, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Aug 13, 2011

Saturday, August 13th, Barry Silk

Theme: None

Words: 70

Blocks: 31

Saturday, "the Thirteenth" Silk - Not the horror I thought it was going to be....Good day to you all, and a Barry Silk puzzle that (for me) was solvable with a lot of letters filling in via the "hunt and peck" method....


1. Way to measure brightness : IQ TESTING - Since I swapped to the DOWN clues and had ISLE, the "I" made me think INCANDESCE....

10. Group whose name contains a deliberate misspelling inspired by the Beatles, whom they ardently admired : BYRDS - I know them for their two cover tunes, Turn!Turn!Turn! and Tambourine Man

15. Pressing need : STEAM IRON - I figured IRON was in there somewhere

16. Web search option : YAHOO

17. Augustine St. Clare's daughter, in an 1852 novel : LITTLE EVA - From Uncle Tom's Cabin, not the "Loco-motion" singer that came 100 years later

18. Immune system component : T-CELL

19. Grand-scale poetry : EPOS - Def: a number of poems that treat and epic theme, but are not formally united

20. Largest living toothed animal : SPERM WHALE - didn't get fooled by the "tooth" thing

22. Strategic math game : NIM - we just had this Thursday, with matchsticks and muffins

24. Nixon attorney general Richardson : ELLIOT - the guy in the middle

25. __ asada : CARNE - thank you, Taco Bell....

27. Black-and-tan tans : ALES

28. Tuber with eyes : SPUD

32. Schedule : SLATE

33. Tot's tea party guest : TEDDY & 13D. Tot's tea party guest : DOLL - I did not have a "little sister", so I did not see a setting like this

35. Like Brahms's Piano Trio No. 1 : IN B - I like this key; the half-step below "C" makes for some interesting bits

36. Some reds : PINOTS

38. "Hubba hubba!" : OO-LA-LA

40. Fielder's fig. : AVG - Average, more on this from C.C.? (From C.C.: Coincidentally, Brewers' first baseman is Prince Fielder, son of Cecil Fielder.)

41. Render speechless : SHOCK

45. Thinker Diderot : DENIS - What's your profession? I am a "thinker" - actually, in the Personality Types Enneagram, I AM a Type Five "thinker"

46. Aid criterion : NEED - As in financial AID for college, e.g.

48. "My Country" author : EBAN - this man

49. Cybermemo : E-NOTE - meh

50. "Swan Lake" princess : ODETTE

52. Abbr. for dumbbells : LBs

53. Windows icon : MY COMPUTER - I was going to cheat, since I have my desktop set up with the icons visible to the left - but I renamed "MY COMPUTER" to Richie's Computer...go figure

57. "__ girl!" : ATTA - anyone else start with "IT'S A" ?

60. Slide presentation : AMEBA - had _ _ EB_, so I figured this was missing the usual "O" from Amoeba; I was thinking pics, pix, fotos, etc.

61. Place for pitchers? : SALES ROOM - cute, but what really is a sales 'room'?

63. Mormon Tabernacle feature : CHOIR - Pipe Organ didn't fit....

64. Conductor in a circuit : ELECTRODE

65. Goalie Dominik who won the Vezina Trophy six times : HASEK - ~TA-DA~!!! A hockey clue/answer that's not ORR ~!!! Yea~! BONUS - it's a Goalie, to boot~!

66. He came out of retirement to play Winston Churchill in "Inglorious Basterds" : ROD TAYLOR - Loved Quentin's remake; here's Rod


1. Archipelago part : ISLE

2. Stick in a medicine cabinet : Q-TIP - I was thinking "DEOdorant", but it wasn't working. Q-Tip, a brand name that has become synonymous with the product, even if it's 'generic'; also Band-Aid (bandage) and Kleenex (tissue), although in my home growing up, we didn't say "Kleenex" - can you think of others?

3. Mountains containing the Cathedral Group : TETON RANGE - map ; in Wyoming, next to Idaho

4. Erodes : EATS INTO - had EATS AWAY to start

5. T selection : SML - T-shirt size; Sml, Med, Lge, XXL

6. Pairs of even numbers? : TIES - Like hockey games at 1 - 1

7. "Once more ..." : I REPEAT - made me think of this book, since about two years ago, I started on my pilot's license journey, and found the whole communications part of the challenge to be more daunting than the flying; as a private pilot, you are ALWAYS talking to someone - at least here on LI, with 3 major airports surrounding NYC

8. It's longer than a Kurzgeschichte (short story) : NOVELLE - I thought it was Novella, but who's checking....

9. Knotted up : GNARLED - Like a tree, like this

10. How one must sometimes win : BY TWO - Net games, like tennis, badminton, and volleyball - I was supposed to play tomorrow, but we're getting washed out by the rain Husker Gary sent my way....

11. Blue blood vessels? : YACHTS - oh, such a knee slapper. Barring some invention or song I write that becomes a super-hit, I don't expect to EVER own a "yacht"

12. Three-toed bird : RHEA

14. Seafood selection : SOLE - Shad, Crab, Fish; think of any more 4-letter words?

21. Bungle : MIS-DO - I had _ _ SD _, so what else could it be? meh, too

23. Sits : MEETS

25. Political junkies watch it : C SPAN - that channel dedicated to our Congress

26. Breathing : ALIVE - Made me think of this song

29. Keyboardist's support : PIANO STOOL - I had Piano STAND at first, which is OK for a keyboard, but for a piano...?

30. Off : UNLIT

31. Early statistical software : dBASE

34. High air? : YODEL - this one does not fool me anymore

37. They may be counted : SHEEP - the Serta guys

39. Singer with the 1965 hit "1-2-3" : LEN BARRY - never heard of him, or the song; does sound familiar - did it end up in a commercial?

