, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Feb 15, 2017

Wednesday, Ed Sessa, February 15, 2017


Husker Gary at the humpday helm today and as you can see below in the grid the homonyms for TO, FOUR, WON, SAIL and GOODBYES are employed to make the marketing slogan you see here at the right. How cool is that? Uh, it took me a while to see it. You?

Theme fills

20. *More than is wise : TO (TWO) A FAULT - C'mon that's funny! 

26. *Luxury resort chain : FOUR (FOR) SEASONS - Yeah, this FOUR SEASONS buffet in Singapore seems to qualify as Luxury

36. *Dominated the election : WON (ONE) BY A LANDSLIDE - Attributed to Joe Kennedy when he was backing JFK's presidential race

44. *Complete with ease - SALE (SAIL) THROUGH - She did! 


54. Farewells ... or, homophonically and read top to bottom, what the first words of the answers to starred clues represent? : GOOD BYES 

BTW, I got this TWO FOR ONE SALE - GOOD BUY last month and they are great:

Watt ells does Ed half four us two day:


1. See 1-Down : FOOD paired with 1. With 1-Across, Whoppers and McRibs, e.g. : FAST for a clever start in the NW corner!

5. Risk taker : DARER

10. Minimally : A TAD

14. He sang about Alice : ARLO - He sang about Alice for over 18 minutes

15. Ooze with : EXUDE

16. Bond's first movie foe : DR NO - You mean someone other than Ursula Andress was in that movie?

17. Word with interest or service : SELF - Marty McFly had to go back to 1955 to see a FULL service station like here

18. Lavin of "Alice" : LINDA

19. Water retainer : DIKE

22. River racers : SCULLS

24. Rose of Guns N' Roses : AXL

25. Poetic pair : COUPLET - How many times have you read these wonderful couplets to a child?

31. "__ to leap tall buildings ... " : ABLE - ...or FROM a tall building

32. "David Copperfield" villain : HEEP

33. Cain, to Abel, informally : SIB(ling)

41. Teachers' org. : NEA

42. Sufficient, to Shakespeare : ENOW - Methinks there are many at this site who know of whom the Bard is speaking when he wrote "I must not think there are evil ENOW to darken all his goodness". I had to look it up.

43. Working hard : AT IT

48. Descends, as a rock wall RAPPELS - I'm not sure I have courage ENOW to give this a go

52. Fluke-to-be : ROE - Baby fluke eggs

53. Worried : UNEASY

59. Fly in the ointment : SNAG

60. Fly-fishing catch : TROUT - A trout going after that fly

62. Tennis score : LOVE - It's means nothin' 

63. Floor piece : TILE

64. "Maybe, just maybe" : I HOPE

65. Big name in furniture : IKEA

66. Clairvoyant : SEER And now, the great SEER, soothsayer, and sage, Carnac.... the Magnificent. Johnny often called the question to this answer the funniest bit he ever did in this character. That question to this answer is at the bottom of this write-up.

67. Got by : COPED

68. See 58-Down : PENN with 58. With 68-Across, "Milk" Oscar winner : SEAN


2. Embossed cookie : OREO - Another clue for the ubiquitous OREO

3. Southwestern clay pot : OLLA

4. Remove respectfully : DOFF - Dr. Suess had a Hat DOFFING Cat as well as tales of Green Eggs and Ham

5. First-class : DELUXE

6. Armpit : AXILLA - Hey, don't look at me, I didn't know either! :-)

7. Squirt : RUNT

8. Teacher's deg. : EDD - Doctor of Education degree - usually seen as EdD. 

9. Thought (out) : REASONED

10. Make sense : ADD UP

11. Composer's embellishment : TRILL - Do you have any problems with National Antems sang with "Triplets, quintuplets, mordents, TRILLS, turns, six-note slides and grace notes?"

12. Bracelet spot : ANKLE - How Lindsay Lohan disguised hers while under arrest. A fashionable felon?

13. Biblical verb : DOEST - Perhaps thou DOEST but shouldst thou?

21. Toy inserts usually not included : AA'S - Batteries

23. Crescent points : CUSPS

25. Either "The Man Who Wasn't There" director : COEN - My favorite COEN brothers' movie is Fargo

26. Doe's dear : FAWN

27. Wind in a pit : OBOE

28. Arm bone : ULNA - About 12" below your AXILLA

29. Bull Run soldier : REB - Johnny REB showed this would not be a quick war

30. Over-the-shoulder garb : SHAWL

33. In __: as placed : SITU

34. "Understood," in hippie-speak : I DIG

35. "Little Women" sister : BETH

37. Verbal nods : YESES

38. Kind of geometry : ANALYTIC - How far did Yogi have to throw? Piece 'o Pythagorean Cake for our math heads!

39. "The Giver" novelist Lowry : LOIS - What? Ed didn't use Superman's girl friend here?

