, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Jul 15, 2016

Friday, July 15, 2016, Samuel A. Donaldson

Title: Gunther Toody, where are YOU.

This Samuel A. Donaldson, has been with us since 2009 .  It is time for his annual LAT Friday, with his last one being a sound alike as well. He is on a roll with 3 NYT and a WSJ all recently.  With a background in tax law, you know he has a great sense of humor and this offering, where we replace the o͞o  sound with the ē sound does require imagination. The theme jumped out at me with the Tina Fey and knowing the T from ARTTEST  was correct. I love getting into the mind of our constructors and picture how a phrase like TEA FOR TWO (Tē for To͞o ) becomes a perfect reveal for this puzzle. As I have said often, for sound puzzles, the reveal is the 13D, and I loved this one.

There are also is much sparkle to the fill such as ART TEST,  THIS ONE,  VENTNOR,  ENSLAVE, ECHELON,  DUST RAG,  SET DATE,  KNEE PAD,  LAERTES,  I KNEW IT, COUNTS ON and IMPLANTS.  Let go to work.

17A. What Fey does in a mushy moment? : TINA MELTS (9). I eat lots of tuna melts.

24A. Ornamental ducks? : GARDEN TEALS (11). Garden tools are more needed than the gnomes.

36A. Model high schoolers? : FINE TEENS (9). Fine tunes has many meanings.

51A. Park statue that might have the real things perched on it? : STEEL PIGEON (11). Stool pigeons are very important to the police.
And the reveal:

60A. "No, No, Nanette" song, and a homophonic hint to 17-, 24-, 36- and 51-Across : TEA FOR TWO (9).


1. Quads with wheels : ATVS. Four wheelers.

5. Perry of pop : KATY. So did I.
9. Two-iron, before golf club numbering : CLEEK. The whole SET.

14. Orator's prowess: Abbr. : RHEToric.

15. Der Spiegel article : EINE. And 65A. Der Spiegel rejection : NEIN.

16. Modicum : OUNCE. This was difficult for me as an ounce seems like more.

19. Forward : UNSHY. "I saw them come out and I saw that they were naked, unshy, beautiful, and full of grace, and I watched the naked women walk out of the sea.”― John Cheever, The Stories of John Cheever

20. Sandal feature : T-STRAP. Jimmy Choo.

21. Work the room : MINGLE.

23. Long time : EON.

28. Blanket in a belt : SNOW. Another hard one to decipher for me. Snow belt?

30. Beefcake subjects : HUNKS. Familiar?

31. One given at a wedding : VOW. One or two.

32. Polo of "The Fosters" : TERI. Don't know the Fosters, only the Fokkers.

33. Provençal possessive : SES. No grammar error this time.

34. 1974 #1 country hit for Dolly Parton : JOLENE.

39. __ Pie : ESKIMO.

42. Slowing, on scores: Abbr. : RIT. Ritardando (or rit.) is an indication to gradually decrease the tempo of the music (opposite of accelerando). Wiki.

43. Sacha Baron Cohen alter ego : ALI G. No politics here.

47. Home office, maybe : DEN. Do people have dens anymore?

48. Quite cold : POLAR. Vortex anyone?

50. Number on a clapperboard : TAKE. The name of this device used in filming movies etc.

55. Sylvan Tolkien creature : ENT. Talking trees.

56. Airport snags : DELAYS.

57. Dreaded : FEARED.

59. Hit lightly : TAP ON. The start of the two word fill.

63. Sudden jerk : START.

64. Way off the highway : EXIT.

66. Second chances : REDOS. Do over did not fit.

67. "__ arigato": Japanese "thank you very much" : DOMO. Did you all think of this song?

68. Where el sol rises : ESTE. The sun rises in the east in Mexico also.


1. "Draw me" challenge : ART TEST. Two words.

2. Selective words : THIS ONE.I really overthought this one. A second two word fill in the downs.

3. Avenue next to Monopoly's Water Works : VENTNOR. Anyone still playing Monopoly?

4. Headliner : STAR.

5. __ straight face : KEEP A. Two words.

