, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Jul 7, 2019

Sunday July 7th, 2019 Garry Morse

Theme: "Deliberate Lying" - LY is added to the end of the first word.

 23A. Enjoy prettifying the gifts?: GLADLY WRAP. Glad wrap.

 28A. Wrinkled Sunday dinner?: RUMPLY ROAST. Rump roast.

 38A. Skinny, loose-jointed club golfer?: GANGLY MEMBER. Gang member.

 65A. Dishes like a 28-Across?: HOMELY COOKING. Home cooking.

 91A. Just taps on the door?: HARDLY KNOCKS. Hard knocks.

107A. Texas Hold 'em in Texas?: DRAWLY POKER. Draw poker.

114A. Bird that returns fire when hunted?: DEADLY DUCK. Dead duck.

How did the constructor think of the title "Lying"? Amazing! In our corner, Husker Gary and D-Otto are great in coming up with brilliant titles also.

I like when the new LY words share no root with the base phrases. But often it's impossible. Also, is  "drawly" is word you guys actually use?


1. Einstein's "m": MASS.

5. Game with knights: CHESS.

10. Missouri city nickname: ST JOE. Eminem was born here.

15. Cell accumulation: APPS.

19. Some choristers: ALTI.

20. Auto pioneer Henry: ROYCE. OK, now I know what Rolls-Royce stands for: Henry Royce and Charles Rolls.

21. Woman on the original "Star Trek" bridge: UHURA.

22. Fish or book lead-in: BLUE.

25. Fast-spreading Web units: MEMES.

26. Spanish muralist: SERT. Jose Maria Sert.

27. "Piece of cake": NO PROBLEM.

30. Home of Odysseus: ITHACA.

31. What pros know, with "the": ROPES.

32. The Big Ten's Boilermakers: PURDUE.

33. Makes red-faced: ABASHES.

37. Brew in big containers: KEG BEER. Debut entry for LAT.

43. "The Enemy Within" org.: CIA.

44. Deg. for crown fitters: DDS.

45. "Tiny Alice" dramatist: ALBEE.

46. Golden State school whose city is also its county: UCSB. UC Santa Barbara.

47. Doesn't abandon, as one's promise: HOLDS TO.

51. Strategize: PLAN.

52. Helena winter hrs.: MST.

53. Yale of Yale fame: ELIHU.

55. "The Easter Parade" author Richard: YATES.

58. "Nobody wins!": IT'S A TIE.

60. How checks are written: IN INK.

62. Nine-piece combo: NONET. And 116. Square dance quorum: OCTAD.

64. "Fooled you!": NOT.

70. Morse "T": DAH.

71. Sugar coating: GLAZE. You can probably find these glazed buns in some dim sum place.

73. Kindle download: EBOOK.

74. Bishop's district: DIOCESE.

76. "Phooey!" cousins: DRATS.

78. Dense overgrowth: BRUSH.

80. Bad picnic omen: ANT.

81. Marseille mates: AMIS.

82. Sandburg's metaphorical fog carrier: CAT FEET. The fog comes on little cat feet.

84. Barbarian: OGRE.

86. Preserved, in a way: ON ICE.

87. Span. title: SRA.

90. Leaving approx.: ETD.

94. Rooftop landing spot: HELIPAD.

97. Like candid photos: UNPOSED.

98. Transfer to a larger computer, say: UPLOAD.

99. Barbecue leftovers: ASHES.

102. Rough partner?: TUMBLE. Rough and tumble.

109. Causes of road trip delays: FLAT TIRES. Be careful when you have any roofing project. Don't let the nails get into your tires.

112. 1977 ELO hit: DO YA.

113. Selection from a pool: JUROR.

115. Yet: EVEN.

117. "Live PD" airer: A AND E.

118. Throb: ACHE.

119. Wine list heading: REDS.

120. "Flashdance" star Jennifer: BEALS.

