, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Jun 1, 2016

Wednesday, June 1, 2016 C. C. Burnikel

Theme:  LET ME OUT OF HERE!  The final word of the three main theme entries can all precede the word ESCAPE, yielding a sensible, in-the-language phrase.

20A. Bar exhortation : DOWN THE HATCH.  Getting a drink to your interior as quickly as possible.  Probably the best way to handle Chicago right-of-passage liquor Malort.

An ESCAPE HATCH is an emergency exit on a submarine, ship or aircraft.

27A. "Defense of Fort McHenry" poet : FRANCIS SCOTT KEY.  This poem supplies the words for The Star Spangled Banner, the U. S. National Anthem.  Key wrote it while observing the British bombardment of the eponymous fort during the war of 1812.  

The melody, written by John Stafford Smith, was originally a British drinking song called Anacreon in Heaven.  It covers an octave and a fifth and is notoriously hard to sing.   I've hear anthem singers that made me shudder and wince; but Detroit's Karen Newman never disappoints.

And, of course, I would be terribly remiss if I failed to acknowledge 89-year-old holocaust survivor Hermina Hirsch, who fulfilled a life-long dream by singing the anthem before a recent Tigers game.

The ESCAPE KEY on your computer can sometimes be used to stop a runaway program, and is also used in shortcuts on Windows systems.

47 A. "Let's do it!" : SOUNDS LIKE A PLAN.  This expression offers approval for a suggested course of action.  An ESCAPE PLAN is a scheme, often sneaky or convoluted, to get out of a place or situation.

And the unifier -- 54 A. Magician suggested by the ends of 20-, 27- and 47-Across : ESCAPE ARTIST.  My first thought is of Harry Houdini [1874-1926] Who escaped from all sorts of locks, traps, boxes and cells - all without a KEY. And the word ESCAPE thus completes the theme concept.

Hi Gang - JazzBumpa here to lead you though and eventually out of today's puzzle. Is there a HATCH? Will we need a KEY? Do I have a PLAN? Well - let's find out.


1. Bid with a weak hand, often : I PASS.  One can dispute whether this is a bid or the absence of a bid, but with a weak hand it's generally the right call.

6. Nikon D5300, e.g. : Single Lens Reflex, a type of camera using a mirror and prism arrangement that allows the photographer to view through the lens and see exactly what image will be captured.

9. Team up with : JOIN.  This word has a number of senses relating to bringing people or things together in a variety of ways.  Here it indicates forming or becoming a part of a group.

13. "Ya think?!" : NO DUH.  Sarcastic agreement, like with something a bit too obvious.

14. Like newly Botoxed skin : TAUT.  Pulled tight or over-inflated.

16. Clip contents : AMMO.  For fire arms.

17. Young fella : KIDDO.  Would a young gal be a kiddett?

18. When Valjean adopts Cosette : ACT I.  From Les Miz.  Two of my grandsons were in a production a couple years ago and died on the barricade.  That was wrenching.

19. Sorento and Sedona : KIAS. Sorrento [note spelling] is a village overlooking the Bay of Naples in southern Italy; Sedona is a city in Arizona.  As presented here, they are two vehicle models from the KIA, South Korea's 2nd largest auto maker. 

23. Firetruck tool : AXE.  For getting into or ESCAPING from a burning place.

25. Kerfuffle : ADO.  Much Kerfuffle About Nothing just doesn't quite sound as good.

26. It can cover a lot : TAR.  Most likely a parking lot.

33. "Total Recall" (2012) director Wiseman : LEN.  Don't know him.

34. Out-and-out : UTTER.  Modifiers that amplify some action or feeling, and generally not in a good way: UTTER contempt, out and out nonsense.

35. Designer Klein : ANNE.  [1923 - 1974] Nee Hanna Golofski, An American fashion designer, who revolutionized styles for young women in the 1940's.

36. Acting coach Hagen : UTA. [1919 - 2004]  Born in Germany, her family migrated to the U. S. in 1924.  Because of her association with Paul Robeson she was on the Hollywood Black List, so her acting career was focused on New York theater instead of movies.

37. "Don't text and drive" ad, briefly : Public Service Announcement.   Sadly, though, I see people doing it all the time.

38. Lodging provider : INN.

41. Up-in-the-air approx. : Estimated Time of Arrival, for airplane travel.

42. "This doesn't __ well ... " : BODE.  A good Anglo-Saxon word, from the Old English bodian, meaning to proclaim or foretell.  Modern usage seems to always be in anticipation of something unpleasant.  Also remotely related to "bid."

44. Wingtip strings : LACES.  I somehow got stuck on airplanes, not shoes.  [Say this with a brogue.]

46. Get someone's name wrong, e.g. : ERR.  Or muff a simple ground ball to extend the inning and allow three unearned runs to score, thus losing the game.  But I have forgiven Ian Kinsler for Sunday's ERRor.

51. Rim : LIP.  As of a cup, wine glass or volcano.

52. Wine stain color : RED.  When there is a slip between the cup and LIP.

53. Egyptian slitherer : ASP.  A snake in de Nile?

59. Sweet pea : DEAR.  Honey-snookems.

60. Seafood restaurant order : CRAB.  One of many possibilities.  FISH also fits; carp, sole, etc.

61. "In my view ... " : I'D SAY.  Offering an opinion.

65. Crew of buddies : GANG.

66. Long-drawn-out account : SAGA.   From old Norse, originally indicating a long prose narrative of heroic achievement.

67. Poppycock : TRIPE.  Nonsense, balderdash, blather; derived from 19th century Dutch dialect pappekak, from pap ‘soft’ + kak ‘dung.’   Perhaps of the kind left behind by bulls, though that is not specified.

