, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Feb 11, 2016

Thursday, February 11, 2016, Steve Marron and C.C. Burnikel

Theme: Where did he hide that jumble?

Well I am back on Thursday to blog the 5th published LAT by our own Thursday Steve (3 collaborations with C.C.) Today we have the wonderful reveal of PLOT TWIST which tells us the letters in PLOT are rearranged. It did not tell us how they are hidden in the theme fill, but that came out early, even before the reveal. They use lots of 2 and 3 word fill and include RAT TRAPS,  SILK TIES and ADIOS AMIGOS as long sparkly ones. Adios amigos is ten letters which is longer than two of the theme answers which some solvers do not like, but to me that is just a 1A. It is always extra fun to blog one of our own. I will stop talking and go to solving.

17A. Drop the original strategy : GO TO PLAN-B (9). Not Plan 9.

21A. Nickname for Basketball Hall of Famer Maravich : PISTOL PETE (10). An LSU star who averaged 44 point per game!!!!!

36A. One always looking up : ETERNAL OPTIMIST (15). Watch out for birds and keep your mouth closed.

49A. Shield bearers : RIOT POLICE (10). Very common in the late 60s on college campuses.
59A. Novel surprise ... and a hint to what's hidden in 17-, 21-, 36- and 49-Across : PLOT TWIST (9).


1. Quibble : NIT. A bit of an inside joke to begin.

4. Like the NCAA basketball three-point line : ARCED. The NBA uses a more complicated grid.

9. Phantom's place? : OPERA. Well for me, it was the comics page for many years.  But I am familiar with the MUSICAL. Is that the delightful Emmy Rossum now on SHAMELESS?

14. Toothpaste tube letters : ADAAmerican Dental Association.

15. Chevy SUV : TAHOE. They have others but this is the only one with 5 letters.

16. Honeydew, for one : MELON. Food.

19. Printing heavyweight : EPSON.

20. Aspersion : SLUR.

23. Euler's forte : MATH.

25. Commencement opening? : CEE. Not the speech or the event, just the word.

26. Online reminders : E-NOTES. I do not like the E words.

28. Dilapidated digs : RAT TRAPS. Where even the rodents want out.

33. Attribute to, as blame : PIN ON. One of many two word fills that require skill.

34. Fish order : SOLE. Do you like this RECIPE? Food.

35. "What __ care?" : DO I. DK DC.

40. Zeta follower : ETA. In the Greek Alphabet.

41. Soccer followers? : MOMS.

42. Causes of many Alaskan road accidents : MOOSE. More new INFO. They always looked so cute here.

43. High-end neckwear : SILK TIES.

46. Declines to raise : PASSES. The term for me is 'checks'.

47. Bard's bedtime : EEN. I get a teeny drop of Shakespeare.

48. Machu Picchu denizen : INCA.

55. Leave out : OMIT.

58. Hot : IRATE.

61. Cardinal, e.g. : TITLE. Not baseball football or birds, but religion.

62. "Friend Like Me" singer in "Aladdin" : GENIE.

63. Author Talese : GAY. A respected author and journalist who just celebrated his 84th  birthday, Sunday. Perhaps most famous for this BOOK.

64. Fire sign : ASHES.

65. Gladiator's milieu : ARENA.

66. Olive shaped like a stick : OYL. Tricky. Popeye's girl. For Splynter: LINK.


1. Complainers : NAGS.

2. "People" person : IDOL. The magazine.

3. She beat out Madeline Kahn, with whom she shared the screen, for Best Supporting Actress : TATUM O'NEAL. Who did not love Paper Moon.

4. Org. that publishes weekly player rankings : ATP. Tennis anyone?

5. Lauren et al. : RALPHS. Also a food market in LA.

6. Tazo choice : CHAI. Foodish. Available in K-cups.
7. Long spans : EONS.

8. Collector's target : DEBT.

9. Filled, folded fare : OMELET. Food.

10. Sneeze cause : PEPPER. Foodish.

11. Ultimatum word : ELSE.

12. Jícama or ginger : ROOT. Ginger is big at my house. Foodish.

13. Actress Hathaway : ANNE. So many different looks. 
18. Stumper? : ORATOR. Tricky, someone who gets up on a stump and talks to you.

