, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Sep 1, 2016

Thursday, September 1st, 2016 Al Hollmer & C.C. Burnikel

Theme: Clecho Collection - the theme entries all have the same clue.

18A. Strike site : FRONT LINE. A military place you don't want to be when the artillery strikes come in. My Dad was a gunner in the Royal Artillery until he discovered he could earn an extra sixpence a week if he transferred to the Medical Corps. I don't think he factored in the reality that he'd be a lot closer to the other lot, and duly spent quite some time in North Africa and Burma dodging bullets (successfully, thank you, otherwise it'd be someone else writing this blog today).

27A. Strike site : BASEBALL PARK. Some more than others, depending on the pitcher. My local team of the moment, the Colorado Rockies, play at a mile high, so the pitch comes at you pretty fast, but there's not a lot of movement on the ball. If you connect, it's gone.

Yeah, that's gonna land somewhere in Broomfield!
47A. Strike site : BOWLING ALLEY. Not if it's me that's bowling. Suffice to say it's not my signature sport. Boomer's a lot more likely to be bowling strikes.

60A. Strike site : UNION SHOP. I wanted PICKET LINE until I ran out of squares.

Greetings (from Denver) today. Al is Spitzboov, one of the regular commenters on the blog if you missed his debut back in October. I'm not sure who this C.C. Burnikel character is though.

Neat theme, some Thursday-level cluing (wait for it .... SETS or ACTS? THIRD or TENTH?). Plenty of baseball and some long stacked downs to sense a C.C. presence too. Good job, people.

And ... let's see what else.


1. Stage segments : ACTS

5. Apiece : EACH

9. Fur fighters, initially : P.E.T.A. Let's have a little music courtesy of the closely-related Foo Fighters.

13. Revealed : BARED

15. Slushy treat : ICEE

16. Lumberjack : AXER. I think this is one of my least favorite crossword words. I've just never heard it or read it anywhere else. Maybe I just don't read "Logging Monthly" often enough.

17. "Lone Survivor" actor Hirsch : EMILE

20. LBJ, for one : DEM. Like the liberal Irishman, Dem O'Crat

21. Champs-Élysées sights : CAFÉS. It really is one of the great pleasures in life to sit out on the sidewalk in Paris with a coffee or an Ricard 75, or a beer, or all three, and people-watch. It's also fun to pretend to the waiter than you don't speak any French and watch his Parisian blood start to boil.

23. Shady garden denizen : HOSTA. They don't like a suntan.

24. Go through again : RE-LIVE

26. Counter alternatives : BOOTHS. Ah - at the diner! This was slow to come to me.

30. Signature scent since 1968 : ESTÉE

31. Place for an anvil : EAR. Because BLACKSMITH'S SHOP doesn't fit.

32. Works at Museo del Prado : ARTE

36. Sailor's pronoun : SHE. Thar she blows!

37. Company with a crocodile logo : LACOSTE. My friends and I often used to vacation in Turkey when I was in my twenties, and always bought knock-off polo shirts to bring home. We called them Low-Cost Lacoste.

41. Pitching stat : E.R.A.

42. Banks on some magazine covers : TYRA. Elle, Cosmopolitan, Vogue and I'm sure a bunch of others.

44. Golfer Woosnam : IAN. He's getting a little long in the tooth now, and is surely approaching the time when he'll politely decline the "previous winner" invitation from Augusta National for the Masters.

45. Spikes : LACES. Wha'? Oh - Mickey Finn. You don't want one of those in your drinks.

51. Insect that may live for 17 years : CICADA

54. Live-in helper : AU PAIR. I dated a Danish au pair in London in the late seventies. She was petite, blonde and pretty. She also drank pints of Tubörg and smoked a Meerschaum pipe with a lid. That caught some stares in the pubs of the time.

55. Psychologist May : ROLLO

56. Date bk. listings : APPTS

58. Peeples of "Walker, Texas Ranger" : NIA. Thank you, crosses.

62. Unspoiled spots : EDENS

64. Vikings' home: Abbr. : MINN. C.C.'s football team?

65. Opinion : TAKE. "My take on that is ..... [insert opinionated statement here]"

66. Mournful music : DIRGE

67. Get too much sun : BAKE. Had BURN, was wrong.

68. Hand-me-down : USED

69. It's often spoken with one hand at the edge of one's mouth : PSST!


1. Retired : A-BED. Here's one famous usage:

We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition:
And gentlemen in England now a-bed
Shall think themselves accursed they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day.

