic" here is Frawnche for "peak", and the translation is "nameless peak"; I considered "ANON", but since the whole clue was foreign....

50. Pet identification aid : MICROCHIP

53. Come up with __ : A PLAN

55. "Christie Johnstone" novelist : READE - again, all perps and one WAG

56. Got back to one's office? : RE-ELECTED

57. Threw wide, say : ERRED


2. Bellini's "Casta diva," for one : OPERA ARIA

3. Metropolitan area : INNER CITY

4. Muser's words : LET'S SEE

5. Nordic carrier : SAS

6. Agricultural units : BALES - dah~! Not ACRES, as I had ---ES to start

7. Culmination : APEX - ACRES led me to try CRUX here, which seemed to make sense

8. MD's employee : LPN

9. George Washington received an honorary one from Harvard U. : LL.D.

10. Prepared : READIED

11. Play that inspired an opera : OTHELLO - and the opera inspired the game~?

12. Grueling grillings : ORALS

13. __ Park, Calif. : MENLO - I spelled Neilson as Neilsen, so I couldn't make this correct answer fit

14. Impala, e.g. : SEDAN - Chevrolet model of a four-door car; still searching for my used silver Dodge Grand Caravan

20. Subj. of some "Bossypants" chapters : SNL - Tina Fey's biography, and Saturday Night Live - great fresh clue for a common crossword answer

23. Like some timers? : OLD

24. Ominous oater symbol : NOOSE

25. "Hairspray" mom : EDNA - I had IRMA to start, and it didn't sound right

27. Logitech product : MOUSE - Nailed it, but then again, my mouse IS  a Logitech

29. Transvaal settlers : BOERS

30. It may have a bell on it : CAT COLLAR

32. Cut : SHORTENED - made me think of editing a film

34. Shot contents : SERA

37. Maker of AgeDefy products : CLAIROL - again, I knew we were looking for some sort of "beauty" company, but it turns out to be hair color - I was close....

38. Insulin, for one : HORMONE - learning moment; most often when I hear insulin, I think 34D. and Diabetes

39. Preceded : LED

40. Theoretically : ON PAPER - I remember there being this 'clever' idea on a Pontiac Gran-Am of the 90s that used the inside of the glove compartment door as a cup holder - and it worked great until you started driving; looked good ON PAPER, I am sure....

42. Lawyer's charge : FEE

43. Defensive covering : ARMOR

44. It flows through Troyes and Melun : SEINE - a sensible Frawnche WAG

45. Prima __: self-evident : FACIE - I hear this all the time on "Law & Order"

46. Ostrich, for example : BIPED - Two feet, though not necessarily two LEFT feet

48. iPhone display : TIME - I had the "T", but hesitated; too easy~?

51. Agcy. concerned with drug-resistant bacteria : CDC

52. In : HOT

53. Equals : ARE - twelve items are/equals a dozen


Jul 1, 2016

Friday, July 1, 2016, Jeff Chen

Title: Put one over on you.

Rabbit, Rabbit:  happy July all. It has been almost 4 years  LINK since I last blogged a puzzle by Jeff Chen one of the many very helpful and thoughtful constructors with whom I have corresponded. Like our own C.C., J.C. has mentored countless people.  I love the visual aspect of today's puzzle, but quite honestly the theme clues made the solving too easy. S placed on top of EIGN STATE would I hope have lead me to the fill (SOVEREIGN STATE) with the OVER implied by the placement. If I were a betting man, I would think Rich toned the gimmick down. In any event, a lovely challenge to locate 4 different fill which would result from a letter+ OVER+ part of a phrase. The resulting phrases are clued in a straight forward manner. With only 40 theme spaces, there is room for tons of sparkly fill like GATEWAY, AD SALES,  CHENIER, NOMINEE,  MIRAGES, CORRIDOR,  TELEPATH, EMOTIONS, AEROSTAR, INSIDE INFO, GRECO-ROMAN,  EYE OPENERS,  LEOPARDESS. Off to the solving races:

16A. With the circled letter over, self-ruled entity : [SOVER]EIGN STATE (9).

32A. With the circled letter over, humanitarian goal : [POVER]TY REDUCTION (11).

39A. With the circled letter over, undercover missions : [COVER]T OPERATIONS(11).

59A. With the circled letter over, concern of the Fed : [GOVER]NMENT DEBT(9)


1. Mimic : APE. Is this becoming an un-pc term, offending our simian cousins?

4. Dreidel stakes : GELT. Dreidel- Hanukah; Gelt- Yiddish for money. Not to be confused with 54D. Fix : GELD.

8. "The Avengers" co-star : RIGG. Now starring as a Dowager of the Tyrells. She was so enticing.

12. Droops : SAGS. No comment.

14. Two-dimensional figure : AREA. Nicely clued, length times width.

15. 2013 Literature Nobelist :

MUNRO. A nice tribute to our Canadian contingent ALICE.

18. "Breakfast at Tiffany's" co-star : EBSEN. Jed Clampett was a singer, dancer and actor. He grew up in Orlando and like Fred Astaire danced with his sister.

19. Website revenue source : AD SALES.

20. "Now wait just a sec ... " : BUT.

