Theme: "Alien Nation" - Last word in each theme entry is an anagram of a country.
23A. *Menace to society : PUBLIC ENEMY. Yemen.
25A. *Old-school letters : SNAIL MAIL. Mali.
49A. *Tropical cocktail : MANGO TANGO. Tonga.
68A. *Neckwear for which Mr. T was once famous (but no longer wears) : GOLD CHAIN. China.
89A. *Hobby shop purchase : MODEL PLANE. Nepal.
109A. *Deluge : HEAVY RAIN. Iran.
33D. *Soap, often : DAYTIME SERIAL. Israel.
39D. *Flu symptoms : ACHES AND PAINS. Spain.
113A. Remote region ... and what literally ends each answer to a starred clue : WILD COUNTRY
C.C. here. Down with a flu. A repeat of that awful episode in 2015. Relentless coughing.
Skeletal write-up today. If you have any question, please ask in the Comments section.
1. Turn in the box : AT BAT
6. Pour out forcefully : SPEW
10. Sailing : ASEA
14. Dip providing potassium, for short : GUAC. Guacamole.
18. Drink with an umbrella : MAI TAI
20. Scat legend, familiarly : ELLA
21. Diamond slip-up : BALK
22. Austen classic : EMMA
27. A or Angel : ALER. American Leaguer.
28. "Immediately, if not sooner!" : ASAP
30. Jeweler's assortment : RINGS
31. Doc's orders : MEDs. Do you guys all get the flu shot? I never had one.
34. Ryan in a 1998 film, e.g.: Abbr. : PVT. Saving Private Ryan.
36. Macho guys : HE-MEN
38. Party animals? : STAGS
42. BWI posting : ETA
43. Word on a wanted poster : ALIAS
45. Canine protection : ENAMEL
47. Prefix with polis : ACRO
48. Kind of milk or sauce : SOY. I only want cold water and hot jasmine tea.
51. Pledged, in a way : TITHED
53. Common FM radio fare : HIT SONG
55. Hands over : CEDES
56. Sign off on : AGREE TO
57. Bring out : ELICIT
58. "Can I have a __ of your drink?" : SIP
59. "That was close!" : PHEW
60. Coll. term : SEM (Semester)
61. Trial version : DEMO
62. Look forward to : AWAIT
64. Coolly dispassionate : CLINICAL
66. MLB stat : ERA
70. Issue opener? : NON. Non-issue.
71. They're sold as is : USED CARS
73. Choral composition : MOTET
74. Former Laker star Lamar : ODOM. Probably more famous for his marriage to Khloe Kardashian once.
77. Manhattan suffix : ITE
78. Partner : MATE
79. Pine __ : TAR
80. Spot on a horse : DAPPLE
82. Not insist on payment of, as a debt : FORGIVE
84. Weasel-like animal also called a honey badger : RATEL
87. Pirate's ship : CORSAIR
88. Hydrocodone, e.g. : OPIATE
91. "__ Got a Secret": old game show : I'VE
92. Hemsworth of "The Hunger Games" : LIAM. Boyfriend of Miley Cyrus.
93. Justice replaced by Gorsuch : SCALIA
95. Major artery : AORTA
96. Zilch : NIL
97. Broad valleys : DALES
99. Divvy up : ALLOT
100. Part of Q and A: Abbr. : ANS (Answers)
101. "By Jove!" : I SAY
102. "Gone With the Wind" family name : O'HARA
104. Nothing to write home about : SO SO
107. Loads : A TON
118. Wheel connector : AXLE. Also 37. Fancy wheels : MAGS
119. "In that case ... " : IF SO
120. Leg up : EDGE
121. Body shop application : PRIMER
122. Close by : NEAR
123. Legal document : DEED
124. What Jack Sprat's wife couldn't eat : LEAN
125. Factions : SECTS
1. Power-increasing gadget : AMP
2. 19th Greek letter : TAU
3. Lobster eater's accessory : BIB
4. Aid in planning a trip : ATLAS
5. Follow : TAIL
6. One percent of a D.C. group--or the group itself : SEN. Senator or Senate.
7. Earnest request : PLEA
8. O'Neill's "Desire Under the __" : ELMS
9. Winning by a mile : WAY AHEAD
10. Six-pack set : ABs
11. Italian Riviera resort : SAN REMO
12. Friend of Jerry, George and Cosmo : ELAINE. "Seinfeld".
13. Comparable : AKIN
14. Idaho nickname : GEM STATE
15. Actress Thurman : UMA
16. Brest friend : AMI
17. Silent __: White House nickname : CAL
19. Factory with frozen assets : ICE PLANT
24. "Dr." with MVP awards : ERVING. Dr. J.
26. Some smartphones : LGs
29. Rigatoni alternative : PENNE
31. Fit together : MESHED
32. French star : ETOILE
35. Playground game : TAG
40. Storybook sister : GRETEL
41. Doomed biblical city : SODOM
43. Mine, in Metz : A MOI
44. Church gatherings : SOCIALS
46. Three-star mil. officer : LT GEN
50. Hardly gung-ho : TEPID
52. "Crocodile Hunter" Steve __ : IRWIN
54. Brahms creation : SCORE
56. "Ooh! I know this! Gimme __" : A HINT
58. Promised : SWORE
59. Tradesperson : PLIER
62. Type type : AGATE
63. Channel for film buffs : TCM
64. Tree with long beanlike pods : CATALPA
65. Houses with layers : COOPS. Lay-ers. Hens.
67. Fess up : ADMIT
69. Monopoly piece : HOTEL
71. Word from the Greek for "not a place" : UTOPIA
72. Succumbs to pressure : CAVES
75. Singer Newton-John : OLIVIA
76. Just : MERELY
77. Music to a bluffer's ears : I FOLD
80. "Keep going!" : DON'T STOP
81. Square measurement : AREA
83. Words a pinball wizard hates to see : GAME OVER
84. Hot streak : ROLL
85. "So long, José" : ADIOS
86. Kitchen cloth : TEA TOWEL
87. "The Tonight Show" character with a turban : CARNAC
89. Vague unease : MALAISE
90. Mauna __ : LOA
94. Wine choice : CARAFE
98. Short : SHY
101. Navel type : INNIE
103. Extremely dry : ARID
105. Debate team, for example : SIDE
106. Gymnast Korbut : OLGA
108. Yours and mine : OURS
109. Solo in "Star Wars" : HAN
110. PC file suffix : EXE
111. SEC powerhouse : ALA
112. Drop off : NOD
114. Man cave setting : DEN
115. HBO competitor : TMC
116. Collecting Soc. Sec. : RET
117. What birthday candles represent: Abbr. : YRS
Dec 31, 2017
Dec 30, 2017
Saturday, December 30, 2017, C.C. Burnikel
Husker Gary here to review a puzzle submitted by our "Swiss Army Knife" leader C.C. She runs this blog, blogs Sunday puzzles, mediates contentious issues, partners with many of us on constructing and produces puzzles for every day of the week at all levels of difficulty! Wow!