Henry V, Act IV Scene III, William Shakespeare

2. Resisting being taken? : CAMERA SHY. Squirrelly clue.

3. Academic term : TRIMESTER. One-third, basically.

4. Poivre's tablemate : SEL. I wonder if a French sailor is called a "Vieux sel"? Old salts should tell us.

5. Statue of Liberty architect : EIFFEL. The amazing Gustav. This is the statue being fabricated in a Paris suburb. I love this picture.

6. One of 640 in a square mile : ACRE

7. Top suits : CEO'S

8. Tom's mate : HEN. Now we're talking turkey, forget the cheap polo shirts from Turkey.

9. Lummox : PALOOKA

10. Live and breathe : EXIST

11. Mahler's last symphony : TENTH

12. Fields : AREAS

14. Loudness measure : DECIBEL

19. God with a hammer : THOR. Not sure what the dB rating of the hammering was, but I'm sure it had the neighbors yelling "Do you know what time it is?".

22. Co-star of Burt in "The Killers" : AVA

25. Author Harper : LEE

26. D.C. : Metro :: S.F. : __ : B.A.R.T. Bay Area Rapid Transport acronym. METRO is an acronym for .... hmmm, what? The idea nonpareil (see what I did there?) from the Corner wins the Internet.

27. Nonpareil : BEST

28. Téa of "Madam Secretary" : LEONI

29. Strasbourg step : PAS. E.g. pas de deux, two step.

33. They're often found in dens : RECLINERS. My last fill; a couple of tricky crosses left some vital squares blank. Very nice.

34. Forest age indicators : TREE RINGS

35. "Duck soup!" : EASY

38. Electronics brand relaunched in 2015 : AIWA

39. 19-time All-Star Ripken : CAL

40. Went by : ELAPSED

43. Rock-clinging mollusk : ABALONE

46. __ carte : A LA

48. Have too much, briefly : O.D. ON

49. Took a snooze : NAPPED. I know this is a word, but it looks so odd when it is spelled/spelt out.

50. Inner, as a feeling : GUT

51. Bit of Hansel's trail : CRUMB

52. Land of ancient Asia Minor : IONIA. More Turkey! A very hidden theme is emerging!

53. Toast-making sound : CLINK. Not the sound of the toaster popping up your bread. We need a sniglet for that, because it's such a happy thing. Cheers, Tinbeni!

56. Cries of discovery : AHAS

57. Elbow : POKE

59. "I'd hate to break up __" : A SET. Really? Then why don't you just go away and find someone else to annoy?

61. Good name for a cook? : STU

63. Guacamole, e.g. : DIP

That's probably enough from me today. 'Til we meet again - heeeere's the grid.


Anon T to Jerome:

Aug 31, 2016

Wednesday August 31, 2016 Roland Huget

Theme: INTERMEDIATE CAR (55A. Type of auto found in the three other longest puzzle answers) - SEDAN is hidden inside each theme answer.

1A. Buried the hatchet : KISSED AND MADE UP

25A. Got on everyone's nerves : CAUSED A NUISANCE
42A. Showed disapproval : RAISED AN EYEBROW. Hiding "SEDAN" in the answers got me fooled.  Intermediate car sounds like a rental.  I prefer full size.

Boomer here.

Bowling season has begun.  We used to wait until after Labor Day but not anymore.  The Minnesota State Fair is also in full swing with a bridge club theme this year.  NoTrump.

Boomer with Mini Donuts, State Fair, August 30, 2016

1. Pervasive clown : BOZO. Most clowns not named Emmett Kelly or Ronald McDonald are named BOZO.  Just like most butlers are named Jeeves.

5. You, in Peru : USTED.  Never heard this word.  Put an "H" in front of it and you have Pro Bowler Dave.

10. ABC drama about plane crash survivors : LOST.  There's a new film coming out directed by Clint Eastwood "Sully" where the plane landed in the Hudson and all were saved.