121. Top officers: BRASS.

122. Tarot reader: SEER.


1. Son of Thor, in comics: MAGNI. No idea.

2. Divvy up: ALLOT.

3. Bacteria in grapelike clusters: STAPH.

4. Libyan port on its own gulf: SIDRA. Another unknown.

5. Whiner: CRYBABY.

6. Lupine call: HOWL.

7. Fictional governess: EYRE.

8. Main plot element in "The Sting": SCAM.

9. Labor Day mo.: SEP.

10. Recap: SUM UP.

11. Central idea: THEME. Lying!! 

12. Springs: JUMPS.

13. Baseball's Hershiser: OREL.

14. "Piece of cake": EASY PEASY. Great fill.

15. Learn well: ABSORB.

16. Begged: PLEADED.

17. Went after: PURSUED.

18. Hunting dogs: SETTERS.

24. Where it's at: LOCALE.

28. Took off: ROSE.  Our Asiatic Lilies this morning. They started blooming a few days ago.

29. Persian on the floor: RUG.

31. Yeshiva leader: REBBE. Wiki says it's a "Yiddish word derived from the Hebrew word rabbi, which means "master", "teacher", or "mentor". Like the title rabbi, it refers to teachers of Torah or leaders of Judaism."

34. "I want to be entertained": AMUSE ME.

35. Mennonites, e.g.: SECT.

36. Pinafore letters: HMS.

37. Play a prank on: KID.

38. Like a large hole: GAPING.

39. Taking everything into account: ALL TOLD.

40. Jordan or Curry, e.g.: NBA STAR.

41. Actress Rowlands: GENA.

42. Beast with thick skin: RHINO. And 79. 42-Down features: HORNS.

43. Dropped-pot sound: CLUNK.

48. West Virginia border river: OHIO.

49. Letter after Sierra: TANGO. NATO phonetic alphabet.

50. Plains tribe: OTO.

52. Paolo's possessive: MIO. My or mine.

54. Enjoys, as an ice cream cone: LICKS.

56. Indigenous: ENDEMIC.

57. Not enjoying the whale watch, maybe: SEASICK.

59. Frat row letter: THETA.

61. Nephrologist's concern: KIDNEYS. Nephrologist is a new word to me.

63. Luther's 95 __: THESES.

66. Lessened: EBBED.

67. Old stories: LORE.

68. One's early years: YOUTH.

69. Tiny insect egg: NIT.

72. Efron of "High School Musical": ZAC.

75. Mets infielder Robinson __: CANO.

77. Regular work: STEADY JOB. Another sparkly fill.

80. Folksy Guthrie: ARLO.

83. ProFlowers parent co.: FTD. Read the Ligation part.

85. Econ. yardstick: GDP.

86. At work: ON DUTY.

87. Horror film reaction: SHUDDER.

88. Admonish: REPROVE.

89. Eased: ALLAYED.

92. Violinist who taught Heifetz: AUER (Leopold). We had this clue before.

93. Tea prep aids: KETTLES.

95. Hawkeyes: IOWANS.

96. Friend: PAL.

99. Blood line: AORTA.

100. Word shouted with a raised glass: SKOAL. Gai Bei in Chinese

101. Antelope groups: HERDS.

103. King with a magic touch: MIDAS.

104. Wayne of Wayne Manor: BRUCE.

105. Café lightener: LECHE.

106. Glacial ridge: ESKER. Not ARETE.

108. Dark purple: PUCE.

109. Word repeated in an iconic FDR quote: FEAR.

110. Superboy's girlfriend: LANA.

111. Includes: ADDS.

114. Slight amount: DAB.


Jul 6, 2019

Saturday, July 6, 2019, Jeffrey Wechsler

Themeless Puzzle by Jeffrey Wechsler 

Archie League
On July 6th, 1936, the National Air Traffic Control System was created and it has progressed immensely since the days of the first air traffic controller - Archie League of St. Louis in 1929.

We now have a very high tech group of professionals that keep us safe in the wild blue yonder. To appreciate their job please click on this site that shows where every plane is that is currently flying anywhere in the world. I was shocked when I first saw how many planes are aloft at one time.