68. Alternatively : ELSE. Either this, or ELSE that.  Those are your choices.

69. Get into the pool : BET.  And see if your bid BODES well.

70. Silver dollar topper : SYRUP.   Pancakes.  Had me buffaloed for the longest time.


1. Medium of much Chinese art : INK.   Used in calligraphy and in picture drawing, generally with the same techniques [oils are not used] typically on paper or silk.

2. Luau chow : POI.   Made from the corm of the taro plant.

3. Tack on : ADD

4. Out-of-the-blue : SUDDEN

5. "Scat!" : SHOO.   Go away!

6. Shows confidence and pride : STANDS TALL.

7. Cause of much intolerance? : LACTOSE.  My favorite clue.  LACTOSE intolerance is an inability or difficulty in digesting this sugar, which occurs naturally in milk and dairy products.

8. Babe or Baby : RUTH.  George Herman "Babe" RUTH, iconic baseball star who played from 1914 - 1935, mostly with Yankees.  Baby RUTH is a candy bar originally developed by the Curtiss Candy Company, and named suspiciously.

9. Capital of Indonesia : JAKARTA.  Located on the NorthWest coast of Java.

10. Overlook : OMIT.  Leave out.

11. All-in-one Apple : I-MAC.   Computer.

12. Quick bite : NOSH.  From Yiddish.

15. Connect with : TIE TO.

21. Bides one's time : WAITS. Like this, if you have 5 minutes.

22. Bean cover? : HAT.  Bean bein' slang for one's head.

23. Playground response : ARE TOO.  Response to a taunt.

24. Second word of Coleridge's "Kubla Khan" : XANADU.

In Xanadu did Kubla Khan
A stately pleasure-dome decree:
Where Alph, the sacred river, ran
Through caverns measureless to man
Down to a sunless sea.

27. Blunders : FLUBS.  Makes an error.  I won't get into the sad events of Monday's game.

28. Flagstick holder : CUP.  On the green of a golf course.

29. It's swung by some pinch hitters : CRICKET BAT.   Well - this is a surprise.  A baseball-related misdirection. I didn't know there were pinch hitters in CRICKET.

30. Prepares to be knighted : KNEELS.  To receive a pat on either shoulder with the flat of a sword.

31. Trick : ENTRAP.  With some sort of ruse or snare.

32. Long (for) : YEARN.  A strong desire to be with some one or some thing that is absent or missing.

From the Maxims section of The Exeter Book [ca. 975]

Longað þonne þy læs      þe him con leoþa worn, 
oþþe mid hondum con      hearpan gretan; 
hafaþ him his gliwes giefe,      þe him god sealde. 

As best I can remember, Tolkien translated this more or less as:

Longing is less troublesome to one who knows many songs, 
Or can touch the harp with his hands; 
He has his gleeful gift that God gave him.

Both "ð" and "þ" represent the modern digraph "th."  There seems to be no specific correspondence to the voiced and unvoiced pronunciations. 

39. "__ say more?" : NEED I.   Probably said too much already.

40. Decryption org. : National Security Agency.

43. Make easier to read, in a way : ENLARGE.  For old men with bifocals - like me.

45. Fits in a cabin? : AIR RAGE.  Wasn't familiar with the term, but it's easy enough to suss.  Per Wikipedia, "aberrant, abnormal, or violent behavior exhibited during the air travel process."  There is also a movie with this title.

48. Hummus, e.g. : DIP.   A thick sauce for dunking food items.  I can make a meal of hummus and the blue corn chips form Trader Joe's.

49. Publisher's guidelines : SPECS.  SPECifcationS.

50. Gently towel off : PAT DRY.  Instead of wiping, which can be harsh.

54. Slight lead : EDGE.  Relates ultimately back to the sharp edge of a blade, which can be how narrow the lead is.

55. Tough navy guy : SEAL.   Tough indeed.  These guys are elite.

56. Case units, often : CANS.  Of soup, motor oil, etc.  Usually 12 or 24, sometimes 36 or 48.  Strange when our maths are mostly base 10. 

57. Many a Meccan : ARAB.  Mecca is city in Saudi Arabia located about 50 miles inland from the Red Sea.

58. Tends tots : SITS.  As in baby sitting.

62. Military address : SIR.   Not a postal drop, but a way of speaking to superior officers.

63. Manjula's husband, on "The Simpsons" : APU.  Apu Nahasapeemapetilon is the operator of the Kwik-E-Mart on that TV show that I still have never watched.

64. "You betcha!" : YEP.  Fer sure.   My dad used to say, "You bet your life;" and I'm guessing "You betcha" is that in shortened form.

Well, folks, that wraps up another entry from our gracious hostess, whose puzzles now number in the hundreds.  Good one?  You betcha!  Hope you ESCAPED it unscathed.

Cool regards!


May 31, 2016

Tuesday, May 31, 2016 C.W. Stewart

Theme: Celebrity Coupling - An "in language" pairing is reimagined with the first word representing a famous person and the second a comestible.

20A. Photo caption for Condoleezza with a bowl of pintos? : RICE AND BEANS

36A. Photo caption for Chris with a sandwich bun? : ROCK AND ROLL

42A. Photo caption for NFL Hall of Famer Sam with a pastry shell? : HUFF AND PUFF

58A. Photo caption for Kevin with his Easter basket? : BACON AND EGGS

Argyle here and a four row theme grid. No reveal needed but you have two things to solve; who the celeb is and what the food is. Slight weakness in that two of the second words don't change meaning from the base pair (BEANS, EGGS) and the other two do change. (ROLL, PUFF) The first pairing gave it way but I still needed perps to confirm my people. A secondary result is the initials are somewhat famous, too. R&B, rhythm and blues; R&R, military time off; H&P, medical use, History and Physical examination; B&E, police speak for Breaking and Entering. Pretty sure it's unintentional; you can take almost any *&* and find it has a meaning.