22. Rowing crew, perhaps : OCTET. There are 8 of them plus the coxswain.

24. St. formed from the Southwest Territory : TENN. How times change.

26. Duel tools : EPEES. And its a sport too!!!!!!

27. "The Untouchables" gangster : NITTI. My favorite actor to play the part.

28. Hotel reservations : ROOMS. So literal.

29. View from Lake Geneva : ALPS. I wonder if marti is there now schussing away?

30. Chihuahua "Ciao!" : ADIOS AMIGO. Well, the friend part is added, but this is a fun fill.

31. Oater group : POSSE.

32. Locations : SITES.

34. Sour fruit : SLOE. Foodish.

37. Acid type : AMINO.

38. Bowie's bride : IMAN. Timely but sad reminder of his recent passing.

39. __ Mule: vodka cocktail in a copper mug : MOSCOW. It is amazing how many things I do not know.

44. Hot whistler : KETTLE.

45. Plains homes : TEPEES. I wanted teepee (1.6MM google hits).

46. Tart container : PIE TIN.

49. Cosby of "Inside Edition" : RITA. She is most IMPRESSIVE but I have no awareness of her.

50. Place for a pupil : IRIS. I had my eye on you.

51. Pledge : OATH.

52. Rolex Player of the Year-awarding org. : LPGALadies Professional Gold Association. They just played last week in Ocala where yet another South Korean won. She had a hole in one on a par 4 the week before.

53. "The Sopranos" actor Robert : ILER. After playing Tony Jr., he has disappeared though apparently he is part of a new project out of Las Vegas call The Four Kings.

54. Gelato holder : CONE. I always use a dish. Foodish.

56. Words to Holmes : I SAY.

57. Texter's toodle-oo : TTYLTalk TYou Later.

60. Dim sum beverage : TEA. Green tea most likely. It is so perfect that a Steve puzzle end with food.

It has been a while since I had to blog a Thursday to avoid self-analysis (this time by Steve) but it is a nice change. Nothing too difficult -a nice work out. Hope you enjoyed as much as I did. See you next time, Lemonade pinch hitting, out.

Note from C.C.:

This is the very first puzzle Steve (aka Steamed Red Mullet) and I made. It was accepted in June 2014. We figure Rich must have quite a few anagram puzzles in queue. Thanks for the inspiration and fun, Steve. You seriously rock!

Steve also gave me a tip on how to make creamy scrambled eggs. You can click here for details. You need to cook the eggs in really low heat. So good with chives sprinkled in.

Feb 10, 2016

Wednesday Feb 10, 2016 Bruce Venzke and Gail Grabowski

Title: Up, Up and Away!

Hi, after only a two day respite - it's Husker Gary again! Bruce and Gail LIFT our winter spirits with a fun Wednesday puzzle featuring variations of the word LIFT as a single clue. The fill on this amusing theme resulted in top and bottom grid spanners and a thirteen-letter entry gracing the middle. WINGTIP INSERT, BARBELL ACTIVITY and CAFFEINE EFFECT didn't make the cut. 

First the theme answers:

17. Lift : SKIERS TRANSPORT - Or WEDDING PARTY TRANSPORT to this summer event on a mountain in Aspen

38. Lift : BRIT'S ELEVATOR - A Cheshire-based British company called LIFTstyle is marketing these for around  £13,000 

61. Lift : HITCHHIKERS RIDE - All right, would you or wouldn't you give this hitchhiker a LIFT

1. Roasting bird : CAPON

6. Kennel racket : ARFS

10. Doze, with "out" : ZONK

14. How writers often work : ALONE - I can't blog unless I am ALONE

15. NATO alphabet ender : ZULU - Her latest movie uses the NATO alphabet and stands for...

16. Ancient Andean : INCA

20. Bar sing-along : KARAOKE - Yeah, that's what I was just thinking about you

21. Quasi-convertible option : T-TOP

22. Rock gp. with winds and strings : ELO

23. Mil. training site : OCS - Zac Mayo getting harassed in Office Candidate School by Gunnery Sgt. Foley. BTW, do you remember the wonderful song from this movie with LIFTs in the title?

