, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Oct 27, 2016

Thursday, October 27th 2016 Ed Sessa

Theme: Mind the Gap! Removing the space between each pair of circled entries gives you four kinds of gaps:



INCOME gap and

TRADE gap.

As the reveal tells you:

54A. With 57-Across, negotiate ... and what needs to be done to make sense of this puzzle's circles : CLOSE

57A. See 54-Across : THE GAP

Very clever theme from Ed. I confess to a rare Did-Not-Finish today - I was personally natick'ed by the U in the crossing of LAU and EUBIE. Neither name was familiar to me. LAW and EWBIE looked like they might work, but alas, no.

On a side "gap" note, Bank Underground Station in the City of London has the biggest gap between the train and the platform on the entire system. My morning and evening commutes for at least ten years were serenaded by the dulcet recorded tones of actor Oswald Laurence intoning "Mind the Gap". Here's a rather charming news item on his voice, and how his widow would travel through Embankment station to listen to him after he passed away.

Let's see what else we've got:


1. Dench of "Philomena" : JUDI. A Dame Commander of the British Empire now. Not that there's a lot of Empire left to command.

5. Alternative strategy : PLAN B

10. "Ladies First Since 1916" sneakers : KEDS. Learning moment. Keds marketed the first canvas-topped "sneakers".

14. Tourney format, briefly : ELIM. Elimination tournament. An alternative format is the round-robin. The FIFA World Cup is a combination of the two.

15. Secretary Thomas Perez's department : LABOR

16. Chicken vindaloo go-with : NAAN. Food! I could list about 200 other go-withs off the top of my head, but not many with four letters. Vindaloo was originally a pork dish from the southern part of India, but has now morphed into a restaurant staple of chicken, lamb or shrimp, with an expectation of a two-alarm fire chili heat level.

17. Sister of Rachel : LEAH

18. Jazz pianist Blake : EUBIE. Part 1 of my Natick. I discover he was a ragtime and jazz musician and appeared in the movie "Scott Joplin" in 1977.

19. Logician's word : ERGO. Latin "therefore". Descartes' "Cogito, ergo sum", or "I think, therefore I am". Near chlecho with 56D - I'd have been tempted to clue them both identically.

20. Sasquatch, for one : LEGEND. I have a soft spot for Sasquatch. The first LAT puzzle that I had published (with C.C.) used the word.

22. Rub the wrong away : ERASE. Lovely clue - it's easy to read "way" rather than "away".

24. Head covering : RUG

25. Walk of life : SPHERE. Some sporting spheres here, courtesy of the master of the red headband, Mark Knopfler and Dire Straits.

29. Home of the Oregon Ducks : EUGENE. Careful with that axe.

32. Limited portions of : RATIONED

34. L.A. commuter org. : M.T.A. Now branded as "Metro".

35. German coal region : SAAR. You need at least one conforming cross here to decide between RUHR and SAAR.

37. New York Harbor's __ Island : ELLIS. My boss, Larry Ellison's last name was taken by his adoptive father to recognize his point of entry into the United States.

38. Large pears : BOSCS

41. Sing-along syllable : TRA-

42. Colonial hero Silas : DEANE. Thank you, crosses. He had something of a checkered career.

43. Home of the Imagination! pavilion : EPCOT

44. Cookout choice : RIBS. Food! I cook my ribs "in". I sous-vide them and then throw them in a 500F oven to give 'em a nice sear.

46. Animation sheet : CEL

47. Extremely focused : DIALED IN

49. Promising performers : COMERS. I've always heard this along with "up and ..."

52. Carpentry tool : SANDER

53. "That's so __!" : YOU

61. Poet Angelou : MAYA

The caged bird sings with a fearful trill
Of things unknown but longed for still
And his tune is heard on the distant hill for
The caged bird sings of freedom.

64. Dry up : PARCH

66. Sing in the shower, say : SOLO. I think I sound pretty good in the shower. Which is weird, because I can't hold a note out of it.