You can zoom in and out to see what plane is flying over your head right now and understand how hard it was to get all those planes on the ground on September 11, 2001

Today marks the second Jeffrey Wechsler themeless Saturday I have blogged in my year-and-a-half tenure here at the Corner. My first Wechsler Saturday puzzle blog was on the first Saturday of this year. He is shown below as the second from the left in this Minnesota event.  We all know the beautiful lady who is front and center. C.C.'s interview with Jeffrey

Now I will try to guide you through Jeffrey's crossword flight path from my Nebraska control tower. Wechsler flight 7.6.09 is now leaving the gate with various ETA's for the end of the trip:


1. Copper container?: POLICE CAR - The thought of copper meaning slang for a policeman occurred to me but I thought, nah, Jeffery wouldn't start with that. Well that was the first turbulence I hit on this flight. I most remember Car 54 and Adam-12

10. Avian sounds: CAWS - Not COOS it turns out

14. Clues in: MAKES AWARE.

15. Bypass: OMIT.

16. Field of operations?: ARITHMETIC - No new iteration of New Math makes sense to this math teacher. Pearson Publishing makes big bucks if you choose New Math as shown here.

17. Infiltrator: MOLE.

18. Car wash supply: RAGS - What? No SOAP?

19. Follower of TV?: SET.

20. Grapefruit stuff: PULP 

21. Penultimate of 24 letters: PSI - Next to last in Greek alphabet

22. Soup base: PEA 

25. 2002 Soderbergh film based on a 1961 sci-fi novel: SOLARIS - Rotten Tomatoes thought more of George Clooney's space effort that came eleven years later

27. "Stone walls do not a prison make" poet: LOVELACE - "Nor iron bars a cage" from Richard's 1642 poem To Althea, From Prison

30. Go bad: ROT.

31. Boxy conveyances: ELEVATORS - Art Deco entrances to said boxy conveyances in the lobby of the Empire State Building

33. Tolkien terror: ORC - Hello old cwd friend 

35. Accommodate: SUIT.

36. Pull apart: RIP - Just RIP that bandaid off!

37. Part of a bust: KILO - Illicit drugs (correction) often come in these 2.2. lb lots

39. Mideast group with observer status at the U.N.: PLO.

40. "After the Gold Rush" musician: NEIL YOUNG Here ya go!

43. Bushes seem to flourish in it: Abbr.: GOP - Of these GOP Bushes, W's library is at 
50. Dallas sch.: SMU.

45. Playful Pacific Northwest marine denizen: SEA OTTER.

46. Like pens designed for detailed work: FINE NIB - We crossworders are familiar with a pen's NIB

51. Auditor, often: Abbr.: CPA.

52. Bank product: LOAN.

53. Position, briefly: POV - It all depends on your Point Of View 

55. Where the tibialis anterior originates: SHIN.

56. Opposed to: ANTI.

57. Dismissed lightly: POOH POOHED - A 1939 NYT editorial POOH POOHED the idea that  TV would ever replace the radio. Origin of the phrase

61. In __: unmoved: SITU - An IN SITU mosaic in a Pompeii bathhouse 

62. Conscience: INNER VOICE 

63. Robert of "Airplane!": HAYS - The funniest movie I have ever seen (Robert HAYS on trumpet)! Craziness in the air traffic controller tower was a big part of this movie

64. Insignificant: PENNY ANTE - Also a low rent poker game


1. "The Mikado" props: PARASOLS.

Emma Kerr as Peep-Bo
2. "Just tell me already!": OK I GIVE UP, "What do you call a boomerang that won't come back?" (*Answer at the bottom of the blog)

3. With 23-Down, chow line: LETS 
23. See 3-Down: EAT 

4. Cousin of -like: ISH.

5. Cell feature: CAM - I wonder if this lens would really enhance my cell CAM

6. One of Bo Peep's charges: EWE - She can't find 'em!

7. Best Musical Tony winner after "Nine": CATS.

8. First of 12: ARIES - Where the sun is during the spring equinox.  Why it really isn't in ARIES any more

9. Clerical leader: RECTOR.

10. Niels Bohr, to Victor Borge: COMPATRIOT - Fellow Danes in two very different disciplines 

11. Affaire de coeur: AMOUR - Love is an Affair of the heart

12. "__ ever!": "Yes!": WILL I 

13. Prominent Lincoln Memorial features: STEPS  - There are 58 STEPS from the plaza level up to the chamber.

14. Sleuth who knits: MARPLE - Margaret Rutherford was Agatha Christie's Miss Jane MARPLE in film from 1961 - 1964

22. Military group: PLATOON.

24. Seed with a prominent cap: ACORN 

26. "And another thing, buddy ... ": LOOK YOU.