6. Come down with a bug : AIL.

7. Big blowup cause : TNT. Cute cluing, not an argument.

8. Sycophants : YES MEN.  Again. Sychophant, literally "one who shows the fig,"

9. Has faith in : COUNTS ON. Again.

10. Sudden movement : LUNGE.

11. Subjugate : ENSLAVE.

12. Command level : ECHELON. "the upper echelons of the business world"

13. Exam marking aid : KEY. I remember working as a TA using these to grade multiple choice test papers.

18. GQ or SI : MAGazine.

22. HP product : INKJET.

25. South Korea's first president : RHEE. Or was it RYU? This MAN.

26. Cleaning aid : DUST RAG. Again.

27. Baltic Sea country: Abbr. : SWEden.

29. Airport connection : WIFI. Really tricky but simple once you see it.

33. Joe Cool, sans shades : SNOOPY. Hmm, this should be SNEEPY?

35. Exam for a would-be atty. : LSAT. Really an exam for a would be law student.

37. Surgical installations : IMPLANTS. I am not in favor of these but I could not resist a LINK.

38. The Emerald Isle : EIRE.

39. Text tweakers, briefly : EDS. Editors can be tweakers, but in the puzzle world they do much more. If you think a clue is bad, it may not be the original thought of the constructor.

40. Appointment : SET DATE. Again.

41. Patella protector : KNEE PAD. We wore them back in my wrestling days. 2 wds.

44. Ophelia's avenger : LAERTES. How cool, some Shakespeare. Also his father...
“I dare damnation: to this point I stand, / That both the worlds I give to negligence, / Let come what comes; only I’ll be revenged / Most thoroughly for my father.”

45. "Aha!" : I KNEW IT. I knee it?

46. Finish : GET DONE. Again.  Another thought came to mind. GET 'ER DONE.

49. Being handled by a broker : LISTED. Real estate broker; our closing business is doing very well as Florida real estate has recovered.

52. What Spanish Olympians go for : EL ORO. The gold.

53. Heading for : OFF TO. Off tee? Again.

54. Con beginning : NEO.

58. Former Education secretary Duncan : ARNE. No politics but a CONTROVERSIAL person.

59. Original D&D co. : TSR. Dungeons and Dragons

61. Outer: Pref. : EXO. The opposite of Endo.

62. Intent : AIM.

Well I know Sam aimed to please with this effort and I thought the theme was really tight with two "OO" and two "U" all transferring to well clued EE sounds. Some humor in the cluing/ fill. There was not much crosswordese, just real words and phrases. I had fun, and I hope you all did. Stop by and say hello Mr. D., as an active member of other blogs we would love to have your comments.

Lemonade out.

Jul 14, 2016

Thursday, July 14th 2016 Matt Skoczen

Theme: A lot of Toro! Circles reveal the word BULL four times in the grid.

17A. Music in 62-Across : PASODOBLE. Here's one for blog-background music.

39A. Performer in 62-Across : MATADOR

62A. Fighting venues suggested by this puzzle's circles : BULLRINGS

Ernest Hemingway would approve of this puzzle's theme. Bullfighting and bull-running have been much in the news in recent days.

Neat theme from Matt; once I realized what was going on with the circles they helped me fill in a couple of blanks. Nice that three of the entries cross-referenced the theme. If you don't get circles in your puzzle and you don't like cross-referential clues, then this one probably wasn't entirely up your street.

Let's see what else we've got today:


1. UV filter once widely used in sunscreens : PABA. New to me. Para-amino Benzoic Acid. Apparently caused allergic reactions in a number of people, so no longer used.

5. Word in Italian dishes : ALLA. Food! Here's spaghetti alla vongole.

9. Italian for "wasp" : VESPA. New to me, but as soon as I had the "V" I knew what it was. Those scooters do buzz around like wasps.

14. Lifetimes : AGES

15. Sign on for more service : RE-UP

16. One-__ chance : IN-TEN

19. Swedish-born Chan actor : OLAND. Thank you, crosses. I've never seen any of the Charlie Chan movies.

20. Cunning : ARTFUL

21. River through Kazakhstan : URAL

23. Dating letters : BCE. Before the Common Era.

24. Fisherman's knot : SNELL. Another new one to me. I don't fish, so ..

26. They may be independent : CLAUSES

28. Race town near Windsor Castle : ASCOT. I'm going to be staying in Windsor next Thursday night. I'll say hello to the Queen and her peeps.

30. People never seen in "Peanuts" : ADULTS

32. Word with smoke or kisses : BLOW

33. Arthurian address : SIR. The Arthurian knights. Here's "the" Round Table hanging in Winchester's Great Hall. I'll be there again on Saturday. My friend is 5' tall to give you some idea of the scale.

