, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Mar 14, 2017

Tuesday, March 14 2017, Roger & Kathy Wienberg

Theme: Hand in Hand.

17. *Performer's exit direction : STAGE RIGHT. Stagehand. Right hand.

24. *Immediately : FIRST OFF. First hand. Offhand.

30. *High stadium tier : UPPER DECK. Upper hand. Deckhand.

43. *Sports bet based on total points scored : OVER UNDER. Overhand. Underhand.

50. *Like most TV dramas : HOUR LONG. Hour hand. Longhand.

60. In advance, and where you might find both parts of the answers to starred clues : BEFORE HAND

Impressive. That had to have been hard to do. The first AND second words of each theme answer can precede HAND. We've seen Roger Wienberg before, but this appears to the the first collaboration by Roger & Kathy at the Corner.

Melissa here. Although nothing was particularly tough, I made a few W(rong)WAGs that slowed me down.

1. Past due : LATE

5. Place for a safe : WALL
9. Connery and McCartney : SIRS. Moving too fast, I tried SEAN first.

13. "Don't rub __" : IT IN

14. Geometry calculations : AREAS

16. Cool one's heels : WAIT

19. Award for "Game of Thrones" : EMMY. Honoring excellence in television.

20. Dangerous Amazon fish : PIRANHA. I need to remember N before H with this word.

21. "Scotch" sealers : TAPES. I don't usually think of that kind of tape as plural.

23. See 47-Down : CARTE

27. Handed out cards : DEALT

29. Oakland Coliseum player : RAIDER

34. Start of a choosing rhyme : EENY

35. Step on it, quaintly : HIE

36. Form 1099 ID : SSN

37. President pro __ : TEM. "For the present time."

40. Stretchy bandage brand : ACE

41. Damage : HARM

46. Vote out of office : UNSEAT

49. Totally thrill : ELATE

52. Speaks, biblically : SAITH. Couldn't make SAYETH fit.

55. Texas shrine : ALAMO

56. Almond or cashew : NUT TREE. Not BUTTER or LEGUME.

58. Luke Skywalker, for one : JEDI

62. "Absolutely!" : AMEN

63. Schussing spot : SLOPE

64. Novelist Ferber : EDNA

65. Starts to blossom : BUDS

66. Watches : SEES. Not SPYS.

67. Paper quantity : REAM


1. Speak like Sylvester : LISP

2. Storage space accessed via the ceiling : ATTIC

3. Pageant accessory : TIARA

4. "Prepare to duel!" : ENGARDE

5. "Sour to the People" extreme candy brand : WARHEADS

6. "Carmen" highlight : ARIA

7. A joker might pull yours : LEG

8. Christine of "The Blacklist" : LAHTI

9. Honey : SWEETIE

10. "My parents are gonna kill me!" : I AM SO DEAD

11. Glass edge : RIM

12. Mess of a room : STY

15. Drummer Ringo : STARR

18. Joins : ENTERS

22. Free TV spot : PSA. Public Service Announcement.

24. Fraud watchdog org. : FTC. Federal Trade Commission.

25. Stolen jewelry seller : FENCE. Didn't know this term - someone who knowingly buys stolen property in order to resell it.

26. Onion ring maker : FRYER

28. Jay with jokes : LENO

30. "Yup" : UH-HUH

31. Steinway, for one : PIANO. This was so obvious it tripped me up.

32. Convinced : PERSUADED

33. "Hooked on Classics" co. : K-TEL

38. Crossword solver's smudges : ERASURES

39. Change genetically : MUTATE

42. Small falcons : MERLINS. Learning moment.

44. Really relax, with "out" : VEG

45. Reply to bad alternatives : NEITHER

47. With 23-Across, priced separately, on menus : ALA

48. Crypts, e.g. : TOMBS

51. December songs : NOELS

53. Swap : TRADE

54. Reddish-orange dye : HENNA

56. "Don't think so" : NOPE

57. Red-coated cheese : EDAM

58. Fast punch : JAB

59. Australian bird : EMU

61. Nemesis : FOE

Notes from C.C.:

Happy 59th Birthday to JJM, who loves hockey and other thrilling activities. Here is a picture of his zip lining in 2010.

Mar 13, 2017

Monday, March 13, 2017 C.C. Burnikel

Theme: Easter is April 16, in case you've taken a break from Mass since Christmas.