40. Thai language : LAO - Everyone knows hello is ສະບາຍດີ

45. Entertainers on the road : TROUPE

46. Partner of hollered : HOOTED

47. Wine choice : RED

48. Reddish-brown colors : RUSTS

49. Singer Lennox : ANNIE - One reviewer's list of ANNIE'S Top 10 songs omitted my favorite - Sweet Dreams

50. "Positive thinking" advocate : PEALE

51. "Your table's ready" signaler : PAGER

54. Sticky stuff : GOOP

55. Radar dot : BLIP

56. Team connection : YOKE - A YOKED means of crossing Nebraska before I-80

57. All tied up : EVEN

61. Letter after pi : RHO

Carnac answer/question: The answer is "Sis, Boom, Bah". And the question is "What sound does an exploding sheep make?"

Weed luv four ewe two comment:

Husker Gary


Note from C. C.:

Happy Birthday to dear Skip (Hondo on the blog), who is a huge fan of UConn women's Basketball. Skip is also an expert on vintage sports cards & attends shows often on weekends.
Left to right: Marti, Dudley, Hondo & Montana (Sept 2013) 

Feb 14, 2017

Tuesday, February 14, 2017 Mark McClain

Theme: Dunkirk - Anything that would float joined the flotilla used for the evacuation.

17A. Crude early version of a work of art: ROUGH SKETCH

30A. Computer programming glitch: ENDLESS LOOP. I learned this one because of discussions here on the blog.

46A. New York City zoo locale: CENTRAL PARK

61A. Lakeside launching aid ... and, literally, each set of circled letters: BOAT TRAILER. I found the circled letters weren't much help.

Argyle here. Well, maybe an ark wasn't used for the evacuation. I found this to be tough for a Tuesday. The reveal doesn't relate that well to the theme entries. But it was just a 'J' shy of a pangram.


1. Bindle-toting migrants: HOBOs. Bindle was the bag holding his sundry.

6. "Oliver!" no-goodnik: FAGIN. The mastermind.

11. Bygone intl. carrier: TWA. (Trans World Airlines)

14. Face in the crowd, in film: EXTRA

15. With no help: ALONE

16. A, in Aachen: EIN. Aachen is traditionally known in English and French as Aix-la-Chapelle.

19. Bottom-row PC key: ALT

20. Natural salve additive: ALOE

21. Slightly: A LITTLE

23. Financial claim: LIEN

26. Coin-in-a-fountain thought: WISH

28. Pakistani language: URDU

29. "The Lord of the Rings" beast: ORC

33. What marathoners load up on: CARBS

35. WWII conference site: YALTA

36. Like swimming competitions: AQUATIC

39. Getting by: DOING OK

43. Rants and raves: RAGEs

45. Bold: NERVY

51. Slithery fish: EEL

52. Et __: and others: ALIA

53. Harp constellation: LYRA

54. Daly of "Cagney & Lacey": TYNE

55. Sun protection for kissers?: LIP BALM

58. Former Russian ruler: CZAR

60. "__ no use!": IT'S

66. Pot pie veggie: PEA

67. When Macbeth kills Duncan: ACT II

68. French-speaking Caribbean country: HAITI

69. FDR successor: HST. (Harry S Truman)

70. 2000s TV series set in California: "THE OC". (Orange County, CA)

71. Snooze: SLEEP


1. Seagoing pronoun: HER

2. Good Grips kitchenware brand: OXO

3. A/C capacity meas.: BTU. (British thermal unit)

4. Church instrument: ORGAN

5. Satirist Mort: SAHL

6. Secret agent's passport, say: FAKE ID

7. Some craft beer: ALE

8. Advanced in one's career: GOT AHEAD

9. At no addl. cost: INCL. (Inclusive: used to say that a price includes everything.)

10. Grape soda brand: NEHI 

11. Italian playhouse: TEATRO

12. "I'm on it, boss": "WILL DO"