67. Fivers : ABES. "Honest" notes:

68. Bored with it all : BLASÉ

69. Fingerprint feature : LOOP. Cousin of the whorl and the arch.

70. Skin condition : RASH

71. Sasquatch kin : YETIS. They're getting quite common around these parts this week!

72. Mid-month time : IDES. Chum of the Nones and the Kalends.


1. Crystallize : JELL

2. Film beekeeper : ULEE. Played by Peter Fonda in 1997.

3. Laptop screen meas. : DIAGonal measurement. My ThinkPad is 14" corner-to-corner.

4. "Anybody around?" response : I'M HERE

5. Certain campus newbies : PLEDGES

6. Renowned '70s-'80s batting coach Charley : LAU. Second part of my Natick. I'm sure you've all heard of him. Not me.

7. French friar : ABBÉ

8. Roulette bet : NOIR. One of the basic roulette strategies, betting on red or black.

9. Chicken serving : BREAST. More Food! I mostly cook thighs, rather than breasts, for flavor and texture.

10. Desk space : KNEE-HOLE

11. Whisperer's target : EAR

12. Hammarskjöld of the UN : DAG. Secretary-General from 1953 until 1961 until he was tragically killed in a plane crash.

13. __-Caps: candy : SNO

21. One with a habit : NUN. It's getting close to Hallowe'en and the "alternative" nun costumes.

23. Spotted : SPIED

26. Wrap around : ENLACE. Not my first thought. Nor my second, come to that.

27. "This Is Spinal Tap" director : REINER

28. Motown flops : EDSELS. Nice misdirection. Was thinking musical acts at first.

29. War zone journalists : EMBEDS. The practice of "embedding" journalists with the military began during the Persian Gulf war in 1993.

30. Ideal setting : UTOPIA

31. Lawn maintenance accessory : GAS CAN. Tried GAS CAP. Was wrong.

32. __ to go : RARIN'

33. Sleek horse : ARAB

36. Abruzzi bell town : ATRI

39. Payment required of known deadbeats : COLD CASH

40. 1943 penny metal : STEEL

45. Grain cutters : SCYTHES. Can be grim coves, those reapers.

48. Pay a call : DROP BY. Had DROP IN first.

50. Awe-ful sound? : OOH! Think "fireworks" and the like.

51. Breakfast mix : MUESLI. Food! I like mine with Greek yoghurt and a few slices of banana.

55. Word with bake or fire : SALE

56. Logician's "E" : ERAT. Quod Erat Demonstrandum.

58. Yummy : GOOD

59. 70-Across application : ALOE. Cross-referential misery for some. I like them.

60. Boston __ : POPS

61. Spoil : MAR

62. Esq. group : A.B.A. American Bar Association for all those Esquires out there.

63. Assent : YES

65. CBS series with a N.Y. spin-off : CSI. Crime Scene Investigation. Originally based in Las Vegas, then spin-offs aired based in Miami and New York. Almost 800 episodes have been made, one of CBS Television's most successfully franchises.

And ...  here's the grid, all circled for your delectation.


Oct 26, 2016

Wednesday, Oct 26, 2016 Patti Varol

Theme: Mere Pittance - Each theme entry is a slang for "paltry sum".

18A. Peanuts : CHICKEN FEED

38A. Peanuts : SMALL POTATOES. Remember the black squares on both sides of this entry are not cheaters. The tricky 13 demands the black squares.

58A. Peanuts : CHUMP CHANGE

C.C. here, swapping blogging slot with Husker Gary, who wrote last Sunday's post.

At first, I thought this might be a Definition type, which often runs on Thursday or Friday. But no SCHULZ'S STRIP or BALLPARK SNACK or other made-up phrases. Patti has a tight set of all  solid in- the-language phrases.


1. Wander (about) : GAD

4. Fragrant bloom : LILAC. The scent is a bit overwhelming for me.

9. Utter disorder : CHAOS

14. Second person in Eden : EVE

15. Kitchen sponge brand : O-CEL-O.  Love 3M. They sponsor the annual Champions Tour here in our area.

16. Full of moxie : NERVY

17. Like many a gray day : WET
20. Sales meeting aid : GRAPH. Not CHART.

22. Feel crummy : AIL. Was on antibiotics for 2 weeks. Man, I felt so crummy. The periodontist is going to take off the stitches this morning. Yay!