22. Some bling : ICE. Diamonds; okay Tin?

23. Where many kids squirm : PEW. Church can drag on for a youngster.

24. Passage : CORRIDOR. Not a part of a book,  This meaning comes the 16th century military concept of a passage by a trench.

26. One who really gets in your head? : TELEPATH. Wonderful clue/fill. TRUE?

30. Where a "cluck and grunt" might be ordered : DINER. Waitress speak for ham and eggs.

31. Response to an order : AYE. Maybe for a Cyclops?

35. Corp. bigwigs : CEOSChief Executive Officers.

37. "Double Fantasy" artist : ONO. Released three weeks before his murder.

38. "I got it" : ON ME. This round is on me.

44. Favorable, as a contract : FAT.

45. Some aides : PAGES. Congress and the knights of yore.

46. Actors change them often : EMOTIONS. Partners?

48. Old Ford minivan : AEROSTAR. Had not thought of this vehicle in a while. Out of production since 1997.

50. Product of Ptolemy : MAP.

51. Stop : END. Stop the madness.

52. Dude (up) : TOG. Not my favorite even if true. TOG: to dress especially in fine clothing —usually used with up or out

53. Illusions : MIRAGES. All mirages are illusions, but not all illusions are mirages.

57. Take care of : SEE TO. I like make it so better.

61. "Citizen Kane" poster name : ORSON. Welles.
62. Mercyhurst University city : ERIE. No idea, but a gimme for some. Mercyhurst University, formerly Mercyhurst College, is a Catholic liberal arts college in Erie, Pennsylvania in the United States. Wikipedia.

63. Draw guffaws from : SLAY. Hey Peg.

64. "Hey, you!" : PSST.

65. Nik Wallenda need : WIRE. His family was always getting high. Iget dizzy just watching.

66. Color : DYE.


1. On the briny : ASEA. Oceans are quite briny.

2. Took care of : PAID. Friday vague.

3. Silly Putty holders : EGGS. Invented during WWII as a possible rubber substitute.

4. 2007 Acer acquisition : GATEWAY. Computers.

5. Often-named stretches : ERAS. Stretches of time.

6. Service to be redone :  LET. Tennis anyone?

7. Workout portmanteau : TAEBO. Tae Bo is a portmanteau of tae kwon do and boxing.

8. Sticking point : RUB. "To sleep — perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub! For in that sleep of death what dreams may come. When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, Must give us pause. "

9. Skinny : INSIDE INFO. So many ways; book, 411, lowdown, poop, scoop, dope, tip.

10. Wrestling style : GRECO-ROMAN. Nothing below the waist...Greco-Roman (US) or Graeco-Roman (UK) wrestling is a style of wrestling that is practiced worldwide. It was contested at the first modern Olympic Games in 1896 and has been included in every edition of the summer Olympics held since 1908. Wiki.

11. Dead man walking : GONER.

13. Rowling teacher : SNAPE. The recently departed....both real and fantasy.

15. Like steres : METRIC. One cubic meter.

17. Drifted off : SLEPT.

21. Indic language : URDU.

24. French poet executed by Robespierre : CHENIER. ChĂ©nier might have been overlooked but for the well-meant, indignant officiousness of his father. Marie-Joseph did his best to prevent his brother's execution, but he could do nothing more. Maximilien Robespierre, who was himself in dangerous straits, remembered ChĂ©nier as the author of the venomous verses in the Journal de Paris and sentenced him to death. ChĂ©nier was one of the last people executed by Robespierre. Wiki. If you liked the French Revolution... LINK. (You might notice this name begins CHEN....).

25. Digging : INTO. In the Maynard G. Krebs sense.

26. Delicacy : TACT. Not a food but an action.

27. Revelations : EYE OPENERS. A nice infrequently used fill.

28. Female in the wild : LEOPARDESS. All perps but in retrospect what other animal could it be?

29. Home run __ : TROT. Baseball corner with 60D. Test for one on the DL, perhaps : MRI.

33. Bad end : DOOM.

34. Barclays Center hoopsters : NETS.  In Brooklyn
36. Lily variety : SEGO.

40. Lie atop : REST ON.

41. About : AS TO.

42. Runner in a race : NOMINEE. Political not physical.

43. Pencil maze instruction : START.

47. Pro and Mini : I-PADS.

48. "Sour grapes" coiner : AESOP. Interesting juxtaposition with the speaker of nattering nabobs.

49. 1973 resignee : AGNEW. Spiro beat Dick out the door.

53. Israel's Iron Lady : MEIR.  Golda. A true LEADER  and a key to the existence of the Israeli state.

55. Owner of StubHub : E-BAY. Bought in 2007.

56. Ophthalmologist's concern : STYE. Not really a cause for a specialist, just use the WARM TEABAG.

58. One of the small fry : TOT. Does this refer to a Tater Tot or just a young child? What a wonderful clue for a three letter word.

What a great way to start the month. Welcome back Jeff, I am not sure where you find time to construct, advise, do XWORDINFO, write and work. Awesome. Thanks to you and to all here as we enter the second half of 2016, Lemonade out.