34. Very old thing : FOSSIL

38. Sylvan sticker : BUR

41. Thurman of "Henry & June" : UMA

42. More than just suggest : REEK OF

44. Salyut successor : MIR. The Soviet/Russian space station programs. There were six Salyut stations; the last one came out of orbit in 1991.

45. Snead has won three of them, briefly : PGA'S. US Men's golf's PGA Championship. Jason Duffner's wife famously took this picture of him the morning after he won the trophy in 2013.

46. Existing: Lat. : IN ESSE. Never heard of this one, but then again I'm not a lawyer.

48. Work with a team : COACH

49. Misconception : FALLACY

52. Brown shade : UMBER

54. Brown address ending : EDU. Brown University can be found on the interwebs at

55. Bausch's partner : LOMB. Ray-Ban Aviators, anyone?

57. Opens up : LETS ON

60. Cover story : ALIBI

64. Levels, in Leeds : RASES. I used to live in Leeds as a kid. One of my earliest memories is being taken by my teenage sister to see "A Hard Day's Night" at the local cinema. I couldn't figure out why everyone in the place spent the entire movie screaming. The cinema was RASED in 1966 to make way for a shopping mall.

65. Comic strip canine : ODIE

66. Mind, with "for" : CARE

67. College near Albany : SIENA. Nailed it!

68. D-Day craft : LST'S. Landing Ship, Tank.

69. What it's risky to build on? : SPEC


1. Haydn sobriquet : PAPA
"Papa Haydn's dead and gone
but his memory lingers on.
When his mood was one of bliss
he wrote jolly tunes like this."
2. Food thickener : AGAR

3. Visual media soundtrack Grammy Award : BEST SCORE

4. Presently : AS OF NOW

5. Winning, with "on" : A ROLL

6. Med. nation : LEB. Lebanon; the only country with a tree on the flag.

7. Doozie : LULU

8. Brief summary : APERÇU. I try to keep these summaries brief, but usually I fail miserably.

9. Crook, e.g. : VIOLATOR

10. Phot. lab request : ENL. Least favorite clue/entry of the day.

11. They may be taken on "Jeopardy!" : STABS

12. British coin additive? : PENCE. Here's an old sixpence from the Queen's coronation year:

13. Chilean range : ANDES

18. Number for two : DUET

22. Highly in favor of : ALL FOR

25. Metz milk : LAIT. Metz sounds more German than French; as it happens it's only a few miles from the German border.

27. Letters with Arizona or Missouri : U.S.S.

28. Short for short? : ABBR.

29. Swing around : SLUE

31. "Wee" pours of Scotch : DRAMS. Cheers, Tin-man!

33. Mariners' home, familiarly : SAFECO. Seattle's Major League ballpark.

35. Pea variety : SUGAR SNAP

36. Apple variety : iMAC

37. Hit violently, as waves against the shore : LASH

39. Oscar-winning song immortalized by Nat King Cole : MONA LISA

40. "Mon __!" : DIEU

43. About .62 mi. : KILometer.

45. Discourse on verses : POETICS. Aristotle wrote this c. 335 BCE

47. $, for one : SYMBOL

48. Many a trucker : CB-ER

49. Causes of trembles : FEARS

50. Dwight's two-time opponent : ADLAI

51. First two-time Best Actress Oscar winner Rainer : LUISE. Crosses all the way for me.

53. Lille lasses: Abbr. : MLLES. Mademoiselles, milk and OMG today for our French lesson.

56. Pals : BUDS

58. Folklore fiend : OGRE

59. Wee part of a min. : NSEC. Nanosecond.

61. Big __ : BEN. Another excuse to post a photo from my last UK trip. Big Ben, the Houses of Parliament and Westminster Bridge.

63. Brightened, with "up" : LIT.

That's it from me for today. I'm heading back to the UK tomorrow for a quick visit; to see family and eat as much curry as is humanly possible for one person without exploding. Here's a final sample from my last visit. Yum!


Annnnd ... here's the grid, circles 'n all.

Jul 13, 2016

Wednesday, July 13, 2016, Gail Grabowski and Bruce Venzke

Title: As Gouda As It Gets!