25. Pizzeria attractions : AROMAS

29. Nervous giggle : TITTER

32. "Cure Ignorance" online reader : UTNE - I have never UTNEd

34. Glamorous Gardner : AVA - Mrs. Frank Sinatra II, Mrs. Mickey Rooney I and Mrs. Artie Shaw V

35. Windy-day window noise : RATTLE

37. Strummed strings : UKES

42. Linen fiber source : FLAX

43. Newspaper space measurement : LINAGE - alt. Lineage. Is this replacing LINAGE?

44. So last week : OUT

45. Take in the wrong way? : OGLE - What's the time limit before a peek becomes an OGLE?

47. Split with the band : GO SOLO - How'd that Ross girl's career work out after she left The Supremes?

51. Pet shelter mission : RESCUE - Bless shelters for the work they do. Joann'd take all the kitties home.

53. Apt name for a cook? : STU 

55. Put the cuffs on : NAB

56. Does one's part? : ACTS

58. Elves, at times : HELPERS - Will Stockdale line: "It's just that the infantry is the real soldiers, and the Air Force ain't nothin' but HELPERS." And, for the game, the movie is...

65. Curved entrance adornment : ARCH

66. Drop : OMIT

67. Nautical table listing : TIDES - The Navy wanted low TIDES on D-Day to see the beach obstacles for its LST'S and other ships  and the Army wanted high TIDES to lessen the distance men had to run on the beach. They compromised on 1 - 3 hrs after low TIDE

68. "Okay, granted" : TRUE

69. "Bossypants" memoirist Fey : TINA- See her new movie at 15 Across

70. Mail-order-only company until 1925 : SEARS - Alvah Roebuck never said publicly he regretted the fortune he missed by leaving the business he helped found


1. Small jewelry box : CASKET - Bigger than a box, smaller than a chest

2. Acid neutralizer : ALKALI - Adding ALKALI to acidic soil to "sweeten" it

3. "Little grey cells" detective : POIROT - A Netflix BBC addiction of mine

4. Draft category : ONE-A - A dreaded 60's - 70's classification 

5. "Quo Vadis" emperor : NERO - "Where are you going?" A film showing NERO's Rome vs Christians

6. Tenochtitlán native : AZTEC 

7. Play about automatons : RUR

8. Like much desert : FLAT

9. Acquisition on a blanket, perhaps : SUNTAN

10. Brand with a flame over the "i" in its logo : ZIPPO - ZIPPO Ad
11. Artist Yoko : ONO 

12. Big name in bar code scanners : NCR

13. Dennings of "2 Broke Girls" : KAT - It took me 60 seconds to get a sense I didn't like this show where wit is replaced by crudity. Different strokes... 

18. Hybrid tennis attire : SKORTS - With an improvised storage area

19. Ticked off : SORE

24. Besmirches : SULLIES

26. Powerful shark : MAKO - MAKO is Maori for "shark" or "shark's tooth"

27. Say with certainty : AVER

28. Carrier to Oslo : SAS

30. Cereal "for kids" : TRIX

31. Work on a course : EAT 

33. Many a "Hunger Games" fan : TEEN 

36. Bluffer's giveaway : TELL - In M*A*S*H, Winchester whistles arias while playing poker and the louder he whistles, the more he is bluffing. He gets wiped out!

37. Colorado natives : UTES

38. Cobalt __ : BLUE

39. "Aw, shucks!" : RATS

40. Harder to see, as shapes : VAGUER

41. Have-at link : A GO - I had A GO at unicyling once. Yikes!

42. Voting yes on : FOR

45. "That stings!" : OUCH

46. Hit a winning streak : GET HOT - Some Super Bowl winners just GET HOT at the end of the season

48. New York lake near Utica : ONEIDA - After 9/11 ONEIDA Mfg. lost $25M after the airlines discontinued flatware on planes 

49. Pantry : LARDER

50. Dominate the thoughts of : OBSESS - Michael Douglas and OBSESSED Glen Close have a steamy LIFT scene in Fatal Attraction

52. Hidden stockpile : CACHE

54. Iota preceder : THETA - ...zeta, eta, THETA, iota...

57. California's __ Valley : SIMI - A beautiful place to visit at 40 Presidential Drive, SIMI Valley CA. 93065

59. D-Day transports : LSTS

60. __-dieu: kneeler : PRIE - Literally "Pray God". Here are two at JFK's casket in White House East Room

61. New Year's party handout : HAT

62. Clearance rack abbr. : IRR

63. Fort Worth sch. : TCU

64. Many holiday guests : KIN - After two days, guests and fish... 

 Let's hope all of you can raise the level of discourse here to a higher level than I just did - 

Feb 9, 2016

Tuesday, February 9, 2016 Kurt Krauss

Theme: NaCl - Four types of salt.