13. Pre-poker deal demand: ANTE UP

18. Planted, as seed: SOWN

22. New Orleans university: TULANE

23. "Livin' La Vida __": Ricky Martin hit: LOCA. "like a bullet to your brain"

24. Baghdad's land: IRAQ

25. Beige shade: ECRU

27. Crafty: SLY

30. To be, in Barcelona: ESTAR

31. __-mo replay: SLO

32. Perform miserably: STINK

34. Bill for drinks: BAR TAB

37. "Hometown Proud" supermarket chain: IGA. (Independent Grocers Alliance)

38. Roomie in prison: CELLMATE

40. Earl __ tea: GREY

41. Pizza cooker: OVEN

42. Actor Chandler of "Bloodline": KYLE

44. CIA operative: SPY

46. Muslim bigwig: CALIPH

47. Upper crust groups: ELITEs

48. Attacks, puppy-style: NIPS AT. Ankle biters.

49. Super cold: ARCTIC

50. Motorola phone: RAZR

54. __ by jury: TRIAL

56. Blind as __: A BAT

57. Ness, for one: LOCH

59. Massage reactions: AAHs

62. Padre's brother: TIO. Uncle.

63. Whopper: LIE

64. Summer, in 68-Across: ÉTÉ. French-speaking HAITI.

65. Fabric mishap: RIP

The travelogue is over.


Notes from C.C.:

1) Blogger team finally fixed the Comments section Preview glitch yesterday. Now you can Preview & Publish again. Thanks for the various Blogger posts, TTP! I'm sure your analysis helped them.

2) Happy Birthday to dear Marti, who used to guide us on Thursdays. I'm not sure Marti still reads our blog. We miss you, Marti! 

Feb 13, 2017

Monday, February 13, 2017 Kurt Kraus

Theme: blank Team - Echo of Sunday. The first word can precede TEAM.

61A. Players on the same side ... and what the starts of the answers to starred clues can be: TEAMMATES

17A. *Track event with batons: RELAY RACE. Relay team, to run the race.

25A. *Romantic outing for four: DOUBLE DATE. Double team, basketball term.

36A. *Romantic ideal: DREAM GIRL. Dream team.

51A. *Machinist's hole maker: DRILL PRESS. Drill team, marching in formations.

Argyle here, part of the blog team. Impressive sides to the puzzle.


1. Show affection to, as a dog: PET

4. Barton of the Red Cross: CLARA

9. The Congo, formerly: ZAIRE

14. Martinique, par exemple: ILE. I think Kurt wants to go away on vacation. But who doesn't?

15. Archaeological find: RELIC

16. Bother: ANNOY

19. Night, in Naples: NOTTE

20. Congregational "Absolutely!": "AMEN!"

21. "__ beaucoup": MERCI. "Thank you very much"

23. Lab rodent: RAT

24. Schoolbook, or much of its contents: TEXT

27. "Romanian Rhapsodies" composer: ENESCO. George Enescu. Vlad Vizireanu, Romanian conductor.

29. Wears away: ERODES

30. John, Paul and George: Abbr.: STs. (Saints)

31. Under-the-sink fitting: P-TRAP

35. For fear that: LEST

39. Farmland measure: ACRE

42. Steinway or Yamaha: PIANO

43. Crone: HAG

46. Yellow Teletubby: LAA-LAA

49. Meditative music genre: NEW AGE

55. Ache: HURT

56. Announcer Hall: EDD. He was Jay Leno's announcer on The Tonight Show.

57. Use a loom: WEAVE

58. What aces may count as: ONEs or elevens.

59. Black, in Burgundy: NOIRE. France.

64. Hues: TONES

65. The "I" in IV: INTRA

66. High season on the Riviera: ÉTÉ. Busy time on the beach.

67. Grain disease: ERGOT

68. Ruby Dee's husband Davis: OSSIE

69. Period, e.g.: DOT


1. High seas bandits: PIRATES

2. Periodic table listing: ELEMENT

3. Fax forerunners: TELEXES

4. Bawl: CRY

5. The Once-__: "The Lorax" character: LER

6. Mission to remember: ALAMO

7. Houston sch.: RICE U.

8. Biting, as criticism: ACERB

9. More wacky: ZANIER

10. Period with 365 días: ANO

11. For services rendered instead of cash: IN TRADE. (stop snickering!)

12. Revolves: ROTATES

13. Driver's license requirement: EYE TEST

18. Aardvark fare: ANTS

22. The NFL's Browns, on sports tickers: CLE. (Cleveland Browns)

25. Pour affection (on): DOTE

26. Sweetie pie: DOLL

28. EMT procedure: CPR. Emergency Medical Technician/CardioPulmonary Resuscitation

32. Knock hard: RAP

33. Parisian pal: AMI. Might be your dream girl you'll meet on vacation.

34. Ryder Cup org.: PGA. The Ryder Cup is a biennial men's golf competition between teams from Europe and the United States.

