, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


May 6, 2016

Friday, May 6, 2016, C.C. Burnikel

Title: Colour me happy.

I have blogged for almost six years now and C.C. has 127 solo puzzles published in the LAT in the last 4 years, but this is only my second solo C.C. Friday. The first was the outstanding Poet's Corner puzzle in 2014. Today is quite tame by comparison, and like last weeks JW, primarily a fun puzzle. The simple concept of phrases including words which sound like colors is brought together by the rare Friday reveal. Once again she builds her grid in a pin wheel fashion with the reveal in the southeast. No long fill, but some interesting intermediate fill like STACHE,  OH DARN,  OGRESS, GASHED,  B B KING,  SPREES,  BOASTS, FAINTS, ANEMIA,  HEFNER,  ENGAGE, PAWNEE, SCENERY, EPITHET,  SINCERE,  LET ME GO, HOW'S THAT. All this from our transplanted fearless leader...amazing.

17A. *Lost it : BLEW A FUSE (9). New fill to the LAT, yet very common.

60A. *Entertained the kids, in a way : READ ALOUD (9). Also new.

11D. *"Bonanza" star : LORNE GREENE (11). I had the pleasure of meeting him at a charity tennis match in Boca.

25D. *Cottage site in the Beatles' "When I'm Sixty-Four" : ISLE OF WIGHT (11). I did not know this but I bet Steve and NC did.
And the reveal.

41D. Risqué ... and what each answer to a starred clue contains? : OFF COLOR (8).


1. Trellis pieces : LATHS. THIS always confused me, but I learned a trellis can be made of lattice. Splynter, help?

6. "Ideas worth spreading" acronym : TEDTechnology, Entertainment, Design

9. Runs out : BOLTS.

14. Eponym of a United Kingdom poetry prize : ELIOT. It is obvious many here share my love of Poetry and PRIZES.

15. Schooner filler : ALE.

16. Walking the dog, e.g. : CHORE. I was thinking about yoyos.

19. Storage place : CD-ROM. Oh these modern times.

20. Play set : SCENERY.

22. Nonpro? : ANTI. Ifn you aint fer it, your agin it.

23. Man's best friend, e.g. : EPITHET. They can be nice like that or  they can be bad. It is a sobriquet, a nickname, a title, a label, a description etc. Fittingly a lead in to...52D. Animal that's been a Japanese Natural Monument since 1931 : AKITA. An amazing STORY.

26. Fiona, after Shrek's kiss : OGRESS. Nit polic, Fiona was always an Ogress, the spell which made her look like a human was broken by the kiss.

28. Cut deeply : GASHED. But literally and metaphorically.

29. "Blues on the Bayou" musician : B. B. KING. An album and a song...RIP B.B.

31. Spanish pronoun : ELLA.

32. Overindulgent outings : SPREES. A binge.

34. Stranded messenger : RNA. Nice strand pun.

37. Handle : SEE TO. Make it so....

39. Mr. Potato Head piece : EAR. Followed by the anthropomorphic...

40. Front-wheel alignment : TOE IN. Know your TOE or you will be towed.

42. Unduly : TOO. Not unduly hard.

43. Possesses with pride : BOASTS.

46. Deflect, with "off" : FEND.

47. Passes out : FAINTS.

49. "The Girls Next Door" co-creator : HEFNER.  PLAYBOY meets reality tv.

51. Fictional Indiana town in "Parks and Recreation" : PAWNEE. You can READ or watch

53. Genuine : SINCERE. Like the...

54. Dust Bowl migrant : OKIE.

55. Release request : LET ME GO.

58. Summation symbol, in math : SIGMA. You all get this, RIGHT?

64. Moral principle : ETHIC.

65. Scar, say : MAR.

66. Thorny evergreen : GORSE.

67. Occupied, as a desk : SAT AT.

68. Museum pieces : ART.

69. Vertical : ERECT.


1. Its natl. emblem is the cedar tree : LEBanon. Fun with flags. The cedars of Lebanon are mentioned often in the Bible.

2. Every drop : ALL.

3. 20-20, e.g. : TIE. Not perfect vision; not a tv show. good misdirection.