17. *Oft-minced bulb : GARLIC CLOVE. Garlic salt

24. *Laura Hillenbrand best-seller about a racehorse : SEABISCUIT. Sea salt

38. Recipe direction ... and a literal hint to what you can do to the starts of the answers to starred clues : ADD SALT

50. *Dry-climate landscape option : ROCK GARDEN. Rock salt.

62. *Olympic sport with a hollow ball : TABLE TENNIS. Table salt

Argyle here and I just want to be your salty dog.(2:08) A couple of learning moments plus four long climbers makes this Tuesday fairly easy yet entertaining. Well done.


1. Campaign display : POSTER

7. Tuber made into poi : TARO

11. Actor Beatty : NED

14. Give in : ACCEDE

15. Out for the night : ABED

16. Australian bird : EMU

19. Came in first : WON

20. Woman in a Beethoven piano title : ELISE

21. Oscar night rides : LIMOs

22. Classic sports cars : GTs

23. Absorbed : RAPT

26. Honest prez : ABE

28. Math comparison : RATIO

29. Sally Ride, e.g. : ASTRONAUT

35. Diarist Frank : ANNE

37. Island wreath : LEI

41. "Dig in!" : "EAT!". "Mangia!"

42. Celebrity : FAME

44. Statues, often : MEMORIALS

46. "Now you __ ... " : SEE IT

49. Fist-up call : OUT

54. Palms-down call : SAFE

58. Photo lab abbr. : ENL. (enlargement)

59. Dubai bigwig : EMEER. Alternate spelling.

60. "MASH" setting : KOREA

61. __ juice: milk : MOO

64. Company abbr. : INC. (incorporated)

65. Sheep's cry : BLAT. I'm more familiar with 'bleat' with sheep and "BLAT" from a horn.

66. Candy heart message : [BE MINE]. How long before this?

67. Shatner's "__War" : TEK

68. Backwoods possessive : YERS. Sorta goes with Salty Dog, don't it?

69. Rains ice pellets : SLEETS


1. Cell alternative : PAGER

2. Florida horse-breeding city : OCALA

3. Doc's order to a pharmacist : SCRIP

4. Early communications satellite : TELSTAR

5. Falco of "The Sopranos" : EDIE

6. TiVo button : REC

7. Actress Shire : TALIA

8. Manhattan Project creation : A-BOMB

9. "Au __": "Bye, Pierre" : REVOIR

10. Texas or Ukraine city : ODESSA

11. World's second largest island : NEW GUINEA

12. Showing strong feelings : EMOTIONAL

13. Kirsten of "Spider-Man" : DUNST

18. The Browns, on sports tickers : CLE. (Cleveland Browns football team)

24. Pop in the mail : SEND

25. Windy City commuter org. : CTA. Chicago Transit Authority. Chicago could have fit in yesterday.

27. __ constrictor : BOA

29. Landon who ran against FDR : ALF and was defeated soundly. Kansapedia article.

30. Opening set of TV series episodes : SEASON ONE

31. Hourly worker's device : TIME CLOCK

32. Fleet VIP : ADM. (Admiral)

33. Put into operation : USE

34. Scottish cap : TAM

36. Sci-fi staples : ETs. (Extra-Terrestrials)

39. Diving lake bird : LOON. Our crossword bird.

40. Capote nickname : TRU. Author Truman Capote.

43. It's a scream : [EEK!]

45. Picking-up-the-tab words : "IT'S ON ME"

47. Song words before "with a little help from my friends" : I GET BY

48. Husk-wrapped Mexican food : TAMALE

50. Pay : REMIT

51. Concrete-reinforcing rod : REBAR

52. Shoulder muscles, briefly : DELTs

53. Before, before : ERE

55. Golfer with an "army" : ARNIE Palmer.

56. Deceptive move : FEINT

57. Makes more bearable : EASES

60. Capsize, with "over" : KEEL. Since the keel is on the bottom of the boat, to keel over is not good.

63. Superstation initials : TBS. (Turner Broadcasting System)


Notes from C.C.:

1) Belated Happy Birthday to dear Bill G! I'm terribly sorry that I missed your milestone on Jan 31 due to travel, Bill. How did you and Barbara celebrate? Cuban food again or what? Tell us about the menu.