36. Big name in computers: DELL

37. Holiday and Days: INNs

38. Caviar: ROE

39. Firm, as pasta: AL DENTE

40. It's usually locked after parking: CAR DOOR

41. Attacking, as the fridge: RAIDING

43. Full of ghosts: HAUNTED

44. Go along with: AGREE TO

45. Prepares: GETS SET

47. L.A. Angels' division: AL WEST. Baseball.

48. Big galoot: APE

50. Stagecoach driver's "Stop!": "WHOA!"

52. 4:1, e.g.: RATIO

53. Alternative to odds: EVENS

54. Theater chairs: SEATS

60. Classic car: REO

62. CAT scan cousin: MRI. (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)

63. Fannie or Ginnie follower: MAE. (Mortgage Association)


Feb 12, 2017

Sunday, Feb 12, 2017 Ed Sessa

Theme: "First Things First" - The first word can follow "First".
23A. Trust builder? : ESTATE PLANNER. First estate. The clergy.

31A. Result of losing two points, perhaps : LOVE- THIRTY. Unfamiliar to me. Common Tennis term?  First love.

52A. Concern for gardeners : FROST WARNING. First frost. No change of meaning on "frost" here.

75A. Wriggler on a hook : NIGHT CRAWLER. First night.

92A. Teacher's bane, at times : CLASS CLOWN. First class.

104A. Mozart's "The Hunt," for one : STRING QUARTET. First string.

37D. Any one of the NFL's top 25 career scoring leaders : PLACE KICKER. First place.
40D. They're spoken in anger : CHOICE WORDS. First choice.

I don't recall seeing a word that can precede/follow type from Mr. Ed. First for me.

Ed Sessa, Xword Info
Ed is one of those few constructors who are experts at building both themed and themeless puzzles. This Sunday puzzle showcases his skills nicely. Lots of sparkly long fill in this 140-worder with 8 themers.


1. Unflappability : APLOMB.. Fantastic start.

7. Responds to an alarm : AWAKES

13. Bliss : ECSTASY. Love this word as well.

20. Counterman? : GEIGER. Gimme for veteran solvers. Geiger counter,

21. On deck : UP NEXT

22. "Raging Bull" fighter : LAMOTTA (Jake). We also have 38. Descendant of the English Bulldog : BOXER

25. Clink : SLAMMER . 24. See 25-Across : PEN

26. Sent messages, before faxes and email : TELEXED. What's the first time you had internet access? 1999 for me.

27. Bit of body art : TAT. "Bit" indicates an abbreviated answer.

29. Julia of "Legends of the Fall" : ORMOND. First encounter with this actress.

30. Meat cut : LOIN

35. Convey : IMPART

39. Son of Donald : ERIC

40. Shares an email with : CCs

43. Pigeon hangouts : SILLS. Not COTES/COOPS.

44. Voice of TV's Fat Albert : COSBY. Not a welcome name.

45. Get online shopping help, say : HAVE A CHAT. Had an interesting experience with a company based in China last year. Asian sizes tend to be smaller, hence the online chat.

47. Sports org. with three major divisions : NCAA. Division I, II and III.

48. Student of Socrates : PLATO

49. Hired car : TAXI

50. TV exec Arledge : ROONE

51. Tolkien monster : ORC

55. Protest gone bad : RIOT. Still sad about the 1989 protest/riot.

56. Piggy : TOE

57. Gambling game : LOTTO

58. Veers : ZAGs

59. Pound units : OUNCES

61. Urban of country : KEITH. Happy couple.

63. Rooting area : STY. Great clue.

64. Shot with English : MASSE. Give it some English (spin),

65. Reach by schooner, say : SAIL TO

67. Canal through Oneida Lake : ERIE

69. Half of a record : B SIDE

71. Trap that's spun : WEB

74. Gremlins, e.g. : AMCs
78. __-Wan Kenobi : OBI

79. Some price changes : HIKES. Minnesota is giving a 25% relief on the health insurance hikes last year, D-Otto!

81. Whoop-de-__: lively parties : DOOs

82. WWII issue : E BOND

83. Suffix with Jumbo : TRON

84. Glacial expanses : ICE SHEETS

86. Night noise : SNORE

87. Edge along : SIDLE

88. Happy hour sponsor : BAR

89. Kyrgyzstan range : ALAI. I confused this range with Altai. That Wiki articled mentioned Chinese mountain range Tian Shan, meaning "Mountain of Heaven". Tian = Heaven. Shan = Mountain.