20. Postgraduate degree: MASTER OF ARTS

36. Mob kingpin: MAFIA BOSS

41. Vase material named for its white color: MILK GLASS

54. Turning point in tennis, and a hint to this puzzle's circled letters: SERVICE BREAK

Argyle here with C.C. back for another puzzle. Back to back can't happen very often. Do note MASS is split three ways: 3/1, 2/2, and 1/3.


1. Tie up at the pier: DOCK

5. Basics: ABC's

9. Expressive chat image: EMOJI. Emoticon on steroids.

14. "That works for me": "OKAY"

15. "Dang!": "DRAT!". (It didn't work for me!)

16. Cars sold at auctions: REPOS

17. Nabisco chocolate-creme cookie: OREO

18. Vermeer or van Gogh: OIL PAINTER

22. First-class: A-ONE

23. Sailor: TAR

24. Tanning lotion letters: SPF. (Sun Protection Factor)

27. Golf hole benchmark: PAR

29. Snacked (on) to excess, briefly: OD'ed. (overdosed)

32. Pinup queen Page: BETTIE. Don't tell Mrs. Claus.

34. __ buco: veal dish: OSSO

38. PG-13 issuing org.: MPAA. (Motion Picture Association of America)

39. __ vincit amor: OMNIA. (love conquers all)

40. Restful resorts: SPAs

43. Window insert: PANE

44. Wiped off the board: ERASED

45. Genghis __: KHAN

48. '60s tripping drug: LSD. (Lysergic acid diethylamide)

49. Took command of: LED

50. "Morning Edition" airer: NPR. (National Public Radio)

52. Lion's den: LAIR

59. Casino big spender: HIGH ROLLER. Lets me out.

62. Veggie in a green smoothie: KALE

63. Sleep lab study: APNEA

64. Where Norway's Royal Family resides: OSLO

65. Biblical paradise: EDEN

66. L.A.'s region: SOCAL. Southern California

67. Pics on ankles: TATS. (tattoos)

68. Hair-coloring agents: DYES


1. Gloom partner: DOOM

2. Cajun veggie: OKRA

3. Course including romaine and croutons: CAESAR SALAD

4. Greenhouse gas protocol city: KYOTO

5. Loved to death: ADORED

6. Get-up-and-go: BRIO. 1725-35; < Italian < Spanish brío energy, determination < Celtic *brīgos; compare Old Irish bríg (feminine) power, strength, force, Middle Welsh bri (masculine) honor, dignity, authority

 7. New cow: CALF

8. Mar. 17th honoree: ST. PAT. Timely.

9. Horn of Africa nation: ERITREA

10. Clothing store department: [MENS]

11. Withdraw, with "out": OPT

12. G.I. doll: JOE

13. Dead Sea country: Abbr.: ISR. (Israel)

19. Lawrence's land: ARABIA

21. U2's "The Joshua Tree" co-producer Brian: ENO

24. "Enough!": "STOP ALREADY!"

25. Residents around the Leaning Tower: PISANS

26. __ up: came clean: 'FESSED

27. Saddle knob: POMMEL

28. Aim high: ASPIRE

30. Madame Bovary: EMMA. Debut novel of French writer Gustave Flaubert, published in 1856.

31. Language of Copenhagen, in Copenhagen: DANSK

33. Culinary meas.: TBSP. (tablespoon)

35. Acorn droppers: OAKS

37. Pike or trout: FISH

39. Seasoned expert: OLD PRO

42. Army leader: GENERAL. Usually, an old pro.

46. Last Olds models: ALEROs, but they live on in crosswords.

47. Catch red-handed: NAB

51. Place to keep a camper, for short: RV LOT

53. Irritated: IRKed

54. Mets' old stadium: SHEA

55. "Casablanca" woman: ILSA

56. Boston NBAer: CELT. Boston Celtics, timely also.

57. Protected from the wind: ALEE

58. Some male dolls: KENs

59. Owns: HAS

60. NASDAQ debut: IPO. (initial public offering)

61. Health supplements co.: GNC. Read about a Saint Patrick's Day Link.


Mar 12, 2017

Sunday March 12, 2017 C.C. Burnikel

Theme: "Peachy" - P is changed into CH in each theme entry.

23A. Large retailer's overexpansion, perhaps? : CHAIN KILLER. Pain killer.

29A. Welcome summer cold snap? : HAPPY CHILL. Happy pill.

36A Measure of stress inflicted by a crowd's roar? : CHEER PRESSURE. Peer pressure.