42. Not as quick on the uptake : OBTUSER - With O_ _ _ ER, again, what else?

43. Beefy hybrid : CATTALO - More from Wiki; I like Buffalo burgers, never had Bison

44. Used a prayer rug : KNEELED - not KNELT

47. __ Brothers, who sang "Black Water" : DOOBIE - Love the "a cappella" section; the problem with "Classic Rock" FM radio is that they are forced to play ONLY one or two songs from a band/group - did you know Ozzy Osbourne wrote more than just "Crazy Train"?

51. 100 pfennigs, briefly : DMARK German money, deutsche mark

53. Speed-of-sound name : MACH - as a pilot I NEVER went this fast

54. Jewish youth org. : YMHA - Young Men's HEBREW Association

55. Corp. bigwigs : CEOs

56. A sq. is one : RECTangle

58. List heading : TO DO - my new apartment TO DO list runs into pages....

59. NAFTA part: Abbr. : AMERican - North American Free Trade Agreement

62. Place to get a tkt. : STAtion - Trains; I had MTA at first, knew it couldn't be right, but for Long Island and NYC, the Metro Transit Authority sells tickets

Answer grid.


Note from C.C.:

Here is a nice picture from JD's Lake Tahoe trip. Front (Left to Right): Irene (Dick's wife), Carol & JD; Back (Left to Right): Joe (Carol's husband), Bob (JD's husband) & Dick.

Aug 12, 2011

Friday, August 12, 2011, Robert H. Wolfe

Theme: Letters- Grow up! Each single letter hyphenated word has the letter replaced by a sound alike word creating a punny and thought provoking image. A very nicely themed balanced puzzle by one of the grand masters of construction. Mr. Wolfe has over 50 published NY Times as well as more than 30 LA Times and countless other publications. He has been INTERVIEWED by C.C. and has spanned more than 4 decades. While we continue to introduce new people, it is nice to see the continuity and continuing creativity of our veterans.

Lemonade, here driving the bus for this straightforward fun theme.

17A. Urban area set aside for pekoe purveyors?: TEA SQUARE. A T-Square is a technical drawing instrument used by draftsmen, which looks just like its name. Pekoe a type of tea.

25A. New Zealand lamb-exporting method?: EWE BOAT. U-Boat is a common crossword answer and the German Submarine used in the World Wars, from the German UNTERSEEBOOT, which just what is sounds like.

28A. End of the line?: QUEUE TIP. Q-tip is a brand name for a cotton swab; this is my favorite visual change. QUEUE being the British line.

47A. "The Look of Love" and "Suddenly I See," e.g.?: EYE TUNES. I-Tunes are the music downloadable from Apple. Okay, this is my favorite, 2 songs about eyes, and a really fun pun.

49A. Pitch notation for Debussy's "La Mer"?: SEA CLEF. C-Clef is the movable clef, and again I will defer to our musicians (where is John L.?) Mer is SEA in French.

58A. Island allotment?: CAY RATION. K-Ration is the the prepackaged food ration designed initially for paratroopers in WW II. The K has no meaning. CAY is like a Key and means an island.

The puzzle had no really long words, which surprised me as I recall Mr. Wolfe likes 15 letter fill, but here we go, and only minimal French. (Note from C.C.: The short theme entries EWE BOAT & SEA CLEF dictate that all of the non-theme Across answers should be shorter than 7 letters. If all theme entries are placed Across, it's OK to have Down fill longer than the shortest theme entry. Hence a couple of 8's today.)


1. Brother of Ham: SHEM. Two of the three SONS OF NOAH.

5. Finishes (up) the gravy: SOPS. Please use bread and not your fingers.

9. Performance lead-in: INTRO. Often a musical piece.

14. Mystique: AURA. Like this IMAGE.

15. Aussie water hazard: CROC. No wonder there are so many tough Australian golfers; anyone for Adam Scott?

16. Aired, as "Hogan's Heroes," say: RERAN.

19. Symphony section: REEDS. I defer to JzB for questions, but I believe there are four sections to an orchestra, woodwinds(reeds), brass, strings and percussion. Mr. Wolfe also is a musician, like others of our favorite puzzle makers.

20. Cross: SULLEN. So many different meanings for CROSS, this was not one that came easily.

21. Half of MXIV: DVII. Oh boy ancient Roman math problem; my son is in town back from Rome, yay.

22. "Julie & Julia" co-star: STREEP. All of us from New England grew up watching Ms. CHILD. Mr Wolfe is from Massachusetts, I believe.

31. Swimmer who channeled her energy?: EDERLE. Gertrude was the first woman to swim the English Channel.

32. Store, as ashes: INURN. For all the NITs out there- it is a real word.

33. Contests ending in draws?: DUELS. Wonderful clue, especially after soccer season.

35. Drifts off: NAPS. Wake up all!!!

36. Pinkish yellow: CORAL. I always thought of it as pinkish orange, but what do I know.

37. Hoax: FLAM. I bet he misses his pal FLIM. Recognize the bridge WH?

41. Low land: DALES. Hills and dales, not to be confused with Chip and Dale.

42. Wine made from the Garganega grape: SOAVE. We have had much education on WINE and brandy regions on Fridays.

43. Have a one-track mind: OBSESS.

51. Revered Mother: TERESA. This saintly woman shares her birthday with Vidwan and I.

52. Keen: WAIL. Okay Mr. Wolfe you have me, the perps say I am right, but I do not get KEEN = WAIL. (Note from C.C. "Keen" can mean "lament for the dead", verb and noun.)

53. Team playing in The Big A: ANGELS. Anaheim.

56. Icelandic literary treasures: EDDAS. A second appearance this week.

62. Rubbed-out spirits: GENII. I thought of Buffie killing some demons, not of bottled magic. Though it did remind eventually of this debate, which ONE do you vote for?