4. ''What do you think?'' : HOW'S THAT? Often heard while you try to hang a picture.

5. What one might have with milk, briefly? : 'STACHE. Got Milk? Who was your favorite?

6. Needle : TAUNT.

7. Different : ELSE. She was something....

8. Road sign image : DEER. How do they know where to cross?

9. Email option, for short : BCC. Now blind courtesy copy.

10. "Shoot!" : OH DARN.

12. Brings (out) : TROTS. And then to make the disastrous evening complete, they trotted out their vacation pics.

13. Late round : SEMIS.

18. Satellite broadcasts : FEEDS.

21. Team connection : YOKE. Poor oxen, the yoke is always on them.

23. Get rid of : EGEST. Opposite of ingest. Seriously.

24. Retro diet, to put it mildly : PALEO. The word is from Greek palaios meaning ‘ancient.' The idea is to eat like early man, no processed foods etc, Since their life expectancy was about 30....

27. Kernel : GIST.

29. Leadership : BRASS.

30. Hall of Fame pitcher Blyleven : BERT. Of course C. C. would slip in a baseball payer from Minnesota, what a curve ball. He was born in the Netherlands and coached their pitchers in the new world event.

33. Organic fuel : PEAT. Major heating fuel in the Highlands, I have read.

35. Bay Area pro : NINER. We got our morning weather girl from the 49ers

36. Court rival of Pete : ANDRE. Sampras and Agassi.

38. Village Voice award : OBIE Off-Broadway.  LINK.

44. Law school newbie : ONE L. We did not use this in my day.

45. Drew back : SHIED.

48. Lack of get-up-and-go : ANEMIA. I had the ferrous oxide recently.

50. Hold rapt : ENGAGE.

51. Puts forward : POSES. Say you are stuck on a desert island, who do you want there with you?
If you answer, "my spouse" you are...

53. Quick on the uptake : SMART.

56. Humorous Bombeck : ERMA.

57. Sewer's concern : TEAR. One who sews.
59. Play : ACT.

61. Natural resource : ORE.

62. L.A. school : USC. University of Southern California.

63. LAPD rank : DETective.

C.C. makes it all seem so easy; I hope you had fun and Happy Mother's day to all.

Lemonade out.

May 5, 2016

Thursday, May 5th, 2016 Jennifer Nutt

Theme: NO NEED TO SHOUT or, as the reveal succinctly explains:

36A. Emphatic type ... or what the beginnings of the longest entries are? : ALL CAPS

16A. Tension-easing activity : ICEBREAKER. Ice cap.

22A. It supposedly keeps the monster inside the closet : NIGHT LIGHT. Nightcap. Cheers!

45A. Jam site : BOTTLENECK. Bottle cap. I was thinking "bottleneck" in the slide guitar/jam session sense of the word before I saw sense. Ah! Traffic! Here's Brian Jones playing slide guitar on the Rolling Stones' "No Expectations", the last thing he recorded before his death.

57A. Baby blanket, perhaps : SHOWER GIFT. Shower cap. I confess I flat-out don't like this. Wedding shower gift, bridal shower gift or baby shower gift - all fine, but "shower gift" seems contrived to me. I'd have probably tried something else like SHOWER HEAD here.

Neat theme, but with the aforementioned stutter-step at the end. Let's see what else we've got going on.


1. Fraternal order member : ELK

4. Deposit : PAY IN

9. Candy shape : CANE

13. Pressure for payment : DUN

14. He became New York Philharmonic music director 30 years before Leonard : ARTURO. Toscanini.

15. Part of ABC: Abbr. : AMER. The American Broadcasting Company.

18. Butcher's cut : LOIN. Food! Butcher's cuts also refer to lesser-known cuts of meat such as flank steak, hanger steak, sirloin cap and bavette that are packed with flavor and less expensive than the better-known varieties.

19. Coffee cart item : CREAMER

20. Turf controllers : GANGS. I'm going to come off as pedantic here, but there's no plural of "gang" in this sense. More than one of this type of turf controllers are called "gang mowers". "Gang" refers to multiple reel mowers that are "ganged" together.