90. Refrigerant trade name : FREON

91. Troubles : NAGS AT
94. Celebrity : FAME

95. Like Jack and Jill, ultimately : FALLEN

98. __ lepton: physics particle : TAU. Stranger to me. We also have 68. P-like letters : RHOs

99. Fiber source : OAT BRAN. Never had it or any bran. I have a question, Steve. In this Jamie Oliver clip, did he use our old-fashioned rolled oats? Judging by the time, they seem to be steel-cut oats in sliced pieces.

102. The littlest bit : ONE IOTA

109. Verify : CONFIRM

110. Colored tee, perhaps : TIE DYE

111. Bawled (out) : REAMED

112. Aflutter : IN A FLAP. Got via crosses.

113. Hill group : SENATE

114. Border maintainers : EDGERS. Not GUARDS.


1. Time of one's life : AGE

2. Fruit fly or gnat : PEST

3. Loser's ad word : LITE

4. Nebraska city named for a Native American tribe : OGALLALA. I just noticed the Sioux tribe name is spelled Oglala. Always thought it's Ogalala.

5. Streakers in showers : METEORS. Smiled at this clue.

6. Withdrawal in 2016 headlines : BREXIT. Great fill/clue as well.

7. "Should __ acquaintance ... " : AULD

8. FDR program : WPA. Always need crossing help.

9. Gothic novelist Radcliffe : ANN

10. Understanding : KEN. Beyond my ken/understanding.

11. Oxford college : EXETER

12. Classic Fender guitar, briefly : STRAT. Gimme for Bill G/Splynter.

13. Golfing countryman of Player : ELS. Gary Player was in our 3M tournament last year. Quiet.

14. Unit of heat : CALORIE

15. Diminutive two-seater : SMART CAR

16. "Pinball Wizard" opera : TOMMY. Drew a blank.

17. Spherical opening? : ATMO

18. WWII British firearm : STEN

19. Spot to spot Spot : YARD. The art of cluing, Irish Miss!

28. WWII alliance : THE AXIS

31. Was beaten by : LOST TO

32. U-shaped river bend : OXBOW

33. "Oy __!" : VEY

34. Monte of Cooperstown : IRVIN. Old timer. I don't think we have any of his original cards.

35. Schoolyard argument : IS NOT

36. Itsy-bitsy : MICRO

38. Bit of braggadocio : BOAST. Poor Boomer lost all his matches to a 80-year-old on Friday night. He always tries hard though, but the nerve pain sometimes is unrelenting.

41. Transport for Chingachgook : CANOE. Got via crosses. "The Last of the Mohicans". 

42. Editors' marks : STETS

44. Quilter's need : CLOTH

45. Dangle : HANG

46. Pedal problems : CORNS. I sure was not thinking of "foot".

48. Subatomic particle : PROTON

49. Serving convenience : TRAY

52. Flutter by like a butterfly : FLIT

53. Templo Mayor builder : AZTEC

54. Driven to act : GOADED

60. Tablet buyer, usually : USER. And 94. 60-Down's info source : FAQ

62. "It's nobody __ business" : ELSE'S

63. Poses : SITS

64. Pooh creator : MILNE

65. Ahmedabad address : SAHIB. Wiki says that "In 2012, The Times of India chose Ahmedabad as the best city to live in in India".