63. Needing darning TORN. I got some socks...

64. Polis starter: ACRO. ACROPOLIS.

65. What wavy lines may represent: ODORS. Followed by 66A. It's about a foot: SHOE. Great pun, about a foot, surrounding it; anyway, together they give us this LINK.

67. Regretted: RUED. Not trying to be rude, but we are done across, so we must go


1. Wasn't used: SAT. On the bench, like me in basketball.

2. Shade: HUE. Not outdoor shade, color shade.

3. Stat for CC Sabathia: ERA. A shout out for our own fearless leader? Or an evil empire jibe?

4. People who knead people: MASSEURS. Another golden oldie pun which merits this LINK.

5. Work with clay, say: SCULPT. That's what Aiken's trainer said he was doing.

6. Lacking a paper trail: ORAL. Fershure, we do not need a paper trail, no recordings or movies either.

7. Skin feature: PORE.

8. Dramatic division: SCENE. My father always told me children should heard not Obscene.

9. Bargain basement abbr.: IRR. Ironically, we are seeing this fill regularly.

10. As required, after "if": NEED BE. I do like weird letter combinations like this, what words end DBE?

11. "Felicia's Journey" writer William: TREVOR. Curious, go to this LINK. I did not know him.

12. Like some saws and tires: RADIAL. The tires were invented by Michelin in 1946.

13. Not remote: ON SITE.

18. Versatile game piece: QUEEN. She goes where she wants in chess, a game I never took to.

22. Magazine ad meas.: SQ IN. Square Inch.

23. __ melt: TUNA. My lunch about once per week, usually on a pita.

24. Do another stint: RE-UP. For all our military friends, it just means re-enlist.

26. "Let me think ...": WELL. A nice visual, "well dad, it was like this."

27. Mad VIPs: EDS. The editors of Mad magazine.

29. Hot star: IDOL. Do you all know who won last year? Do you like J-Lo coming back?

30. Turn to mush : PUREE. A shout out to all of our toothless members.

34. "Calm down!": EASY. Whoa now, easy boy; relax.

36. Winery buy: CASE. No brewery this week, we moving on up.

37. Like expensive restaurants, hopefully : FOUR STAR. What is your favorite restaurant? I like the Palm.

38. Meet assignment: LANE. Track meet, not joining Lois in the field.

39. Madison et al.: Abbr.: AVES. Not the President, the NYC avenues like Park and Lexington.

40. Cubs' spring training city: MESA. Any Cub fans out there? Don't hurt yourself, it is only a game.

41. PC dial-up upgrade: DSL. Dedicated Service Line.

42. Commemorative pillar: STELA. This is the LATIN spelling of what we call STELE.

43. Lake Ontario port: OSWEGO. First you have to know the Lake in New York STATE, near Syracuse, not Canada, after that the answer is easy. Luckily I have traveled upstate New York, pretty area.

44. Like some women's evening bags: BEADED. Man these must be way out of style, they are so CHEAP.

45. Refused: SAID NO. Just say no Lois.

46. Filled pastry: ECLAIR.

48. Unlimited, in verse: ETERNE. You have one from Spenser, or Chaucer CA?

50. Almanac offerings: FACTS. With computers, I am sure these will go the way of the newspaper.

54. Sodium hydroxide, in lab shorthand: NA O H. Don't you love how he worked the anagram of NOAH into the puzzle, for you Jerome.

55. Sandwich with tzatziki sauce: GYRO. Pronounced HERO.

57. Family girl: SIS. Never had one.

59. Post-op stop: ICU. Intensive Care Unit.

60. Unrefined metal: ORE.

61. Quiet bid: NOD. At a real auction, not the online kind.

Answer grid.

Over and out for another Friday, thanks for inviting me into your homes, see you next time.


Aug 11, 2011

Thursday, August 11, 2011 Clive Probert

Theme: PUNCH LINES. Common descriptors for types of boxing punches are given new figurative definitions, with a humorous wallop.

17. Very angry, informally? : RIGHT CROSS Right means very, in this usage. The punch, delivered with the right hand, crosses over the opponent's leading arm. I believe Laila is delivering one above.

26. Tackle box item for liberals? : LEFT HOOK. Liberals are left-leaning- figuratively. The punch, delivered with the left hand, is powered by turning the core muscles of the back to swing the arm.

44. Chuck steak, for example? : UPPER CUT. Eating high in the cow. The punch involves an upward motion of the striking hand with the arm bent up at the elbow. It is usually targeted at the chin, and is most useful at short range.

And the unifier: 58. What 17-, 26- and 44-Across are, figuratively and literally : PUNCH LINES.

Plus a bonus: 18 D. Recover from a knockout : COME TO.

Hi gang, It's JzB making an atypical Thursday appearance. Let's fight our way through this puzzle.


1. Bike part : PEDAL. Where you put your foot to power the mechanism

6. Boo-boo : FLUB. An error - like misreading the clue as Boo-hoo.

10. Call heard at night : HOOT. From an owl. In the day time, has any body else noticed an absence of bird song? I hear squawking birds, but not singing birds.

14. Upstage a co-star, perhaps : EMOTE.

15. No trouble at all : EASE.

16. Within: Pref. : ENDO. You have an ENDOskeleton. An insect has an exoskelton.

19. Don Juan's love : AMOR. Not anyone in particular. Just a feeling.

20. European cheese with a Protected Designation of Origin : STILTON. Intensely flavored English blue cheese from the three Counties of Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire and Leicestershire.