Bill G & his grandson Jordan

2) Happy Birthday to our Saturday Stud Splynter, who turns 45 today. Splynter has been blogging for us since March, 2011. He only missed one or two Saturdays when he was sick. His dedication and commitment to the blog speak volumes of his character. Alas, I don't think that Blue Eyed Girl solves crosswords or reads our blog.

Feb 8, 2016

Monday, February 8, 2016 David Steinberg

 Theme: Musical Monday - Linking four bands today.

16A. Birds on United States seals : BALD EAGLES 

24A. Commonly multi-paned patio entrances : FRENCH DOORS

37A. Reptiles known for their strong jaws : SNAPPING TURTLES

46A. Bank transport vehicles : ARMORED CARS

56A. Musicians found at the ends of 16-, 24-, 37- and 46-Across : ROCK GROUPS

Argyle here.


1. Basil sauce : PESTO

6. Pops, to baby : "DADA"

10. Sacred assurance : VOW

13. Sound from a lily pad : CROAK

14. 88 or 98 automaker : OLDS. The Rocket 88.

15. Give a ticket to : CITE

18. Longing feeling : ACHE

19. Old photo hue : SEPIA

20. Started the poker kitty : ANTE'D

21. Explosion noise : [¡BAM!]

27. Hop out of bed : ARISE

29. More like a cad : RUDER

30. Send a racy phone message to : SEXT

31. Changed into : BECAME

34. Apt anagram of "aye" : YEA

40. Actor McKellen : IAN

41. Briefs, informally : UNDIES

42. 50-and-over organization : AARP. (formerly the American Association of Retired Persons)

43. Somber melody : DIRGE. I think some of the Doors work could be called 'rock dirge'.

45. Red-nosed "Sesame Street" character : ERNIE

51. Poetic nightfall : E'EN

52. Quicken offerings : LOANS. Now offering "Rocket Mortgages"

53. Reebok rival : ASICS. Sport shoes.

55. __ Spumante : ASTI. (Italian sparkling white wine)

61. Costa __ : RICA

62. Word for the calorie-conscious : LITE

63. Fertile desert spots : OASES

64. "I'm not impressed" : "MEH"

65. Arrived at second base headfirst, perhaps : SLID

66. Little songbirds : WRENS


1. Banned chem. pollutant : PCB. (polychlorinated biphenyl)A lot of it in my area.

2. Pitching stat : ERA. (earned run average)

3. South-of-the-border sun : SOL

4. Youngsters : TADS

5. Michael of "Caddyshack" : O'KEEFE. "No Coke"

6. "Git along" little critter : DOGIE. calf.

7. Edgar __ Poe : ALLAN

8. Pres. before JFK : DDE. Remember from Sunday?

9. Stubborn animal : ASS

10. Post-race place for a NASCAR winner : VICTORY LANE. February 21, 2016: Daytona 500.

11. Catchall check box : [OTHER]

12. Dandelions, e.g. : WEEDS

15. Kayak kin : CANOE

17. Earth Day mo. : APR. (April)

20. Poisonous snake : ADDER

21. Low operatic voices : BASSI

22. Sports venue with tiered seating : ARENA

23. Versatile, as a wardrobe : MIX AND MATCH

25. Shipping container : CRATE

26. Organic fertilizer : HUMUS. Not related to the chickpea mash, hummus.

28. Fuel additive brand : STP. (scientifically treated petroleum)

31. __-watching: TV viewing spree : BINGE

32. Put the kibosh on : ENDED

33. Movie SFX : CGI. (computer-generated images) Where would we be without it.

35. Tremble-inducing : EERIE

36. Trembling tree : ASPEN. Cute pairing.

38. Good vibrations, in the cat world : PURRS

39. Sticky road stuff : TAR

44. Ancient Aegean region : IONIA

45. Real-estate holding account : ESCROW

46. Smartphone wake-up feature : ALARM

47. Riveting icon : ROSIE

                 Ok, one more group but definitely not rock.
48. Desert plants : CACTI

49. Patronized a help desk : ASKED

50. Big truck : RIG

54. Zoom up : SOAR

56. Dr. Jekyll creator's monogram : RLS. (Robert Louis Stevenson)

57. Saudi Arabian export : OIL

58. "__ the Force, Luke" : USE

59. Confident crossword solver's tool : PEN

60. Escaping-air sound : SSS