1. "The Aviator" actor Alan : ALDA

5. Subtle attention-getter : "PSST!"

9. Charge the quarterback : BLITZ

14. Enter : GO IN

15. Indian princess : RANI

16. Haunting : EERIE

17. Boot out : OUST

18. __ before: deadline words : ON OR

19. Gone up : RISEN

23. Take for granted : ASSUME

24. Neptune's domain : SEA

25. White lie : FIB

28. Fillable flatbreads : PITAs

31. Ultimatum words : "OR ELSE!"

33. "__ as directed" : USE

38. Headlights-in-fog effect : HALO

40. Put on television : AIR

41. Film spool : REEL

47. Farm pen : STY

48. Joins : UNITEs

49. Uncomplaining type : STOIC

51. Chewie's shipmate : HAN

52. Like many a morning coffee: Abbr. : REG.ular

54. Fake : UNREAL

61. Jeweler's unit : CARAT

64. Fat used in baking : LARD

65. Bellini's "Casta diva," e.g. : ARIA

66. Love : ADORE

67. Not busy : FREE

68. Become softened by cuteness : MELT

69. Study aids : NOTEs

70. Whole bunch : SCAD

71. Canonized mlles. : STE.s French saints.


1. Greek marketplace : AGORA

2. Jazzman Armstrong : LOUIS

3. Spinal column components : DISCS

4. Poker dealer's request : "ANTE UP"

5. Characterized by : PRONE TO. Some poker players are characterized by their failure to "ANTE UP" and are PRONE TO being called out on it.

6. Material for some castles : SAND

7. Supercilious sort : SNOB

8. Runs out of gas : TIRES

9. "The Natural" author Malamud : BERNARD

10. Luau keepsakes : LEIs

11. 1040-reviewing org. : IRS

12. __ score : TIE

13. Path to enlightenment : ZEN

21. "The Kite Runner" boy : AMIR

22. Really long time : AEON

25. Arctic ice phenomena : FLOES

26. Land in a river : ISLET

27. Beer __ : BELLY

29. Military sch. : ACAD. (academy)

30. Decides not to go to : SKIPS

32. Goof up : ERR

33. "Yep" : "UH-HUH"

34. Steamy setting : SAUNA

35. Pixielike : ELFIN

37. Stuck in __ : ARUT

39. Many a time, poetically : OFT

43. Fizzes up : AERATES

44. Fraction of a min. : N-SEC

45. Word seen on cornerstones : FOUNDED

46. Come across : FIND

50. Bath & Body Works products : CREAMS

53. Plays a round : GOLFS

Looking for his ball?
55. Everglades wader : EGRET

56. Physically well-coordinated : AGILE

57. Exams for legal wannabes, for short : L-SATS

58. Like floors without rugs : BARE

59. Pusher catcher : NARC

60. Vicinity : AREA

61. Item in a food drive donation : CAN

62. Brouhaha : ADO

63. Go bad : ROT


May 30, 2016

Monday, May 30, 2016 Janice Luttrell

Theme: Murky Monday

20A. Chicago bluesman nicknamed for the creek he played in as a child : MUDDY WATERS

56A. Ill-gotten gains : FILTHY LUCRE

11D. Greeting from an affectionate dog : SLOPPY KISS

29D. Fast one : DIRTY TRICK

Argyle here. SLOPPY doesn't quite match up with the other three themes but this such a smooth puzzle, it can be forgiven. This should be a fair test for our tyros but otherwise a fun solve. Four long pinwheel arms with a good size block of white in the middle. Janice had quite a run this month. (4)