Let's see what our mistress has for us on this day before the last day of 2017 and our final Saturday of the year:
1. On-the-go frozen breakfast : EGGO BITES - Just another good reason to enjoy syrup!
10. "Love, all alike, no season knows, nor __": Donne : CLIME - DONNE did "Git 'er done" would have two homophones
15. Sinatra's wife after Ava Gardner : MIA FARROW - Ava on Mia - "I always knew Frank would wind up in bed with a boy"
16. "Breaking Bad" toxin : RICIN - Chemistry teacher Walt cooked meth but used this deadly product of the castor bean to kill a rival
17. Exercise for the lower leg : CALF RAISE - This is called a Donkey CALF RAISE
18. In the presence of : AMONG
19. Creator of the album "Reflection," which consists of one 54-minute track : ENO
20. Tijuana pronoun : ESA - Me gusta ESA música ENO (I like that ENO music)
21. Gulf of Finland republic : ESTONIA
23. 2001 bankruptcy headliner : ENRON - Their bankruptcy cost my uncle his retirement and dignity and here is their CEO Ken Lay doing one of his 34. Controversial police procedure practices : PERP WALKS
25. Shaper in a shop : LATHE and 64. "My bad" : OOPS SORRY
27. Minor player : COG - That describes me here
28. Tuscany city : SIENA - We walked in SIENA where bareback horse races around the town square have been run twice a year for hundreds of years
29. Kind of butter used in skin care : SHEA - Is that why the Mets are "butter fingered"? Yeah, I'll keep my day job!
30. Pop, in Paris : PERE
31. __ jump : SKI - Remember the show where the tagline for this mishap was, "The agony of defeat"?
33. To a large degree : IN SPADES - Highest Rank suit in Contract Bridge
35. Most likely : APTEST
38. Car system : STEREO
39. Homemade crystal products : AM RADIOS - I first listened to Husker football on an AM CRYSTAL RADIO over 60 years ago
41. "Entourage" agent Gold : ARI - Played by Jeremy Pivens who I really like

42. Driving force? : UBER - Worked well for us. The app shows you the nearest UBER driver and displays her progress as she drives toward you
43. Twin Cities daily, familiarly : TRIB - Our constructors hometown paper
45. Historic times : PASTS
49. Address-ending word : NET
50. Overplay : EMOTE
51. Tabbouleh grain : WHEAT - A Levantine (from the Levant) grain and herb salad
52. Walked-over : TRODDEN
54. Energy Star co-mgr. : EPA - Environmental Protection Agency
56. Modern art? : ARE - How Great Thou ART! vs. How Great You ARE!
57. Decluttering maven Kondo : MARIE - MARIE, thy name ART a mystery to me!
58. Branch : AFFILIATE
61. Strange : ALIEN
62. Wasted call? : DRUNK DIAL - The call isn't wasted, the caller is!
63. Literature Nobelist who served in the Irish Senate : YEATS - and now a tourist attraction
1. Runs the show : EMCEES - Remember Bert Parks and his famous song?
2. Designer Versace : GIANNI - His murder in his Miami mansion will lead off FX's America's Crime Story next month
3. See 33-Across : GALORE - Did anyone else think of a Bond Girl?
4. Inaccurate : OFF
5. Completely uncovered : BARE NAKED - I only know of the group called BARE NAKED LADIES because they wrote and recorded the theme song to this fabulously successful TV show
6. Nest egg accts. : IRAS
7. Court affairs : TRIALS
8. Sister of Helios : EOS - We usually see her and her friendly letters as the goddess of dawn
9. Improves, as an offer : SWEETENS
10. Box : CRATE
11. Long ride? : LIMO
12. "You win" : I CONCEDE - Rhoda says "I give up!"
13. Cookie in Snak Saks : MINI OREO - There's no where to hide from OREOS of any size in crossword puzzles
14. Keeps occupied : ENGAGES - A teacher who ENGAGES an angry student in an argument can't win
22. View from Yreka : SHASTA - A Cascade Range Mountain as seen from Yreka, CA
24. GM security system : ONSTAR - We have it at no cost for 3 years with our car but have never used it
26. Often-grilled tuna : AHI
30. Outcast : PARIAH - Can you say Harvey Weinstein?
32. "Am I off-base here?" : IS IT ME - "Yeah, it's you Harvey! You're a creep!"
35. Light-brown brew : AMBER ALE
36. Seat of South Africa's executive branch : PRETORIA
37. Olds luxury car : TORONADO - Also the name of Zorro's horse
39. Peter Parker's adoptive mother : AUNT MAY - Some Spiderman purists thought Marisa Tomei was "too hot" to play this role compared to her predecessors Rosemary Harris and Sally Field.
40. Parking order? : SIT - "Park It!"
44. Strengthen : BEEF UP
46. Oceanside home asset : SEA AIR
47. Fried shrimp sauce : TARTAR
48. Unwavering : STEELY - Calling someone this is very high praise in NASA parlance
50. Wonderlands : EDENS
53. Losing effort : DIET - What is the world's record for getting off of these after New Year's Day?
55. Flagsticks, to many golfers : PINS
59. To and __ : FRO
60. Veiled reply, perhaps : I DO
Rail away about this Saturday puzzle:
Husker Gary here to review a puzzle submitted by our "Swiss Army Knife" leader C.C. She runs this blog, blogs Sunday puzzles, mediates contentious issues, partners with many of us on constructing and produces puzzles for every day of the week at all levels of difficulty! Wow!
Let's see what our mistress has for us on this day before the last day of 2017 and our final Saturday of the year:

1. On-the-go frozen breakfast : EGGO BITES - Just another good reason to enjoy syrup!
10. "Love, all alike, no season knows, nor __": Donne : CLIME - DONNE did "Git 'er done" would have two homophones
15. Sinatra's wife after Ava Gardner : MIA FARROW - Ava on Mia - "I always knew Frank would wind up in bed with a boy"
16. "Breaking Bad" toxin : RICIN - Chemistry teacher Walt cooked meth but used this deadly product of the castor bean to kill a rival
17. Exercise for the lower leg : CALF RAISE - This is called a Donkey CALF RAISE
18. In the presence of : AMONG
19. Creator of the album "Reflection," which consists of one 54-minute track : ENO
20. Tijuana pronoun : ESA - Me gusta ESA música ENO (I like that ENO music)
21. Gulf of Finland republic : ESTONIA
23. 2001 bankruptcy headliner : ENRON - Their bankruptcy cost my uncle his retirement and dignity and here is their CEO Ken Lay doing one of his 34. Controversial police procedure practices : PERP WALKS
25. Shaper in a shop : LATHE and 64. "My bad" : OOPS SORRY
27. Minor player : COG - That describes me here
28. Tuscany city : SIENA - We walked in SIENA where bareback horse races around the town square have been run twice a year for hundreds of years
29. Kind of butter used in skin care : SHEA - Is that why the Mets are "butter fingered"? Yeah, I'll keep my day job!
30. Pop, in Paris : PERE
31. __ jump : SKI - Remember the show where the tagline for this mishap was, "The agony of defeat"?