59A. Storage unit for spray bottles, trowels, etc.? : GARDEN CHEST. Garden pest.

79A. Soup for toddlers? : BABY CHOWDER. Baby powder.

101A. Holiday pantomime game? : EASTER CHARADE. Easter parade.

110A. Necklace for a macho heartthrob? : STUD CHOKER. Stud poker.

119A. Little bird wielding an ax? : GUITAR CHICK. Guitar pick.

C.C. here. 

Rich helped me with the puzzle title. I originally had "Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes", which addressed the new phrases, not the replaced ones.

Rich also added surprise and visuals to the theme entry clues. For example: I had [Joan Jett, for one?] for the GUITAR CHICK entry. 

Additionally, Rich added trivia and tidied up my loose wording (space is always an issue with Sunday puzzles). For example, I had [First African-American to win the Best Actor Oscar] for POITIER [4D. First African-American Best Actor].
He does this for every puzzle I've made and makes me look professional. In real life, I often drop "the", forget to pluralize nouns and mess up tense all the time. Not to mention my accent.


1. Baloney : TRIPE. Very conservative grid design. 5/5/4/4 top/bottom edges.

6. Novelist Evelyn : WAUGH

11. "The Sound of Music" high points : ALPS. Also  20. Press the point : ARGUE. Point clue echo.

15. Risk being burned, in a way : BASK.  Rich's clue. Nice.

19. Impressive dwelling : MANOR

21. One with kids : GOAT. And 27. Watch kids : SIT. Rich changed my SIT clue so we could have kids clue echo. He loves echoes.

22. One-eyed Norse deity : ODIN

25. Georgetown hoopster : HOYA

26. Sign word evoking days of yore : OLDE
28. Is too sweet : CLOYS

31. In __ of : LIEU

33. Terrier of old mysteries : ASTA. "The Thin Man".

35. "Oh, sure!" : YEAH, I BET! We also have 3. Post-exam exultation : I NAILED IT

41. GPS displays : RTEs

42. Monster slain by Hercules : HYDRA

43. Printer brand owned by Seiko : EPSON. Did not know this trivia.

44. Black Friday mo. : NOV.

46. Autocrats until 1917 : TSARS. Also 51. Resort in the Caucasian Riviera : SOCHI. Also 118. "Terrible" Russian ruler : IVAN

50. News-selling org. : UPI

53. Stout holder : STEIN

55. Copacabana beach locale : RIO

56. Dole (out) : METE. Not many choices to clue METE/EKE. But they facilitate smoother fill.

58. Sour : TURN
62. __-Canada: Esso competitor : PETRO

64. Don Juan : ROUE

65. Bairns : WEE ONES

66. MLBer with 696 home runs : A-ROD. Dating J-Lo now.

68. Subtleties : NUANCES

71. Unbelievable one : LIAR

72. Like some spore reproduction : ASEXUAL

75. Worms, to robins : PREY

76. Deep pit : ABYSS
81. Marshland : MIRE

82. Draws off, as maple syrup : TAPS. Dear Santa sent me a bottle of this pure New York maple syrup. I like drizzling it over perfectly ripe bananas and sliced almonds.

86. Outback native : EMU

87. To have, to Henri : AVOIR

88. Grace starter : O LORD

90. Its PAC is the Political Victory Fund : NRA. Learning moment for me. Rich's clue.

91. Campbell-Martin of "Martin" : TISHA

94. "A mouse!" : EEK

95. Hawk's claw : TALON

97. Synthetic silk : RAYON

99. On the road : AWAY

104. Colombian export : EMERALDS. Rich's clue as well.

108. Blockheads : OAFS

109. "My stars!" : EGAD. Quaint.

112. Curly-tailed dog : AKITA

115. MinuteClinic operator : CVS

117. Ceramic piece : TILE. TTP once took out all the tiles off his bathroom wall and re-did everything. I could not imagine the work. Caulking is sophisticated enough for me. 
122. Genesis setting : EDEN

123. Like Gen. Shinseki, former Secretary of Veterans Affairs : RET'D

124. Forearm bones : ULNAS

125. Well-timed : ON CUE

126. Pair near your hair : EARS

127. Sailing ropes : TYES. So guilty of putting this in my grid. I just could not get a cleaner fill in that area.

128. Frets : STEWS

129. Requiring a lot of attention : NEEDY

 1. Flix alternative : TMC

2. Sideline shouts : RAHS 

5. Ocean bird : ERN

6. Baby monitor alert : WAIL

7. Folksy Guthrie : ARLO

8. Hard on the eyes : UGLY AS SIN. Have any of you tried Durian? Steve/Jayce? It's not pretty and it stinks (banned in many hotels/airplanes). The smell lingers for days. But so creamy & tasty.