23. Coal __ : TAR

24. Most populous continent : ASIA

25. Date night destination : CINEMA

28. One of a gallon's 16 : CUP

30. Like a successful business, presumably : WELL-RUN. Like 3M.

32. Stand against : OPPOSE

34. Northern California city : EUREKA

37. Birch family tree : ALDER

41. Hardly fresh : STALE. Hope you have Aldi in your neighborhood. This week's boxed Medjool dates are incredibly fresh.

42. Bit of photography equipment : TRIPOD

43. Southern California team : LAKERS. Not ANGELS or PADRES. Lakes are originally from Minnesota, "Land of 10,000 Lakes".

45. Inside information : LOWDOWN

49. Copper source : ORE

50. Hits the road : SPLITS

53. Albany-to-Buffalo canal : ERIE

54. Former Air France jet : SST

56. Geologist's division : EON. Not ERA.

57. Tops by a slight margin : EDGES
62. Picnic invader : ANT
63. Ready to hit the hay : TIRED. Also 66. Used up : SPENT
64. Invalidate : ANNUL
65. Maiden name preceder : NEE
67. Pond critters : NEWTS. Not FROGS.
68. Mexican Mrs. : SRA
1. Gaudy trinket : GEWGAW. Not a word I use.
2. Opposed : AVERSE

3. Enlargement advantage : DETAIL

4. Scot's swimming spot : LOCH
5. German "I" : ICH

6. Welcoming wreath : LEI

7. Highway through the Yukon : ALCAN (Alaska-Canada)

8. Newswoman Roberts : COKIE. NPR.

9. "Erin Burnett OutFront" channel : CNN

10. Pick up with effort : HEFT

11. Geographically based trio : AREA CODE

12. Makes trite, in a way : OVERUSES

13. Hoff who wrote the "Henrietta" children's books : SYD

19. Red "Sesame Street" puppet : ELMO

21. Light beer? : PALE ALE. Color-wise.

25. Biceps exercise : CURL

26. Not at all handy : INEPT

27. "Trainwreck" director Judd : APATOW. He was on the Bill Cosby crusade from the very start.

29. Pay-__-view : PER

31. Kings, e.g. : RULERS

33. Lumbered : PLODDED

35. "MASH" setting: Abbr. : KOR (Korea). Land of Kimchi & Tteokbokk. The latter is a street food, as  ubiquitous as our WIENER (47. Ballpark snack)

36. Lopsided : ATILT

38. Sci-fi fleet vessel : STARSHIP

39. Leave no doubt : MAKE SURE

40. GI addresses : APOs

41. __-mo : SLO

44. What a freelancer may work on : SPEC

46. Hearts, but not minds : ORGANS
48. Lipton rival : NESTEA

51. Lindsay of "Mean Girls" : LOHAN. She was once so promising.

52. Foolish : INANE

55. Anti-counterfeiting agts. : T MEN

57. Slim swimmers : EELS

58. Euro divs. : CTs

59. West Coast hrs. : PDT

60. Houston-to-Dallas dir. : NNW

61. Belly : GUT

Oct 25, 2016

Tuesday, October 25, 2016 John Lieb

Theme: Philosophy - Live for the moment.

18A. "We're done here. Please leave": YOU MAY GO NOW

30A. Lone source of local entertainment: ONLY GAME IN TOWN

45A. Eschew modern conveniences: LIVE OFF THE GRID

57A. Like the child of your first cousin, to you: ONCE-REMOVED. (still a first cousin)

56D. Modern-day carpe diem spelled out at the starts of 18-, 30-, 45- and 57-Across: YOLO. (you only live once)

Argyle here. Carpe diem and the day is Tuesday. If you are Bond, James Bond, then You Only Live Twice. I liked today's pairing of RANT AND RAVE and YOSEMITE SAM.


1. __ for the course: PAR

4. Proverb: ADAGE

9. Wire fence stickers: BARBS. Inventors had a field day with this type of fencing.

14. Winner of the most 2016 Olympic medals: USA. 46 golds, 37 silvers and 38 bronzes. 44-Across. Part of 14-Across: Abbr.: AMERica.