33. To a large degree : IN SPADES - Highest Rank suit in Contract Bridge
35. Most likely : APTEST
38. Car system : STEREO
39. Homemade crystal products : AM RADIOS - I first listened to Husker football on an AM CRYSTAL RADIO over 60 years ago
41. "Entourage" agent Gold : ARI - Played by Jeremy Pivens who I really like

42. Driving force? : UBER - Worked well for us. The app shows you the nearest UBER driver and displays her progress as she drives toward you
43. Twin Cities daily, familiarly : TRIB - Our constructors hometown paper
45. Historic times : PASTS
49. Address-ending word : NET
50. Overplay : EMOTE
51. Tabbouleh grain : WHEAT - A Levantine (from the Levant) grain and herb salad
52. Walked-over : TRODDEN
54. Energy Star co-mgr. : EPA - Environmental Protection Agency
56. Modern art? : ARE - How Great Thou ART! vs. How Great You ARE!
57. Decluttering maven Kondo : MARIE - MARIE, thy name ART a mystery to me!
58. Branch : AFFILIATE
61. Strange : ALIEN
62. Wasted call? : DRUNK DIAL - The call isn't wasted, the caller is!
63. Literature Nobelist who served in the Irish Senate : YEATS - and now a tourist attraction
1. Runs the show : EMCEES - Remember Bert Parks and his famous song?
2. Designer Versace : GIANNI - His murder in his Miami mansion will lead off FX's America's Crime Story next month
3. See 33-Across : GALORE - Did anyone else think of a Bond Girl?
4. Inaccurate : OFF
5. Completely uncovered : BARE NAKED - I only know of the group called BARE NAKED LADIES because they wrote and recorded the theme song to this fabulously successful TV show
6. Nest egg accts. : IRAS
7. Court affairs : TRIALS
8. Sister of Helios : EOS - We usually see her and her friendly letters as the goddess of dawn
9. Improves, as an offer : SWEETENS
10. Box : CRATE
11. Long ride? : LIMO
12. "You win" : I CONCEDE - Rhoda says "I give up!"
13. Cookie in Snak Saks : MINI OREO - There's no where to hide from OREOS of any size in crossword puzzles
14. Keeps occupied : ENGAGES - A teacher who ENGAGES an angry student in an argument can't win

24. GM security system : ONSTAR - We have it at no cost for 3 years with our car but have never used it
26. Often-grilled tuna : AHI
30. Outcast : PARIAH - Can you say Harvey Weinstein?
32. "Am I off-base here?" : IS IT ME - "Yeah, it's you Harvey! You're a creep!"
35. Light-brown brew : AMBER ALE
36. Seat of South Africa's executive branch : PRETORIA
37. Olds luxury car : TORONADO - Also the name of Zorro's horse
39. Peter Parker's adoptive mother : AUNT MAY - Some Spiderman purists thought Marisa Tomei was "too hot" to play this role compared to her predecessors Rosemary Harris and Sally Field.
40. Parking order? : SIT - "Park It!"
44. Strengthen : BEEF UP
46. Oceanside home asset : SEA AIR
47. Fried shrimp sauce : TARTAR
48. Unwavering : STEELY - Calling someone this is very high praise in NASA parlance
50. Wonderlands : EDENS
53. Losing effort : DIET - What is the world's record for getting off of these after New Year's Day?
55. Flagsticks, to many golfers : PINS
59. To and __ : FRO
60. Veiled reply, perhaps : I DO
Rail away about this Saturday puzzle:
Dec 29, 2017
Friday, December 29, 2017, David Alfred Bywaters
Title: Theater 101
I am back serving as DAB's caddie for the third time. He had his debut on a Friday at the end of last year and now he has another December offering. Today he has terms from theater (theatre to some) hiding them in words and phrases. There is no reveal but each clue refers to "theater" letting you know which fill are art of the theme. You then have a hint to what the fill will be. I enjoyed CAST IN STONE and FLOOD STAGE the most. My youngest directed and appeared in a play that took place in a pool they constructed onstage. Anyway, back to my last review of the year, David has some sparkle in the fill THIRDLY, SPIDERWEB and STORMS OFF, but again with 5 themers there was not much room for more. With the cluing giving you the theme, I thought this was a late gift to you all. Let's get detailed.
18A. Text for a mailroom theater production? : POSTSCRIPT(10). This is outlier, as it is but one word, but imagined as POST SCRIPT. If you look at it that way we have 1/5 with the theater word at the end and 2/3/4 with the first word the theater word.
23A. Statue of a theater troupe? : CAST IN STONE (11). I love this as the mental picture of an entire cast sculpted in stone is cool.
38A. World leader in the theater? : ACTING PRESIDENT (15). Ronald Reagan anyone? Or perhaps you like KIRKMAN.
48A. Squawker in a theater performance? : PLAY CHICKEN (11). It conjures up non-theater images. LINK.
56A. Theater backdrop for a biography of Noah? : FLOOD STAGE (10). Cute.
1. Ovation fraction: CLAP. I was pleased that I filled this and the perps confirmed I was right.
5. Overstress, with "on": HARP.
9. "Hungarian Rhapsodies" composer: LISZT. How about number No. 2.
14. Shout: YELL.
15. Notion: IDEA.
16. Let down, as hair: UNPIN. My thought: LINK.
Walk right in, sit right down
Baby, let your hair hang down
Walk right in, sit right down
Baby, let your hair hang down
17. Silents star Naldi: NITA. I do not know why I remembered this name, but it must be related to doing crossword puzzles.
20. Much Byzantine art: ICONS. You ready to BUY?
22. Put on: HIRED. My mind went to the other meanings.
27. CPR provider: EMT.
30. Upside-down forest hangers: SLOTHS.
31. Scottish landscape feature: BRAE. Luckily I read Hamish Macbeth novels. LINK.
32. Dorm VIPs: RAS. Resident Advisors,
35. "... __ saw Elba": ERE I. We are seeing a lot of ELBA these days.