14. Footnote notation : IDEM.  Another curve ball clue that I missed

15. Nary a soul : NO ONE

16. Stuff in a dump : AMMO.  I first thought of TRASH but that was too many letters

20. Leafy Tolkien creature : ENT. My spellcheck is underlining in red.

21. Boomers' kids : XERS. Ditto - It would be nice to have real words

22. Round gaskets : O-RINGS.  If the O stood for onions - taste buds watering.

23. Steely Dan album pronounced like a continent : AJA - Dan is not of my generation.

24. Move with effort : PLOD

33. Let in or let on : ADMIT

34. Man with a code : MORSE ... ._ __ .._ . ._..

35. Prohibit : BAN

36. They may be black or green : TEAS

37. __ Waldo Emerson : RALPH. My father and one Grandfather were named Ralph.  However when "The Honeymooners" became popular on TV, people stopped naming their sons Ralph.  "Bang Zoom - to the Moon".

38. Ask for proof of age : CARD. If you did not understand my comment on 37A, you may need to show your card to buy smokes or booze.

39. Street in "Freddy vs. Jason" : ELM O, tickle me.

40. __ colony : PENAL

41. With "en," hot, in sports slang : FUEGO. Another spellcheck red line.
45. Western tribe : UTES.  Mostly found in Utah

46. Remote cells : AAS.  Got me again ???

47. Evening get-together : SOIREE.  Not sure about the get-together, I thought this was a battle.  Like between the Cubs and the Mets.

50. Venus de Milo knockoffs? : ARMS.  Never did like that statue.

52. Stat for Chris Sale : ERA.  Complete game loss last start.

58. Fine spray : MIST

59. Meathead's '70s TV mother-in-law : EDITH.  Jean Stapleton  -  great!  Carroll O'C0nnor - So so.

60. Scintilla : WHIT

61. Bump on a lid : STYE. I thought this was an eye problem.

62. Tony of "Who's the Boss?" : DANZA

63. Seemingly forever : EONS.  How long it took me to solve this puzzle.


1. Kid's wheels : BIKE. Schwinns were the best - and most $$$$

2. Ruler of the Valkyries : ODIN. Who the heck were the Valkyries.  Biker dudes??

3. Get-up-and-go : ZEST. Get up and go get some soap

4. Mantra sounds : OMS

5. Like zombies : UNDEAD. Never liked this term

6. Rise dramatically : SOAR

7. Oodles : TONS.  Exactly what is an OODLE?  Can you just have one of them ?

8. Word with tight or loose : END. Tight end is a football player,  Loose end is a defensive end who took PEDs.

9. Reduce to rubble : DEMOLISH. How a drunk pronounces "Demolic.

10. Pretentious : LA- DI- DA

11. Writing on the wall, so to speak : OMEN. An OMEN is a Twilight Zone happening or occurrence.  I have never seen one written on a wall.

12. Complacent : SMUG

13. Bikini parts : TOPS

18. Joe Namath, notably : EX-JET Also Brett Favre qualifies.

19. Came up : AROSE. A rose by any other name still smells the same.

23. Without warranty : AS IS. Do not buy it.  There must be something wrong.

24. Flowery, as prose : PURPLE.  Prince's Rain, Also Minnesota Viking's color.

25. Provide fare for an affair : CATER - I remember one of Buddy Hackett's routines about confession.  "Rabbi I had an affair." "Really?  how many people, Who catered it?"

26. "A Passage to India" heroine : ADELA

27. Savory taste : UMAMI.  Another low and outside clue and word.

28. Some refrigerators : AMANAS.  I believe Amana appliances come from Iowa.  And you thought all Iowa had were pigs and corn.  Shame on you.

29. "Interstellar" director Christopher : NOLAN.  I prefer 7 no hitters  ___  Ryan.

30. Mav or Cav : NBAer

31. Things in a hold : CARGO.  John Cena had too many letters

32. Fund, as an academic chair : ENDOW

37. Got money for : REDEEMED. Never got money,  Redeemed S & H Green Stamps for Stuff.

38. Team that hasn't won a World Series since 1908 : CUBS - Well some blame Steve Bartman for catching a foul ball.  But give credit to the old man and the goat in 1945.