15. Prize founder: NOBEL

16. Accustom (to): INURE

17. __ Tin Tin: RIN. Yo, Rinny! But who was Sgt. Preston's dog? (No, not Tige.)

20. For mature viewers: RATED R

22. Foot prettifier, briefly: PEDI. (pedicure)

23. Miss. neighbor: ALA. (Alabama)

24. Grape-Nuts cereal brand: POST. Developed in 1897 by C. W. Post, no grapes or nuts were harmed in the making of this cereal.

26. Big Board letters: NYSE. (New York Stock Exchange)

33. Pop in a glass: SODA. Not the same as pop in his cups.

34. Wonder: AWE

35. Longtime name in Syrian leadership: ASSAD. Hafez al-Assad and his son, Bashar al-Assad.

36. Prereq for a lifeguard: CPR. (CardioPulmonary Resuscitation)

37. Fred Flintstone's boss: MR. SLATE

40. CBS logo: EYE

41. Yoga position: ASANA. Number of positions

43. Conservationist's prefix: ECO. (ecological interaction)

49. Worrisome grades: DEEs

50. Misplace: LOSE

51. Tennis do-over: LET

52. Open house offering: TOUR

54. Great suffering: MISERY

62. Great Lakes' __ Canals: SOO

63. Baseball legend Satchel: PAIGEThe Official Satchel Paige Home Page.

64. Dior skirt style: A-LINE

65. "__ the President's Men": ALL by Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward.

66. Does' mates: STAGS

67. Cares for: TENDS

68. Sound on Old MacDonald's farm: MOO


1. Sound of a contented kitty: PURR

2. Great Wall setting: ASIA

3. Deliver a tirade: RANT AND RAVE

4. Sometime soon: ANY DAY

5. "Let's Make a Deal" selection: DOOR. Often three doors but what's behind them?

6. __ Dhabi: ABU

7. Emerald, e.g.: GEM

8. Slip by: ELAPSE

9. Texas city of 1.3 million, familiarly: BIG D. Dallas.

10. Consecrates with oil: ANOINTS

11. It may be unearned: RUN

12. Compadre: BRO. (Brother)

13. Clinch, with "up": SEW

19. Mythical Himalayan: YETI

21. Singer Fitzgerald: ELLA

24. Feline feet: PAWS

25. Brunch servings: OMELETS

27. Ill-tempered Looney Tunes character: YOSEMITE SAM

28. Persuaded: SWAYED

29. Week or rear add-on: ENDER. Better to have a weekender than a rear-ender.

30. "My bad!": "OOPSIE!"

31. Needlefish: GAR

32. Scottish denial: NAE

33. Nearly boil: SCALD. Nearly a repeat of yesterday.

37. Long March leader in 1930s China: MAO. Mao Zedong.

38. Tylenol target: ACHE

39. One may be stubbed: TOE

42. Retirement fund: NEST EGG

44. Belligerent god: ARES. Greek god of war, son of Zeus and Hera.

46. Chimney part: FLUE. Now is the time to have it checked before the heating season. PSA

47. Word processing category involving page dimensions: FORMAT

48. Moves smoothly: GLIDES

53. Lodes and lodes: ORES

54. Patch up: MEND

55. Hershey's caramel candy: ROLO. A treat for trick-or-treaters.

57. Black __: covert missions: OPS. (see 59-Down)

58. D.C. ballplayer: NAT. Washington Nationals.

59. Spy novel org.: CIA. (Central Intelligence Agency)

60. "¡Viva el matador!": "¡OLE!"

61. __ Scully, Dodger announcer for 67 seasons: VIN


Oct 24, 2016

Monday, October 24, 2016 Gail Grabowski & Bruce Venzke

Theme: Welcome! Come right in. - What you hope will greet you at a party.

17A. What snowbirds seek in winter: WARM WEATHER

27A. Ready-to-send correspondence: OUTGOING MAIL

49A. Liqueur holder: CORDIAL GLASS

64A. Ideal party thrower described by the first words of 17-, 27- and 49-Across: PERFECT HOST

Argyle here. These are three things a host should be and I'm sure today's hosts, Gail and Bruce, would be. Don't forget to thank them before you leave.