21. Alehouse : TAVERN. See also 10D.

23. High regard : ESTEEM

24. Two-time '80s-'90s Senate majority leader : DOLE. This guy was a politician? I thought he was in advertising.

25. Roman trio : TRE. Italicized three.

30. Head of Québec : TETE. French for head.

33. New driver, typically : TEEN. It's frightening when the grandchildren begin driving.

35. Heart line : AORTA. This doesn't fool me any more

36. Crew member : OAR. I cannot verify this. The person handling an OAR is a rower if using one OAR, or a sculler if using two.

37. 1947 South Seas traveler : KON TIKI. The raft Thor Heyerdahl used to cross the Pacific from South America to Polynesia in 1947. Kon Tiki was the old name for the Inca Sun God Viracocha.

39. Wrongdoing : SIN. I cannot lie.

40. Hobbit on a quest : FRODO. The ringbearer traveled to the Cracks of Doom in Mordor, but needed Gollum's SIN to finish his quest.

42. California's __ Valley : SIMI. Nowhere near Mordor. Quite near the San Fernando Valley.

43. Deep-six : TOSS. Sometimes I deep six a ball with my grandchildren. Oh --wait . . . I guess this means throw overboard.

46. Carol opener : 'TIS. I believe this carol starts with "Deck," though I may be mistaken.

48. One of the guys : MALE. Frodo, Gollum, Otis, Bob, Cecil, Ewen, even Nemo . . . But not Laila or Dory.

49. Cling cause : STATIC. Fabric can be attracted to itself or other surfaces if electrified by the triboelectric effect, which comes from rubbing and release, as in a cloths dryer.

53. Twins in the sky : GEMINI. The Constellation.

56. "The Legend of Zelda: __ of Time": video game : OCARINA.

57. Base runner? : AWOL. Not to be confused with the Twins of Summer. This is clever. Someone who has run away from a military base is Absent Without Official Leave. AWOL doesn't need to be designated as an abbrv.

61. Temerity : GALL

62. Words after step or sleep : ON IT. Did anybody want IN IT?

63. IV part : INTRA. From Intravenous - into a blood vein.

64. Pay to play : ANTE. This doesn't fool me either.

65. A fish named Dory helped find him : NEMO. Cute kids movie. Nautical, but nice.

66. Starts fishing : CASTS, Completing the minor angling theme, along with LEFT HOOK and NEMO.


1. In and of itself : PER SE. Latin

2. Throws off : EMITS

3. Shirk responsibility : DOG IT. This gives DOGS a bad name, doggone it!

4. One playing the field, e.g. : ATHLETE. Nice clue. Does anyone "play the field" anymore? Or is it just serial dating?

5. Alphabet soup bit : LETTER. Can you do crosswords in your soup bowl?

6. Bouquet greenery : FERN. For some reason, I had trouble with this one.

7. Thai language : LAO. This one always gets me. What language do they speak in LAOS?

8. Navy ship letters : U.S.S. United States Ship

9. Words on a "greatest hits" album : BEST OF. Not always.

10. Bar drunk's comeuppance : HEAVE HO. Ungraceful exit from a 21A, or words accompanying a deep six..

11. Generous words : ON ME. Words occasionally spoken in a 21 A

12. Febreze target : ODOR. It actually works pretty well.

13. Having a hard time deciding : TORN. It's not often kind.

22. Central Asia's __ Mountains : ALTAI. They extend from the Gobi desert through China, Mongolia, Russia and Kazahkstan.

24. It's in your jeans : DENIM. Fabric, and a sneaky misdirection.

26. "__ Bleed": Stones album : LET IT. Didn't care much for early Stones. Or this image.

27. Roughly : OR SO.

28. Soul great Redding : OTIS. Yes!

29. 24-Across's state: Abbr. : KANS. Mr. Dole served as the U.S. Senator from Kansas from 1968 until 1996 when he found his true calling..

30. Flavor-absorbing food : TOFU. Fermented bean curd. Yum!

31. Holliday friend : EARP. Doc Holliday, not someone who invades your home at Christmas. Good clue for a crossword stalwart.

32. De __: excessive : TROP. French, I suppose. Kazie . . . ?

34. Come next : ENSUE

37. Mullah's text : KORAN. The holy book of Islam.

38. Velvet Elvis, e.g. : KITSCH. Tacky, lowbrow art of inferior quality.

41. "The King of Kings" (1927) director : DEMILLE. Cecil B. Da Mann.

43. Winter Palace woman : TSARINA. The wife of the Rusian Czar.

45. Like some earrings : CLIP ON. Or sunglasses.

47. Like biased writing? : ITALIC. This one always gets me. I guess I'm too political

50. Turns blue, perhaps : TINTS. Clever misdirection involving a reflexive vs transitive verb form. I laughed till I dyed.

51. Like a noble gas : INERT. Helium, Neon, Argon, Krypton and Xenon each have a full shell of valence electrons, and thus no need to combine with baser elements. They are the SNOOTS of Chemistry!

52. Hidalgo houses : CASAS. Estado Libre y Soberano de Hidalgo, one of the 32 Federal Entities of Mexico, was created in 1869 by Benito Juárez. CASA is the Spanish word for house.

53. Hung up on, with "over" : GAGA. Are we hung up on or over her?

54. McGregor of "Emma" (1996) : EWAN

55. Shed : MOLT

56. Bi- cubed : OCTO. Two cubed is eight. I'm not linking the OCTOmom.

59. Somme one : UNE. One in French, now officially at the point of DE TROP

60. Matchstick-removing game : NIM This game can be played with any counter. Play here with muffins. Yum!

Answer grid.

There you have it. Did you beat the puzzle, or did you have to COME TO?


Aug 10, 2011

Wednesday, Aug 10, 2011 Julian Lim

theme: downpour (see answer grid for circle placement)

what a fun puzzle. all the down theme answers (arranged vertically for visual effect) contain the words cat or dog.