21. Durbeyfield daughter : TESS. I re-read the book recently - I enjoyed it much more than when we had to study it at school.

26. Tiebreakers, briefly : O.T.S Overtimes. Three NCAA Div 1 games have gone to seven overtimes - Arkansas played in two of them and lost them both.

28. Turkish money : LIRAS. Really? I think this one's little but of a stretch - I can't think of a case where I'd use it in preference to "lira". One lira, twenty lira. Twenty liras? Not so much.

29. Host : EMCEE

31. Holistic healers' observations : AURAS

32. Day __ : SPA

35. Winery wood : OAK. Plenty of it here. This is Caymus in Napa; I visited there last year.

38. Colorful carp : KOI

39. Turndowns : NOS

40. What Lot's wife looked back at : SODOM. Not a wise move unless you were planning on being turned into a pillar of salt.

41. Pastoral poem : IDYLL.

Smile and we smile, the lords of many lands;
Frown and we smile, the lords of our own hands;
For man is man and master of his fate. 
from Idylls of the King: Song from the marriage of Geraint
by Alfred Lord Tennyson

43. Stat for a reliever : SAVES. Blown Saves too, but pitchers don't like to talk about those.

44. Nancy Drew's beau : NED. Nickerson. Crosses for me, I never read the books.

50. Everymutt : FIDO

53. WWII attacker : U-BOAT. They were around in WWI too, most notoriously U-20 which fired the torpedo that sank the Lusitania. Erik Larsen's book "Dead Wake" is a fascinating account of the controversial tragedy.

54. New Hampshire prep school town : ANDOVER. Legend has it that the US Postal Service once successfully decoded and delivered a letter with the address:


56. Fanny : REAR. I still chuckle when I see this. A fanny in England is a quite different part of a lady's anatomy.

60. Subtle "Over here!" : PSST!

61. Trojan hero : AENEAS

62. Japanese drama : NOH

63. Hardens : SETS

64. 2012 title judge played by Karl Urban : DREDD. Never saw it. Topical though, Urban is reported as saying in the last couple of days that a TV series "could happen". My breath is bated.

65. Prefix with caching : GEO- Something of a nerdy pastime whereby you take your GPS handheld and go find something placed at a specific coordinate. When you find it, you write your name on it and put it back. Apparently.


1. Decree : EDICT

2. Riches : LUCRE. Generally "filthy" for some reason.

3. Kilt companions : KNEE SOCKS

4. Groom with a bill : PREEN

5. Jaguar creator : ATARI. Crosses filled this in for me - the Atari Jaguar was a video gaming console. Now, if I pronounce the British car "jag-you-a" and the NFL team "Jagwires", how do I pronounce a Japanese console?

6. Big laugh : YUK

7. Wrath : IRE

8. Postal motto word : NOR. It's an unofficial motto and is inscribed on the James Farley post office in New York City:

"Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds"

9. French town closest to England : CALAIS. If you stand on the top of the cliffs at South Foreland in England and use your cellphone, it's very likely that you'll incur roaming charges because the strongest signal comes from France Telecom across the Dover Straits. Here's the view from Calais.

10. Honor __ thieves : AMONG

11. Pastoral sound : NEIGH

12. Surrealist Max : ERNST.

14. Branch : ARM

17. Keep moist, in a way : BASTE

20. Enclose, as a porch : GLASS IN

23. Sugary stuff : GLUCOSE

24. Distiller Walker : HIRAM. Cheers! Canadian Club is still made at the original distillery, although the brand is now owned by Beam Suntory of Japan.

25. Snare : TRAP

27. Topping for fancy chocolate : SEA SALT. I use Maldon salt from the UK. I used to bring it back with me after a visit, but my local market stocks it now. Williams-Sonoma also stocks it, for more than twice the price of anywhere else, naturally.

29. Long stretch : EON

30. "Little Red Book" author : MAO. Formally titled "Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung".

31. Mayflower Compact signer : ALDEN

32. High jumps : SKYDIVING. Something seems off to me here. SKYDIVES better matches the clue, "High jumping" better suits the answer.