1. "Handle __ care": WITH

5. Burns with hot liquid: SCALDS

11. Ex-Florida governor Bush: JEB

14. "__ Ben Adhem": ABOU. (may his tribe increase!)

15. Reacts facially to a bad joke, say: WINCES

16. Chopping tool: AXE

19. "Mamma __!": MIA

20. Mecca's peninsula: ARABIA

21. Heat in a microwave: ZAP

22. Indy service areas: PITS. Races have been won and lost in the pits.

23. "Do __ others ... ": UNTO

25. Most doubtful: IFFIEST. Like this C/A?

31. Network with regular pledge drives: NPR. Wait, wait, don't tell me; it's National Public Radio.

32. D-Day French city: ST.-LÔ. 95% destroyed after the 1944 bombardments, known as The Capital of Ruins.

33. Steak orders: T-BONES

37. Calm under pressure: COOL

39. Since Jan. 1, in accounting: YTD. (Year To Date)

41. Folksy account: TALE

42. "Bewitched" witch: ENDORA. (Agnes Moorehead)

45. Buster Brown's dog: TIGE

48. Jamaican music genre: SKA

52. Last word of a verbally cited passage: UNQUOTE

55. "Doctor Zhivago" heroine: LARA. I didn't pick this one last time; now I can.

56. Potpie veggies: PEAs

57. Hydroelectric facility: DAM

59. Quik maker: NESTLÉ. Nestlé Nesquik® No Sugar Added Chocolate Flavor Powder (note the name change. It has been Nesquik since 1999 but Nesquik won't do for a clue.)

63. Dad, to grandpa: SON

66. Cutoff point: END

67. C to C, in music: OCTAVE

68. Richard of "A Summer Place": EGAN. A Summer Place is a 1959 romantic drama film. Richard Egan (1921 - 1987).

69. Org. with a PreCheck Program: TSA. (Transportation Security Administration)

70. Sets free: LOOSES

71. Facts and figures: DATA


1. Electric guitar effect: WAWA

2. Letter-shaped beam: I-BAR

3. __ Bora: Afghan region: TORA

4. Scrooge's "Nonsense!": "HUMBUG!"

5. Worry about something, slangily: SWEAT IT

6. Cloak-and-dagger org.: CIA. (Central Intelligence Agency)

7. Animated bug film: ANTZ

8. Bar mitzvah toast: L'CHAIM or l'chayim, lechayim, lehayim; literally, to life.

9. What fries are fried in: DEEP FAT. Is DEEP a type of FAT now?

10. Ukr. or Lith., once: SSR. (Ukraine or Lithuania, former Soviet Socialist Republics)

11. Actor Foxx: JAMIE

12. Freeway off-ramps: EXITS

13. Savage sort: BEAST

18. Tipplers: WINOs

22. Cockpit figure: PILOT

24. "I'm __ human": ONLY

26. Little lie: FIB

27. First fairy tale word: ONCE

28. Second fairy tale word: UPON. 18D to 28D, modern fairy tale?

29. Trampled (on): TROD

30. '80s-'90s crime boss John: GOTTI

34. Mission Control org.: NASA. (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)

35. Benevolent fraternal group: ELKS. The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks.

36. Salty expanses: SEAs

38. Center of power: LOCUS. plural loci.

40. Bygone phone feature: DIAL

43. Pal of Piglet: ROO. Both are pards of Winnie the Pooh.

44. Radio City Music Hall design style: ART DECO

46. Cursory looks: GLANCEs

47. Long-legged wader: EGRET

50. "... near and __ my heart": DEAR TO

51. Assailed verbally, with "out": LASHED

52. Surprise win: UPSET

53. Bright signs: NEONs

54. Press conference format, briefly: Q AND A. (Questions and Answers)

58. Degs. for choreographers: MFAs. (Master of Fine Arts)

60. Old Roman robe: TOGA

61. Future D.A.'s exam: LSAT. (Law School Admission Test)

62. Sicilian volcano: ETNA

64. D.C. big shot: POL

65. Morn's counterpart: EVE

In 2009, at age 92, Dame Vera Lynn became the oldest living artist to make it to No. 1 on the British album chart. She now lives in Sussex, England, with daughter Virginia as her neighbor.