1. Discussion : TALK

5. Untidy situation : MESS

9. Zodiac transition points : CUSPS

14. "The Time Machine" people : ELOI

15. Fairly large fair : EXPO

16. Guitarist Eddie Van __ : HALEN

17. Reddish horse : ROAN

18. Birthstone for many Libras : OPAL

19. Stopped snoozing : AWOKE

23. "The Raven" poet : POE. Edgar Allan Poe

24. Tenth of ten in a race : LAST. It took a bit for this to sink in.

25. Harvest machine : REAPER. "Don't fear the reaper".

27. Filled with cargo : LADEN

30. Wise guy sometimes "wearing" pants? : SMARTY. (smarty pants)

32. Magnate Onassis : ARI

33. Fancy wineglass : GOBLET

36. Pretty good : OKAY

39. Little more than : MERE

41. Find another purpose for : REUSE

42. Biker's distance unit : MILE

43. Enjoys a buffet : EATS

44. Walked proudly : STRODE

46. Mo. city on the Miss. : STL. St. Louis.

47. New Haven alumni : YALIES

49. "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" storyteller : AESOP

51. Daily food allowance : RATION

53. Bungee __ : CORD

55. Bus station abbr. : ARR. (arrival time)

62. Damp : MOIST

64. Fifth of 13 popes : LEO V. There was 13 popes named Leo. Also, 34D. Family name of three popes : ORSINI

65. Use gentle persuasion on : COAX

66. Game show host : EMCEE

67. Soft French cheese : BRIE

68. Work the copy desk : EDIT

69. Bare : NAKED

70. Agile : SPRY

71. Family rooms : DENS


1. School session : TERM

2. Matty of baseball : ALOU. Just one of the Alou family.

3. Washer capacity : LOAD

4. Reader with Paperwhite and Fire models : KINDLE. A given for some.

5. Kitty cries : MEOWS

6. Political exile, for short : EXPAT. Expatriate.

7. Tiny tiff : SPAT

8. Shoe bottom : SOLE

9. Beer drunk after a shot : CHASER

10. Detroit labor gp. : UAW. (United Automobile Workers)

1954 Olds concept car
12. Black tea variety : PEKOE

13. Disdainful grin : SNEER

21. Yin partner : YANG

22. Not family-friendly, moviewise : R-RATED

26. Molecule part : ATOM

27. Flimsy, as an excuse : LAME

28. Wallpaper hanger's calculation : AREA

30. Fails to enunciate : SLURS

31. "You've Made __ Very Happy": 1969 Blood, Sweat & Tears hit : ME SO

35. __ noire : BÊTE

37. Range above tenor : ALTO

38. Sharp cry : YELP

40. Actor Morales : ESAI

45. British peer : EARL

48. Hit high in the air : LOFTED

50. Drew out, as latent talent : EDUCED

51. Japanese noodle dish : RAMEN

52. Dunkin' Donuts emanation : AROMA

53. "You're preaching to the __!" : CHOIR

54. Yiddish "Egad!" : "OY VEY!"

57. Barristers' degs. : LL.B.s (Bachelor of Laws)

58. Maryland athlete, for short : TERP. Terrapins

59. Morse creation : CODE

60. Ball game delayer : RAIN

61. Nos. requested by receptionists : EXTs. (Extension)

63. "Get it?" : "SEE?"

                   Not ready to go yet?

May 29, 2016

Sunday May 29, 2016 Pancho Harrison

Theme: - "Pool Party" - The last word can precede "pool".

25A. Try : GIVE IT A WHIRL. Whirlpool.

31A. Track runner? : TROLLEY CAR. Carpool. Great clue.

46A. Removable engine : OUTBOARD MOTOR. Motorpool. Same as "carpool", isn't it?

63A. Pickup spot : BOX OFFICE. Office pool.

79A. Undeveloped ability : RAW TALENT. Talent pool.

96A. Certain trait carrier : RECESSIVE GENE. Gene pool.

110A. Pond prohibition : NO SWIMMING. Swimming pool.

121A. Unscrupulously competitive : DOWN AND DIRTY. Dirty pool.

Basic theme. The key word meaning in the original phrase mostly remains unchanged when pool is added. We don't often see words that precede/follow theme type on Sundays. They're mainly the early week domain. Not easy to get a "Go ahead" from Rich with this type.
So nice to see Pancho Harrison back. He was the very first constructor when we shifted to the L.A Times Daily Crossword. He and Barry Silk will always have a special place in my heart. Hopefully Barry will come back to us in a few months.

Pancho Harrison (XWord Info photo)

1. Keystone officer : KOP

4. Judicial seat : BANC

8. Frat house letter : SIGMA. Not DELTA, KAPPA or THETA.

13. Lowers oneself : STOOPS

19. Org. with a caduceus in its logo : AMA. Wiki says caduceus is "a short staff entwined by two serpents, sometimes surmounted by wings." Hermes's staff.

20. 1847 novel with the chapter "What Happened at Hytyhoo" : OMOO. Easily guessable.

21. Rocking the stadium : AROAR

22. Chinese restaurant offering : HOT TEA. Chinese seldom drink iced tea, unless you're in Hong Kong, where Iced Lemon Tea is hugely popular.

23. Lacking benefits, perhaps : PART TIME. I thought this might be a theme entry.

27. Pakistani language : URDU

28. Collars : ARRESTS

30. "Spellbound" malady : AMNESIA. About this old movie?

34. Graduation hanger : TASSEL

36. Took a verse alone : SOLOED. OK, sang alone.

37. Travesty : FARCE

39. Romance novel emotion : LUST. Not LOVE, Splynter! Hope love finds you in the summer.

43. Mostly shaved style : MOHAWK. Hair style. Still remember the "Mohawk Guy"?

50. Oklahoma native : OTO

51. "Sorry, you __ me" : LOST

54. Suffix with proto- : ZOA

55. Minuscule part of a min. : NSEC

56. Mont. neighbor : IDA

57. Arcade pioneer : ATARI

59. Lowest points : NADIRS

61. MTV's parent company : VIACOM
65. Old auto named for an explorer : DE SOTO

69. Purina rival : IAMS

70. Pacino title role : SERPICO. I should watch the movie again.

72. Germinates : SPROUTS

74. Kipling's Rikki-Tikki-__ : TAVI

77. "Barbecue may not be the road to world peace, but it's __": Anthony Bourdain :  A START. 6-letter partial.
83. Like some surprise endings : IRONIC

85. Sweater pattern : ARGYLE. Hi there, Santa!

87. Mythical servant : GENIE. Got via crosses.

88. Young Skywalker's nickname : ANI

89. Pickup at a stand : FARE

92. Rapa __: Easter Island : NUI

93. One of TV's Mavericks : BRET. Also via crosses.

95. Dockworker's org. : ILA

100. President, e.g. : LEADER

102. "Modern Family" daughter : ALEX. Gimme for Bill G, probably.

103. More agreeable : NICER

104. Sportscaster Ahmad : RASHAD

107. Bunch : PASSEL

114. "We're headed for overtime!" : IT'S A TIE

117. Really cool : AWESOME. Oh, TTP/PK, the lilies Boomer bought from Walmart are indeed not Tiger Lilies. They're Asiatic lilies. Your wife rocks, TTP!