36. Shellfish order: PRAWNS. Time we all understood this CRUSTACEAN.
41. Literary family name: BRONTE. Three sisters. Very Chekov.
42. Ottoman officials: DEYS. I knew of the beys, but not these OFFICIALS.
43. Large inlet: BAY. A different bey.
44. Shipping hazard: BERG. ICEBERG?
45. Shepherds' charges: FLOCKS.
47. Brief belief: ISM.
53. Taters: SPUDS. Very common in the hills and mountains.
55. Consolation beginning and ending: THERE. There, there dear it will be all right.
61. Auto club recommendations: INNS. I need advice on the outs.
62. Clear of mist: DEFOG. Not as necessary as deicing.
63. Measure of skills: EXAM.
64. Part of CBS: Abbr. : SYST.
65. Prepare beans, Mexican-style: REFRY. Refried beans are really just beans with some seasoning, mushed up. It’s like hummus, actually. And the word “refried”? Well, that’s not even what you think. It doesn’t mean fried twice (horrors!) – It’s just an English translation of “refrito” which is Spanish means “well fried” or “cooked well.” See LINK.
66. Nonpayment consequence: REPO.
67. Yoga needs: MATS. Last week we had poses.
1. Pessimist: CYNIC.
- A cynic is someone who refuses to believe;
- A pessimist is someone who has given up on believing;
- A skeptic is someone who is reluctant to believe. Psychology Today.
2. German camera: LEICA. LINK.
3. Choir parts: ALTOS.
4. Photosynthesis users: PLANTS.
5. Trendy: HIP.
6. Stir: ADO.
7. Hi-__ image: RES, I initially wanted DEF.
8. Compassion-evoking quality: PATHOS. I minored in English and we were taught all about Pathos, Bathos and other criticism from a wonderful TEACHER.
9. It may be filthy: LUCRE. Money; originally, money obtained dishonestly. For example, She didn't like the job but loved the filthy lucre in the form of her weekly paycheck. This term comes from the Bible (Titus 1:11), where it refers to those who teach wrongly for the sake of money. In time it came to be used loosely, and usually jokingly, for money in general, and in the mid-1900s gave rise to the jocular slang term the filthy for “money.”
10. As to: IN RE.
11. Catcher of small prey: SPIDERWEB. Very fun clue/fill, though I have seen some big spiderwebs. Like many big things, the picture is from Texas.
12. Close, as a parka: ZIP.
13. Explosive letters: TNT.
19. Reason for regret: SIN.
21. Like the last letter in a column? : SILENT. I love this kind of simple misdirection.
24. Norway, in Norway: NORGE. Norge is Norwegian, Danish and Swedish for Norway.
25. Dance part: STEP. Step by step; slowly I turned....
26. Adverb after a second contract item: THIRDLY. Not really. the word is not in fashion in contract drafting.
28. Food for the wandering Israelites: MANNA.
29. Irritable: TESTY.
31. Serious, as an injury: BAD.
32. Jewish teacher: RABBI. Master, teacher —used by Jews as a term of address (Webster's). Not a religious figure historically.
33. Farm parts: ACRES.
34. Departs in anger: STORMS OFF.
36. "Fooled you!" : PSYCH. Did anyone see the MOVIE?
37. Take a chance: RISK IT.
39. Having one sharp: IN G.
40. Anti-discrimination agcy. : EEOC.
45. Like the tortoise in the fable, ultimately: FASTER. Does winning the race make him faster? I think not.
46. Religious division: SCHISM.
48. Rotund: PUDGY. Pugsley? He is GONE.
49. Mormons, initially: LDS. Latter Day Saints.
50. African nation on the Indian Ocean: KENYA.
51. Surrealist Max: ERNST. I love elephants.
52. Forest homes: NESTS. All you needed to know and MORE.
54. Needy: POOR. These days needy is more associated with emotional issues.
56. HST predecessor: FDR. Harry S. Truman. Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
57. "Fever" singer Peggy: LEE.
58. Hatchet: AXE. 40 years after I met the people who would become the band AXE, they are putting out a new album. Listen to a rock and roll ballad.
59. Space: GAP.
60. Punk rock offshoot: EMO. Did you KNOW?
2017 was quite a year for me, as Charles Dickens wrote "It was the best of times. it was the worst of times." I end the year very grateful for my life, my friends here at the Corner, my wonderful family and all the excitement of the roller coaster ride that is my life. I also am grateful for Mr. Bywaters and the 27 other constructors who provided the puzzles which I (and my pinch hitters) have brought you every Friday. Special thanks to C.C.and Rich Norris and wishing you all a great 2018. For all of you being beset by the cold and snow, be careful. Hope to see you back here next year. Lemonade out.
I am back serving as DAB's caddie for the third time. He had his debut on a Friday at the end of last year and now he has another December offering. Today he has terms from theater (theatre to some) hiding them in words and phrases. There is no reveal but each clue refers to "theater" letting you know which fill are art of the theme. You then have a hint to what the fill will be. I enjoyed CAST IN STONE and FLOOD STAGE the most. My youngest directed and appeared in a play that took place in a pool they constructed onstage. Anyway, back to my last review of the year, David has some sparkle in the fill THIRDLY, SPIDERWEB and STORMS OFF, but again with 5 themers there was not much room for more. With the cluing giving you the theme, I thought this was a late gift to you all. Let's get detailed.
18A. Text for a mailroom theater production? : POSTSCRIPT(10). This is outlier, as it is but one word, but imagined as POST SCRIPT. If you look at it that way we have 1/5 with the theater word at the end and 2/3/4 with the first word the theater word.
23A. Statue of a theater troupe? : CAST IN STONE (11). I love this as the mental picture of an entire cast sculpted in stone is cool.
38A. World leader in the theater? : ACTING PRESIDENT (15). Ronald Reagan anyone? Or perhaps you like KIRKMAN.
48A. Squawker in a theater performance? : PLAY CHICKEN (11). It conjures up non-theater images. LINK.
56A. Theater backdrop for a biography of Noah? : FLOOD STAGE (10). Cute.
1. Ovation fraction: CLAP. I was pleased that I filled this and the perps confirmed I was right.
5. Overstress, with "on": HARP.
9. "Hungarian Rhapsodies" composer: LISZT. How about number No. 2.
14. Shout: YELL.
15. Notion: IDEA.
16. Let down, as hair: UNPIN. My thought: LINK.
Walk right in, sit right down
Baby, let your hair hang down
Walk right in, sit right down
Baby, let your hair hang down
17. Silents star Naldi: NITA. I do not know why I remembered this name, but it must be related to doing crossword puzzles.
20. Much Byzantine art: ICONS. You ready to BUY?
22. Put on: HIRED. My mind went to the other meanings.
27. CPR provider: EMT.
30. Upside-down forest hangers: SLOTHS.
31. Scottish landscape feature: BRAE. Luckily I read Hamish Macbeth novels. LINK.
32. Dorm VIPs: RAS. Resident Advisors,
35. "... __ saw Elba": ERE I. We are seeing a lot of ELBA these days.