40. Fizzle (out) : PETER

41. Elaborate spread : FEAST.  On a good old fashioned Norwegian Smorgasbord.

43. French police force : SURETE. Never heard of it.

44. Steinway competitor : YAMAHA.  Also maker of Motorbikes if it's the same company.

47. Virtual citizens in a video game : SIMS

48. Doing the job : ON IT

49. Teeny : ITSY.  Yeah I know - Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie yellow polka dot bikini.

50. Deuce follower, in tennis : AD IN.  I believe that the tennis scoring system was created by five drunk hockey players in a revolving door.

51. Cracker brand : RITZ.  My favorites - add peanut butter.

52. Chamber effect : ECHO.  I prefer Swiss yodel effect effect effect.

53. Drops from above : RAIN -  Prince's Purple stuff, see above.

54. Part of MFA : ARTS

56. Writer LeShan : EDA

57. Farm female : EWE

Aug 30, 2016

Tuesday, August 30 2016, Timothy L. Meaker


20. Ship that's safe for an ocean voyage : SEAWORTHY VESSEL

37. Barrel roll or wingover : AIRSHOW MANEUVER

48. Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, for one : LANDMARK VERDICT

62. With 65-Across, military specialist : NAVY

65. See 62-Across ... and an acronym of the starts of 20-, 37- and 48-Across : SEAL

Melissa here. Got hung up in a few spots today. WOW, what a clever and patriotic theme, which didn't dawn on me until 62A and 65A were filled in. Three grid-spanning theme answers with the two reveals perfectly placed in the southeast corner - very impressive. From Wikipedia: "The SEALs are trained to operate in all environments (Sea, Air, and Land) for which they are named."


1. "Big bad" pig harasser : WOLF
 5. Paper Mate products : PENS

9. Dictation pro : STENO

14. Milky gem : OPAL

15. Frenzied : AMOK

16. High fly to the shortstop : POPUP

17. __ and dine : WINE.

18. Optimistic : ROSY

19. Wear down : ERODE

23. Teller of macabre tales : POE

24. Tokyo, once : EDO

25. Student's assignment : REPORT

29. See 47-Across : BIGS. All perps.

31. Indy 500 stat : MPH

34. Nebraska city near Boys Town : OMAHA

35. O'Hara plantation : TARA

36. Pepsi, e.g. : COLA. Tried SODA first.

40. Award for 46-Down : CLIO

41. Apron tops : BIBS

42. Stair part : TREAD

43. "For __ a jolly good fellow ... " : HE'S

44. Long skirt : MAXI

45. Conceited : CHESTY. If you say so.

46. Objective : AIM

47. With 29-Across, baseball's major leagues, in slang : THE. I suppose the baseball fans knew this right off the bat. Me, not so much.

57. San Antonio mission : ALAMO. Surprisingly small in person.

58. The "kid" in "Here's looking at you, kid" : ILSA

59. "I smell __!" : A RAT

60. "Homeland" actress Claire : DANES

61. Trio minus one : DUET

63. Supremes singer Ross : DIANA

64. CPR pros : EMT'S


1. Bowls over : WOWS

2. Mayberry tyke : OPIE

3. Turner of "The Postman Always Rings Twice" (1946) : LANA

4. Took to the sky : FLEW

5. Stereotypical cracker requester : PARROT

6. Chew the scenery : EMOTE

7. Grab a bite : NOSH

8. Grey Goose rival : SKYY

9. Takes chances with a radar trap : SPEEDS

10. Art class form : TORSO

11. Long verse : EPOS. What?

12. Sans clothing : NUDE

13. German automaker : OPEL

21. Daytime TV mogul : OPRAH

22. One who shuns all animal products : VEGAN

25. Raid victim : ROACH. Nice clue.

26. Writer Zola : EMILE

27. Eiffel Tower city : PARIS

28. Extremely : OH SO

29. Disney deer : BAMBI

30. Investments for the future: Abbr. : IRAS

31. Relocates : MOVES

32. Accordion fold : PLEAT

33. "Tess of the d'Urbervilles" author Thomas : HARDY

35. Candy sold in pairs : TWIX

36. Restore to health : CURE

38. 44th president : OBAMA

39. Bygone anesthetic : ETHER

44. Brunch cocktail : MIMOSA

45. Doesn't play fair : CHEATS

46. Madison Ave. figures : AD MEN

47. RCA product : TV SET

48. TV "angel" Cheryl who replaced Farrah Fawcett : LADD

49. Jai __ : ALAI

50. Gram : NANA

51. Hitchhiker's hope : RIDE

52. Model Heidi : KLUM

53. Dapper fellows? : DANS

54. "Dies __": hymn : IRAE

55. Vena __: major blood line : CAVA

56. Texter's sign off : TTYL

Aug 29, 2016

Monday, August 29, 2016 Jerry Edelstein

Theme: Monday? - A single word can be added to the front of five other non-related words.