120. Naysayer : ANTI

123. Orchestrator, perhaps : ARRANGER

126. Maroon : ENISLE. Not a word I use.

127. Coffee maker brand : BRAUN

128. KOA patron : RV'ER

129. Night school subj. : ESL

130. Sights along old Route 66 : MOTELS

131. Gelatin garnish : ASPIC. My grandma always had fried Tofu in her aspic.

132. Many millennia : AEON

133. ACLU issues : RTS (Rights)


1. On the fritz : KAPUT

2. Astrologer Sydney : OMARR. Learned from doing crosswords.

3. NBC-affiliated announcer in nine different decades : PARDO (Don)

4. AI game competitor : BOT. AI =  Artificial Intelligence. I got via crosses also.

5. "__ dreaming?" : AM I

6. Deli order : NO MAYO

7. Compel by force : COERCE

8. Bacharach collaborator Carole Bayer __ : SAGER. Unfamiliar figure to me. She looks gorgeous.

9. Georgia O'Keeffe subject : IRIS

10. Bond issuer: Abbr. : GOVT

11. Podium tapper, at times : MAESTRO. I was picturing someone who's giving a speech.

12. D-backs, on scoreboards : ARI

13. Phonies : SHAMS

14. "Chinatown" screenwriter Robert : TOWNE. Also an unknown figure to me. Wiki says he also wrote the first two Mission Impossible films.

15. The lord in "O beware, my lord, of jealousy!" : OTHELLO

16. Soulful Redding : OTIS

17. Prefix with scope : PERI. Used to be clued as "Persian fairy" in our old Tribune days.

18. Room next to la cocina, maybe : SALA

24. Oral Roberts University city : TULSA

26. Electrode shooters : TASERS

29. Pricey watch : RADO. I fail  to see their appeal.

32. Reprobate : LOWLIFE

33. Nevada city on I-80 : ELKO. Not RENO.

35. Open __ of worms : A CAN

37. Former Calif. base : FT ORD

38. Belittles : ABASES

40. City near Syracuse : UTICA

41. Doomed Genesis city : SODOM. Also 43. Ancient Dead Sea kingdom : MOAB

42. Monorail transports : TRAMS

44. Conductor Klemperer : OTTO. Hello D-Otto!

45. Put-on : HOAX

47. Compact automatic weapon : UZI

48. Reverent : DEVOUT

49. Old AT&T rival : MCI

52. Salon sounds : SNIPS. Also 90. Did a salon job : RINSED

53. Implied : TACIT

58. Cellist's need : ROSIN

60. Twice penta- : DECA. Prefix for "ten".

62. Flier's option : AISLE. Boomer's choice.

64. Melee : FRACAS

66. Nimble : SPRY

67. Big name in dental care : ORAL B

68. Control __ : TOWER. Not FREAK.

71. Disneyland's county : ORANGE

73. Ring pair : TAG TEAM. Boxing ring. (Correction: Wresting ring. Thanks, Robert!)

74. Wonder Woman accessory : TIARA

75. Synthetic fiber : ARNEL. We see NYLON or ORLON more often.

76. NBC musical reality show, with "The" : VOICE

78. More accurate : TRUER

80. Geraint's wife : ENID

81. Shade of green : NILE

82. Go like crazy : TEAR

84. Consideration complications : IFs. Tricky clue for a little word.

86. __ mill : GIN

91. '60s pop singer Sands : EVIE

94. K thru 12 : EL-HI. Gluey entry.

97. Wide-open space : EXPANSE

98. Pastries made with choux dough : ECLAIRS

99. Switch add-on : EROO. Gluey entry. Hard to make clean Sunday puzzles.

101. Clio contender : AD MAN

105. Capital of Eritrea : ASMARA

106. Change course suddenly : SWERVE

108. To any extent : AT ALL

109. Trig ratios : SINES

110. Boy band with an acronymic name : NSYNC

111. Actress Stevens : INGER. Forgot. We had her before.

112. Explosive trial : N TEST

113. Lena Dunham HBO series : GIRLS

114. Footnote word : IDEM

115. __ avail : TO NO

116. Houlihan portrayer on "M*A*S*H" : SWIT (Loretta)

118. Finish shooting : WRAP

119. Decorative sewing case : ETUI. It's back!

122. Trade name letters : DBA (Doing Business As)

124. Classic roadster : REO

125. Prince Valiant's son : ARN. He's back too!


May 28, 2016

Saturday, May 28th, 2016, Steven J. St. John

Theme: SJSJ

Words: 70 (missing J,Q,Z)

Blocks: 26

  This is my second SJSJ puzzle, the last one being back in Jan of '13.  Very similar grids, with a crossing spanner and climber, triple 10-letter corners in the across, but today we have triple 8's in the down.  I did not get my "ta-DA~!" because of one letter, and switching to red-letters revealed one other mistake - at the crossing of proper names, which was the only fun-sponge today.  The long answers:

35a. Dynamo's asset : BOUNDLESS ENERGY

8d. Brand with a Magicube : KODAK INSTAMATIC

ON(3-day weekend)WARD~!


1. Instruments mentioned in the Beatles' "Back in the USSR" : BALALAIKAS - the line is at 2:12 of the clip; my Moscow girl did not get out to the USofA....and a semi-clecho at; 19a. USSR component : SOVIET
11. Arguably biased, briefly : UN-PC - I saw this "politically incorrect" sign going to get my power painter, and I had to drive back and snap a pic.  I wonder what they discussed....

15. Resolving : IRONING OUT - well, I hope they ironed out the trouble at Hartwood....

16. Nebula Award winner Frederik : POHL - filled via perps

17. Hanging aid : STUD FINDER - I can't keep one in my tool box or van, because I keep setting it off....oh, come on, that's funny.  At least C.C. appreciates it~!!

18. Gin flavoring : SLOE

20. Direction at sea : ALEE

22. "Cat __ Hot Tin Roof" : ON A

23. It can be added to a million but rarely to a thousand : AIRE - millionaire, thousandaire

24. Ham's transport? : ARK - oh, I thought I was so clever putting in RYE, too.  This is Noah's son, however, and I thought "EGG" was a good answer, as well

26. Woodworking tool : PLANER - don't have one, would like one - and a lathe, too. 

28. Adopt : USE - I tried "OWN"

29. Atheist activist Madalyn : O'HAIR - never heard of her, and my first proper name problem; her Wiki

31. Mil. squad leaders : S-SGTs

32. Phys ed teacher Leonard for whom a band was named : SKINNER - Lynyrd Skynyrd for those who did not know; I learned it from the VH-1 rockumentary.  I did not, however, remember how to spell his name, or the band's, for that matter....