36. Shellfish order: PRAWNS. Time we all understood this CRUSTACEAN.
41. Literary family name: BRONTE. Three sisters. Very Chekov.
42. Ottoman officials: DEYS. I knew of the beys, but not these OFFICIALS.
43. Large inlet: BAY. A different bey.
44. Shipping hazard: BERG. ICEBERG?
45. Shepherds' charges: FLOCKS.
47. Brief belief: ISM.
53. Taters: SPUDS. Very common in the hills and mountains.
55. Consolation beginning and ending: THERE. There, there dear it will be all right.
61. Auto club recommendations: INNS. I need advice on the outs.
62. Clear of mist: DEFOG. Not as necessary as deicing.
63. Measure of skills: EXAM.
64. Part of CBS: Abbr. : SYST.
65. Prepare beans, Mexican-style: REFRY. Refried beans are really just beans with some seasoning, mushed up. It’s like hummus, actually. And the word “refried”? Well, that’s not even what you think. It doesn’t mean fried twice (horrors!) – It’s just an English translation of “refrito” which is Spanish means “well fried” or “cooked well.” See LINK.
66. Nonpayment consequence: REPO.
67. Yoga needs: MATS. Last week we had poses.
1. Pessimist: CYNIC.
- A cynic is someone who refuses to believe;
- A pessimist is someone who has given up on believing;
- A skeptic is someone who is reluctant to believe. Psychology Today.
2. German camera: LEICA. LINK.
3. Choir parts: ALTOS.
4. Photosynthesis users: PLANTS.
5. Trendy: HIP.
6. Stir: ADO.
7. Hi-__ image: RES, I initially wanted DEF.
8. Compassion-evoking quality: PATHOS. I minored in English and we were taught all about Pathos, Bathos and other criticism from a wonderful TEACHER.
9. It may be filthy: LUCRE. Money; originally, money obtained dishonestly. For example, She didn't like the job but loved the filthy lucre in the form of her weekly paycheck. This term comes from the Bible (Titus 1:11), where it refers to those who teach wrongly for the sake of money. In time it came to be used loosely, and usually jokingly, for money in general, and in the mid-1900s gave rise to the jocular slang term the filthy for “money.”
10. As to: IN RE.
11. Catcher of small prey: SPIDERWEB. Very fun clue/fill, though I have seen some big spiderwebs. Like many big things, the picture is from Texas.
12. Close, as a parka: ZIP.
13. Explosive letters: TNT.
19. Reason for regret: SIN.
21. Like the last letter in a column? : SILENT. I love this kind of simple misdirection.
24. Norway, in Norway: NORGE. Norge is Norwegian, Danish and Swedish for Norway.
25. Dance part: STEP. Step by step; slowly I turned....
26. Adverb after a second contract item: THIRDLY. Not really. the word is not in fashion in contract drafting.
28. Food for the wandering Israelites: MANNA.
29. Irritable: TESTY.
31. Serious, as an injury: BAD.
32. Jewish teacher: RABBI. Master, teacher —used by Jews as a term of address (Webster's). Not a religious figure historically.
33. Farm parts: ACRES.
34. Departs in anger: STORMS OFF.
36. "Fooled you!" : PSYCH. Did anyone see the MOVIE?
37. Take a chance: RISK IT.
39. Having one sharp: IN G.
40. Anti-discrimination agcy. : EEOC.
45. Like the tortoise in the fable, ultimately: FASTER. Does winning the race make him faster? I think not.
46. Religious division: SCHISM.
48. Rotund: PUDGY. Pugsley? He is GONE.
49. Mormons, initially: LDS. Latter Day Saints.
50. African nation on the Indian Ocean: KENYA.
51. Surrealist Max: ERNST. I love elephants.
52. Forest homes: NESTS. All you needed to know and MORE.
54. Needy: POOR. These days needy is more associated with emotional issues.
56. HST predecessor: FDR. Harry S. Truman. Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
57. "Fever" singer Peggy: LEE.
58. Hatchet: AXE. 40 years after I met the people who would become the band AXE, they are putting out a new album. Listen to a rock and roll ballad.
60. Punk rock offshoot: EMO. Did you KNOW?
2017 was quite a year for me, as Charles Dickens wrote "It was the best of times. it was the worst of times." I end the year very grateful for my life, my friends here at the Corner, my wonderful family and all the excitement of the roller coaster ride that is my life. I also am grateful for Mr. Bywaters and the 27 other constructors who provided the puzzles which I (and my pinch hitters) have brought you every Friday. Special thanks to C.C.and Rich Norris and wishing you all a great 2018. For all of you being beset by the cold and snow, be careful. Hope to see you back here next year. Lemonade out.
Dec 28, 2017
Thursday December 28th 2017 Jeff Stillman
Theme: Top 'O The Morning - Homophones. Vaguely. With an Irish twist?
17A. Author Gertrude's Irish friend? : PAL O' STEIN. Palestine. My dad was stationed in Palestine in the 1930's. He had nothing but good things to say about the county and the people.
59A. Irish physician? : MAN O' CURES. Manicures. Guinness and Jameson's whisky. Those are the Irish cures. My mom was given Guinness in hospital after I was born; she was anemic. You've got to love those kinds of diagnoses.
11D. Irish hotel that offers perfumed pillows? : INN O' SCENTS. Innocents. Here's Dublin's finest - The Clarence:
31D. Change tossed into an Irish busker's hat? : PAIR O' DIMES. Paradigms.
I'm not totally enthused by this theme. Homophones depend on how you speak, and some work for me, and some don't. Your mileage may vary. Let's leave it at that.
The North-west was a challenge, the rest was a regular Thursday experience. Let's see what jumps out:
1. Sugar amt. : TBSP. Tablespoon. Three of them in my sushi vinegar. 4-3-1 is the magic combination - 4 tbsps rice wine vinegar, 3 tbsp of sugar and the one is a teaspoon of salt.
5. Swimmer's regimen : LAPS. I once swam 334 laps of an Olympic pool for a charity event. It was a 10-mile marathon swim. I was dizzy when I got out of the pool.
9. Margaret Atwood's "__ Grace" : ALIAS. Thank you, crosses.
14. Cosmetic additive : ALOE
15. Alternatively : ELSE
16. Small drum or large antelope : BONGO. I knew the drum, not the antelope. Now I do. They're stripey:
19. Prepared to tackle : RAN AT
20. Foul odor : STENCH
21. Liquid-Plumr rival : DRANO. Probably to fix the above from a blocked drain.
23. Brewer's kiln : OAST
26. Black Sea port : ODESSA
29. Like some time-release pills : CAPSULAR. New word for me.I got there eventually, but it took some time.
33. Old Toyota subcompact : TERCEL
34. "Don't interrupt!" studio sign : ON AIR
35. Inflexibility : RIGOR
37. Head lines, for short? : E.E.G. Electroencephalography, but we all knew that.
38. Fail to attend : SKIP
39. Checkout choice : PAPER. Or Plastic. The latter is not available in LA anymore, the former you pay for. BYOB - bring your own bag. I like it.
