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Dec 31, 2020
Thursday, December 31, 2020, Richard Shlakman & Brad Wilber
Happy New Year's Eve, cruciverbalists! In what has been a trying year, our final puzzle seemed, fittingly, to be a bit trying for a Thursday. Perhaps it was just the fatigue factor but it appeared to this solver as if this puzzle had more than its fair share of "forced" fill (word fragments, abbreviations and the like) and these required some time to work through.
Fortunately, the theme was fairly easy to identify and that helped out. In other words:
10. Reduces, as glare: DIMS.
14. Lexus competitor: ACURA. An automobile reference.
20. Newspaper VIPs: EDS. EDITORS Being a writer is enjoyable but being an EDITOR is more rewording.
21. Possessed by Shakespeare?: HADST. When we see constructors fall back on Elizabethan English may we assume that they got stuck?
23. Overwhelm: AWE.
26. Laundry cycle: RINSE.
35. Nonalcoholic beer brand: O'DOUL'S.
40. Mortar and pestle stone: AGATE.
43. Shoot the breeze: CHAT. CHAT is also French (masculine) for cat.
44. Bon __: MOT. A Bon MOT is a witty remark.
45. Upset, as a plan: DERAIL.
57. Count with a band: BASIE. ... and a one, and a two, and hit it ...
62. Lindros in the Hockey Hall of Fame: ERIC.
68. "Don't dawdle!": ASAP. As Soon As Possible
70. Ryegrass fungus: ERGOT.
1. Innocent: BABE.
7. Mendes and Gabor: EVAS.
8. Taskmaster: MARTINET. This is not a word that we often see, or hear, but it seems like a good addition to our crossword vocabulary.
18. Assembly line gp.: UAW. The United Auto Workers Union
22. Prefix with mass: BIO. The combined BIOmass of
bacteria on Earth is more than a thousand times that of the combined
BIOmass of all humans.
25. Went on to
say: ADDED. Sometimes, too much is ADDED.
27. Twin Falls' state: IDAHO.
28. "Dunkirk"
director Christopher: NOLAN. One might have clued this
answer with a reference to this gentleman:
32. "My guess is ... ": ID SAY.
53. __ Grande: RIO. I first thought of TACO Grande by Weird Al.
55. Named stretches: ERAS.
56. Latvian seaport: RIGA.
59. Kristen of 2016's "Ghostbusters": WIIG.
63. Fiscal exec: CFO. Chief Financial Officer
That completes the work on our puzzle, and completes our puzzle work for the year, leaving one more question:

Dec 30, 2020
Wednesday, December 30, 2020 Hoang-Kim Vu
Theme: VELOCITY. Theme answers contain words that indicate rapidly and efficiently getting from one place to another
18 A. Academy attended by James T. Kirk: STAR FLEET. From the original Star Trek TV series: boldly going where no man has gone before. A Fleet is a group of ships under a single command. FLEET here is an adjective - as all the theme words are - indicating rapid motion. Fleet is also an enema, but we'll just let that go.
24 A. Artist with a record 32 American Music Awards: TAYLOR SWIFT. [b 1989] She's has some success. SWIFT is another synonym for FLEET. It's also a bird that, appropriately, holds the record for the fastest confirmed level flight, at 69.3 mph.
34 A. Deeply hurt: CUT TO THE QUICK. Literally, this means to cut through the skin to the living tissue; figuratively it means to be hurt and offended. Here, it's another synonym for SWIFT. It's also a brand name for flavored powders to make your cold glass or warm mug of milk a bit less bland.
49 A. Inviolable, as a rule: HARD AND FAST. This means it is fixed and definitive, not to be modified or avoided. The sense of fast in this expression, now otherwise obsolete, is "locked in place." It's the root of the verb fasten, meaning to firmly attach. In the puzzle, FAST is another synonym for QUICK.56 A. With immediacy, or a hint to the four other longest puzzle answers: POST HASTE. Yet another synonym for FAST. From my brief examination, it seems that this can either be a single word, or a two-word phrase, with or without a hyphen.
Hi, Gang, JazzBumpa here. Hope your Christmas was happy and safe. The holidays go by quickly. The theme notwithstanding, let's not speed through this puzzle, but take it slow and steady.
6. Laugh-a-minute sort: RIOT. Fun guy.
10. Lucas of "Raising Hope": NEFF. [b 1985] Most recently, he starred in the CBS sitcom Carol's Second Act.
14. Bandleader's exhortation: HIT IT. In all my decades of playing in all sorts of ensembles and venues, I don't remember ever hearing the leader say this.
15. Egyptian life symbol: ANKH.
17. Red-tide contents: ALGAE. The color is due to an algal bloom, often caused by an up-swelling of nutrients from the ocean floor following a storm.
20. Shape, as clay: SCULPT. Make it look like something other than a lump.
22. Mayberry lad: OPIE. Young Ron Howard.
23. Org. in much recent news: CDC. The Center for Disease Control.
26. "We'll let you know," on skeds: TBA. To Be Announced.
27. 18-Across jr. officer: ENS. Ensign.
28. Threaded fastener: NUT. To make a mechanical connection hard and fast.
29. Claw into: TEAR AT. Rip apart
31. Fire truck alert: SIREN. Listen up!
33. Tourette syndrome symptoms: TICS. Idiosyncratic and habitual features of a person's behavior.
39. Brooklyn Coll. is part of it: CUNY. The City University of New York.
40. Double duty?: STUNT. I had to think about this one. Performing STUNTS - dangerous skilled maneuvers in a movie scene - is the duty of a star's STUNT double.