34. Maximum : PEAK

39. Tolstoy title first name : ANNA

40. Be less critical of : LET UP ON

41. Narrow landforms : NECKS -there's lots of land forms called necks here on Long Island

43. Do doer : SALON - I pondered BRUSH

44. Baker's amt. : TSP

47. Hailing from Changwon, say : KOREAN - half perps and WAG

49. Hood et al.: Abbr. : MTs

50. Mascot Misha of the 1980 Olympics, e.g. : BEAR - более России (more Russian)

51. Madrid Mrs. : SRA

52. Groups for biologists : TAXA

54. Italian road : STRADA

56. Internet letters : HTTP

58. On tap : AT THE READY

60. Yet to be settled : OWED

61. Gives up : CRIES UNCLE - I had -----UNDER to start, slowed down the SE

62. Start of a tennis point : TOSS - dah~!  Not LOVE

63. One to follow : PACE SETTER


1. Half an African country, or its capital city : BISSAU

2. Half a beer? : ARTOIS - Stella being the other half

3. Where the Mona Lisa smiles : LOUVRE - le Frawnche musée

4. Bill's "Groundhog Day" co-star : ANDIE - Murray & MacDowell

5. "That's __" : LIFE

6. Subject of the 2013 documentary subtitled "Speaking Truth to Power" : ANITA HILL - the other proper name that got me

7. Slot in a car: Abbr. : IGNition - took too long to figure out

9. Writer of really old stories? : AUEL - did not know her; I do recall the title "Clan of the Cave Bear".  I just read The Golden Compass, and now I am on to book II; side note, two stars from the movie also appeared in Casino Royale

10. Throat trouble : STREP

11. Increases : UPs -OK, I shall up this week's leg picture, by request, to a non-skinny, "gams with meat" girl


12. Not anymore : NO LONGER

13. Frustrating sequence : PHONE TAG

14. Blue forecast : CLEAR SKY

21. "The Big Easy" of golf : ELS - good WAG

25. Eastern royals : RANEES

27. Winter X Games host : ASPEN - I was not sure if this was the "X" games, or the tenth Olympic games - which, as I looked later, were held in Grenoble, France, 1968

29. Approved : OK'D - OKed, IDed/ID'd, I sometimes wonder which one is "OK"

30. Outcome : RESULT

32. Charmer's target : SNAKE - snake charmer

33. Take back : REPOSSESS

35. Strategy involving a cushion : BANK SHOT - ah, billiard table cushions

36. Less than a few : ONE OR TWO

37. Opens at the warehouse : UNCRATES

38. Confrontational start : NON - non-confrontational

42. Met : SAT

44. Legislation opposed by the Sons of Liberty : TEA ACT

45. Burden : SADDLE - I got "saddled" with sorting this week at UPS, so that a trainee could work my assignment; I think he should have been trained before this holiday week.  I am just glad to have reached my first three-day weekend of the year - but now we're into Cidiot Season....

46. Slight chance : PRAYER

48. Org. founded on the 100th anniversary of Lincoln's birth : NAACP - seems fitting

50. Sportscaster Musburger : BRENT

53. More, in ads : X-TRA

55. In alignment : TRUE - gotta keep my studs level and true - the bathroom project progresses, and yesterday I began the process of moving in to my new space~!

57. APB senders : PDs - All Points Bulletin, and Police Departments

59. Half a bray : HEE - did you try the other half, HAW~??


May 27, 2016

Friday, May 27, 2016, Roland Huget

Title: Hush little baby.

Roland Huget appears in his 4th LAT, and his first Friday. This minimalist puzzle seems to have just three theme fill all references out of the 60's with a common thread of "shhh"and no reveal. It is very unusual for a Friday to have only three theme answers. If there is more to this effort I missed it. Of course there is the inclusion of the entire English alphabet (A PANGRAM!). Is this a themeless gone bad?  In any event, there is quite a bit of fresh intermediate fill, with THE MET, HIPPIE, ROASTS,  TRACES, ED MEESE,  ST. SIMON,  DEFANGS,  BEANERY, FISH TAIL, NETIZENS, RANGE WAR (odd with all the peace and quiet) and TAX HAVEN. Well let us see what Roland has done to befuddle us. If you do not know references the theme does not help.

17A. '60s executive order creation : PEACE CORPS (10). HISTORY.

35A. Societal change begun in Quebec during the '60s : QUIET REVOLUTION (15). HISTORY.

52A. '60s aviation nickname : WHISPERJET (10). HISTORY.


1. Man of many words : ROGET. Thesaurus guy.

6. Course designer : CHEF. Not a golf course, one part of a meal.

10. Hiker's map, briefly : TOPOgraphic. A legitimate word, but unsatisfactory fill for me. LINK.

14. Words spoken on a star? : I WISH. I may, I wish I might.

15. Virna of "How to Murder Your Wife" : LISI. A movie I remember.
16. Organic compound : ENOL.

19. Combine : MELD. Pinochle, anyone?

20. Locks in a zoo : MANE. Those kind of locks.

21. Human Be-In attendee : HIPPIE. Were any of you a human bein' in the 60's?
23. 1988 Cabinet resignee : ED MEESE. An underrated political SCANDAL No comment.

27. Apostle known as "the Zealot" : ST SIMON.

28. Facetious tributes : ROASTS. Do you all watch Comedy Central? I now listen on the radio.
29. Steady : BEAU. From the French for handsome.