Gail and Bruce produced a far from cheesy puzzle. Not only does a type of cheese start each theme answer, but the cheese variety is only the first four letters of a word or phrase but is completely separate from the fill in any other way! Now that is clever and once again I chose to show the grid first to exhibit this clever device! Obtuse old me didn't see this sparkling gimmick until I saw the reveal of:

62. Photographer's request, and a hint to what's hidden at the starts of 17-, 26- and 47-Across : SAY CHEESE

Theme Answers:

17. Paperwork carrier : BRIEFCASE  - Also a stand-in for another French word

26, Detector a tiny heartbeat: FETAL MONITOR - FETA is not my first choice either

47. Asian bean dish : EDAMAME SALAD - High tech beavers?


1. Targets of some bark beetles : ELMS - Wiped out many trees of my yute

5. Spreadsheet info : DATA

9. "The Blacklist" network : NBC-TV - Must every show about law enforcement include a beautiful, 20-something woman aiming a gun with both hands?

14. Sunbeam floater : MOTE

15. High-tech read : E-MAG - Some content is not so High-tech

16. Cliff dwelling : AERIE

19. Razz : TAUNT - "The Greatest" was great at this too

20. "Bewitched" witch : ENDORA - She called all these sitcom scripts "hack" but cashed the checks

21. Offers unsolicited advice : KIBITZES - Does anyone else drive with a "Parking Spot Assistant"? 

23. Overwhelms with sound : DEAFENS

25. "I'm getting to it" : SOON

31. Batting no. : AVG - Failing two out of three times at bat still gives you a fantastic AVG of .333!

34. Move among moguls : SKI  - My back hurts just watching

35. Develop a liking for : TAKE TO - I did TAKE TO this site years ago!

36. Ascend : CLIMB

39. Conniving : SLY

41. Exams for future D.A.'s : L-SATS

42. Obstacle on the links : HAZARD

44. Crumpet accompaniment : TEA

46. Levels, briefly : KO'S - Ali KO'ed many of those he taunted

51. Rent-__ : A CAR - You do have options

52. Starts to grow : SPROUTS

56. Facial indication of amazement : SLACK-JAW - Nobody did it better

60. Takes, as advice : ACTS ON

61. Heavenly explosions : NOVAE - One of those pesky plurals

64. Most desirable invitees : A-LIST - It ain't me babe! I don't move with the Big Cheeses

65. Lamb pen name : ELIA

66. Risotto base : RICE

67. Stained __ : GLASS

68. Workout count : REPS

69. Symbol on Texas' flag : STAR


1. Journalist in a battle zone : EMBED - Can you spot the EMBEDDED journalist Sally Sara in this picture?

2. "Bonanza" co-star of Michael, Dan and Pernell : LORNE - A cowboy from Ottawa, eh?

3. Crete's highest elev. : MT. IDA - 8,058' high

4. Accompany to the depot, say : SEE OFF

5. Pours into a carafe : DECANTS - Seems like a hoity-toity word to me

6. Gp. with many specialists : AMA - I saw five different ones last year

7. Chore : TASK

8. AARP concern : AGEISM

9. Washington ballplayer : NATIONAL - The best player in baseball?

10. Unconventional '50s-'60s types : BEATNIKS

11. Cross, in Costa Rica : CRUZ

12. Point on a rake : TINE

13. Cat scanners? : VETS - Here's two inserting a scannable chip

18. Gratis : FREE - "At no extra cost" ain't FREE 

22. Heave-ho : BOOT

24. __ OFF 5TH: discount store : SAKS

27. Jaunty tunes : LILTS

28. Tropical hardwood : TEAK - A TEAK plantation in India

29. "Beetle Bailey" dog : OTTO

30. Diana of "The Wiz" : ROSS

31. Long (for) : ACHE

32. "The Impaler" of Romanian history : VLAD 

33. Sphinx city : GIZA

37. Voice heard in "California Dreamin'" : MAMA CASS  -  Her first group

38. March Madness concerns : BRACKETS

40. Supporters' votes : YEAS

43. Key with two sharps: Abbr. : D MAJ - What Don, Don and Glenn used for  this song

45. Sources of fine wool : ALPACAS

48. Traditional golf pencil's lack : ERASER

49. Footwear insert : ARCH - Lift didn't make it

50. Nanas, often : DOTERS

53. Start of a fitness motto : USE IT

54. Puccini opera : TOSCA - Premiered in Rome 116 years ago

55. "And wrinkled lip, and __ of cold command": "Ozymandias" : SNEER - Shelly's work of  hubris and mortality is one of the few poems that made an impression on me as a student

56. Unforeseen obstacle : SNAG

57. Lounge around : LOLL

58. Saucony competitor : AVIA

59. Corduroy feature : WALE

63. Peke's squeak : YIP

Jul 12, 2016

Tuesday, July 12 2016, C.C. Burnikel

 Theme: E-Phrases.