1D. Actress Blanchett : CATE

3D. System for which Super Mario Land was developed : NINTENDO GAMEBOY

9D. "Ego Trippin'" rapper : SNOOP DOGG. perps helped here.

11D. Gothic Spanish landmark : TOLEDO CATHEDRAL. impressive.

33D. Dispersed, as a crowd : SCATTERED

57D. Old Venetian judge : DOGE. if i've seen this word before, i forgot. wiki to the rescue again."The "doge" was the senior most elected official of Venice and Genoa; both cities were republics and elected doges."

and the unifier:

7D. Really come down, as illustrated in this puzzle's circles : RAIN CATS AND DOGS


1. Six-pack units : CANS. thought abs at first, not enough letters.

5. Danish director von Trier : LARS. had no idea. wikipedia says he began making his own films at the age of 11.

9. Select the temperature on, as a thermostat : SET AT

14. Dictator Idi : AMIN

15. Parent company of : E-BAY. easy guess.

16. Mother Judd : NAOMI. mother to ashley and wynonna.

17. In vain : TO NO AVAIL. thou shalt not take the lord thy god's name to no avail.

19. Had an eye for figures? : OGLED. love this clue. david beckham, caught ogling.

20. Tallinn native : ESTONIAN. estonia is on the banks of the gulf of finland, south of helsinki and east of stockholm.

21. 1974 Dolly Parton chart-topper : JOLENE. an updated version.

22. George Orwell's alma mater : ETON. another easy guess.

23. Penned (up) : COOPED

25. Every, in an Rx : OMN. hm. must be a bit obscure, does not appear on this master list.

27. Pushed to the limit : TAXED

28. Text-scanning technology, briefly : OCR. optical character recognition.

31. Actor Paul and journalist Hughes : RUDDS. knew paul, but not hughes, who died in 1992 at the age of 71. according to wikipedia he earned a purple heart, six air medals and a silver star as an artillery spotter pilot in the army.

34. Place to play faves : OTB. off track betting.

35. Frère de la mère : ONCLE. french. mother's brother = uncle.

37. Geologic age meaning "without life" : AZOIC. if you say so.

38. Club for GIs : USO. united service organizations. a place to go for dances and social events.

39. AOL alternative : G-MAIL

40. Molten rock : MAGMA. holy hotwick lava bomb. hi lois.

41. Offer in response to "Shake!" : PAW

42. U.S. base in Cuba, in headlines : GITMO. guantanamo bay.

43. Rap sheet initials : AKA. also known as.

44. Many 3-Down users : TEENS

46. Fathers and sons : HES

47. Hard to comb : MATTED

49. Beekeeper played by Fonda : ULEE. welcome back.

52. Enjoyed Wrigley, e.g. : CHEWED. brand of gum. wrigley field is named after william wrigley, jr., the chewing gum magnate.

54. Counted (on) : DEPENDED

58. Picture book elephant : BABAR

59. 1947 Hope/Crosby film : ROAD TO RIO

60. Bring to mind : EVOKE

61. Farming prefix : AGRO

62. Singer k.d. : LANG. barefoot.

63. Like asters : RAYED. see?

64. Qtys. of sugar : TSPS. teaspoons.

65. On the safer side : ALEE


2. Hebrew prophet : AMOS. old testament, after joel and before obadiah.

4. High-and-mighty type : SNOOT. funny word.

5. "Rosemary's Baby" author : LEVIN. ira. directed by roman polanski.

6. Simple rhyme scheme : ABAA

8. Word part: Abbr. : SYL. syllable.

10. Postal service symbol : EAGLE

12. "I totally agree!" : AMEN

13. Oceanic routine : TIDE

18. Enero to enero, e.g. : ANO. spanish. january to january = year.

21. Average guy? : JOE

24. U-shaped river bends : OXBOWS

25. Store display suffix : ORAMA. meaning "spectacular display or instance of," abstracted frompanorama, ultimately from Greek horama [ὅραμα] "sight."

26. Carols at the mall, usually : MUZAK

27. Rug with nothing swept under it? : TOUPEE. great clue.

29. Weather, in verse : CLIME. clear ayes, got an example for us?

30. Moves, to a Realtor : RELOS. relocates.

32. Hard to read by, as light : DIM

36. Abbr. for John Doe, perhaps : NMI. no middle initial. seems like it should be no middle name.

45. SFO info : ETD. airport talk for estimated time of departure.

48. Up and about : AWAKE

49. French twists, e.g. : UPDOS

50. Gave permission : LET

51. Name on a celebrated B-29 : ENOLA. the enola gay. first aircraft to drop an atomic bomb (on hiroshima) as a weapon of war.

52. Radio-active one? : CB-ER. nice.

53. "__ Nagila" : HAVA

55. O.K. Corral lawman : EARP. wyatt.

56. A, to Albrecht : EINE. german. one, or a, or someone. i'll let kazie help me out here.

59. Dock rodent : RAT

Answer grid.


Aug 9, 2011


This is #3 of our "Curious Conundrums" series (named by Don G, by the way). Constructed by our own Marti DuGuay-Carpenter.

Marti mentioned that Rich really liked this theme but had to let it go after some fact-check. I like the surprising factor of the unifier, clean grid and the overall light & fun clues (favorite is 9D).

Do let us have your feedback. It's how we improve.

Here is puz file (Across Lite)

Here is PDF.

Spoiler: Here is the answer grid.


Tuesday, August 9, 2011 Mike Peluso

Theme: Show Me the Money - The unifier instructs us to put CASH before the last word of the starred entries.

18A. *Duplicator in an office : COPY MACHINE. CASH MACHINE aka ATM.

24A. *Great Chicago Fire scapegoat : MRS. O'LEARY'S COW. CASH COW brings in a very high profit margin. Down on the farm, the cash cow not only produced a lot of milk but the milk had a high percentage of cream, where the real money is.

