, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Nov 16, 2014

Sunday November 16, 2014 Drew Banneman

Theme:  "PC Lab" - C is changed into P in the starting letter of each theme entry. All first words go through spelling changes.

24A. Challenge for one with an array of walking sticks? : CANE MANAGEMENT. Pain management.

26A. Perspective on a heist? : CAPER VIEW. Pay-per -view.

52A. Farmer? : CROPPER NOUN. Proper noun. Somehow I thought "cropper" is a machine.
71A. Sweatshirt part with wrinkles? : CREASED HOOD. Priesthood.

95A. Anthracite storage site? : COAL VAULT. Pole vault.

100A. Judge? : COURT AUTHORITY. Port authority.

33D. '40s-'50s first lady with her dog? : CORGI AND BESS. Porgy and Bess.

37D. Place for a collection of pub mementos? : COASTER BOARD. Poster board.

There are ten P's in the grid, but none in the theme answer. 

Sound changes all occur in the first letter, all have spelling changes. You would think CAIN MANAGEMENT works for the first theme entry, but it doesn't. It would break the spelling change consistency.

Lots of creativity and hard work went into today's theme selection. No USA-style loosey goosey two BAR contained in front & one isolated in the back as Argyle highlighted two days ago. Rich would have rejected that puzzle immediately.


1. Don Rickles specialty : INSULT. Not my cup of tea.

7. Really wants : ACHES FOR

15. Reykjavik-born singer : BJORK. Aren't glad the answer is not Reykjavik?

20. Be relevant : MATTER

21. Sophist's forte : RHETORIC

22. Geometry measures : RADII

23. God, in Hebrew : ADONAI. Same root as Adonis.

28. Display aid : RACK

29. Chou En-__ : LAI. Loyal to Mao until the end.

30. Many a comic book collector : NERD

31. At a Lakers home game, e.g. : IN LA

32. Mortgage limitation : RATE CAP

36. Large chamber groups : OCTETS

39. Novelist Nin : ANAIS

40. Granite State campus: Abbr. : UNH

41. Hockey immortal : ORR. He'll always be a solid fill in my book. Same with OTT.

42. Hair cover : SNOOD

43. Former boxer Ali : LAILA

44. Adventurer Jones, familiarly : INDY. Indiana Jones.

45. 85-Across rival : RKO. And 85. 45-Across rival : MGM. I like when one of them is clued.

46. Writers' degs. : MFAs

47. God of lightning : THOR

49. Barrage from bleacher "birds" : BOOS

50. Opposin' : AGIN

51. Oktoberfest rocks : EIS. Ice.

56. Edge : BRINK

57. Session with a model, maybe : ART CLASS. And 42. Paint problem : SMEAR

59. Ore holders : VEINS

60. Pond growth : ALGA

61. Put back in : RE-ELECT

62. Clued in about : HIP TO

63. Clobber : TROUNCE

66. Like some collectibles : RARE. I like this better than his rookie card.

67. After-school helper : TUTOR. Hi Bill!

68. Joined : SIGNED UP

69. Man with a cube : RUBIK

73. Pal : BRO

74. Minuscule bit : ATOM

75. Hail in a harbor : AHOY

76. Baltimore-to-Dover direction : EAST

77. Set an example : LEAD

78. Mauna __ : KEA

79. Not out of the game : IN IT

80. Swiss peak : EIGER

83. Social division : CASTE

84. Stumble : ERR

86. One in a firing line? : AX MAN. Oh, Donald Trump style firing.

87. Just look : BROWSE. My specialty.

89. Fountain order : SODA POP

91. Tach readings : RPMs

92. North Sea feeder : YSER And 94. City west of Caen : ST. LO

93. Seminary subj. : REL

105. One may evoke ahs in spas : OIL RUB. Never had an oil rub.

106. Noted Beethoven interpreter Claudio : ARRAU. Guilty of using him in my own puzzles.

107. Rank follower, for short : SERIAL NO. Name, Rank & Serial number.

108. City known for wool : ANKARA. Angora goat is named after Ankara (also known as Angora).

109. Show prizes : TONYs

110. Immaculate : SPOTLESS

111. Test drive offerer : DEALER


 1. Teacher's Apple : iMAC

2. "De __": "Gracias" response : NADA

3. Point on a train schedule : STOP

4. __ Reader : UTNE

5. Well-educated : LEARNED

6. Hot pot spot : TRIVET. Three-legged. Hot pot is very popular in Xi'An, winter or summer.

7. Like Delaware's northern border : ARCED. Learning moment to me.

8. Tobacco wad : CHAW

9. Farm girl : HEN. Cute clue. We also have 13. Farm sound : OINK.

10. Always there : ETERNAL

11. Mogadishu's land : SOMALIA
12. Brawl : FRACAS

14. Color TV pioneer : RCA

15. Like Marilyn Monroe's voice : BREATHY. Wish she had not left Joe DiMaggio.

16. Farr of "M*A*S*H" : JAMIE

17. Dedicatory opus : ODE

18. __ Tin Tin : RIN

19. Word after mess or media : KIT

25. Sweat __ : GLANDS

27. Org. with involved schedules : IRS. Indeed.

31. Pasta suffix : INI

32. Long sentence : RUN-ON

34. Oscar winner Alan : ARKIN

35. Jump with all four feet off the ground, gazelle-style : PRONK. New word to me. Pronking.

36. Burning : ON FIRE

38. How-__ : TOs

39. Group with many boomers : AARP. Baby boomers.

43. Cuts short : LOPS

44. Promises to pay : IOUs

47. Hint : TRACE

48. Large number : HOST. A host of.

49. U2 frontman : BONO

50. Present in court : ARGUE

52. Store employee : CLERK

53. 1980 Tony winner for Best Musical : EVITA. More familiar with the 1996 Madonna film.