66. Livorno lady friend : AMICA. vs. Amico.

67. Hard one to work with : EGOTIST

69. Thick-furred primate : BABOON

70. Like court testimony : SWORN

72. Virus first identified in Zaire : EBOLA

73. IQ test pioneer : BINET (Alfred). Learned from doing crosswords.

76. Thoughts : IDEAS

77. Extend one's Self? : RENEW. Self magazine.

80. Petroleum produced from rock fragments : SHALE OIL

83. Jazz standard that became an LSU fight song : TIGER RAG. Guessable. LSU Tigers.

85. Hyundai compact : ELANTRA. Word without meaning.

86. "No seats" letters : SRO

87. Performed a ballroom dance : SAMBAED

90. 1984 Heisman Trophy winner Doug : FLUTIE

91. The great outdoors : NATURE. Getting warmer here. So happy to walk outdoors again.

92. Site of an ascent : CLIFF

93. Playbill listings : CASTS

95. Central points : FOCI

96. In short order, in verse : ANON

97. Dunham of "Girls" : LENA

99. Ornate arch : OGEE

100. My way : AT ME. Can you give me an example of how the clue matches the answer?

101. __-do-well : NE'ER

103. Band accessory : AMP

105. Neurotic toon pooch : REN. Ren & Stimpy,

106. Potato source: Abbr. : IDA (Idaho)

107. Paper read on the LIRR, perhaps : NYT

108. Cardinal points, briefly? : TDs. Arizona Cardinals.

Happy Birthday to dear LaLaLinda, a die-hard Red Sox fan. Linda still reads our blog faithfully, but health has prevents her from posting daily. Your presence is very much missed here, Linda!


Feb 11, 2017

Saturday, Feb 11th, 2017, C.C. Burnikel

Theme: C.C.C.W.~!

Words: 72 (missing J,Q,V,X,Z)

Blocks: 31

   First things first - I wanted to say thank you for all the Birthday comments on Thursday - I had the time to review them because I was buried under 8" of snow - I always get snow on my Birthday~! And I have an answer to a question from one of the comments at 5d today.  Anyway, on to today's puzzle - another from our gracious host, C.C., and for the second week in a row, a pretty easy one for me.  I did not get my "ta-DA~!" because of one crossing, but I found it without having to cheat.  Odd looking grid with two black corners, leaving us with triple 10s in the Across, and almost triple 9s in the Down;

 1. Bar line : "WHAT'S ON TAP~?" - because "What's your sign~?" didn't fit

12. Poker telecast equipment : POCKET CAM - none of these at our table 

32. They're high on the Scoville scale : HABANEROS - nailed it.  The pungency 'hotness' scale of chilis

63. "That'll never work!" : "ROTTEN IDEA~!"

oh, it'll work alright....



11. They're sometimes black : OPerationS

14. Question at an alumni gathering : "REMEMBER ME~?"

15. Word with leg or elbow : ROOM - planes and trains

17. "Looking at all sides ... " : "IN FAIRNESS..."

18. Real estate unit : ACRE

19. Tijuana addr. : SRA

20. Nada : Nogales :: __ : Reims : RIEN - some alliteration, too

21. Phone user : TALKER - oops, not CALLer

23. County in Ulster : TYRONE
in the middle of the yellow

25. Some broken pegs, or where they're found : TEES - clever; I had no clue to start with

27. Multi-purpose shortening : ETC.

28. Cooler tenant : CON - cooler as in jail, the clink, ETC. - although ICE was a good thought; straight clecho with 31. Cooler tenant : THIEF

29. Crew tools : OARS - got it

30. 4-Down in France : THE - circumreferential with; 4. 30-Across in America : TEA

34. Pot addition : ANTE - two weeks in a row I'm in the black at the poker table~! I pulled four 6's in one hand - and nothing wild

35. Patriot target : SCUD

36. Went berserk : HAD A FIT - oops, I filled in HAD AT IT

38. Sushi bar appetizer : EDAMAME

40. "... crafty seer, with __ wand": Pope : EBON

41. "__ Yankees" : DAMN - such language~!

43. Feet in a meter? : IAMBS - I tried BEATS

44. Title of respect, in Tokyo : SAN - ah, yes, Daniel-san

45. Bug zappers? : SERA - the stomach and flu kind of bugs

46. Ed. basics : RRR - the three "R"s; reading, (w)riting, 'rithmetic

47. "Major Crimes" network : TNT

48. Green Smoke product : eCIG - I think I'll get one with the money from my B-day; the new car stinks of cigar with the windows closed in the winter

49. Misbehaves : ACTS UP

53. Take back : RECALL - here's my mistake; I had recaNT, which messed up my SW

55. Mark for good : ETCH

57. Old televangelism letters : PTL

58. Second-largest Middle East country : IRAN - behind Saudi Arabia, but I was surprised to see Yemen at #3 - I guess Turkey is not considered part of the area

59. Wipe out : ANNIHILATE

62. Scrapple ingredient : PORK

64. Waves home : SEA - and another pure clecho with; 24. Waves home : OCEAN

65. Cell notice : EMAIL ALERT - my first thought, but I hesitated


1. Slap spot : WRIST

2. Edsel's father : HENRY - Ford Motor Company men

3. "Making AIDS History" org. : amfAR - american foundation for AIDS Research

5. Brand in many a Moscow mule : SMIRNOFF - I got it, but I didn't know why - turns out, it's a drink
Hey - Wilber Charles, that's "Sloth", from Bill W., St 6, 12 & 12~!