33. Campaign pro : POL.

34. Catch a bug : AIL

37. Sweetheart : LOVE

42. Clear, as a windshield : DEFOG

43. They may be false : STARTS. "Take your marks, set .....".

45. Pats on the back, maybe : BURPS

46. Really big : OBESE

47. Brown : TOAST. Blacken if the timer is set too long.

48. Cried in the cornfield : CAWED. Crows' cornfield cries.

49. Work on in a bakery : KNEAD

51. Crusoe creator : DEFOE. Likely inspired by the story of sailor Alexander Selkirk, who was marooned with his dog for four years on a Chilean island.

52. Garden products brand : ORTHO

55. OBs and ENTs : DRS. What's up, Docs?

57. Down : SAD

58. What's-__-name : HER

59. United : ONE

Just in time for the grid, and that's it from me!


Note from C.C.:

The fifth Minnesota Crossword Tournament will be held at the Landmark Center in St. Paul on June 12th, 2016 Sunday. Please click here for more details. Here is the direct registration link. Entry fee is only $20 per person. 

Don G and I teamed up again this year. Other contributors (all LAT/NYT constructors) include George Barany, Victor Barocas, Tom Pepper, Andrea Carla Michaels and a few others. I'll let you know once the updated list is released.

Our own Jeffrey Wechsler is flying from New Jersey to volunteer for the event.  

May 4, 2016

Wednesday, May 4, 2016 Parikshit Sreedhara Bhat


When the cold, harsh winter has given its last breath,
When the sky above shows life instead of death,
When the claws reaching to the frozen sky become decorated with leaves,
When the animals -long in hiding- scurry from trees,

We know winter has ended.
Camile Gotera

With spring in full bloom, what's better than to take a metaphorical roll in the hay! Parikshit has given us three words ending a two-word phrase denoting a bucolic area that "shows life instead of death" this time of year, at least for those of us north of the Mason Dixon Line. I wondered in what direction we were headed when I saw FLUSHING first but it was all good. I fully expected our crossword citizen LEA to show up too but was greatly entertained by this puzzle.  MONGER, MENORCA and ICE UP slowed up the swift completion of my appointed rounds.

As best as I can determine, it appears that Parikshit is a PhD candidate in India where The LA Times Crossword runs in this newspaper below. I hope he will drop in to give us more info on himself and this lovely puzzle. It would also be interesting to know how he came about acquiring all these American cultural references.


17. New York City park that hosted two world's fairs : FLUSHING MEADOWS - The Unisphere of the 1964 World's Fair serves as a backdrop for this comedy opening

35. Rice cultivation lands : PADDY FIELDS - The 31st Infantry Regiment in a rice PADDY FIELD

54. More exciting circumstances : GREENER PASTURES - How they are made in Nebraska


1. Sleep lab study : APNEA - How do you sleep in these?

6. Dalí works, por ejemplo : ARTE - Art in español  

10. Drug cop : NARC 

14. Some storytellers : LIARS

15. Midday : NOON - Astronomical high NOON occurs 36 min. sooner in Chicago than Omaha but both are on CDT

16. Chevy hatchback : AVEO

20. Current fashion : RAGE

21. Put on any old way : DAUB - One section has been DAUBED and the rest of the wattle awaits 

22. Permissible : LICIT

23. Ordinal suffix : ETH and 
34. Wks. and wks. : MOS - Our FIFTIETH anniversary is nine MOS. away

24. First-rate : A-ONE

25. Albania's capital : TIRANA - At the Mickey Dee's in TIRANA you'll get 38Lek in change for this bill when you buy a Big Mac meal

26. Dry out, so to speak : DETOX

28. Fall behind : LAG

29. Periodontist's deg. : DDS

30. "How Deep Is Your Love" group : BEE-GEES

37. Prefix with life or wife : MID

38. Star in Scorpius : ANTARES

39. Voice legend Blanc : MEL

40. U-verse provider : AT&T

41. "Not just a scooter, a way of life" brand : VESPA

45. Kind of surprise kick : ONSIDE - Football trickery

47. Popular berry : ACAI

50. Trawler's catch : COD

51. Present moment : NONCE - "
For the NONCE, however, he (Queequeg) proposed to sail about, and sow his wild oats in all four oceans." Chapter XII Moby Dick