30. Comfort and others : INNS.

31. Avid surfers : NETIZENS. A portmanteau of Internet and Denizens.

39. Money-saving refuge : TAX HAVEN. Anyone do business in the CHANNEL ISLANDS?

40. Subway purchase : HERO. Really.

41. Blue dye : ANIL. Indigofera suffruticosa.

42. Hints : TRACES.

44. Renders harmless : DEFANGS. Sorry Count D.

48. Greasy spoon : BEANERY. A word from 1877.

49. It's not widely understood : IN JOKE. I guess this is intended as an abbreviation of Inside Joke.

50. Small flaw : WART.

51. Cozy spot : NOOK.

58. Quattro competitor : ATRA. An off semi-clecho with 59. Quattro, e.g. : AUDI. No mention of  SUZI who is missing a "T"

60. 2013 One Direction hit : DIANA.

61. Victor's "Samson and Delilah" co-star : HEDY. Lamar

62. Line holder for a cast : REEL. Fishing, not acting.

63. Lustrous synthetic : RAYON. Lustrous...a regenerated, semisynthetic textile filament made from cellulose, cotton linters, or wood chips by treating these with caustic soda and carbon disulfide and passing the resultant solution, viscose, through spinnerets.


1. Swindle, with "off" : RIP.

2. Run a tab, say : OWE.

3. 1998 Angelina Jolie biopic : GIA. Lots of nudity.
4. F1 neighbor : ESC. Know your keyboard.

5. It's across from Alice Tully Hall : THE MET. Don't get LOST.

6. One of many in "Orphan Black" : CLONE. This actually looks interesting.
7. Engage : HIRE.

8. Sixth of five? : ESP. Did you make sense of this clue?

9. Skid : FISH TAIL. Out of control.

10. Largo and presto : TEMPI. More than one Tempo.

11. Matinee hr. : ONE P.M.

12. March of Dimes' original crusade : POLIO.Now we march for all babies.

13. Ancient : OLDEN.

18. Mama in music : CASS.

22. Trooper's outfit? : ISUZU. A very tricky clue as this automobile has been out of production since 2002 and the Company out of the US since 2009. Poor Joe.

23. La Salle of "ER" : ERIQ.  A fellow Connecticut native who continues to work.

24. Fried treat : DONUT.
25. Obsession : MANIA. Donuts?

26. Thomas Cromwell's earldom : ESSEX. He was important to HENRY VIII but then he was not. His descendant (through his sister Katherine) Oliver Cromwell also had his day in the British sun.

27. Determined about : SET ON. Which do you like better, this or ________Hall?

29. Oblique cut : BEVEL.

31. Half a Caribbean federation : NEVIS.

32. Tom's "Mission: Impossible" role : ETHAN. Time to work on our Italian? LINK.

33. Reunion attendee : NIECE. Pick any family member ...

34. More put out : SORER.

36. "__ heaven" : THANK. I always think of this LINK. Of course now that I am older, it seems creepy.

37. American West conflict : RANGE WAR.

38. Overly curious : NOSY.

42. Former Blue Devil rival, briefly : TERP. Maryland in the ACC before they moved to the Big Ten.

43. Not suitable for kids : RATED R. No links from me.

44. Shore show of the '70s : DINAH. A classic CLIP.

45. Modern message : ENOTE.

46. Alaskan cruise sight : FJORD. Fjocus? 54. 46-Down kin : RIA.  A fjord is created by inundation of a valley formed by a glacier. They typically have very steep walls and very deep floors allowing ocean-going vessels to navigate them. A ria is a former river valley that has subsided below sea-level and flooded. It is usually shallower than a fjord and often become estuaries with little fresh-water flow into them.

47. Jim-dandy : A OKAY.

48. Pizza sauce herb : BASIL. I like both Italian and Thai basil.

50. Off-target : WIDE.  "Wide right!"  Mean anything to any college or pro football fans out there?

53. Color distinction : HUE.

55. Magpie relative : JAY. Oh not again.

56. "Microsoft sound" composer : ENO.

57. Brown shade : TAN.  A perfect way to end this Friday frolic.  Did you all appreciate the pangram? Welcome to my world Roland and have a great holiday weekend all. With the beer and brats do remember all who have passed while serving our country and all of us. Lemonade out heading to the beach.

I leave you with some pics from the restaurant where Oo is working

Bon Appetit! On the left spicy oxtail soup
On the right, shrimp, bacon and lychee.

May 26, 2016

Thursday, May 26th, 2016 Gareth Bain

Theme: Old McDonald. The theme entries have a farm animal "split" out at the start and finish of the phrase.

18A. *Steinbeck novel set in Monterey : CANNERY ROW. Cow. Beautiful part of the state, although it wouldn't have looked quite so charming in Steinbeck's time. The locals seemed friendly though.

23A. *Starter : HORS D'OEUVRE. Horse. Pedantically speaking (who, me?) one of a number of appetizers before the meal, not a starter.

35A. *China server : GRAVY BOAT. Goat. Many gravy boats are quite startling examples of kitsch. This, one, for example. Do a Google search and see what you think of the man-eating tiger variations.

52A. *Refinery job : PIPE FITTING. Pig. "Red sky at night, the refinery's alight". Refineries have lots of pipes which require fitting, I guess.

58A. Wall Street announcement ... or a hint to the circled letters : STOCK SPLIT.

G'day! Neat enough theme from Gareth. He likes to toss a couple of African references into his puzzles - we've got CAIRO and AFRICA (and African in the CAIRO clue) so check that box.

MEGS/SHO/RDS/SEPT/SAE/CRT/SSN/SGT/SLC/PMS/GPO felt like a lot of abbreviations - probably no more than the norm, it just felt like a couple too many.