28. Typical Bond foe: EVIL GENIUS - Here's some (I can only name Dr. No and Goldfinger)

29. Iroquois enemies: ERIES.

32. Infiltrators: SPIES.

34. Walk-off home run, e.g.: CLUTCH HIT - Baseball's most famous (1:00)

38. Swimwear option: ONE PIECE - In 1922 this D.C. cop's job was to make sure these ONE PIECERS were no more than 6" above the knee

41. On the __: LAM.

42. Starbucks size: GRANDE.

44. Repetitive British farewell: PIP PIP - Cheerio old bean!

46. Word with mob or card: FLASH - Gotta love this as it builds for six minutes

47. Ancient Greek region: IONIA Map

48. Dapper: NATTY.

49. Northernmost Kentucky county: BOONE - Our 4,800 mile trip to Rome began at the Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport which is in BOONE County KY just across the Ohio River from Cincinnati 

54. Lindsey on skis: VONN.

55. "For violent fires __ burn out themselves": Shak.: SOON - "
His rash fierce blaze of riot cannot last. / For violent fires SOON burn out themselves" John of Gaunt said of Richard II

58. Farm female: HEN.

59. Explore where you shouldn't: PRY.

60. Fertility clinic supply: OVA - It's also the name of this In Vitro Fertilization clinic in Zurich 

*A boomerang that won't come back is called "A Stick"

Now put your seat backs and tray tables in their upright and locked position and feel free to comment.

Jul 5, 2019

Friday, July 5, 2019 Derek Bowman

Thoroughbred Racing

Three grid spanners in the middle give us a thoroughbred racing mini-theme.  Nothing else that I could see.   

32. New York city with a historic race course: SARATOGA SPRINGS.

37. 2015 Triple Crown winner: AMERICAN PHAROAH.

38. California race that's a stepping-stone to Kentucky: SANTA ANITA DERBY.

As a 3 year old, American Pharoah won the Kentucky, Derby, then the Preakness and Belmont to become the 12th horse to win the Triple Crown.  He ended his career with a 9-1 record and became the only horse in history to win the "Grand Slam" of thoroughbred racing when he won the Breeders Cup Classic.

He also won at Santa Anita as a 2 year old in the FrontRunner Stakes,  but didn't he didn't run in the Santa Anita Derby.   The FrontRunner Stakes has been renamed the American Pharoah Stakes in the horses's honor.

His only loss came in Saratoga Springs at the Travers Stakes.   


1. Jimmy Choo shoe brand co-founder Mellon: TAMARA.    No idea, but it is Friday.  Thank you perps.   

7. Athlete's feint: HEAD FAKE

15. Cast out: EXILED.

16. Dander, e.g.: ALLERGEN.

17. "Sadly, that's not the case": ALAS, NO.

18. Not just requested: IMPLORED.  Beseeched.  To my ears, implored sounds more modern than beseeched.

19. Duff Beer server: MOEThe Simpsons

20. Gives the go-ahead: OKs.

21. Sources of renewed energy: NAPS.  Our friend WikWak must have a lot of energy.  I think I'm going to follow his model and see if it works for me.

22. "Who, me?": MOI.   Miss Piggy was famous for asking, "Moi ?"

24. Wise teacher: GURU.

26. Pull (out): OPT.

28. Historic time: ERA.

29. Unified: ONE.

30. Muse with a lyre: ERATO.

39. Minute Maid Park player: ASTRO.    Astro Alex Bregman was MVP in last year's All Star game.  His 10th inning home run put the AL'ers ahead of the NL'ers 7 to 6.   His Astro teammate George Springer followed with another round tripper as an insurance run. and the AL won the game 8-6.    In 89 games, the AL leads the summer classic 44-43-2.    That's pretty even.   Also pretty even ?  Runs scored in the All Star games.  The AL leads 769 to 767.  Tuesday, July 9th will be the 90th game.  It would be neat if the NL won by 2 runs.