39A. *Classic chocolate treat : MARS BAR. CASH BAR, magic words on any reception notice. (My mistake, it is OPEN BAR we like to see!)

49A. *Take a path of least resistance : GO WITH THE FLOW. CASH FLOW - May yours never be negative.

60A. Seller's assurance of payment, and a hint to what the last words of the answers to starred clues can have in common : CASH UP FRONT. PSA: You should never give CASH IN ADVANCE for any online claim that you have money coming to you.

Argyle here. Typical Tuesday. Some names that are gimmes to some and unheard of by others. Some mild misdirection but four solid themes. All-in-all, a good continuation of the week.


1. The NFL's Montana and Favre, e.g. : QBs. Football quarterbacks.

4. __-wip: "real cream" brand : REDDI. The stuff in the can.

9. Rap's __ Rhymes : BUSTA. This gent.

14. Suffix with script : URE

15. Apply, as pressure : EXERT

16. Not cool, man : UNHIP

17. Marksman's skill : AIM. I'm not happy with this answer. Anyone can aim, the marksman can hit what he aims at. The answer needs a modifier, like 'steady aim', to be a skill, IMO.

20. Former boxer Ali : LAILA. She is the daughter of boxing legend Muhammad Ali.

22. Musician's gift : EAR

23. Makes a decision : OPTS

28. Apt. complex unit : BLDG.

29. Ohio rubber city : AKRON. Four major tire companies, Goodrich Corporation, Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, Firestone Tire and Rubber Company and General Tire, were headquartered in the city.

32. Canonized Fr. women : STEs

35. Grand Coulee, for one : DAM

37. Thief-turned-sleuth Lupin : ARSÈNE. Unknown to me; a French rival of Sherlock Holmes.

38. Nonpro sports org. : AAU. Amateur Athletic Union.

41. "Proud Mary" pop gp. : CCR. Creedence Clearwater Revival.

42. Throbs : PULSES

44. Watchdog's warning : "GRR"

45. Prog. listing : SKED. Sked is shortened version of the word schedule and often isn't indicated as a abbreviation as it is today.

46. Spot on TV : PROMO

47. Aptly named fruit : UGLI

56. Narrow cut : SLIT

58. Filmdom's Farrow : MIA. First gained wide acclaim for her role as Allison Mackenzie in the prime time soap opera Peyton Place.(1964)

59. Short vodka order : STOLI. Stolichnaya, but it is also trademarked as Stoli.

64. Sewing kit item : PIN

65. Starts the pot : ANTEs

66. Army base near Petersburg, Va. : FT. LEE

67. 12/24 or 12/31 : EVE

68. Iraq's main port : BASRA. Even though it is 34 miles from the coast. Map.

69. Ritual celebrating the Jews' liberation from Egyptian slavery : SEDER

70. __ Moines : DES. Iowa, "American Heartland".


1. Uneasy feeling : QUALM. Good word. Germanic?

2. Prickly bush : BRIAR

3. 18-wheelers : SEMIS

4. Automaker's bane : RECALL. Haven't had any lately.

5. Lead-in for skeleton : EXO

6. Bank statement abbr. : DEP.osit

7. Laundry appliance : DRYER

8. "Be that as __ ..." : IT MAY

9. Tampa Bay athlete, briefly : BUC

10. Opens, as a gate : UNHOOKS

11. Marine salvage crew's job : SHIPWRECK. It used to be the big job was bringing up the treasure; now it is keeping possession once it's up.

12. Glass darkener : TINT

13. Big galoots : APES

19. Latin art : ARS. You might find this interesting.

21. Throws softly : LOBS

25. Old Norse works : EDDAs

26. Biochemist's gel : AGAR

27. Singer Vikki : CARR

30. "... __ and for all!" : ONCE

31. Bookish type : NERD

32. '90s-'00s NFL Pro Bowler Warren : SAPP. He played for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and the Oakland Raiders.

33. Bull: Pref. : TAUR

34. Speakers at memorial services : EULOGISTS

36. Chow mein additive : MSG

37. "I can't believe this!" : "AARGH!"

39. "Feed me," in Siamese? : "MEOW"

40. Champagne word : BRUT. Very dry.

43. Cover completely : SMOTHER

45. Prepare, as flour : SIFT

48. Red Sox pitcher Jon : LESTER. LaLa Linda, care to comment?

50. Brat : IMP

51. Little fights : TIFFS

52. Bret who wrote gold rush stories : HARTE

53. Ran with ease : LOPED

54. Fruit yielding oil : OLIVE

55. Some cellar contents : WINES

56. Union underminer : SCAB

57. Head-turning Turner : LANA. Back in the day. Image.

61. Mex. neighbor : USA

62. Trite : OLD

63. Originally called : NÉE


Aug 8, 2011

Monday, August 8, 2011 Janie Smulyan

Theme: Me - Not me personally but ME musically.

20A. Polite egotist's musical request? (Beatles) : PLEASE, PLEASE ME. Clip(1:59)

36A. Adamant egotist's musical request? (Doris Day) : LOVE ME OR LEAVE ME. Clip(2:16)

47A. Needy egotist's musical request? (Supremes) : COME SEE ABOUT ME. Clip(2:24)

Argyle here. Unusual circumstance today; our constructor Janie Smulyan had her NY Times crossword debut yesterday and now her LAT debut today. Impressive. And so is her puzzle.