9. "Seems to be the case" : GUESS SO

10. __ Majesty : HER

11. Ottoman honorific : AGHA

12. Not all there : LOOPY

13. Cable option : PAY-PER-VIEW

14. Visit overnight : STAY AT. Every time I pass by Aria, I think of Steve.
15. ["That stinks!"] : BOO HISS

16. Go off-line? : AD LIB. Did you nail it?

17. Move crab-style : SIDLE

18. Helped a tot tie a shoelace, say : KNELT

24. Single-serving coffee choice : K-CUP

29. Bit of a belly laugh : HAR

30. Atkins of country : CHET

32. Time line divisions : ERAS

34. Winery cask : TUN

36. Ground-up bait : CHUM. Learning moment for me. 

37. Fanfare and then some : HYPE

38. Come again : RECUR

39. "Julie & Julia" director : EPHRON (Nora)

40. Major course : ENTREE

45. Ref. for wordsmiths : OED

47. Where to find fans : ARENA

48. Stairway piece : RISER

49. They're unlikely to pass the bar : SOTS

52. Slugger Mel : OTT. Big Easy sent me these two pictures long time ago. He said "Next time OTT appears in a puzzle you can insert this. I was passing there today and stopped and took this picture. It is right down the street from ZYDECOs, which occasionally showed up."

53. Fresh : SAUCY

54. Spokane-to-Edmonton dir. : NNE

57. Modeling adhesive : EPOXY

59. Lost cause : GONER

60. Goofy collectibles? : CELs. Disney Goofy.

61. Lift : HOIST

63. Cabinet dept. : EDUC

64. Closer to being raw : RARER

66. "Same for me" : AS AM I

67. Game inside a Narragansett beer bottle cap : REBUS. Rich's clue as well.  Never heard of the beer. 

69. "Rabbit" series author : UPDIKE

70. Starbuck, for one : SAILOR

72. Conspire with : ABET

73. "Got it!" : AHA

74. Demonstratively romantic : LOVEY DOVEY. Asians are reserved.

77. Rodeo mount : BRONC

78. "__ out!" : YER

80. Blue state? : WOE

81. Maker of fancy notebooks : MOLESKINE. I get a red one for Christmas every year.

83. "I'll take all the help I can get" : ANY ADVICE? Rich's clue as well.

84. Urge : PROD

85. Right in the head : SANE

89. Big bore : DRAG

92. Gets tough : HARDENS

93. "Never Wave at __": Rosalind Russell movie : A WAC. Gluey fill.

95. Screening org. : TSA. They pried open my checked baggage a few days ago. Sigh. I've been using that lock for over 25 years.

96. To blame : AT FAULT

98. Spider woman? : ARACHNE

100. "Java" trumpeter : AL HIRT

102. "__ b?": "Which is it?" : A OR. Gluey fill.

103. Pick up : HEAR

104. Name on Re-Nutriv products : ESTEE. Also Rich's clue.

105. Site of the Cave of Zeus, in myth: Abbr. : MT. IDA

106. Calculus pioneer : EULER

107. Glide on blades : SKATE

111. Calls off : ENDS

113. "... __ a puddy tat!" : I TAW. Gluey fill.

114. Merged news agency : TASS

116. Move quickly, as clouds : SCUD

119. "Breaking Bad" baddie Fring : GUS. Gimme for D-Otto. Have you finished the whole series?

120. Nonpro? : CON

121. Very important : KEY


Mar 11, 2017

Saturday, March 11, 2017 Bruce Haight

Theme: None

Words: 70 (missing J,Q,Z)

Blocks: 27

We are witness to Bruce Haight's hitting for the cycle - this is his first Saturday construction for the LA Times, and has now been published every day of the week. Congratulations to Bruce, but I gotta say, too many proper names(*) in this one made it a fun sponge - can't win them all. 10x6 in two corners and triple 8-letter stacks in the others, with two more 8-letter fills as well. 

15. Fizzled : PETERED OUT - what do you call a guy who tires easily~? Peter; how about the guy who's creative~? Art; The guy who stirs up trouble~? Buck - or - Russell; The wealthy one~? Rich; The one who's brutally honest~? Frank. I can go on....