40. Denver-to-Omaha dir.: ENE.
41. Completely: ALL.

42. Talks acronym: TED.  Technology, Entertainment and Design.

43. Country in a Beatles title: USSR.   It's where I learned B.O.A.C.

45. 1992-2001 Expos manager Felipe: ALOU.

48. Boom source: TNT.

49. "__ Baby Baby": 1965 Miracles hit: OOO.  Smokey Robinson will be playing in Temecula tonight at the Pechanga Summit.   Tickets for the 8 PM concert are $39,  but you might do better if you Shop Around.

51. Has a revelatory experience: FINDS GOD.

54. Many city workers live in one: SUBURB.

57. Like Greenpeace, e.g.: ANTI NUKE.

58. 2017 biopic about a figure skater: I TONYA. Tonya Harding.

59. "Good Day Sunshine" album: REVOLVER.

I also especially like Got To Get You Into My Life from the same album.

60. Called for: NEEDED.   Despite the fact that the Rum Swizzle called for crushed or pebble ice, Tinbeni ordered it straight.


1. Spot to drink: TEA.

2. Rose of rock: AXL.

3. '80s-'90s Heat home: MIAMI ARENA.

4. Additionally: ALSO.

5. Go back to the table: RENEGOTIATE.

6. Hubbub: ADO.

7. Very short poem: HAIKU.  CSO to our occasional visitor Haiku Harry.

8. Stately trees: ELMS.

9. The Zugspitze, e.g.: ALP.   Been there.    You can not only see Austria from it, you can straddle both countries while doing it.  It is the tallest of the Alps in Germany.   The Zugspitze is not the tallest in Austria though.   That claim belongs to the Grossglockner, which is the second highest of all the Alps, trailing only Mont Blanc.    Just as the Zugspitze shares two countries, so does Mont Blanc, with France and Italy sharing the mountain.  

10. With 44-Across, "Summertime Sadness" singer Lana: DEL. And 44. See 10-Down: REY.   Never heard it before, but the video has 185M views, so either it's popular or there have been some bots at work.

11. It's off the ground during a wheelie: FRONT TIRE.
I would guess circa 1967.

12. Asian shrine city: AGRA.

13. Word with watch or time: KEEP.   Also for quiet and still.

14. Stops: ENDS.

20. Pizza seasoning: OREGANO.

22. Flat-topped lands: MESAS.  Buttes, plateaus...

23. Slangy event suffix: ORAMA.

25. Reverse, for one: UNO CARD.    One of the action cards, of which there are 5 or 7,  depending on your game deck.   There are 4 reverse cards.  You can only use the reverse card if you are playing it on a card of the same color, or on another reverse card.

26. Harry Potter and Tom Sawyer: ORPHANS.

27. Procession plan: PARADE ROUTE.

30. 1930s Rhine/Zener experiment: ESP TEST.

31. Circa: ON OR AROUND.

33. Painter's work area: ART STUDIO.  Atelier.

34. Singer DiFranco: ANI.

35. Cape Cod feature: GABLE.

36. With pause, perhaps: SHYLY.

43. Anesthetized: UNDER.

45. A long way off: AFAR.

46. Queue (up): LINE

47. Being broadcast: ON TV.

48. Tip in Vegas: TOKE.

50. Orchestras tune to one: OBOE.

52. "Weekend Update" show: SNL.

53. Bloke's address: GUV.

54. Offense: SIN.

55. Manhattan part: RYE.

56. Disobedient, to Fido: BAD.

Jul 4, 2019

Thursday July 4th, 2019 Ed Sessa

Theme: Death and ... taxes. The inevitable turns up today to celebrate July 4th. Maybe an odd choice but ...

17A. Meets unexpectedly: BUMPS INTO. Sin Tax. Excise levied on products the experts in the know think you shouldn't be buying. Tobacco, alcohol, etc. What about cheese?