54. Some picked-up pickups, briefly : REPOs

55. Brit's saltpeter : NITRE
56. Fair-haired : BLOND

58. Assertion : CLAIM

60. Specialized jargon : ARGOT

62. "Hip to Be Square" rocker Lewis : HUEY

63. Familia members : TIOS. Uncles. I call my mom's brother "Jiu", but I call my dad's brother "Da". Different words for aunts also: "Yi" for mom's sister, "Gu" for dad's sister.  All my Jiu, Da, Yi and Gu had arranged marriages, same as my own parents.

64. Manage, as a museum : CURATE

65. Lyrical work : EPODE

67. Home run run : TROT

68. __-Pei : SHAR

69. Lawn maintenance tools : RAKES

70. In __: awaiting delivery : UTERO

71. Bonzo, in a '51 film : CHIMP

72. "Paula's Home Cooking" host : DEEN. Paula Deen. Southern Cooking is foreign to me.

75. Zambia neighbor : ANGOLA

77. __ school : LAW

79. Driving force : IMPETUS

80. Use : EXPLOIT

81. Wicked : IMMORAL

82. Freeway sign word : GAS

83. Like crows : CORVINE. Also a new word to me.

86. Joint: Pref. : ARTHRO. Boomer put Knox gelatin in his coffee yesterday. I heard it takes 3 weeks to notice the effect. Do you have any tip to relieve the old age arthritis pain?

87. Org. with Eagles : BSA

88. Prepare for more shooting : RELOAD

90. Impressive spread : ARRAY

92. Toys on strings : YO-YOs

94. Pace : STEP

95. Warehouse stack: Abbr. : CTNS (Cartons)

96. Commercial word with Seltzer : ALKA

97. Caspian feeder : URAL

98. Attract : LURE

99. One way to get to the top : T-BAR

100. "'Meow' means 'woof' in __": Carlin : CAT

101. Gold, to Gomez : ORO

102. Server with a spigot : URN

103. __ Arizona : USS

104. One may be seen from La Tour Eiffel : ILE. French for "isle".

Happy Birthday to Ergo (Husker Chuck). Chuck is the author of these three books. Gary is an expert in "Nursing the Corn" :-)  Hope you all have a chance to meet someday. Also, Chuck, why did you choose Ergo as your avatar handle?


Nov 15, 2014

Saturday, Nov 15th, 2014, Barry C. Silk

Theme: Saturday Silkie~!

Words: 70 (missing Q,W)

Blocks: 26

Well, I figured it was time for a beating from a Barry Silk puzzle, and he did not disappoint.  This one took me my full personal time, plus I needed red-letter help to see where I went horribly wrong.  Some very clever mis-direction, plus a solid set of shady Saturday clues that drained my brain - but I loved it~!  Triple 10-letter pinwheel, with two sets of 6/7/8-letter stacks and a low block count made this one enjoyable - but I will admit to a cringe moment.  Some of the longer answers;

11a. Key of Brahms' Symphony No. 4 : E min - so I threw in the "M" and waited; the second part is typically 'MAJ' or 'MIN', and the first part is A,B,C,D,E,F, or G - easy, right?

13d. At all : IN THE LEAST - oh, so vague

55a. Device used in WWII pilot training : TRAMPOLINE - I just learned that this man was the inventor

28. Psychic : MIND READER - I had the reader part, but wanted PALM, CARD, etc.



 1. Emergency beeper : SMOKE ALARM - Dah~!  I was stuck in volunteer fire-fighter mode - I have a buddy of mine who carries an emergency beeper with him at all times

15. Former Lagos-based carrier : AIR NIGERIA - I went with ---- AIR, and I was in the right frame of thinking, but bass-ackwards

16. "__ Girl": 2012 best-seller : GONE - took too long to remember this

17. Item on a therapist's office table, maybe : KLEENEX BOX - vague, but a good one

18. Airing : ON TV - I got it, but "phew"

19. Coin feature : EDGE - head, tail, face

20. Xi preceders : NUs

21. Cuthbert of "Happy Endings" : ELISHA

23. Florida pros : BUCs - ah, the football team; I should have known better with the abbr of pros; I was thinking RAYS

25. Like cockatoos : CRESTED - the original "mohawk"

26. Plain : HOMELY

29. Smoke shop choice : PANATELA - Cigars are measured by length and ring size;  I smoke these, which measure 4 x 30 (cigarillos)

30. Term coined by Dior : A-LINE - dress shape, and I did not know this

31. Capital of Belarus : MINSK - I had the M and K in place, and so I took an educated WAG

32. __ room : REC

33. Zest : RIND - ah, the part of the fruit, not the enthusiasm definition - I went with ELAN

34. Sole piece : FILET - ARGH~!  I was so stuck on shoes and sneakers, I never caught onto the 'fish' concept

35. Starbucks offering : CHAI - OK, their tea

36. Commonly rented item : DVD - ah, not "CAR" - seemed common enough

37. Nook reads : ZINES - Meh.  In fact, meh again.  I went with EBOOK, which did not jive with the plural of the clue, and then EMAGS, and that makes more sense than ZINES