41. Convent leader: ABBESS. Head nun.
44. Shoelace, e.g.: TIE. A tie is a type of fastener.
45. NBA's Heat, on scoreboards: MIA. MIAMI's basketball team.
48. Inouye Airport arrival gift: LEI. Hawaiian flower garland necklace.
53. Investment inits.: IRA. Individual Retirement Account.
54. Common ointment ingredient: ALOE. Extract of the ALOE vera plant, a succulent cultivated for tis medicinal uses.
55. Hall of Fame knuckleballer Phil: NIEKRO. [1939-2020] He played for 24 years in the majors, from 1964 to 1987. Sadly, he just passed the day after Christmas after a long battle with cancer.
59. Step: TREAD. Stomping is optional.
60. Worked in a garden: HOED. Used a hand-operated cultivating tool. Or emulated Santa.
61. "Because You Loved Me" singer: DION. Celine [b 1968]
62. Battle zone journalist: EMBED. This was confusing. I was expecting a specific name, not the category. The answer is a bit awkward, since it is a noun that looks like a verb.
63. Criteria: Abbr.: STDS. Standards.
64. Racy message: SEXT. Portmanteau of SEX and TEXT.
65. Rotary phone features: DIALS. Does anybody have one of these?
1. Unsullied: CHASTE. Refraining from sexual activity. The Unsullied in Game of Thrones certainly did this. But, in general, is this a good equivalence? You decide.
2. Prop for the Tin Man: OIL CAN. I still wonder how it happened that tin rusted. Must be a Oz thing.
3. Men working on a network, informally: I. T. GUYS. Experts in Information Technology, aka nerds.
4. One Direction's "cute one" __ Horan: NIALL. True? You decide.
5. "C'mon, we're in a hurry!": STEP ON IT. Go faster, referring to pressing a vehicles accelerator pedal. Theme echo.
6. Late-summer orientation mtg. holders: RAs. Resident Advisors: students who are responsible for supervising and assisting other, typically younger, students who live in the same residence hall. One of our granddaughters has this position in the honors dorm at her school.
8. Giraffe relative: OKAPI. An artiodactyl [ungulate with an even number of toes] mammal native to the northeast of the Democratic Republic of the Congo in Central Africa.
10. Patriots' org.: NFL. National Football League.
11. Exciting, as an atmosphere: ELECTRIC.
12. Survey info: FEEDBACK. Requested information.
13. Big shots with big balances: FAT CATS. More specifically, rich political donors. It is also commonly used to describe a rich, greedy person who, due to ownership of large amounts of capital, is able to "live easy" off the work of others.
19. Honor in a big way: FETE. To honor or entertain (someone) lavishly.
21. Town near Provincetown: TRURO. Two of the 15 towns surrounding Cape Cod Bay.
25. Editorial "let it stand": STET. From Latin, it is a form of the Latin verb sto, typically translated as "Let it stand."
30. Feuding: AT IT. A multi-purpose phrase, depending on what the definition of "it" is.
31. Eyelid ailment: STYE. An inflamed swelling on the edge of an eyelid, caused by bacterial infection of the gland at the base of an eyelash.
32. Smart students' org.: NHS. National Honor Society.
34. Two, to eight, e.g.: CUBE ROOT. To cube a number is to multiply it by itself twice. That number is then the cube root of the product.
35. Impartial: UNBIASED.
36. Sundance's sweetie: ETTA. ETTA Place [dates uncertain] Companion of Harry Alonzo Longabaugh, aka, the Sundance Kid. Along with Butch Cassidy they were members of the outlaw gang known as Butch Cassidy's Wild Bunch.
39. Islamic leaders: CALIPHS. The chief Muslim civil and religious ruler, regarded as the successor of Muhammad. The caliph ruled in Baghdad until 1258 and then in Egypt until the Ottoman conquest of 1517; the title was then held by the Ottoman sultans until it was abolished in 1924 by Atatürk.
42. 1979 exile: SHAH. Mohammad Reza Pahlavi [1919-1980] of Iran.
43. Soup followers: SALADS. In multi-course meals.
45. Folk singer Miriam known as "Mama Africa": MAKEBA. [1932 - 2008]
46. Gal Gadot's birthplace: ISRAEL. In case you were wondering about this woman.
47. Disagreeing: AT ODDS. Loggerheads doesn't fit.
50. Riveting icon: ROSIE.
51. Rehab program: DETOX. A process designed to remove addictive toxins leave the body.
57. Six-pt. scores: TDS. TouchDowns in American football.
58. Tolkien's Treebeard, e.g.: ENT.
Dec 29, 2020
Tuesday, December 29, 2020 Catherine Cetta
Double Your Fun! The word Double can be placed before each word in the theme answer to give a new concept.
20-Across. City street spot you usually have to back into: PARKING SPACE. Double Park and Double Space. Double Space in typing means that there is a full space, the equivalent to the full height of a line of the text, between rows of words in a document. Most computer texting programs default to single spacing.
33-Across. Unfavorable impression: NEGATIVE TAKE. Double Negative and Double Take.
42-Across. Winter clock setting: STANDARD TIME. Double Standard and Double Time.
And the unifier:
56-Across. In 2020's MLB season, each game of one was seven innings ... and what each word of three long answers can have: DOUBLE HEADER. The Covid-19 pandemic wreaked havoc on Major League Baseball this year.