23A. Works with one's private tutor, say: TAKES A LESSON. Sales tax. Getting out of hand here in California. We already have one of the highest ....

34A. Emergency run-through opening: THIS IS JUST A TEST. ... state taxes in the Union.

46A. Utah's state tree: QUAKING ASPEN. I'd never heard of the tree - well, the "quaking" part. We quake when the gas tax is increased, it seems like every budget. Pretty trees though ...

56A. Income-reducing inequity, or what can be found in the four other longest puzzle answers: HIDDEN TAX. I like the "inequity" part of the clue. Tax Freedom day was April 16th this year - the day you stop paying taxes to the Government and start making money for yourself.

Fun theme from Ed, and as usual, a nice grid, tight theme and pleasant fill. Let's see what else we've got:


1. Settle for leftovers: EAT IN

6. "A revolution is not a dinner party" statesman: MAO

9. Additions to the staff: HIRES. Deductions from the staff: FIRES. Admirable symmetry. Happier to be a hire than a fire.

14. Petting zoo critter: LLAMA. These buggers are nasty, I'm not sure they're really petting zoo candidates, they bite and have an amazing ability to spit.

15. Wayfarer's stop: INN

16. Lexus rival: ACURA

19. Connecting waterway: CANAL

20. Rock band need: AMP. I'd say "amps". Famously, the Rolling Stones brought the bass player Bill Wyman into the band because he owned an amp. I don't think Keith Richard liked him a whole lot, in his autobiography he mentioned Wyman twice - when he joined the band and when he quit. That's about 40 years of total anonymity, which seems unfair.

21. Board game with rooms: CLUE. Colonel Mustard in the Library with the Candlestick. Fun game.

22. Woo with a tune: SING TO

25. Emily Dickinson's hometown: AMHERST. Most of her work was never seen until her death, and even then was heavily edited.

28. Longtime nighttime host: LENO

29. Bread brushed with ghee: NAAN. Food! I usually stick to chapatis with Indian food, the naan are very filling.

30. Zipped: SPED

31. Feathery wrap: BOA

39. Tennis' Andy Murray's title: SIR. Wimbledon started this week, so very apt. By the way, it's "Wimbledon" with a "D", not "Wimbleton". Thank you.

40. Bud: CHUM

41. Sign of holiness: HALO

42. Facial tissue?: SKIN

43. Opposite of engagement: BOREDOM

50. When many workdays start: AT NINE. Mine usually kicks off at six - timezone issues with head office.

51. Said, "The dog ate my homework," probably: LIED. I'd love to know what the reaction is if your dog really ate your homework and you tried that excuse?

52. Notable period: ERA

55. Church offering: TITHE. Is it 5% of what you make? Seems a lot.

58. Fake handle: ALIAS

59. Many a Monopoly sq.: AVE. From memory, the British Monopoly board has only one - Northumberland Avenue, just off Trafalgar Square. When I visit London, my go-to hotel is on that street.

60. "Live at the Acropolis" keyboardist: YANNI. Who? Thank you, crosses.

61. Takes it easy: RESTS

62. "Let's do it!": YES!

63. Mild oath: EGADS!


1. Idris of "Luther": ELBA

2. College benefactor: ALUM

3. Pack (down): TAMP

4. Little dickens: IMP

5. Brickyard 400 acronym: NASCAR. I just saw an interview with Tony Stewart on Dan Patrick's Audience Network show. He was asked "What p*sses you off?" and after the "How long do we have?" response, he said, as the show was taped in LA - "Anyone that drives a Prius", I had to give a golf clap to that response.

6. Courtly dance: MINUET

7. Pays for a hand: ANTES. Poker. Ante up, people.

8. Middle name adopted by John Lennon: ONO

9. Mexicali mansion: HACIENDA

10. "Just you watch me": I CAN SO. Hopefully not ending in tears.