38. Raise : HOIST

39. Nightingale and others : HEROINES - referring to Florence, not the bird

41. Full of grime : SMUTTY - I tried FILTHY, but we're looking for the grime more commonly found in, say, Hustler

42. Discharged : EGESTED

43. Ultra Set Trap maker : d-CON - 4 letters and a "trap"~? Try d-CON

44. Qatar locale : ARABIA

45. Word after Premier or Grand : CRU - Winery term; the Wiki

46. Like roulette wheels : SPUN - ah, very clever

50. Extinct dove relative : DODO

51. Food fit for a queen bee : ROYAL JELLY - learning moment for me; the Wiki

54. At any time : EVER

56. "Nebraska" Oscar nominee : DERN - Bruce, and he won "Best Actor" for his role at the Cannes Film festival

57. Hill prize : SENATE SEAT


1. Benefit : SAKE - as in "for the --- of...."

2. Not so hot : MILD - not WARM, not COLD, more like the spice of your sauce

3. Wash. neighbor : OREGon - see Onward~!

4. Calisthenics exercise : KNEE BEND

5. Article for Nietzsche : EIN - not "DER"

6. Bureau : AGENCY - I started the Castle Home Inspection AGENCY, but it's not a bureau - the FBI is a better example

7. F Sport maker : LEXUS - I was stuck in "FORD" mode, since their trucks are F-series

8. Wall St. figures : ARBS - arbitrators

9. __ Negro: Amazon tributary : RIO - WAG

10. "Castor and Pollution" artist : MAX ERNST - nice play on the constellation Gemini and the twins, Castor & Pollux

11. Not exactly the modest type : EGOIST

12. Smash : MONSTER HIT

14. California Gold Rush town : NEVADA CITY - and a semi-clecho 31d. Worked in a rush? : MINED

22. Intelligence failure : LEAK

24. Diminutive suffix : ULE - um, like miniscule~?

25. Rabologist's collection : CANES - another vague reference; some Pinterest

26. Stubborn : HARD-HEADED

27. Oil producer : OLIVE GROVE

29. A lot : PILES - vague

34. Certain master's area : FINE ARTS

35. Advises : COUNSELS

37. Ristorante order : ZITI

38. Ins. plan : HMO

40. "South Pacific" screenwriter Paul : OSBORN

41. Carve : SCULPT

43. Play, maybe : DRAMA - vague; could have been the "fun" definition of play

45. Color in the four-color process : CYAN

47. Barre move : PLIE

48. It's out on a limb : ULNA - very clever; the bone in your arm (limb)

49. Duma vote : NYET - Россия

52. Source of iron : ORE

53. Louis in a ring : JOE


Nov 14, 2014

Friday, November 14, 2014, Steve Salmon

Theme: I loved this puzle (sic). It was awsome (sic). I had to fight with my computer to stop the correcting of the theme answers.

I believe this is the LAT debut of Mr. Salmon (the other pink meat) who has created a few NYT over the years. The five theme answers each have a common spelling mistake where a letter is omitted. How many of these do each of you get wrong? The missing letters can be silent in speech so they do not trigger an immediate sense of error. Initially I tried to make a secondary (meta) answer from the missing letters but can only come up with the anagram RUNGS from the missing letters, and there is no ladder tie in, so I guess they are just letters missing from misspelling. I do like the symmetry of theme 1/3/5 all missing a double letter and 2/4 missing a new letter. Another puzzle with many cheater squares (8) but a Fridayish word count and some nice words like ALLEGRO, ECUADOR, GLISTEN, OLD SALT, TIMPANI, AUGUSTAN, EYELINER, IN BACK OF, OFF RAMPS.
Okay, let's cast our lines and see what we catch...

17A. Making flush : EMBARRASSING (11). I often forget the double R, which in itself is....

32A. Feature of some jellyfish : FLUORESCENCE (11). If you can remember the element FLUORINE (at. no. 9) you will spell this one correctly. The only fishy clue.

24A. Pushy : AGGRESSIVE (9). RUG? Needed perp help.

46A. Administration : GOVERNMENT (9). I recall kids in school making this error, but the way the word is said is regional and some pronounce the "N" (me fore example) so this one was tricky. Listening to the news, I hear the word without the N as the dominant rendition.

52A. This puzzle's five longest answers are common ones : MISSPELLINGS (11). For a moment I was looking for a 5th (albeit 6th) misspelling, tricked by the reveal also being part of the theme. I thought that was great.


1. Arguing : AT IT. Can you believe the juxtaposition of this multi-dimensional fill with...

5. Colored part of the iris : AREOLA. A word this Corner associates with a woman and a lily.

11. Fold call : BAA. Cute poker misdirection.

14. Ho Chi __ : MINH. The life and times of this REVOLUTIONARY  present an interesting historical lesson.

15. Caribbean stopover : NASSAU. Our back yard, here in So. Fla.

16. Munic. official : Alderman. Most cities now have commissioners or councilmen but the ABBREVIAION is accepted.

19. Army E-5, e.g. : NCO. Non-Commissioned Officer.

20. You can usually see right through them : PANES. Nice misdirection.

21. Country named for its location : ECUADOR. Meaning 'of the Equator' in Spanish; I do not know where the term equator comes from though it sounds like it has a common stem with equal. The COUNTRY is a bit of an enigma with a socialist democracy.