52. Farm implement : PLOW - My minimum tillage neighbor and many others sold their PLOWS years ago

53. Coil in a garden : HOSE

57. Tan tone : ECRU

58. Scale for rock hounds : MOHS

59. Alaskan native : ALEUT - The volcanic island homes of these subarctic Alaskans

60. Filing tool : RASP

61. Petty fight : SPAT

62. Señorita's parent : MADRE - I'll bet you can translate this truism about Mamas  - "
Si la MADRE no es feliz, nadie está content" (* translation at the end of the write-up)


1. Valet at Wayne Manor : ALFRED

2. Hand-washer of the Gospels : PILATE 
"Pilate . . . took water, and washed his hands before the multitude, saying, I am innocent of the blood of this just person: see ye to it. "—Matthew, 27 : 24.

3. All for __: in vain : NAUGHT

4. Celtic language : ERSE - "
Maidin mhaith" is "Good morning"

5. Volcanic cloud that can disrupt flights : ASH - Can rise from those islands of the ALEUTS

6. 1997-2006 U.N. leader : ANNAN

7. Disobedient way to go : ROGUE

8. Mummy's resting place : TOMB - Lord Carnarvon, a real occupant of Highclere Castle below, financed the 1923 opening of King Tut's TOMB and died the next year. Curse?

9. Yakima-to-Spokane dir. : ENE

10. Low point : NADIR

11. Guacamole ingredients : AVOCADOS

12. Goes back a scene or two : REWINDS

13. Bob of "Football Night in America" : COSTAS

18. Words before a kiss : I DO

19. Sacha Baron Cohen alter ego : ALI G - Talk about a POSEUR (43 Down)

24. Shown the office door : AXED

25. Stun gun brand : TASER

27. Bk. after Amos : OBAD - OBADIAH with only one chapter and 440 words is the shortest book in the Old Testament 

28. Daughter of Darth : LEIA - Almost LEA

31. Bit of online courtship : E-DATE - I suppose

32. Ibsen's "Peer __" : GYNT - Surely some constructor has clued Oslo as "Where PEER GYNT premiered in 1876"

33. Young newt : EFT

34. Inventory: Abbr. : MDSE - Exchange students from the Baltic States are AWED by MerchanDSE in our American stores

35. Tapered beer glasses : PILSNERS

36. Big name in jeans : LEVI - LEES knew the wrath of my Delete Key

37. One of Las Islas Baleares : MENORCA - ENE of Valencia

39. Fish tail? : MONGER - A seller of fish. A WARMONGER? 

40. Yemen coastal city : ADEN - Where the USS Cole was attacked in October 2000

42. Made a point : SCORED

43. One with affectations : POSEUR - also Poser

44. Carol opener : ADESTE

46. Acquire a winter coat? : ICE UP - Very dangerous on airplane wings

47. Omega's opposite : ALPHA

48. Move effortlessly : COAST 

49. Cribside chorus : AWS

52. Pocket watch, to a hypnotist : PROP

53. Luau dance : HULA - Did MEL sing Aloha'Oe? 

55. Ambulance letters : EMS

56. Edinburgh bonnet : TAM

*62 Across roughly - "If mama ain't happy, ain't no one happy!"

Now let's put me out to PASTURE and FIELD some of your comments:

Answer Grid:

May 3, 2016

Tuesday, May 3, 2016 Janice Luttrell

Title: Word Combinations - The first word of the first three long climbers can be placed ahead of the word, FIGURE.

3. Manual transmission : STICK SHIFT. Stick Figure

9. Husband of a fabled storyteller, in an L. Frank Baum title : FATHER GOOSE. Father Figure

24. One on the FBI's "Most Wanted" list : PUBLIC ENEMY. Public Figure

31. Ship's bow decoration ... and, literally, the first word of 3-, 9- and 24-Down : FIGUREHEAD. 3-, 9-, and 24-Down are the FIGURE HEADS.