11. Steps up a ladder: RUNGS

12. Poetry Muse: ERATO

13. Place for a makeover: SALON

18. Sorts: ILKS

22. Icy forecast: SLEET

23. Change for a 50: TENS

24. "Heidi" setting: ALPS

25. Armadillo meal: ANTS

26. When repeated, fish on a menu: MAHI

27. Tresses: HAIR

30. Dim __: traditional Chinese food: SUM. I think we had a discussion about this a couple of weeks ago. The last time we were in the UK, we found a dim sum restaurant with a completely gluten-free menu, to the delight of my friend who can't eat wheat. It was worth every bite.

31. Spot on a sweater?: BEAD

32. Peace Prize city: OSLO

33. Minute matter: ATOM

35. Gross quality: ICKINESS

36. Stand out: SHINE

37. Freud contemporary: JUNG

38. If so: THEN

42. Schusser's topper: SKI HAT "Schuss" is the downhill ski tuck position, not turns, just get down as fast as you can.

43. They're usually not hits: B-SIDES. I think the Beatles might argue this, some of their b-sides were more successful than the "A"'s. Here's an example! 

44. Columnist's page: OP-ED

45. Overnight flight: RED-EYE. I've experienced plenty of these, absolutely horrible, I refuse to fly red-eyes as much as possible

46. Saudi Arabia's neighbor: QATAR

47. Of practical value: UTILE. I Like this word, and resolve to use it more often.

48. Voices against: ANTIS

49. Vibrant: ALIVE

52. Italian peak: ETNA

53. McNally's mapmaking partner: RAND. Did you know that Mason and Dixon, who plotted the line, were both British? One was a mapmaker, the other an astronomer.

54. Geometric reference line: AXIS

56. __ fever: HAY

57. Scraggly horse: NAG

I think that might be it from me today. Under a time-crunch, so maybe not a lot of color today, for which my apologies. However, here's the grid with some theme-color to make up for it.


Jul 3, 2019

Wednesday July 3, 2019 Debbie Ellerin

Theme: STIR CRAZY (61. Having cabin fever ... and a hint to this puzzle's circles) - Anagram of STIR is hidden in each theme answer.
16. Mullet or mohawk: HAIRSTYLE.

23. Cartoon boy voiced by Nancy Cartwright: BART SIMPSON.

38. One of many that begin with "Honk": BUMPER STICKER.

50. Where attorneys Darrow and Bryan faced off: SCOPES TRIAL.

Boomer here again, filling in a blogging gap.

The weather forecast is all STIRRED up for the 3M Open PGA golf tournament. At least I do not have to water the garden this week.  Happy and safe holiday to all on the July 4 birthday of the USA!!


1. Calamine target: ITCH.

5. It may be a stretch: LIMO.  Fancy and expensive.  I think most are rented for a special night.

9. "Amscray!": SCAT.

13. Old King or Nat King: COLE. Unforgettable, that's what you are. 

14. Exiled Roman poet: OVID.

15. Quench: SLAKE.  Minnesota has many thousandS LAKEs

18. Like one who errs?: HUMAN.  Shortstop did not fit.

19. Tech gurus: IT PROS.  C.C. is the IT PRO of our house.  I am an IT AM.

20. Overwhelm: SWAMP.  Thoughts run to Beetle Bailey's Camp Swampy.

22. Prefix with "-phyte": NEO

28. Trait transmitter: GENE. These Genes are not made by Levi

30. Actor McGregor: EWAN.

31. The Beatles' "__ Just Seen a Face": I'VE.  "When I was younger, so much younger than today." Help!! 

32. Kenyan tribe: MASAI.

35. Frittered away: WASTED.

41. Make a contribution: DONATE. Church is having a garage sale the end of this month. I have pledged to donate my entire basement, except the TV.

42. Pinto-riding sidekick: TONTO. Jay Silverheels. He was born in Brantford Canada, (not TOroNTO.

43. Donkey: ASS.  I'm a Don Lock and you're a  ___

44. Personal bearing: MIEN

46. Fleeces: ROBS.

55. FDR agency: NRA. Not the national gun lobby, this NRA stood for National Recovery Administration from the Great Depression.

56. Colorful Danish blocks: LEGOS. I've mentioned before, the Mall of America is unique with its huge display of Lego blocks.