40. Latin word on a cornerstone : ANNO. Domini. There's a new PC term for it now, but it's hard to replace all those foundation stones.
41. Road goo : TAR. Macadam. I love the smell of freshly-laid tar.
42. Church law : CANON
43. Buzzing : ASTIR
44. Pleasant emanations : AROMAS. See TAR above.
46. Antipathy : DISTASTE
48. Air traffic control devices : RADARS
49. Assist, as a theater patron : SEAT
50. Puts a dent in one's gas mileage : IDLES
52. Herbal cough drop brand : RICOLA. The commercials are annoying.
57. Carved piece of jewelry : CAMEO
62. Alaskan native : ALEUT
63. Straddling : UPON
64. "Let me know if you're coming" letters : RSVP. "Répondez s'il vous plaît". It annoys me when I see "Please RSVP". But I get annoyed with "ATM machine" and "PIN number". I guess I'm easily annoyed.
65. Mud nest builders : WASPS
66. Dinner summons at the manor house : GONG. I tried "RING" first. Was wrong.
67. Young fellows : BOYS
1. Melody from a bugler : TAPS
2. Sour note from a bugler : BLAT. Completely unknown, thank you, crosses. Any musicians amongst us care to explain?
3. Dover flatfish : SOLE
4. Menial employee : PEON
5. Quite destructive : LETHAL. Quite? Something of an understatement.
6. Bass, e.g. : ALE. Loved this clue/answer. The world's first trademark was the red triangle on the label.
7. Pressure meas. : PSI. Pounds per Square Inch. I rate cheesecake on how many pounds I gain per square inch of cheesecake eaten.
8. Dispatch : SEND
9. Carpenter's rasp, for one : ABRADER. More thank you, crosses. I'm sure an abrader is a thing, but I'm sure I'd never walk into a hardware store and ask for one.
10. Dealership vehicle : LOANER
12. Turkish title : AGA
13. Tosspot : SOT. Yet another learning moment. A tosspot in England is a loser.
18. Search far and wide : SCOUR. Great word.
22. Common pump part : ROTOR
24. Wrap for leftovers : SARAN. Plenty of these after Christmas.
25. Photography gear : TRIPODS.
27. "Already caught that movie" : SEEN IT!
28. 1990s veep : AL GORE I'm drinking some Tom Gore wine right now. Any relation?
29. Share the marquee : CO-STAR
30. Capital ESE of Istanbul : ANKARA
32. Sample some soup : SIP
36. "Arabian Nights" spirit : GENIE
39. Behind the times : PASSÉ
40. Actor Butterfield of "Ender's Game" : ASA. Hello crosses! Thank you!
42. Where lemons may be sold : CAR LOTS
43. Cobwebby place : ATTIC
45. Fictionalized : MADE UP
47. Polynesian garment : SARONG. I looked for a link, this was the first one that came up. I thought I'd keep it.
51. Self-righteous : SMUG
53. HBO's "__ Your Enthusiasm" : CURB
54. Guesstimate phrase : OR SO.
55. Tax : LEVY
56. Nile serpents : ASPS
57. Cornfield sound : CAW. Why do crows like corn so much?
58. Menu phrase : A LA. Carte. Mode. King. What was the last one?
60. Mil. mail drop : A.P.O.
61. Haitian negative : NON. You need to know French is spoken in Haiti.Crosswords teach you a lot of things.
With that, I'm done. Merry Thursday, falling between Christmas and New Year! I couldn't find any music links - have at it!
17A. Author Gertrude's Irish friend? : PAL O' STEIN. Palestine. My dad was stationed in Palestine in the 1930's. He had nothing but good things to say about the county and the people.
59A. Irish physician? : MAN O' CURES. Manicures. Guinness and Jameson's whisky. Those are the Irish cures. My mom was given Guinness in hospital after I was born; she was anemic. You've got to love those kinds of diagnoses.
11D. Irish hotel that offers perfumed pillows? : INN O' SCENTS. Innocents. Here's Dublin's finest - The Clarence:
31D. Change tossed into an Irish busker's hat? : PAIR O' DIMES. Paradigms.
I'm not totally enthused by this theme. Homophones depend on how you speak, and some work for me, and some don't. Your mileage may vary. Let's leave it at that.
The North-west was a challenge, the rest was a regular Thursday experience. Let's see what jumps out:
1. Sugar amt. : TBSP. Tablespoon. Three of them in my sushi vinegar. 4-3-1 is the magic combination - 4 tbsps rice wine vinegar, 3 tbsp of sugar and the one is a teaspoon of salt.
5. Swimmer's regimen : LAPS. I once swam 334 laps of an Olympic pool for a charity event. It was a 10-mile marathon swim. I was dizzy when I got out of the pool.
9. Margaret Atwood's "__ Grace" : ALIAS. Thank you, crosses.
14. Cosmetic additive : ALOE
15. Alternatively : ELSE
16. Small drum or large antelope : BONGO. I knew the drum, not the antelope. Now I do. They're stripey:
19. Prepared to tackle : RAN AT
20. Foul odor : STENCH
21. Liquid-Plumr rival : DRANO. Probably to fix the above from a blocked drain.
23. Brewer's kiln : OAST
26. Black Sea port : ODESSA
29. Like some time-release pills : CAPSULAR. New word for me.I got there eventually, but it took some time.
33. Old Toyota subcompact : TERCEL
34. "Don't interrupt!" studio sign : ON AIR
35. Inflexibility : RIGOR
37. Head lines, for short? : E.E.G. Electroencephalography, but we all knew that.
38. Fail to attend : SKIP
39. Checkout choice : PAPER. Or Plastic. The latter is not available in LA anymore, the former you pay for. BYOB - bring your own bag. I like it.
40. Latin word on a cornerstone : ANNO. Domini. There's a new PC term for it now, but it's hard to replace all those foundation stones.
41. Road goo : TAR. Macadam. I love the smell of freshly-laid tar.
42. Church law : CANON
43. Buzzing : ASTIR
44. Pleasant emanations : AROMAS. See TAR above.
46. Antipathy : DISTASTE
48. Air traffic control devices : RADARS
49. Assist, as a theater patron : SEAT
50. Puts a dent in one's gas mileage : IDLES
52. Herbal cough drop brand : RICOLA. The commercials are annoying.
57. Carved piece of jewelry : CAMEO
62. Alaskan native : ALEUT
63. Straddling : UPON
64. "Let me know if you're coming" letters : RSVP. "Répondez s'il vous plaît". It annoys me when I see "Please RSVP". But I get annoyed with "ATM machine" and "PIN number". I guess I'm easily annoyed.