Let's see what else we've got.


1. Teeth setting : GUMS

5. Parts of gigs : MEGS. Lots of bytes. When I started out in the computer industry, an IBM mainframe disk drive had a capacity of around 320Mb and cost somewhere north of $100,000. The solid-state disk that I put in my laptop has a capacity of two terabytes (almost 7,000 times as much) and cost less than $900.

9. Golf club part : SHAFT. I'd like to see a tournament where the pros use old-style clubs with hickory shafts, and persimmon heads on the woods.

14. Parrier's tool : EPÉE

15. Rent-a-car choice : AVIS

16. African city that hosts an annual international film festival : CAIRO

17. Lacks being : ISN'T

20. "Homeland" airer, briefly : SHO. Showtime on pay TV.

21. GPS options : RDS.

22. Stick homes : NESTS

27. "__ the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown" : IT'S

29. Stumped : AT A LOSS

30. Viennese "a" : EIN

31. Ale serving : MUG

32. "Git!" : SHOO

33. Story __ : ARC

34. Michaelmas mo. : SEPT. September 29th is the feast day of St. Michael and all Angels in the Christian calendar. Michael is top banana in the angel organization.

39. Guy friends : BROS

42. Like a few hours after midnight : WEE

43. Wait patiently : BIDE

46. Dark side : YIN. Best clue/answer of the day, in my ever-so-humble opinion.

47. Bill encl. : S.A.E. Your paper bills usually come with a self-addressed envelope for your payment.

48. Texas home of Hardin-Simmons University : ABILENE. Ah yes, that famous educational heavyweight institution. Home of the fearsome sporting Cowboys (and Cowgirls).

51. All Hallows' __ : EVE

54. "Four Quartets" poet : ELIOT. I find TSE's poetry to be a bit of a slog, to be honest.

56. Obsolescent PC component : CRT. The now-defunct cathode ray tube in the display.

57. With respect to : FOR. Really? I can't think of a sentence where I could interchange "with respect to" and "for" and have it sound correct. Anyone else?

60. Poke fun at : GIBE

61. New Orleans feature : LEVÉE. That e-acute is getting a workout today. You drive Chevys to levées, per Don Mclean

62. Self-defense spray : MACE. I carry a little can with me when I go hiking very early in the morning on a couple of my routes - there are two mountain lions who've staked a claim to the territory. They lie low during the day and hunt at night. I'm not sure how much use it would be, but it makes me feel better. This is the one who hunts near the Hollywood sign.

63. Skin : PELT

64. Salad green : CRESS

65. Rigel or Arcturus : STAR

66. Some lyric works : ODES


1. Tea ceremony participant : GEISHA

2. Results : UPSHOTS

3. Hanukkah symbol : MENORAH

4. Solidified, as plans : SET

5. Modern shortcuts : MACROS. Computer lingo.

6. Gets around : EVADES

7. "Never needs sharpening" brand : GINSU. I can never remember this, it's always crosses for me.

8. Tax form no. : S.S.N.

9. Project at the theater : SCREEN. The verb, not the noun form of "project".

10. "Airplane!" actor Robert : HAYS

11. Advertiser's purchase : AIRTIME

12. Become covered with rime : FROST UP. In Tennyson's Rime of the Ancient Mariner, did you know he tried out for a goalkeeper job but wasn't very good?

"IT is the ancient Mariner
and he stoppeth one of three"

13. Drag behind : TOW

19. Physicist Fermi : ENRICO. He created the world's first nuclear reactor, poetically named "Chicago Pile 1".

24. Arduous jobs : SLOGS

25. Way out : DOOR

26. Action word : VERB

28. Cpl.'s superior : SGT.

33. Word to a captain : AYE

34. Support for the circus? : STILT

36. Is in store : AWAITS

37. Ford, but not Lincoln : VEEP. No "familiarly"?

38. Slightly : A BIT

39. Sports schedule advantage : BYE

40. Rosie, notably : RIVETER. If it's not going to be SPOKESCOW, it's going to be this.

41. Bob Marley song with the lyric "Let's get together and feel all right" : ONE LOVE

44. Put on a pedestal : DEIFIED

45. Raise up : ENNOBLE

47. Bike wheel parts : SPOKES. Not on this bike:

48. Where the Zambezi flows : AFRICA

49. Caustic : BITTER

50. "Snowy" birds : EGRETS

53. Showiness : ÉCLAT

55. Gets done in a bakery : ICES

58. Utah metropolis, initially : S.L.C.

59. The U.K.'s Pitt the Elder and Pitt the Younger : P.M.'S. Prime Ministers in the 1700's.

60. Mail hub: Abbr. : G.P.O. General Post Office. This is my local post office. I'm not sure what the turrets are for!

And ... here's the grid.


Notes from C.C.:

 1) The fifth Minnesota Crossword Tournament will be held at the Landmark Center in St. Paul on June 12th, 2016 Sunday. Please click here for more details. Here is the direct registration link. Entry fee is only $20 per person.  

Don G and I teamed up again this year. Other contributors (all LAT/NYT constructors) include George Barany, Victor Barocas (also our editor), Tom Pepper, Andrea Carla Michaels, David Liben-Lowell, Michael David, Johanna Fenimore, Andrew J Ries and our own Jeffrey Wechsler, who is flying from New Jersey to volunteer for the event.

2) Peg Slay (C6D6 Peg on our blog) and I made today's WSJ "Play Ball" puzzle. You can click here to print out the PDF file.

Congratulations to Peg on her WSJ debut! She's so talented & fast-thinking. I'm  inspired by her attention to details & intuition as well. Thank you for a wonderful collaborative experience, Peg!

Peg & her husband Steve