Argyle here. Neat getting the reveal into the last spot. I had 3-Down and 24-Down filled in and looked for a theme. I thought I had it but thought, "EWW!". They had TICKS and LICE. I was relieved to find there weren't any more, shall we say, nits.


1. Old West chasers : POSSE

6. Child in the kitchen : CHEF

10. Sleep under the stars, with "out" : CAMP

14. Stage performer : ACTOR

15. Dance often accompanied by a ukulele : HULA

16. Heavenly bear : URSA

17. A Marx brother : CHICO

18. Be the lookout for, say : ABET

19. Angler's gear : REEL

20. Sounds of time : TOCKS. I know where the TICKS are.

21. Pretense : CHARADE

23. Hold on to : KEEP

25. 43-Down alum Cheri : OTERI. "Saturday Night Live" alumna, Cheri Oteri.

26. __ of thousands : CAST

28. GM labor group : UAW. (full name: International Union of United Automobile, Aerospace, and Agricultural Implement Workers of America)

30. Seaman's double-breasted jacket : REEFER. This link may be TMI but interesting. LINK

34. "Excuse me?" : "HUH?"

35. Fit for the task : ABLE

36. Upscale chocolate brand : GODIVA

37. Bush spokesman Fleischer : ARI. White House Press Secretary.

38. Take to the skies : FLY

39. Letters in some email addresses : AOL

40. Ring insert : GEM

41. Spotted cats may be spotted on one : SAFARI. Cool cross with AFRICA.

43. Column-lined walkway : STOA

44. Game name often shouted during play : UNO. Kids love this game.

45. Like grams and liters : METRIC

46. Wii forerunner : NES. (Nintendo Entertainment System)

47. __ and crafts : ARTS

48. Immune system component : T-CELL

50. Otherwise : ELSE

52. Miss Teen USA contest, e.g. : PAGEANT

55. Cigar remains : ASHES

58. Proctor's handout : EXAM

59. Like a frittata : EGGY

62. Talk show interviewee : GUEST

63. Height: Pref. : ALTI. (altitude)

64. Glutton's demand : MORE. Was Oliver a glutton then?

65. Use a soapbox : ORATE

66. Some undershirts : TEEs

67. The "Y" in YSL : YVES. (Yves Saint Laurent)

68. Honda Accord, e.g. : SEDAN


1. Treaty : PACT

2. Tres y cinco : OCHO. 3+5=8 (Cinco de Mayo Thursday)

4. Place for a plug : SOCKET

5. Unevenly notched, as leaf edges : EROSE

6. "__-ching!" : CHA or "KA-ching!

7. Wheel center : HUB

8. Vote into office : ELECT

10. Like a spicy Indian chicken dish : CURRIED

11. Locale : AREA

12. Teacher's graduate deg. : MSED. The Master of Education (M.Ed., Ed.M., M.A.Ed., M.A.E., M.S.Ed., M.S.E., or M.Ed.L.)

13. Lacking color : PALE

22. Colored part of the iris : AREOLA. I'm confused; the iris is the colored part of the eye. I did enjoy searching for an image of an AREOLA though but nothing iris related showed up.

25. What borrowers do : OWE

26. Deep gap : CHASM

27. Surrounding glows : AURAE

29. Prince __ Khan : ALY

32. Blessed __ : EVENT

33. 1990s Philippine president : RAMOS. Fidel V. Ramos, Wiki LINK.

35. Kilimanjaro's locale : AFRICA

39. Wolfed down : ATE

42. Greek goddess of the hunt : ARTEMIS

43. NBC sketch series, briefly : SNL

47. Guarantee : ASSURE

49. Statehouse official: Abbr. : LT.GOV. (lieutenant governor)

51. Old Nigerian capital : LAGOS. 1991, the Federal Government was relocated to Abuja. However, Lagos still remains the financial center of the country.