65. Mud nest builders : WASPS
66. Dinner summons at the manor house : GONG. I tried "RING" first. Was wrong.
67. Young fellows : BOYS
1. Melody from a bugler : TAPS
2. Sour note from a bugler : BLAT. Completely unknown, thank you, crosses. Any musicians amongst us care to explain?
3. Dover flatfish : SOLE
4. Menial employee : PEON
5. Quite destructive : LETHAL. Quite? Something of an understatement.
6. Bass, e.g. : ALE. Loved this clue/answer. The world's first trademark was the red triangle on the label.
7. Pressure meas. : PSI. Pounds per Square Inch. I rate cheesecake on how many pounds I gain per square inch of cheesecake eaten.
8. Dispatch : SEND
9. Carpenter's rasp, for one : ABRADER. More thank you, crosses. I'm sure an abrader is a thing, but I'm sure I'd never walk into a hardware store and ask for one.
10. Dealership vehicle : LOANER
12. Turkish title : AGA
13. Tosspot : SOT. Yet another learning moment. A tosspot in England is a loser.
18. Search far and wide : SCOUR. Great word.
22. Common pump part : ROTOR
24. Wrap for leftovers : SARAN. Plenty of these after Christmas.
25. Photography gear : TRIPODS.
27. "Already caught that movie" : SEEN IT!
28. 1990s veep : AL GORE I'm drinking some Tom Gore wine right now. Any relation?
29. Share the marquee : CO-STAR
30. Capital ESE of Istanbul : ANKARA
32. Sample some soup : SIP
36. "Arabian Nights" spirit : GENIE
39. Behind the times : PASSÉ
40. Actor Butterfield of "Ender's Game" : ASA. Hello crosses! Thank you!
42. Where lemons may be sold : CAR LOTS
43. Cobwebby place : ATTIC
45. Fictionalized : MADE UP
47. Polynesian garment : SARONG. I looked for a link, this was the first one that came up. I thought I'd keep it.
51. Self-righteous : SMUG
53. HBO's "__ Your Enthusiasm" : CURB
54. Guesstimate phrase : OR SO.
55. Tax : LEVY
56. Nile serpents : ASPS
57. Cornfield sound : CAW. Why do crows like corn so much?
58. Menu phrase : A LA. Carte. Mode. King. What was the last one?
60. Mil. mail drop : A.P.O.
61. Haitian negative : NON. You need to know French is spoken in Haiti.Crosswords teach you a lot of things.
With that, I'm done. Merry Thursday, falling between Christmas and New Year! I couldn't find any music links - have at it!
Dec 27, 2017
Wednesday Dec 27, 2017 Jason Mueller
Theme: BRANDED (40A. Labeled ... or, divided into three parts, what surrounds the answers to starred clues)- Read it as BR and ED.
17A. *More than just indoctrinated : BRAINWASHED.
62A. *Brunette : BROWN-HAIRED.
11D. *Hit at an intersection, maybe : BROADSIDED.
28D. *Alert and peppy : BRIGHT-EYED.
Boomer here.
Good morning or afternoon as the case may be. I am excited to notice that daylight hours are getting longer again, but not too enthused about double digit below zero temperatures. You would think after 70 years in Minnesota I would be used to winter, but I am already looking forward to Springtime.
1. Bottomless gulf : ABYSS
6. See 8-Down : MAJOR 8D. With 6-Across, prime minister before Tony Blair : JOHN - I don't pay much attention to British politics. I remember Tony Blair and Winston Churchill.
11. Murphy __ : BED - tough clue. Not many homes have a Murphy bed anymore.
14. Lerner collaborator : LOEWE
15. "That's my wish" : I HOPE
16. "Fahrenheit 451" novelist Bradbury : RAY - 'Twas also a good movie.
19. Ducks' home: Abbr. : ORE - Strange name for a college football team, almost as odd as Gophers or Badgers.
20. Hindu retreat : ASHRAM
21. Available to watch anytime : ON DEMAND
23. Classic Fords : LTDs I owned one years ago. An affordable but upscale model. I believe it competed with the Chevy Impala.
25. Pomegranate bit : SEED - There are about 100 seeds in one fruit. Said to be very healthy.
26. Three-time Pulitzer-winning playwright : ALBEE - most famous for "Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf" (About a middle aged couple named Martha and George). I'm not sure if George chopped down the pomegranate tree.
29. Big letters in home security : ADT - American District Telegraph - Their security packages are pretty expensive though.
32. Costume items for horror movie villains : MASKS
35. __ of paradise : BIRD - HOF Indiana Pacer. Larry is on a 1981 rookie card with Magic
36. Top : BLOUSE - Blouse is a good word. Top is a lousy clue.
38. CD yield : INT - Yes, and not very much these days.
39. "Rope-a-dope" boxer : ALI - The Greatest ?
41. Actress Ruby : DEE - I remember her in "A Raisin in the Sun" with Sidney Poitier.
42. Pester : NAG
43. Irritated reply to "Aren't you ready yet?" : I AM NOW
44. Toolbar button with a question mark : HELP
45. Messenger service replaced by Google Hangouts : GCHAT - Is this one of those social media things ?
47. Suffix with front : IER - I get it but I am not sure about suffixes in Crossword Puzzles.
48. Area component : WIDTH - times length and you got it.
49. Lipstick holder : TUBE
51. High-five sound : SLAP - We do high and lower fives in bowling, but no slaps.
53. Homers, in baseball lingo : GOES YARD - Dinger, four bagger, outta here, Sportscasters must have thousands of names for a home run.
57. Have high hopes : ASPIRE - Frank Sinatra - "Once there was a silly old ram, thought he'd bust a hole in a dam." He had high hopes.
61. At all : ANY - Again, I did not like the clue. It's like people saying "As Well" instead of "Too".
64. Frozen water : ICE - Plenty up here in MN. People drive their vehicles on the lakes. (We have 10,000 of them. Not me though. Every year we have stories of cars breaking through to the bottom of a lake.
65. Cry after a golfer's ace : IT'S IN - I don't think so, but I have never witnessed a hole in one in person and I have never made one either.
66. Human __ : BEING
67. Journalist Koppel : TED
68. The ones here : THESE
69. Newspaper copy : ISSUE
1. "Sin City" actress Jessica : ALBA - A couple of "Sin City" s and a "Good Luck Chuck".
2. Knight of the Round Table : BORS - Never heard of him. OK, he was a buddy of Lancelot.
4. Blew in circles, as the wind : SWIRLED - Or how Dairy Queen makes a Blizzard.
5. 100-lawmaker group : SENATE - You probably heard that one of our senators resigned. As of January 2, 2018, Minnesota will be one of only four states represented by two female senators.
6. Actress Farrow : MIA - Gossip tabloids exploded with stories about Mia and Frank Sinatra. She got her career started on "Peyton Place" which I never watched. I remember her in "Rosemary's Baby" - Although I hated the movie.
7. "Got it" : AH SO - I have never been to Japan, but I doubt if they say this.
9. Newspaper essays : OP-EDs - Opinion / Editorials. Not my favorite section.
10. Used, as credit card rewards : REDEEMED - Could be, however - Has anyone ever redeemed Gold Bond Stamps? How about S & H Green stamps?