23. Picnic contest gear : SACKS. Such as the ones used in the three-legged race.

26. Signs : INKS. LeBron inked his deal to go back to Cleveland.

27. Son, to Sartre : FILS. Simple French.

28. London gallery : TATE. We have seen this fill often, and maybe Steve and NC can share some personal moments at the Tate.

29. Obit bit : BIOgraphy. Which might be about...

30. Exiled Amin : IDI.

31. Test area : LAB.

37. Things to consider : IFS. Nice clue.

38. Golf club part : TOE. I do not associate the word with golf, though obviously I have hit it off the toe of a club. I found this one hard.

39. Thanksgiving staple : YAM. Are yours candied? Or are they sweet potatoes?

42. Instant : JIFF. Does Jiffy really need an abbreviation?

44. Suffix indicating absence : LESS. meaningless clue.

45. Blend : MELD. Pinochle anyone?

48. Selling points : MALLS. Modern misdirection.

49. Seasoned seaman : OLD SALT. I presume from the saltiness of the Ocean.

50. Willies-causing : EERIE.

51. Broadcast : AIR. Radio and TV.

56. Island loop : LEI.

57. Pre-WWII pope : PIUS XI. I do remember XII. Roman numerals.

58. Adopted great-nephew of Claudius : NERO. A great way to learn about these two and other Roman Emperors is watching this PBS series as I did back in the 70's. More Roman fill.

59. Initials seen at Indy : STP. They say it was named for Scientifically Treated Petroleum, and became famous when endorsed by Andy Granatelli and his driver Mario Andretti. I like Standard Temperature and Pressure.

60. Drinks daintily : SIPS ON.

61. Expected 2015 MLB returnee : A-ROD. He has made it clear he wants back on the Yankees and he has a contract. Imagine, you lose Jeter but  get A-rod.


 1. __ Zion Church : AME. African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. I had this before or I would not have been able to answer; a Friday piece of knowledge. LINK.

2. Symphonic set : TIMPANI. Fancy name for kettle drums used in orchestras.

3. Behind : IN BACK OF. Literal.

4. Response to a helper : THANKS. So simple.

5. Literary collections : ANAS.
an·a 1  (n, än)
n. pl. ana or an·as
1. A collection of various materials that reflect the character of a person or place: definitive ana of the early American West.
2. An item in such a collection.
6. Dorm minders, for short : RAS. Resident Advisers.

7. Sicilian capital? : ESS. The Capital "S" at the beginning of the word.

8. Willows for wickerwork : OSIERS. A botanical fact and a Friday word as well.

9. Camelot weapon : LANCE. King Arthur had to be careful of his wife to be sure she did not Lance a lot.

10. Like the works of Virgil and Horace : AUGUSTAN. A Golden Age of LITERATURE. Another reference to old Rome.

11. Crook : BANDIT.

12. Nook : ALCOVE. Not a cranny.

13. Worship : ADORE.

18. Attorney's thing : RES. More Latin.

22. Easy __ : AS ABC. We just had "as pie."

23. Jacob, to Esau, for short : SIBling.

24. Hill helper : AIDE. Refers to Capitol Hill and the aides to the Senators, etc.

25. What icicles do in the sun : GLISTEN.

27. Douglas and others : FIRS. Oh Tannenbaum, almost time for the tree shopping.

31. Sediment : LEES. Not to be confused with TRUB. Despite my children's involvement in the beer and wine industry, I did not know this TERM.

33. "__ Little Ironies": Thomas Hardy collection : LIFE'S. never read them.

34. Some exits : OFF RAMPS. Not 'of framps', relating to one of Peter Frampton's guitars.

35. Run to : COST. Took me a long time to get to, how much is repairing my car going to run to.

36. Goth makeup : EYELINER. My youngest hung out with some of these young ladies in High School.

40. Score direction : ALLEGRO. I will let JzB explain this slowly.

41. HMO group : MDS. Medical Doctors.

42. City SW of Chicago : JOLIET. Somehow I always associate this city with the old Untouchables TV series.

43. ICU hookup : IV DRIP. Intravenous Drip. More Latin meaning within the vein.

44. Eases : LETS UP.

45. Place with berth rights : MARINA. An old puzzle pun.

46. Shootout successes : GOALS. In Hockey and Soccer to settle ties after overtime.

47. Mid-11th-century year : MLIII.

48. Harris of "thirtysomething" : MEL. One of the early big ensemble cast dramas.

50. Tiger's ex : ELIN. I gave her pictures last time.

53. Ltr. afterthoughts : PSS. More Latin, Post Scriptum.

54. Outside: Pref. : EXO.

55. Astrodome field's lack : SOD. What a convoluted clue for grass.

Well we have lots of Latin, and old Roman, two Roman numerals and a consistent theme and some challenging fill. Sounds like what a Friday should be. Thanks for coming our way Mr. S. and thank you all for being here. Lemonade out.

Nov 13, 2014

Thursday, November 13, 2014 Jerome Gunderson

Theme: "G-Rated"

Jerome treats us to a GR-r-reat puzzle today.