17A. *On the same page : IN HARMONY. eHarmony.

40A. *Auto buyer's consideration : CAR LOAN. E-Loan.

11D. *Illegal activity that threatens elephants : IVORY TRADE. E-Trade

30D. *Jamaican resort : MONTEGO BAY. eBay.

64A. Online business, and a hint to the ends of the answers to starred clues : E-COMMERCE 

Melissa here. Another clever theme by C.C. I didn't realize how many E-Phrases were specific to commerce. Fun puzzle, nice to see theme answers both across AND down.


1. Piece of cake : SNAP

5. Forever and a day : AGES

9. Tony who was a teammate of Carew and Killebrew : OLIVA. This has C.C.'s fingerprints all over it.

14. Some bra fabric : LACE

15. Little bit : IOTA

16. Put a lid on : COVER

19. Steakhouse order : T-BONE

20. "You never know" : MAYBE

21. Where honorees may sit : DAIS

23. Miss Chile's title: Abbr. : SRTA. Se

24. Rowing pair : OARS

26. Ragged : TATTY

28. Gingerbread house roof toppers : GUMDROPS

32. Get really mad : SEETHE

35. "Hey, sailor!" : AHOY

36. Glide above the clouds : SOAR

38. False step : ERROR

39. Actor McKellen : IAN

42. Andy's doll pal : ANN

43. Eccentric : NUTSO. Tried NUTTY first.

45. Base lullaby : TAPS. One of the last to fall for me - great clue.

46. Likelihood : ODDS

47. Nods off : SLEEPS

49. Multiwinner race outcome : DEAD HEAT

51. Say hello to : GREET

53. Take down __: humble : A PEG

54. Silo filler : CROP. Tried CORN first.

56. Landlocked African nation : CHAD. Unknown.

58. Like a soldier at attention : ERECT

62. Pigeonhole : LABEL

66. Muscat native : OMANI

67. Ready for picking : RIPE

68. "Very true!" : AMEN

69. Fee-based entertainment service : PAY TV

70. Biblical garden : EDEN

71. Little shavers : TADS


1. Like the chance of winning a lottery : SLIM

2. Grandpa's love : NANA. This one hung me up - wasn't thinking of a person.

3. In need of a massage : ACHY

4. Journalism award : PEABODY. The Peabody story.

5. Prepare to fire : AIM

6. Sore loser's opposite : GOOD SPORT

7. Volcano in Italy : ETNA

8. "__ with flowers" : SAY IT

9. Mo. for scary costumes : OCT

10. Bib-wearer's entrée : LOBSTER. Was thinking some kind of baby food at first.

12. Blow off some steam : VENT

13. General vicinity : AREA

18. Tail end : REAR

22. Texas NBA team, on scoreboards : SAS. San Antonio Spurs.

25. Civil rights icon Parks : ROSA

27. Prom attendee : TEEN

28. Profits : GAINS

29. Company with orange-and-white trucks : U-HAUL

31. Soup go-with, at lunch : SALAD

33. Fit automaker : HONDA

34. Auditing giant __ & Young : ERNST

37. Ali boxing technique : ROPE-A-DOPE. Interesting.


40. Deal with things : COPE

41. "Right this minute!" : ASAP

44. 70-Across tempter : SERPENT

46. "Just my luck!" : OH GREAT

48. "Just a __!" : SEC

50. Regard : DEEM

52. At that place : THERE

54. Hoofbeat sound : CLOP

55. "__ Lama Ding Dong": doo-wop hit : RAMA

57. Battery fluid : ACID

59. Humorist Bombeck : ERMA

60. Kept in the loop, briefly : CC'ED

61. Bills with Hamilton on them : TENS

63. Tyler of "The Leftovers" : LIV

65. Fellows : MEN

Jul 11, 2016

Monday, July 11, 2016 Timothy L. Meaker

Theme: No Reveal Monday - Not to worry ~ it's all here.