6. "The Barefoot Contessa" Oscar winner Edmond : O'BRIEN

7. Island goose : NENE - official bird of the state of Hawaii

8. 1776 battleground : TRENTON - got it from half perps

9. Morning hrs. : AMs - my AM yesterday was not a good one - my 'private' road did not get plowed, and I could not get to UPS. 

10. Bugged : PESTERED

11. Like some wills : ORAL

16. Car in a King title : MERCEDES - Ah, this book, from Stephen King.  I thought it was a reference to "Lord Won't You Buy Me", but that's Joplin

22. Biblical beast : ASS

26. All gone : EATEN

31. Busy Las Vegas area : THE STRIP

33. "Whatever" : "I DON'T CARE."

34. Arcade giant : ATARI - I had two memorable Birthdays - the first one being back in Fifth Grade, when I had just two friends come over - but it snowed as bad that night as it did this year; thought it was canceled, but the moms brought them over in the storm, and we played Atari 2600 all.  night.  long.

35. Sting : SMART

37. "Well, well!" : "I DECLARE~!"

39. Carrier to Beijing : AIR CHINA - semi-shout out to our host~!

42. Fuchsia cousin : MAGENTA

45. Pommes frites seasoning : SEL - salt

46. Weisz of "The Constant Gardener" : RACHEL - I liked her in "Constantine"
50. Soil mover : SPADE

51. Absolute : UTTER

52. Kilt fold : PLEAT

54. "My Way" lyricist : ANKA

56. Arboreal Amazon monkey : TITI
This is what I did on my Birthday

60. Georges, par exemple : NOM - Frawnche, name

61. Tiny, in a tiny way : LI'L


Feb 10, 2017

Friday, February 10, 2017, Alex Eaton-Salners

Title: What Shakespeare really meant

Today we have our third LAT puzzle from Alex who had his debut here in NOVEMBER and this month he had his NYT debut (2-2-17) and WSJ (2-4-17). I have read his constructor notes for the NYT, LINK, but he gave no personal information. He did show an incredible amount of work and attention to his creative process. My research suggests he is an attorney in California working as in house counsel specializing in intellectual property. I guess words are his business and his pleasure.

For someone new to creating puzzles, he includes lots of fresh fill such as HALOGEN,  OCARINA, MAGELLAN,  EQUALING, SHOT CLOCK,  BERING SEA, NEAT AS A PIN and ATTENDANCE

The theme is deceptively straight forward as the clue continuity of each being a play by Shakespeare leaves the solver only needing to find a literal definition of the title.

18A. "As You Like It"? : ACCORDING TO TASTE (15). Or as Splynter would say, "chacun à son goût."

28A. "Hamlet"? : SMALL VILLAGE (12). I think of the Pied Piper.

47A. "Twelfth Night"? : JANUARY FIFTH (12). This is outlier, as this play deals with January 5 frivolity and the other fill has nothing to do with the play..

60A. "A Midsummer Night's Dream"? : AIR COOLING SYSTEM (15).This was the hardest for me but the perps got me in the right direction.


1. New : FRESH. A nice way to begin, making us all happy.

6. Word on a movie ticket : ADMIT.

11. Great white cousin : MAKO. You need to be up on your SHARKS.

15. Like a gymnast : LITHE. Hard to find anything that is not inappropriate.

16. In perfect order : NEAT AS A PIN. An old timey phrase.

20. Thai currency : BAHT. Married to a Thai woman. this is a complete gimme. They are currently about 35 to a dollar.

21. "Night" author Wiesel : ELIE. A survivor and a man to admire. LINK. He died last year.

22. Summertime treats : ICEES.

23. Berkeley sch. : CAL. An abbreviation clue begets an abbreviation fill. I beleive this is Alex's Law School Alma Mater..