20-Across. Place for a nagging passenger? : GRUMBLE SEAT. Did you ever ride in a rumble seat? If you did, you would not wonder why they call it that!

38-Across. Prohibition against Confederate soldiers? : GRAY BAN. Ray Ban, the "cool" sunglasses of the '60s.

54-Across. Soup with a prayer? : GRACE COURSE. We have an annual book club meeting at the Saratoga race course.

11-Down. Tribute to a sourpuss? : GRUMP ROAST. Rump roast is a tough cut of meat, but works well for beef stew.

28-Down. Farmer's harvest tradition? : GRAIN DANCE. He also might need to do a rain dance to insure that his crops ripen.


1. Radical diet : FAST.

5. Balkan native : SERB.

9. Old West trail sight : WAGON.

14. Arabian prince : EMIR.

15. Court material, perhaps : CLAY. Hmmm...not "suit."

16. Country-rock artist Steve : EARLE. I don't know his music at all. Any good?

17. You may get one from a doctor : NOTE.
And we have a mini theme going here:
23-Across. Small dose? : MED. "Small" meaning the shortened version of the word medicine.
24-Across. Doctor's order : BEDREST. Plus some MEDs.
41-Across. Aleve and Advil : PAIN PILLS. Those MEDs will probably help with what ails you, and you don't even need a Rx.

18. Exclude : OMIT.

19. Goody-goody : PRUDE.

25. Peppy : SPRY.

26. Secret motives : ANGLES.

29. Rouse : STIR.

31. Trim (down) : PARE.

32. Its maker traditionally buys the drinks : HOLE IN ONE. Yep, been there.  It was witnessed on the 8th green by one of the members of the Senior league who were playing that day.  A round for 30+ guys? Priceless!

37. Pay back? : OLA. Payola.

40. Bailed-out insurance co. : AIG. American International Group.

43. Movie role played by Skippy : ASTA.

44. Tide table term : NEAP.

45. Played on a green : PUTTED. But not if you get a 32-Across!

47. Weary from overuse : JADE. Your viewpoint can become jaded, if something jades you.

49. Apparent : EVIDENT.

53. In the style of : A LA.

58. Sal of "Rebel Without a Cause" : MINEO. Actor Sal.

60. South American rodent : PACA.

61. Scruff : NAPE.

62. Word from the Latin for "little grandfather" : UNCLE. Nice bit of trivia. Grandfather is "avus" in Latin. The diminutive is "avunculus."

63. Algerian port : ORAN.

64. Bad to the bone : EVIL.  Like George Thorogood?

65. Sneaks a look : PEEKS.

66. Zebras that don't fear Lions? : REFS. REFerees as called "zebras" because of their striped uniforms.

67. Shoot down : DENY.


1. __ shui : FENG.

2. Eros counterpart : AMOR. Greek & Latin lovers?

3. In __: as found : SITU.

4. Shake : TREMBLE.

5. Rebukes : SCOLDS.

6. Funny Fudd : ELMER. Wascally wabbit hunter.

7. Worker's reward : RAISE. Usually, just more work.

8. Units of memory : BYTES.

9. Let it all out, in a way : WEPT.

10. Rhine tributary : AAR.

12. More familiar, joke-wise : OLDER.

13. Poor : NEEDY.

21. Dragonfly prey : BEE. Cool insects, dragonflies. They can change direction in mid-air, hover for up to a minute and even fly backwards!

22. On the briny : AT SEA.

25. Moral lapse : SIN.

26. Per person : A POP.

27. Simba's mate : NALA. From "The Lion King." Nala is on the right.

30. English can : TIN. Not "loo."

32. Kubrick's computer : HAL. "2001: A Space Odyssey."

33. Olive often rescued : OYL. Funny cartoon.

34. Dumbbell abbr. : LBS.

35. Nick at __ : NITE.

36. Quaint expression of surprise : EGAD!

38. Student's fig. : GPAGrade Point Average.

39. More apt to be picked : RIPER.

42. Word between some last names : NEE. Hilary Clinton née Rodham.

43. Brought into harmony with, with "to" : ATTUNED.

45. Praline nuts : PECANSAunt Sally's in New Orleans are the best!

46. Low número : UNO. I thought it was the top number?

47. Traffic congestion : JAM UP. Remember this one?

48. Dress with a flare : A-LINE. Well, I guess supermodel Aline does "dress with a flair."

50. Mist : VAPOR.

51. Comforting words : "I CARE."

52. Joltless joe? : DECAF. HaHa. Cute pun on "Jolting Joe Dimaggio."

54. Takes off : GOES.

55. Talk excitedly : RAVE.

56. __ doctor : SPIN.

57. Hard to hang on to : EELY.

59. Bugling beast : ELK. Wow, ear-splitting!

That's it for this week!

Nov 12, 2014

Wednesday, November 12, 2014 C. C. Burnikel .

Theme: DATA MINING.  Can't do any better than the reveal this time.  The word DATA is hidden amidst two or three (!) words in each theme answer.  

17. Progressive Era muckraker : IDA TARBELL.  "She depicted John D. Rockefeller as crabbed, miserly, money-grabbing, and viciously effective at monopolizing the oil trade."   My kind of girl.

25. "Pretty darn good" : NOT BAD AT ALL.  A little bit better than faint praise.