1. Treble symbol : CLEF

5. Knock for a loop : DAZE

9. Red Delicious, e.g. : APPLE

14. Fishing need : LURE

15. [Lightbulb!] : IDEA

16. Bay Area county : MARIN. North of San Francisco.

17. Landed on a perch : ALIT

18. Confidence-inspiring : REASSURING

22. "Just __ naturally" : ACT

23. Dr.'s field : MEDicine.

24. Paranormal : OCCULT

28. Uppercase letters, briefly : CAPS

30. Weep and wail : SOB

33. "__ turn is it?" : WHOSE

34. Paper towel unit : ROLL

35. GI no-show : AWOL

39. Barely made, with "out" : EKED

40. Wild and crazy : ZANY

41. They may be faith-based or quantum : LEAPS

42. Boxing count : TEN

43. Quick on one's feet : SPRY

44. "Kings are __ gods": Shakespeare's "Pericles" : EARTH'S

45. Red, Yellow or Black : SEA

46. "So-o-o-o good!" : "MMM!"

55. Fettuccine Alfredo topping, e.g. : CREAM SAUCE

56. A mere step away : NEAR

57. "The Threepenny Opera" composer Kurt : WEILL

58. Walked heavily : TROD

59. Sandwich seller : DELI

60. Box for Beeb watchers : TELLY. Cuppa, you've got this one.

61. William and Harry, to Charles : SONS. Also seen on the Beeb.

62. Black cat, to some : OMEN


1. Show appreciation at a show : CLAP

2. Quiet time : LULL

3. New York canal : ERIE. It runs through Utica.

4. Greek salad cheese : FETA

5. Run the show : DIRECT

6. Really good (at) : ADEPT

7. Fervor : ZEAL

8. Leisure : EASE

9. Gets a smile out of : AMUSES

10. Peeled with a knife : PARED

11. Puritanical : PRIM

12. Bit of poetry : LINE

13. Subj. including grammar : ENG.

19. Sales rep's giveaway : SAMPLE

21. Oregon's capital : SALEM

24. Little hooter : OWLET

25. Fail in the clutch : CHOKE

26. Group of witches : COVEN. A shout out!

27. Like many flea market items : USED

28. Groanworthy, as a joke : CORNY

29. Friend in war : ALLY

30. "Don't __ the small stuff!" : SWEAT

31. Punchiness : "OOMPH!"

32. Make holy : BLESS

34. Lion's warning : ROAR

35. Declare with confidence : AVER

37. Convenience for Northeastern toll-paying drivers : EZ PASS. It allows you to drive through the booths without stopping...and provides David Letterman with lots of bits.

38. "Remember the __!" : ALAMO. I forgot and remembered the Maine instead.

43. In good taste : SEEMLY

44. Fixes securely (in) : EMBEDS

45. T-shirt size : SMALL

46. City nicknamed "The Heart of Georgia" : MACON. I remember Macon County Line (1974).

47. Canadian tribe : CREE

48. Eye, to Yvette : OEIL. Finally some French.

49. Packs away dishes? : EATS

50. Dollar rival : EURO

51. Reverse, in word processing : UNDO

52. Rain really hard : TEEM

53. Like 61-Across : MALE

54. "__ Brockovich" : ERIN. The real ERIN pictured with her lawyer.

55. 100 lbs. : CWT. A unit of weight measurement created by U.S. merchants in the late 1800s. A hundred weight(Cwt) is equal to exactly 100 pounds.

Answer grid.


Note from C.C.:

Belated Happy Birthday to our honeybee Melissa & sailor Gunghy.

Aug 7, 2011

Sunday August 7, 2011 Donna S Levin

Theme: Swordplay - Parse it as S-Wordplay. S is added to the start of each common phrase & spelling of the word is changed. Sound remains the same.

23A. Bathtub ring with no discernible cause? : SCUM FROM NOWHERE. Come from nowhere.

37A. Schusser's name traced in the snow? : SKI SIGNATURE. Key signature.

60A. "Alas" and "Ah, me"? : SIGH OPENERS. Eye opener.

70A. Surveillance satellite? : SPY IN THE SKY. Pie in the sky.

92A. Make Oreos? : STUFF COOKIES. Tough cookies.

110A. What grumpy old men might experience? : SURLY RETIREMENT. Early retirement.

17D. Geckos that don't set their alarm clocks? : SLEEPIN' LIZARDS. Leapin' lizards.

46D. Pilots' milieu : SPHERE OF FLYING. Fear of flying.

Very consistent theme entries. Excellent choices. Love this puzzle.

Donna is bold in her grid edge words today, lots of 7-letter entries. Not an easy task.


1. Pastry preserver of the past : PIE SAFE. Not a familiar item to me. I'd prefer not to see this entry due to 70A.

8. "Johnny __": 1948 film : BELINDA. What's it about?

15. Dreads sporter : RASTA. Bob Marley.

20. What 100 is to 2, in the base 10 : ANTILOG. Wow, I don't think I even know the Chinese word for this.

21. Rampaging : ON A TEAR

22. Dole out : ALLOT

25. Martial arts-based regimen : TAE BO

26. Hoo-ha : TO-DO

27. Balkan portico : STOA. To me, it's just old Greek portico.

28. Actor Dillon : MATT. He's so good at "Crash". Handsome dude.

29. Like a porterhouse : BONE-IN

30. Augur's concern : OMEN

31. He gave Jackie her O : ARI

32. Nuclear age govt. org. : AEC (Atomic Energy Commission)

33. Gangster film extras : G-MEN

35. EMILY's List, e.g. : PAC. They support Pro-Choice female Democrats.

36. Lawyer's thing : RES. Just Latin for "thing".

40. Escalate : RISE

41. Orb's partner, in British iconography : SCEPTRE. Scepter in our spelling.

42. "Friends" Emmy winner : ANISTON (Jennifer). Gorgeous photo. Not a Jolie fan.