25. Moby-Dick, e.g. : ALBINO. The white whale! Sharks and whales-cool.

32. Bing provider : MSN. Part of the Microsoft family.

35. Fluorine or chlorine : HALOGEN. The dictionary tells us any of the elements fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine, and astatine, occupying group VIIA (17) of the periodic table.

36. Santa __ : ANA.

37. State tie of New Mexico : BOLO.

38. Name on the cover of "Fear of Flying" : ERICA.  The BOOK. It is the Fifty Shades of Gray of my generation.
39. __ shui : FENG. Also popularized in he 70s.

41. Fix, as a road : RE-TAR.

42. Bill : BEAK. Bird.

43. Web help source : FAQ.

44. Simple wind : OCARINA.

46. Animal in some fables : ASS.

49. What a round increases : BAR TAB. Fun clue, very Friday.

50. Vied (for) : RAN.

51. Diarist Nin : ANAIS. Her name assures her crossword immortality.

54. Island festivity : LUAU.

56. Great Sphinx site : GIZA.

64. It's taken in schools : ATTENDANCE. More good clue/fill.

65. Take care of : SEE TO. It always reminds me of Jean Luc.

66. Go slowly : SEEP.

67. Some expirations : SIGHS. A $20.00 word as the clue.

68. High priests : LAMAS.


1. Lipo target : FLAB.

2. Costa __ : RICA.

3. Drawing toy in "Toy Story" : ETCH.

4. One keeping track of court proceedings? : SHOT CLOCK. Excellent deception, I was listening to a basketball game on the TV in the other room, otherwise this might have been too hard.

5. 2013 Spike Jonze movie : HER. I enjoyed the film. And the parody:

6. Deep blue : ANIL.

7. Stage of grief : DENIAL.

8. Explorer who named the Pacific Ocean : MAGELLAN. Read all about it. LINK.

9. Tech sch. that filed for bankruptcy in 2016 : ITT. ITT Technical Institute was a for-profit technical institute with approximately 130 campuses in 38 states of the United States. All ITT Tech campuses were closed as of September 6, 2016, and on September 16, 2016, ITT Tech filed for bankruptcy. Wikipedia. Is there more to the STORY?

10. Eastern way : TAO. Last week Yao.

11. Collision repair franchise : MAACO.

12. Alcove near the chancel : APSE.

13. Tool in a legendary electricity experiment : KITE. An interesting Ben Franklin reference.

14. Singles : ONES.

17. "Goosebumps" series author : STINE. R.L., he had a cameo in the movie.

19. Dig : DELVE.

24. Simple marine plant : ALGA.

26. City on the Penobscot River : BANGOR. A CSO to Hahtoolah - our quotation queen.

27. Food chain letters : IGA. Very popular in rural Alabama and Georgia this was  founded in the United States as the Independent Grocers Alliance.

28. Biblical queendom : SHEBA. All perps and much confusion. .

29. Chincoteague females : MARES. My LEARNING moment.

30. Jennifer Garner spy series : ALIAS.

31. Swaddled one : INFANT.

32. Theme : MOTIF. Cool, next puzzle idea I have I will think of it as a motif.

33. Pitch : SLANT.

34. Singer Jones : NORAH.

37. Pribilof Islands locale : BERING SEA.

40. Totaling : EQUALING.

41. Tennis nickname : RAFA.  Nadal lost to Federer in the Australian final. It has been an awesome rivalry. LINK.

43. Remote : FAR.

45. Montana player : CYRUS. Hannah - Miley.  I get her as fill often.

47. Fleece finder : JASON.Well hello Alex- a full fledged major CSO!

48. Lots : A BUNCH.

49. __ curls : BICEP.

51. Some batteries : AAAS.

52. When to call, in ads : NITE. Really? NOW, now now!

53. Commedia dell'___ : ARTE.

55. A long time : AGES.

57. Newsworthy couple : ITEM.

58. Sixth in a series : ZETA.

59. Israeli author Oz : AMOS.

61. Takes too much, briefly : ODS.

62. "Love Story" composer Francis :LAI.  This COMPOSER.

63. Fashionable initials : YSL. We  leave on a fashion note. Please stop by and chat Alex and thank you for your work. YVES was an interesting man. YSL embraced his work even after being fired.
Alex also embraces the challenge of creating an intriguing crossword; hope you enjoyed the ride. Thanks Alex, and all who read.

Lemonade out.