57. Seasoning blend from Maryland: OLD BAY.  I have not heard of this.  Sounds like a cologne for senior citizens. 

59. Skin care brand: NIVEA.

64. Improve: AMEND.  Sometimes just say AMEN and it could fix itself. 

65. "__ No Sunshine": Bill Withers hit: AIN'T. Got a barrel of money either.

66. Aha moment remark: I SEE.  Said the blind man, but he really didn't.

67. Eponyms of seven planets: GODS.  I have to admit I did not know what an eponym as so I Googled it.  It has something to do with being named after a person.  Which leads me to wonder, who was Uranus named after?? 

68. Comedian Carvey: DANA.  Really Really a great skit as "The Church Lady"  "Isn't that special'"

69. Desk drawer items: PENS.  Don't forget Post-It notes, batteries, paper clips, Sharpies, and Scotch tape.


1. Chinese book of divination: I CHING.

2. Exactly: TO A TEE.  I always think of golf when I see TEE.

3. Like some earrings: CLIP-ON. Remember when men's ties used to be clip-ons?  I never owned one.  Seemed to be cheating. 

4. MĂĽnster mister: HERR.

5. Tons of, casually: LOTSA.  Shots for me on the golf course. But how about Nate Lashley in Detroit? The last guy to be entered in the Rocket Mortgage Event. And the last guy off the green on the 18th on Sunday.  Worth a little over 1.3 Million.  He's entered in the 3M.  Bring your rain jacket, Nate !

6. One of a collegiate octet: IVY.  Yeah, Harvard, Yale and six others.

7. "Cool" sum: MIL.  See Nate Lashley above.

8. Texas or Ukraine city: ODESSA.

9. Batter's rough patch: SLUMP.  Twins have Miguel Sano.  Slump is his middle name.

10. Pitcher's spot?: CAMPSITE.  Pitch a tent, then bring out a pitcher of your favorite beverage.

11. Letters in a BOLO alert: AKA.

12. Midmorning time: TEN.  Time for a nap.

15. Bogus: SHAM.

17. Lament loudly: SOB.  Also an acronym for ... never mind.

21. Best type of situation: WIN WIN.

24. "Cracked __ View": Hootie & the Blowfish debut album: REAR.

25. Party game inducted into the National Toy Hall of Fame in 2015: TWISTER.  Not in my book.  I always thought it was a stupid game.

26. "Get __ it!": OVER.

27. Neighbor of 23-Across: NED.  I am not really a Simpsons' fan but I recognize Mr. Flanders.

29. Austen novel that inspired the film "Clueless": EMMA.

33. Apropos: APT.  Makes me think of Apartment,  There are many many multiple living buildings going up all over Minneapolis suburbs.

34. Appear to be: SEEM SO.

36. Make a move: ACT.  I was professor Harold Hill, and River City's going to have a a boys' band.

37. Hershey toffee bar: SKOR.

38. Pear type: BOSC.  Kind of brown and ugly.  I like the yellow ones, but I do not know what they are called.

39. Like some mysteries: UNSOLVED.

40. Novelist Morrison: TONI.

41. Prosecutors: Abbr.: DAS.  The first one on Law & Order was Adam Schiff. Interesting California has a congressman with that name.

45. "How tragic": IT'S SAD.  The story of Angel Pitcher Tyler Skaggs.

47. Hoping to make it home: ON BASE.

48. Shamelessly bold: BRAZEN.  There was a lady in River City who made Brazen Overtures.  I think it may have been Marion the Librarian nut I am older now and cannot remember 1964.

49. Accept a proposal: SAY YES.

51. Hammer heads: PEENS.  I actually think the head is the flat striker and the peen is the ball behind the head.

52. "Jeepers": EGAD.

53. Major artery: AORTA.  I think we just had this Monday.

54. Partners' legal entity: Abbr.: LLC.

58. Coffee brewing choice: DRIP.  When I was a kid we had regular grind for the percolator, and drip grind for the once through the grounds coffeemakers.  I don't see too many percolators any more.

59. Back-seat driver, e.g.: NAG.  

60. "Here's what I think," in texts: IMO.

62. Madre's hermana: TIA.

63. Hampton __: INN.