52. __ moss : PEAT

53. Wheelbarrow shaft : AXLE

54. Scandal suffix : GATE

56. This, to a señora : ESTA

57. WWII machine gun : STEN. British tommy gun.

60. LSAT cousin : GRE. (Graduate Record Examination)

61. Word of assent : YES, and a roundabout way of saying I'm done.


May 2, 2016

Monday, May 2, 2016 Jeff Stillman

Theme: No Reveal Monday - Point/Counterpoint.

19A. "Fiddler on the Roof" song : SUNRISE / SUNSET

31A. Like businesses specializing in international trade : IMPORT / EXPORT

40A. Beatles hit that begins, "You say yes, I say no" : HELLO / GOODBYE

54A. Like some government partnerships : PUBLIC / PRIVATE

Argyle here. This is different; there are many things I could link but little that I need to. I'll search for some pretty pictures.


1. "Dragnet" star Jack : WEBB

5. Campus military prog. : ROTC. (Reserve Officers' Training Corps)

9. Die-hard : AVID

13. Gillette razor : ATRA

14. Bridal path flower piece : PETAL

15. Hindu princess : RANI

16. Apply crudely, as paint : DAUB

17. Samuel on the Supreme Court : ALITO. Conservative.

18. To be, to Tiberius : ESSE. Oh, to be a Star Fleet Captain!

Captain James Tiberius Kirk
22. "What a relief!" : "AHH!"

24. Continental trade gp. : EEC. (European Economic Community)

25. Ritzy residence : ESTATE

26. Corned beef-and-Swiss sandwich : REUBEN

28. Quantities: Abbr. : AMTs. Amounts.

30. '60s hallucinogen : LSD. (Lysergic acid diethylamide)

34. Second in command: Abbr. : ASST. (assistant)

Number Two
35. Golfer's concern : LIE

36. Convenience : EASE

45. Sci-fi saucer : UFO

48. Bears or Cubs : TEAM

49. At the back of the pack : LOSING

50. Poe's "The Murders in the Rue __" : MORGUE

52. ATM access code : PIN

53. __ Moines : DES

58. Hipbone parts : ILIA

59. "__-ho!" : HEAVE

60. European capital west of Helsinki : OSLO

63. No longer working: Abbr. : RET'D. (retired)

64. Forgetting to carry the one, say : ERROR

65. In the sack : ABED

66. Scots Gaelic : ERSE, Hey, Derek Bowman, that's close to ARSE.

67. Sheep fat : SUET

68. Unit of force : DYNE. Repeat from the 19th.


1. Fistful of bills : WAD

2. Approx. landing hour : ETA

3. Quick reviews, as before a test : BRUSH-UPs

4. Hindu title of respect : BABU

5. Archaeologist's find : RELIC

6. Big name in elevators : OTIS

7. London gallery : TATE. Tate Modern opened in 2000.

8. In the vicinity of : CLOSE TO

9. "__ you clever!" : AREN'T

10. Feudal servant : VASSAL

11. Enlarged map segments : INSETS

12. Cut down on calories : DIETED

14. PepsiCo, to Quaker Oats, e.g. : PARENT

20. __-do-well : NE'ER

21. SALT I participant : USSR

22. Opera solo : ARIA

23. Garment edges : HEMS

27. This and that : BOTH

28. Geometric given : AXIOM

29. Video file format : MPEG

32. Jazzy Fitzgerald : ELLA

33. Kennedy and Turner : TEDs

37. Obeys, as rules : ABIDES BY

38. "Auld Lang __" : SYNE

39. Brain scans, briefly : EEGs. Have at it.

41. Small needle case : ETUI

42. Freeloaders : LEECHES

43. Twist who asked for some more : OLIVER

44. Chaplin of "Game of Thrones" : OONA

45. Judge at home : UMPIRE

46. More unpleasant : FOULER. Not the batter staying alive? Ok, more unpleasant for the pitcher.

47. Planetary paths : ORBITS

51. Air freshener brand : GLADE

52. Turn on one foot : PIVOT

55. Ecuador neighbor : PERU

56. In very short supply : RARE

57. Creek croaker : TOAD

61. "Dancing With the Stars" judge Goodman : LEN. A professional ballroom dancer.

62. Keats' "To Autumn," e.g. : ODE. Bah! Wrong time of year.