63A. United stand ... and what the first part of the answers to starred clues literally can have: COMMON FRONT

17A. *Cost of shares on the exchange: MARKET PRICE. Common Market.

41A. *U.S./USSR conflict: COLD WAR. Common Cold.

11D. *Element in an executive compensation package: STOCK OPTION. Common Stock.

25D. *Drive to do the responsible thing: SENSE OF DUTY. Common Sense.

27D. *"So long": "GOOD DAY". Common Good.

Argyle here. It may just be me but I felt this was meant to be later in the week.


1. Illusions in a stage act, collectively: MAGIC

6. Muslim leaders: IMAMs

11. Place for a massage: SPA

14. Twist: GNARL

15. French Revolution radical: MARAT. Jean-Paul Marat.

16. Put a strain on: TAX

19. Tip jar denomination: ONE

20. Miffed: SORE

21. Gizmos: DEVICES

23. __ buco: veal dish: OSSO

26. Director Lee: ANG

28. Student's workplace: DESK

29. Guttural "Psst!": "AHEM!"

30. Wedding vows: I DO's

32. Condemn: DOOM

34. Most rational: SANEST

36. Nobel Peace Prize city: OSLO

38. Jack-in-the-box sound: [POP!]

40. Drips in the ICU: IVS. (Intravenous)

43. Give it a go: TRY

44. Witness: SEE

45. Yankee slugger, to fans: A-ROD

46. Area of expertise: MÉTIER. French

48. Sound from Leo: ROAR

50. Twist, as water-damaged floorboards: WARP

52. Sharpen: HONE

53. World Cup soccer org.: FIFA. (Fédération Internationale de Football Association)

55. "__-hoo!": YOO

56. 1946 N.L. RBI leader Slaughter: ENOS

57. Part of a chess match when most of the pieces are off the board: END GAME

60. "__ the mornin'!": TOP O'

62. Sch. run by Mormons: BYU. (Brigham Young University)

68. Track transaction: BET

69. Wabbit-hunting Fudd: ELMER

70. Fragrant wood: CEDAR

71. Pig's home: STY

72. Officials who have their faculties: DEANs. Cute.

73. Hit hard, biblically: SMOTE


1. Leo is its logo: MGM

2. California's Santa __ River: ANA

3. Long-jawed fish: GAR

4. Annoying: IRKSOME

5. Egyptian queen, familiarly: CLEO. (Cleopatra VII Philopator)

6. Loom on the horizon: IMPEND

7. St. Patrick's mo.: MARch

8. Very dry: ARID

9. Sprayed in defense: MACED

10. Longshoreman: STEVEDORE

12. Window glass: PANE

13. Lumberjacks' tools: AXES

18. Double agent: TRAITOR

22. Prefix with metric and bar: ISO

23. Desert retreat: OASIS

24. Norelco product: SHAVER

31. U-turn from NNE: SSW

33. Rita with an Oscar, Emmy, Tony and Grammy: MORENO. West Side Story's  Anita.

35. Like Al Capone: SCARFACED

37. Ridicule satirically: LAMPOON

39. Combustible funeral piles: PYREs

42. Under a quarter-tank, say: LOW

47. Geometry proposition: THEOREM

49. Bailed-out insurance co.: AIG. (American International Group, Inc)

51. Copter blades: ROTORS

54. Whac-__: arcade game: A-MOLE

57. Diminishes: EBBS

58. Russian denial: "NYET!"

59. Actress Stone of "Birdman": EMMA

61. Low-ranking GIs: PFCs. (Private first class)

64. Guys: MEN

65. Prefix with meter: ODO

66. __ King Cole: NAT

67. Italian three: TRE


Note from C.C.:

I hope you can click here and sign the petition calling for price reduction for EpiPens, which have surged to $600/pack without any justification. The CEO's salary rose over 600% since 2007, when Mylan bought EpiPen.