14. Displaying polish, perhaps : OPEN-TOED

52. Symbol of ancient Egypt : SACRED IBIS - dah~! I had ICON, IDOL, and knew it wasn't correct - took a moment to remember the sacred bird - and also the God Thoth

31. "Brava!" : ATTA GIRL - I had the "G", and the "a" at the end of the clue helped me nail this

atta girl~!

Spring ON forWARD~


1. Participated in a movie gunfight, say : SHOT BLANKS

11. Symbol of purity : HALO - not DOVE

16. Junket : TRIP

17. Really hot : EXTRA SPICY

18. Bud : MATE

19. Passes : ENACTS

20. Getaway car driver : WHEELMAN

22. Comforter : DUVET - I have such a resentment for this word, only because my friend's wife used it in a Scrabble game, and I challenged - it's Frawnche - and yet it counted.  Ugh, ugh, ugh.

23. Metered lines : POESY

24. Rudder location : AFT

25. "Now!" : STAT - not ASAP

26*. "Buddenbrooks" author : MANN

27. Farm follower? : E-I-E-I-O - not "STEAD"; this was almost funny....

29. Moolah : GELT - not CASH

30. Pop-up producer : ADWARE

31. How many games are won : AS A TEAM - the NY Rangers finally figured out their Power Play, and still managed to lose on Thursday

35. Cuddled : SPOONED - yeah, one of these days I'll get around to this again

36. Wine flavor component : TANNIN

37. Compact __ : DISC

38. Jerks : TWITS - my mother's affectionate name for the NY Rangers

39. "No __!" : DICE

40*. Inventing middle name : ALVA

44. Six-pack to be proud of : ABS - the 'other' six-pack produces the exact opposite

45*. Big name in '50s-'60s civil rights : EVERS

47. Take turns? : STEER - got it, but pondered DRIVE, too

48. Cuts to a roving reporter : GOES LIVE - Ha~! Nailed it

50. Introductory language class : LATIN I

51. Digging : INTO

54. Shipping hazard : REEF

55. Wary : ON THE ALERT

56. Exam for some college srs. : LSAT

57. Tourist attraction : RESORT AREA


1. Radar pickups : SPEEDS

2. Threaded fastener : HEX-NUT - this is the crenellated version

3. Interval for Rossini : OTTAVA - musical reference, octave

4. Three-line stanza : TERCET

5*. Benjamin of "Law & Order" : BRATT - was never a big fan of his character - I think cutting out Chris Noth's "Mike Logan" was not a good move for the show - tho he did return on "Criminal Intent"

6. Frequency modulation word? : LESS - filled via perps; not sure I "get it"

7. Payroll service initials : ADP - I see this on the UPS truck daily

8. "Forget it!" : "NO I WON'T~!" - I had YOU WISH to start, and it was working for a while

9. German coffeecake : KUCHEN - OK, I'll take das word for it....

10. Optical maladies : STYES

11. Webmaster's code : HTML

12. Ancient Syrian : ARAMAEAN

13. Got ready to grill : LIT A FIRE

21. Focus group member, casually? : EYE DOC - ah.  Clever

23. Date provider : PALM - the tree, not the singles website

26. Average : MEAN

28. WWII battle site, for short : IWO - Jima

29*. Theodor whose middle name was Seuss : GEISEL -even guessing this was "Dr Seuss" did not help at all

30. It adjoins the altar : APSE


32. Surgeon, slangily : SAWBONES

33. Aromatic brew : ANISE TEA - been popular in crosswords lately

34. Blaster : TNT - oops, not GUN

35. Unleashes : SICS

37. Runs : DIRECTS

39*. William of "24" : DEVANE - I liked him as Carter in "Payback"

40*. Fifth-century invader : ATTILA - just read a true "science fiction" novel from Bradbury and Baxter where Genghis Khan meets Alexander the Great in battle

41*. Elvis Presley lyricist Jerry : LEIBER

42. __ facias: jury pool (from the Latin for "make come") : VENIRE - all my Law & Order watching did not get me this

43. Grain bristle : ARISTA - mostly perps

46. Sun block : VISOR

47*. '70s-'80s Egyptian president : SADAT - an another, but I knew this one

49. Permissive : SOFT

50. Suggestive gander : LEER

53. Letter after pi : RHO