20. Theoretical temperature at which molecular activity ceases : ABSOLUTE ZERO

31. Astronomical phenomenon : TOTAL ECLIPSE

40. 0, 1, 2, 3, etc. : WHOLE NUMBERS

52. Rarity for a pitcher, nowadays : COMPLETE GAME

Argyle here. A bit of a reversal today; I used the theme entries to help get the fill.


1. Trek to Mecca : HAJJ. Had to wait on the last letter.

5. Astringent in taste : ACERB

10. Something made on a shooting star : WISH

14. Brainstorm : IDEA

15. Circus animal handler : TAMER

16. Pot starter : ANTE

17. 1999 satire about a reality show : EDtv. A film directed by Ron Howard.

18. Erie or Cree : TRIBE. Another reversal; Erie as a clue.

19. KOA visitor : RVer. Kampgrounds of America, where the recreational vehicle owners stay.

23. __-and-effect : CAUSE

26. Wimbledon do-over : LET

27. Quieted, with "down" : TONED

28. Wes in the Basketball Hall of Fame : UNSELD. Bio.

30. __ Domingo : SANTO

35. Bambi's aunt : ENA

36. "Mr." with Jim Backus' voice : MAGOO. "Oh Magoo, you've done it again!"

37. In line for : DUE

44. Pasty-faced : ASHEN

46. Ability spotted by a scout : TALENT

47. Slow-moving mollusk : SNAIL

48. "__ was saying ... " : AS I

51. Actress Rene : RUSSO

55. Some dadaist pieces : ARPS. The World According to Arps. Oops, wrong Arps. It should be Jean Arp or Hans Arp but Ron Arps is something different so I think I'll leave him.

56. Go to pieces : PANIC

57. Rocker Hendrix : JIMI

61. "The Lion King" lion : NALA. Wiki.

62. Show beyond doubt : PROVE

63. Eve's partner : ADAM

64. Represent unfairly : SKEW

65. Fathered : SIRED

66. Toy on a string : YOYO


1. Shake a leg, quaintly : HIE

2. Put two and two together : ADD

3. Air Force One, for one : JET

4. Indonesian site of a WWII naval battle : JAVA SEA

5. Some "Night Court" characters: Abbr. : ATTs. (attorneys)

6. "Silent Night," e.g. : CAROL

7. Novelist Zola : ÉMILE. If you ask me what I came into this life to do, I will tell you: I came to live out loud.

8. Counter, as an argument : REBUT

9. Author Harte : BRET. Born: August 25, 1836, Albany, NY, but wrote about the Gold Rush.

10. Dangerous place for an embedded journalist : WAR ZONE. (and everyone else)

11. Dream up : INVENT

12. Man cave system : STEREO

13. "The Great" Judean king : HEROD

21. Ding-dong maker : BELL. Hah! It's really Hostess.

22. Sched. postings : ETAs

23. Like kitten videos : CUTE

24. Any minute, to Shakespeare : ANON

25. Court sports org. : USTA. (United States Tennis Association)

29. Sinister spirit : DEMON and 41D. 29-Down's milieu : HELL

30. Teapot feature : SPOUT

32. Western neighbor of Nev. : CAL.. (Nevada/California)

33. Size up from med. : LGE.

34. Charged particle : ION

37. Dead ends? : DEEs. First and last letters.

38. Coffee servers : URNS

39. __ perpetua: Idaho's motto : ESTO. "Let it be perpetual". Idaho forever!

40. Two-person log-cutting tool : WHIP SAW. Crosscut top and ripsaw bottom (used for making planks)

42. Schoolteacher of old : MARM

43. Toronto baseballer : BLUE JAY. shout out

44. Hooded ski jacket : ANORAK. 1920-25; & Inuit (Greenlandic) annoraaq (I doubt they did much skiing.)

45. Supermarket freebie : SAMPLE

47. Speed-reads : SCANS

48. Big name in arcades : ATARI

49. Madrid mister : SEÑOR

50. "Uncle!" : "I GIVE!"

53. Actor Omar : EPPS. Now starring on the ABC drama Resurrection.

54. Got a hole-in-one on : ACED

58. Wedding vow : "I DO"

59. Memorial Day month : MAY

60. "I think," in texts : IMO. (in my opinion)