37. Assume a military posture : STAND AT ATTENTION.  I'd say this grid spanner is even better than NOT BAD AT ALL. This grid is 16*15.

50. Waved from the curb, perhaps : HAILED A TAXI 

And, of course, the unifier.  61. NSA surveillance activity ... or, the process needed to dig out the info hidden in 17-, 25-, 37- and 50-Across? : DATA MINING.  You can read about the NSA activity here.  For sure, you have to dig into the theme answers to dig out DATA.

Hi gang, It's your humble servant JazBumpa, also your driver on today's TAXI ride, while C. C. navigates.  Buckle up and let's see if we can get to our destination without any mishaps; though I do expect a SNARL.


1. Union foes : REBS.  Union vs REBel forces, American Civil War.

5. Sing like Joe Cocker : RASP.  Take it away, Joe.

9. Cowl wearer : MONK.  A religious ascetic.  Not this guy.

Song is mislabeled.  Should be EPISTROPHY

13. '90s-'00s Lakers great : O'NEAL.  Shaq.

15. Kevin's "A Fish Called Wanda" role : OTTO.

16. __ sprawl : URBAN.  City expansion

19. Walk away : LEAVE.  Here's your hat.  Don't let the door hit it you in the . . . [SLAM!]

20. Charms : ENAMORS.  Aha.  I had GLAMORS [perhaps from rereading A Dance With Dragons] but here "charms" is a verb, meaning "becomes endearing to." 

21. Grain Belt st. : KANsas.

23. TV diner owner : MEL.  Did he go with the Flo?

24. "Spring forward" letters : DSTDaylight Savings Time.  We are now fallen back on Nightdark Savings Time.  Winter is coming.

28. Carte start : A LA.  Make sure you get your A LA before the carte.  This is the normal way of ordering in a restaurant, where each item or combination is individually priced, as opposed to a fixed price - limited menu scheme.

29. Settle up : PAY. Either way, you have to exchange money for goods and services rendered.

30. More unusual : ODDER

31. Hobby shop wood : BALSA.

33. "Terrific!" : COOL.

34. With 26-Down, fashionable footwear : UGG.  See 26 D.

42. Child-care writer LeShan : EDA.

43. Stirs in : ADDS.  Kitchen talk

44. Sunburn-causing emission, for short : UV RAY.   Short wave length, high energy.

45. Driving __ : RANGE. Where you practice your golf shots.

47. Readers of MSS. : EDS.  Editors and Manuscripts.

49. Corp.-partnership hybrid : LLCLimited Liability Company.

54. One of four in Minnesota: Abbr. : SYLlables.

55. Chicago trains : ELSELevated urban rail system.

56. Sun. address : SERmon.  Stay awake, now.

57. Balthazar, Caspar, and Melchior : THE MAGI.  The three wise guys men of The Christmas Story.

59. In again : RETRO.  Something from the past redone, only better.  We hope.

64. Sink down : DROOP.

65. Villainous : EVIL.

66. Proofreader's mark : CARET.   An inverted V-shaped grapheme used to indicate where a punctuation mark, word, or phrase should be inserted in a document.

67. Store : STOW. Put away.

68. "Good shot!" : NICE.  What you might hear after due diligence at the driving RANGE.  Gary?

69. "One more thing ..." : ALSO.  But wait - there's more  .  .  .  Now, on to the verticals.


1. Louis XIV, par exemple : ROI.  King of France

2. Ran over : ENDED LATE.  Ran over the clock, perhaps in A TAXI - which must be why it DROOPS.  Or am I confusing things?

3. Vegetarian side : BEAN SALAD.

4. Occupied, as a booth : SAT AT.

5. Cocktail named for a Scottish hero : ROB ROY.  A manhattan analog, using sweet vermouth with Scotch in place of the rye whiskey.  Not on my list.  I don't mix Scotch with anything.  Tin Man - do you concur?

6. Bikini tryout : A-TEST. Not in a dressing room.  Bikini was a ring-shaped coral archipelago in the Marshall Islands where Atomic bomb testing was conducted.  Is there anything left atoll?

7. Mo. town : ST. Louis.

8. Bikini feature in a 1960 hit : POLKA DOT.  And a clecho!

9. Field fare, briefly : MRE. Meal Ready to Eat, for soldiers in the field.

10. 2009 Peace Nobelist : OBAMA.  Barack.

11. Orange variety : NAVEL.

12. Mournful ring : KNELL.

14. Fast flight : LAM.  Escape.

16. Radii-paralleling bones : ULNAE.  Bones of the lower arm.

18. Gossipy Barrett : RONA.  Columnist, born Oct 6, 1936, and still goin'.

22. Bewilder : ADDLE.

26. See 34-Across : BOOTS.

27. Network with the slogan "Not Reality. Actuality." : TRU TV.

28. Core muscles : ABS. Abdominals.

29. Knee protector : PAD.

32. Traffic problem : SNARL.  Too many vehicles and not enough road.  See?  Told ya so. [You'd almost think I had inside information]  Now tell that guy behind me to lay off the horn.

33. Officer-to-be : CADET.  West Point student.

35. Unlikely tomboy : GIRLY GIRL.  Here is Gloria at cold and windy Pensacola beach exactly one year ago today with granddaughters Lauren (L) and Abby (R).  Lauren is for sure a GIRLY  GIRL.  Abby most definitely is not.