12. Merit : EARN
13. Made blue, in a way : DYED - Tricky clue
18. Iraq War concern: Abbr. : WMD
22. "Do __ favor ... " : ME A
24. Sandwich meat : SALAMI - Baloney had too many letters
26. Go out with __ : A BANG
27. Flowery candle scent : LILAC - Green grow the lilacs all sparkling with dew.
30. "No man is an island" poet : DONNE
31. Henry VIII et al. : TUDORS - The Tudor Monarchy lasted from 1485 - 1603. I did not know that, I Googled it. I thought Tudor was a body style of a car.
33. Prepared to pray : KNELT
34. Two-time NBA MVP Curry : STEPH - Turned down a trip to the White House.
36. Bikini half : BRA
37. Wrap (up) : SEW - Once again, I feel the clue does not fit
40. Gradually : BIT BY BIT - Nothing gradual about these coins.
44. Many Woodstock attendees : HIPPIES - Could be an opinion. Woodstock was in New York State. Hippies were flower children of northern California. I am not sure how many could travel 3000 miles when they made their living begging for quarters.
46. Ger. neighbor : AUS (Austria) - A relatively small country near Munich.
48. Sushi condiment : WASABI - really bad tasting mustard. I think you need granite taste buds to put this in your mouth.
50. Third of eight : EARTH - Used to be nine, then Pluto ran away.
52. "Well, __-di-dah!" : LAH
53. Walking pace : GAIT
54. Previously : ONCE
55. Wine choice : ROSE - To be a true Rose wine, you need one of those little hash marks above the "E". Otherwise, it's just a flower.
56. Sobriety checkpoint concerns, for short : DWIs - We have DWIs in Minnesota, (Not Me), but I have never seen a sobriety checkpoint. Other states?
58. Spring flower : IRIS
59. Bausch + Lomb product : RENU - A must for contact lens users.
60. Brink : EDGE - Or could be a Ford SUV.
63. Peoria-to-Green Bay dir. : NNE - If you really want to go to Green Bay. Some guys were shirtless Saturday at Lambeau's 4 degree Packers/Vikings game. What a way to get on TV!
Notes from C.C.:
Happy Birthday to dear Dudley, who's been with our blog since April 2010. Dudley started the "Rabbit, Rabbit" tradition, WBS (What Barry Said) and a few other popular blog Abbrs. This picture was taken during Montana's visit to Northeast in September, 2013.
Look at this special pizza Christmas gift Dear Gary and his wife Joann made for their granddaughter Elise!
Dec 26, 2017
Tuesday, December 26, 2017 ~ Parikshit S. Bhat
Theme: Turning Circles - Take a word, rearrange the letters one at a time, moving the first one to the last one
18. Jamaican term for hot chocolate: COCOA TEA
22. Greek salad ingredient: GOAT CHEESE
34. Car accessory that may be faux leather: SEAT COVER
50. Glowing barbecue lump: RED HOT COAL
55. Traitor, and a literal hint to this puzzle's circles: TURNCOAT
Argyle here with Pari's third offering in LATland. Tinbeni will be happy.
1. Champagne cocktail: MIMOSA
7. Wrist-to-elbow bone: ULNA
11. Young newt: EFT
14. Prepared (oneself), as for a shock: BRACED
15. Be unsuccessful: FAIL
16. The "A" in 59-Across: ALE. 59A. Hoppy beer, for short: IPA. (India pale ale)
17. Dogs from Japan: AKITAs
20. Suffix with hip or tip: STER
21. Stormy weather sound: THUNDER
26. Board game cubes: DICE
27. French friend: AMI
28. "__-ho!": "Everybody lift together!": HEAVE
29. Scrutinized, with "over": PORED
30. __ majesty: high treason: LESE. Lèse-majesté: from Latin laesa majestas ‘injured sovereignty.’
32. Letter before omega: PSI
33. Leftover food bits: ORTS
38. Actor Brad: PITT
40. __ kwon do: TAE
41. Start of a magical chant: ABRA. ABRAcadabra.
45. Longed (for): PINED
46. Minor fight: SET-TO
48. Tyrannosaurus __: REX
49. Norwegian patron saint: OLAF
52. Records again: RETAPES
54. Wolf's cry: HOWL
57. Ex-Soviet leader Brezhnev: LEONID
60. Use a stopwatch for: TIME
61. Painter or sculptor: ARTIST
62. Cleopatra killer: ASP
63. Winter coaster: SLED
64. Balance sheet items: ASSETS
1. Management deg.: MBA. (Master of Business Administration)
2. Annoying: IRKSOME
3. Rum cocktails: MAI TAIs
4. Two foursomes: OCTET
5. Look online: SEARCH
6. App interruptions: ADs
7. Mixed martial arts org.: UFC. (Ultimate Fighting Championship)
8. "Tao Te Ching" philosopher: LAO TSE
9. Specialized market segment: NICHE
10. Baseball's Felipe or Moises: ALOU
11. Humbly accept blame: EAT DIRT
12. Swindles: FLEECES
13. Got emotional, with "up": TEARED
19. Republic between Spain and France: ANDORRA. Their web site.
22. __ pal: GAL
23. Air filter acronym: HEPA. (high-efficiency particulate air) filter.
24. Sunrise direction: EAST
25. Kicked out: EVICTED
29. Poet for whom the Edgar Awards are named: POE
31. Miami Sound Machine singer Gloria: ESTEFAN
35. Scheduled leaving hr.: ETD
36. Pledge: OATH
37. White House no: VETO
38. Multi-car collisions: PILE-UPs
39. Ensnared: IN A TRAP
42. Chocolate treat: BROWNIE
43. Practical thinker: REALIST
44. Rock singer Rose: AXL
45. "The Merchant of Venice" heiress: PORTIA
46. Opening word for Ali Baba: SESAME. Not the first word spoken but the word that got the
cave to open.
47. Unlisted stuff: OTHERS
50. Lubricate again: REOIL
51. Codgers: COOTS
53. Cuts for agts.: PCTs. %
56. Danson of "The Good Place": TED. Cheers!
57. Anaheim MLB team, in crawl lines: LAA. (Los Angeles Angels)
58. Souse's woe: DTs. (Delirium Tremens) When the pink elephants come to dance with you.
Note from C.C.:
Many regulars are aware that D-Otto and his wife make potato dumplings every Christmas. You can see his recipe here. Quite a challenging project.
Here is a great picture of D-Otto working on the dumplings yesterday. He said below. I was amazed that he still has the original box.
"The grinding is finished and the roast is in the oven. We're in a brief window before the mixing/boiling stage has to begin. Here's me with at the controls of the Shred-O-Mat (in glorious Harvest Gold), attired in the official dumpling uniform of the day -- blue jeans, sacrificial tee and no watch."
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