44. Defames : BASHES

47. Brings up : REARS

50. Birth name of Smallville's most famous resident : KALEL, Superman.

53. Let loose, in a way : UNPEN

54. Garden party? : EVE. Adam and Eve. Garden of Eden.

56. Wacky : NUTS

58. Chevron feature : STRIPE. Not the Chevron I have in mind.

59. Giggle : TEHEE

63. Former Pakistani president : ZIA. You've got to commit this to your memory.

64. Prayer conclusion : AMEN

65. The __ Store : UPS. Just for our Saturday sherpa Splynter.

66. Suffix with Israel : ITE

67. Doce meses : ANO. 12 months.

68. Edinburgh girl : LASS

69. "Neither snow, __ rain ..." : NOR

73. Beginning : BIRTH

74. Truck capacity : ONE-TON

76. Many a saga : TOME

77. Word with garden or party : TEA

78. Soup scoop : LADLE

79. Arrowsmith's first wife : LEORA. No idea.

80. Pied-à-__: part-time residence : TERRE. This stumped some last time.

82. Blasphemes : CURSES

83. Lamborghini rival : FERRARI. Dennis is nuts about this stuff.

87. Dr. Scholl's products : INSOLES

90. It isn't right : LEFT

95. "Survivor" network : CBS

98. Home of the Braves: Abbr. : ATL

99. Rating for many "Simpsons" episodes : TV PG

100. Consume : EAT

101. Ltr. container : ENV

102. Astronomer Sagan : CARL

103. Satisfies a debt : PAYS UP

105. Vitamin also known as PABA : B-TEN. Ignorant of PABA. Need Al.

107. Deceptive hockey maneuver : DEKE. Hey eddy!

108. "Typee" sequel : OMOO

109. Senior Saarinen : ELIEL. Father of EERO.

113. Disneyland usually has long ones : LINES

114. You or me : PRONOUN. Nice clue too.

115. Failed school curriculum that was the subject of the 1973 book "Why Johnny Can't Add" : NEW MATH. Alien to me.

116. Tau preceder : SIGMA

117. "It's __ guess" : ANYONE'S

118. Lubricates : GREASES


1. Leader of the flock : PASTOR. Flock seldom refers to sheep in Xword.

2. It might be unearned : INCOME. Is Powerball win unearned income?

3. Musical technique builders : ETUDES

4. Simple guy : SIMON. Simple Simon.

5. Franklin's 1936 foe : ALF (Landon)

6. Deserts : FORSAKES

7. Bit of self-aggrandizement : EGO TRIP

8. __ fide : BONA

9. Ambient music pioneer : ENO (Brian)

10. Tin star wearers : LAWMEN

11. Home of Odysseus : ITHACA

12. Erstwhile depilatory : NEET

13. One may be used to bring down an elephant : DART GUN. To tranquilize the elephant.

14. Is for two? : ARE. Nice clue.

15. Expose : RAT ON

16. Astronaut Shepard : ALAN

18. "This Boy's Life" author Wolff : TOBIAS. Have heard of the book, not the author.

19. Medical stat? : AT ONCE. Neat to see STAT as a clue rather than an answer.

24. Damp : MOIST

29. Apiphobe's fear : BEES. Apiphobe is a new word to me. Apis is Latin for "honey bee". Apiphobia is also called "Melissaphobe", since Melissa is "honeybee" in Greek.

32. "A Death in the Family" author : AGEE

34. Diagnostic pic : MRI

37. Public spectacle : SCENE

38. Like some "as is" mdse. : IRREG

39. Sampling : TASTE

40. Certain king's proclamation? : ROAR. Lion, king of the jungle.

41. Luster : SHEEN

43. NYC Theater District discount booth : TKTS. Ticket booth is just called ticket there?

44. Experimental biofuel : BUTANOL. This word looks so wrong.

45. Windflower : ANEMONE

48. "__ Day in Paradise": Phil Collins #1 hit : ANOTHER. Very moving song.

49. Mumbai money : RUPEE

51. Formal letter : EPISTLE

52. Walking aids : LEASHES. Not in the dog walking direction.

54. Catch a glimpse of : ESPY

55. Drop in : VISIT

57. Part of a mongoose's diet : SNAKE. Snakes are regarded as good food for men, at least in south China and some Southeast Asian countries.

58. Happy letters for an angel : SRO (Standing Room Only). Financial backer for a movie or a Broadway show is called an "angel".

61. Blackjack demand : HIT ME

62. Singer born Eithne Patricia Ni Bhraonáin : ENYA

65. "Moesha" network : UPN

68. They're not true : LIARS. To me, lies are not true. Liars are not telling the truth.

70. Go through the roof, as prices : SOAR

71. "__ you were the last one on earth!" : NOT IF

72. Shorthand pro : STENO

73. Muddy Waters genre : BLUES

75. Deduction for waste : TRET

81. Real card : RIOT. Card is a person who's amusing. New definition to me.

82. More shrewd : CLEVERER

84. Invitation letters : RSVP

85. Netmen's gp. : ATP (Association of Tennis Professionals)

86. Rec room scrape : RUG BURN. New term to me. How do you get rug burn?

88. Summer Olympics sport : SKEET

89. Pen pals' exchange? : OINKING

90. Often-satin tuxedo features : LAPELS

91. And others, to Pliny : ET ALII. Masculine plural. ET ALIA = Mixture. ET ALIAE = Femine plural.

93. __ pain: be numb : FEEL NO

94. Gorge : CANYON

95. Was costumed to look like : CAME AS

96. Literary family name : BRONTE

97. Arboreal rainforest denizens : SLOTHS

99. Oklahoma city : TULSA

102. Signal to pause : COMMA. Sigh, I drew a blank. Dummy!

104. Look : SEEM

106. "Iliad" setting : TROY

107. Cozy rooms : DENS

110. Thalassotherapy site : SPA. Thalassotherapy is sea water therapy.

111. Regret : RUE

112. Woolly mama : EWE

Answer grid.