My girls

36. Pair on a football field : GOAL LINES. Lines that must be crossed to score in American football.

38. "Storage Wars" network : A AND E.

39. Boston Bruins' home : T D GARDEN. Named tor T D Bank, a subsidiary of Canada's Toronto-Dominion Bank.

40. Letters after mus : NUs.  It's all Greek to me

41. Lincoln Ctr. site : NYC. New York City.

46. Man of fables : AESOP.  Also Greek.

47. Sigh with relief, say : EXHALE.  Out with the bad air.

48. Carpe __ : DIEM.  Seize the day.

50. Grazing groups : HERDS.  Cattle

51. Wide awake : ALERT.

52. Insistent words from a sandbox : IS TOO.  Is Not.  [etc.]  Kid talk.

53. Commonly dusty room : ATTIC.  Top floor.

54. Capital of Yemen : SANA'A.  Yeah.  I had to look it up, too.

58. Open __ night : MIC.  For amateur comics.

60. Ticket word : ROW. Also seat.

62. Bird: Pref. : AVI-. I wanted ORN-

63. Sporty Pontiac : GTO.  Gran Turismo Omologato.  [Grand Touring Homologated.]

NICE ride with C.C. today, and a classy classic way to end it.  Would somebody please get the garage door for me?

Cool regards!

Note from C.C.:
A bit late, but please click here for "A Time for Remembrance" puzzle George Barany & Michael Shteyman (a well-known NYT constructor) constructed. Oh, TTP & Spitzboov, Boomer went to our local Credit Union yesterday. Showed them his veteran's ID card and got a nice envelop. Guess what's inside? (Correction: envelope. )

Nov 11, 2014

Tuesday, November 11, 2014 Pam Amick Klawitter

Theme: "in the zone" - Various zones.

38A. One of two gridiron borders, and what the last words of 17-, 23-, 52- and 62-Across can have : END ZONE

17A. Big Bang, to a physicist : BEGINNING OF TIME. Time Zone

23A. Show stopper : ACTORS' STRIKE. Strike Zone

52A. Like some August sales : BACK TO SCHOOL. School Zone

62A. Alabama Slammer liqueur : SOUTHERN COMFORT. Comfort Zone

Argyle here. Tinbeni should like that last zone. It's made with amaretto, Southern Comfort, sloe gin, and orange juice. Pam's puzzle puts together four words that can have ZONE stuck on their END, included are two grid spanners. The four long columns are strong ones although a bit tame. That about sums it up; tame Tuesday.


1. Tibetan holy men : LAMAs

6. Voice above tenor : ALTO

10. Boy or girl lead-in : ATTA

14. Traditional saying : ADAGE

15. Sound of pain : MOAN

16. Scientology creator Hubbard : L. RON

20. Snarky state : SNIT

21. What comes before beauty? : AGE. " (apocryphal Dorothy Parker witticism) "The two ladies were trying to get out of a doorway at the same time. Clare drew back and cracked, “Age before beauty, Miss Parker.” As Dotty swept out, she turned to the other guests and said. “Pearls before swine.”" ~ 03.12.2012 blog

22. __-weensy : EENSY

27. Greeter and seater : HOSTESS

30. Frozen drink brand : ICEE

31. Started the pot : ANTED

32. Commercial suffix with Motor : OLA. (Motorola)

33. Pop's favorite root beer? : DAD'S

37. Old man's place, in Hemingway : SEA. "The Old Man and the Sea", a novel published in 1952.

42. Sock part : TOE

43. Hair line : PART. Didn't get me this time.

45. Aegean island : IOS. How's it looking, Montana?

46. Beachcomber's beat : SHORE

48. Selma or Patty, to Bart : AUNT. Simpsons.

50. One of the 3-Down : WISEMAN. so 3D. Gift-bearing trio : MAGI. And 29D. Guide for the 3-Down : STAR. Kalá Christoúgenna on Ios.

56. Cop __: bargain in court : A PLEA

57. Actor McKellen : IAN. The third and final movie in The Hobbit trilogy will be The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies, opening December 17th.

58. Partners of cons : PROs

66. Gen. Robert __ : E. LEE

67. Truck maker with a bulldog logo : MACK

68. Mentor's charge : TUTEE

69. Fizzy drink : SODA

70. "Terrible" age : TWOs

71. Single-master : SLOOP


1. Some are chocolate : LABs. (Labrador Retriever)

2. Arabian Peninsula port : ADEN

4. Stir up : AGITATE

5. Hill VIP: Abbr. : SEN. (Senator)

6. Pamplona pals : AMIGOs

7. One who eschews company : LONER

8. Bag marker : TAG. Tote, luggage, suitcase, duffel, etc.;

9. Lennon collaborator : ONO

10. Let out, say : ALTERED

11. Singer Lopez : TRINI. Still going.

12. Siberian industrial center : TOMSK

13. In the blink of __ : AN EYE

18. 2014 N.L. East champs : NATS. (Washington Nationals)

19. Fancy party : FÊTE

24. Formally relinquish : CEDE

25. Rural skyline feature : SILO. It's come to this on the small farms.

26. Diagnostic test : SCAN

27. Door fastener : HASP

28. Most fit to be drafted : ONE A

32. Parts of lbs. : OZs. (ounces)

34. Physics particle : ATOM

35. Explorer on Nick Jr. : DORA

36. Detected : SEEN

39. Barcelona boy : NINO

40. Web address parts : DOTS

41. Name on some Canadian pumps : ESSO

44. Break for a meal and a beverage, in Britain : TAKE TEA. Steve?

47. Lending a hand : HELPFUL

49. Four Corners state : UTAH

50. Strikes sharply : WHACKS

51. Prefix with sphere : IONO

52. Fenway corners : BASES. Fenway Park, the baseball park in Boston is the oldest ballpark in MLB. Cute clue.

53. Speed skater __ Anton Ohno : APOLO. First appeared on the corner back on Tuesday, Dec. 7, 2010.

54. In the loop, with "in" : CLUED

55. __ de Mayo : CINCO. Fifth of May.

59. Tiller lead-in : ROTO. Rototiller.

60. Black-and-white treat : OREO

61. Setup instructions word : STEP

63. 911 respondent, briefly : EMT. (Emergency Medical Technician)

64. Rarer than rare : RAW

65. Places with peaks and passes: Abbr. : MTs. (mountains)


Nov 10, 2014

Monday, November 10, 2014 Teresa Colby

Theme: "The Visit" - Hi. Come in. Stay awhile. You have to go? So long.

20A. Taking the top spot : COMING IN FIRST

38A. With 40-Across, remaining focused : STAYING and 40A. See 38-Across : ON POINT

54A. Betting it all : GOING FOR BROKE

53A. Parting words, perhaps after the visit suggested by the starts of 20-, 38-/40- and 54-Across : "SEE YA!"

Argyle here with a new constructor. A good debut puzzle. The reveal may not have been needed but is a nice touch. And that's no lie.


1. Digital periodical, briefly : eMAG

5. Part of CBS: Abbr. : SYSTem

9. Comics title character who married Irving : CATHY

14. Kitchen floor covering, in Kent : LINO. (short for linoleum)

15. __ Ness monster : LOCH

16. Earth pigment : OCHER

17. Sooner State city : ENID

18. Architectural S-curve : OGEE

19. Rays of light : BEAMS

23. Roman fountain : TREVI

24. Volcano in Sicily : ETNA

25. "What's happenin'?" : "'SUP?"

28. In the least favorable case : AT WORST

31. Brit's "Bye-bye" : "TATA"

32. Cleopatra's undoing : ASP

35. Slim and muscular : WIRY

36. Annie with a gun : OAKLEY

41. Gold purity measures : KARATS

42. Brother of Cain : ABEL

43. Item in a P.O. box : ENVelope

44. This, in Seville : ESTO

45. Fed up with : TIRED OF

48. For what reason : WHY

49. Capricorn's animal : GOAT

50. Creates : MAKES

58. "Hot corner" base : THIRD. (baseball)

60. Cowboys quarterback Tony : ROMO. (football)

61. R&B singer India.__ : ARIE

62. Exposed : BARED

63. Explorer __ the Red : ERIC. Leif's old man.

64. Reject as false : DENY

65. Brass or bronze : ALLOY

66. CPR pros : EMTs

67. It's a long story : SAGA


1. Put into office : ELECT

2. Insignificant : MINOR

3. Japanese cartoon style : ANIME

4. Premium chocolate brand : GODIVA

5. Walk laboriously, as through mud : SLOG

6. Quotable Berra : YOGI

7. The stuff of many postcard photos : SCENERY

8. Burglaries : THEFTS

9. Hooded snake : COBRA

10. King beaters : ACES

11. "It's not true!" : "THAT'S A LIE!"

12. Pants bottom : HEM

13. Decade tenths: Abbr. : YRs

21. Knucklehead : NITWIT

22. Chanted : INTONED

26. Sch. with a Chattanooga campus : UTENN. University of Tennessee, Knoxville. The picture is of Chattanooga, home to UTC, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga.

27. Subscription-based home entertainment : PAY TV

29. Churchill of the United Kingdom : WINSTON

30. Charity's URL ending : .ORG

31. Fight stopper, for short : TKO. (Technical KnockOut)

32. Cockeyed : ASKEW

33. Hidden supply : STASH

34. Free-spirited socializer : PARTY GIRL

37. Poise : APLOMB

39. Former NBA center __ Ming : YAO

40. U.K. award : OBE. The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire.

42. Painting or sculpture : ART FORM

46. "No argument from me" : "I AGREE"

47. Electrical capacitance units : FARADs. The farad (symbol: F) is the SI derived unit of electrical capacitance, the ability of a body to store an electrical charge. It is named after the English physicist Michael Faraday. ~ Wiki

49. Dizzy with delight : GIDDY

51. Divided country : KOREA

52. Barely managing, with "out" : EKING

55. Twistable cookie : OREO

56. Fail to mention : OMIT

57. Mythical birds : ROCs

58. TV schedule abbr. : TBA. (to be announced)

59. Actor Holbrook : HAL


Notes from C.C.:

1) Happy Birthday to Buckeye Bob, who was very active on the blog until a few months ago.  Bob did not reply my last email, so I'm quite concerned. Hope it's not health issue.

2) Happy 68th birthday to Gary's wife Joann & her twin sister as well!

 Left to Right: Boomer, Gary, C.C. & Joann