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Mar 22, 2019

Friday, March 22, 2019, Peter Koetters

Theme: Look Ma, No ADS!  The letters AD are missing from the ends of each theme answer. (Edited later: AD is moved up at the end of each Across theme entries.)

17-Across. Embattled World War II city: STALINGR(AD).  The Battle of Stalingrad was one of the major battles between Russian forces and Nazi Germany.  The city, which is located in the confluence of the  Tsaritsa and Volga rivers, was originally called Tsaritsyn.  In 1925, the name was changed to Stalingrad in 1925 in honor of Joseph Stalin.  Nikita Khrushchev had the name changed to Volograd in 1961.  Just in case it's too subtle, the suffix GRAD means means City in Russian. AD moves up in 8D. Limited-access internet area: DARK WEB.  Everything you wanted to know about the DARK WEB

19-Across. Absolutely bonkers: STARK RAVING M(AD).

Apparently, STARK RAVING MAD was also the name of a short-lived sit-com on NBC. AD moves up to 16. It holds water: DAM.  Can you identify the dam in the background?

36-Across. Capital ESE of Kabul: ISLAMAB(AD).  The capital of Pakistan.  The capital city is located East-SouthEast of Kabul, Afghanistan.

Ad moves up to 27. Pat: DAB.  Here's a DAB of butter on a stack of pancakes.

38-Across. College student: UNDERGR(AD).  The difference in your social life when you transition from being an Undergrad vs. Graduate Student. AD moves up to 32. Tongue-in-cheek award eponym: DARWIN.  Unfortunately, often times the recipient of the Darwin Award ends up dead.

48-Across. Nation of Islam leader who was a mentor to Malcolm X: ELIJAH MUHAMM(AD).  Elijah Muhammad (né Elijah Robert Poole; Oct. 7, 1897 ~ Feb. 25, 1975), was the son of a sharecropper and Baptist lay minister before developing the Nation of Islam, which is an African-American religious and political movement. AD moves up to 44. Stifled: DAMPED.

55-Across. Online annoyances needed to complete five puzzle answers: POP-UP ADS.

1. Foretold: PRESAGED.

9. Biblical spy: CALEB.  As I am sure you all remember from your Biblical history, after Moses and the Israelites wandered through the desert for 40 years, they came upon the land of Canaan.  Moses sent out 12 men on a reconnaissance trip into Canaan and report back about its cities and inhabitants. Caleb was one of the spies Moses enlisted for this mission.  Ten of the spies feared entering the land, but Caleb and Joshua thought otherwise.  You can find out more about this mission in the Book of Numbers.  Spoiler Alert:  The land was deemed safe enough at the time for entry.

14. California resort island: CATALINA.  Fun things to do on Catalina Island.

15. Let up: ABATED.

18. Lady of Las Palmas: SEÑORA.  Today's Spanish lesson.

21. Source of a mole poblano ingredient: CACAO.  History of Mole Poblano.  The bitter-sweetness of the CACAO counteracts the spiciness of the peppers.   You can get some Mole made with ants at Xochi in Houston, Texas.

24. "Now, where __?": WAS I.  I was having a senior moment, there!

25. Spans often presidentially named: ERAs.

26. '60s Hagman co-star: EDEN.  Think of I Dream of Jeannie.  Barbara Eden (née Barbara Jean Morehead; b. Aug. 23, 1931) and Larry Hagmen (né Larry Martin Hagman; Sept. 21, 1931 ~ Nov. 23, 2012) starred in the television show.

28. Turn: GO BAD.  How long has that milk been in the refrigerator?  It has GOne BAD!

33. Rapper __ Wayne: LIL.  His given name is Dwayne Michael Carter, Jr. (b. Sept. 27, 1982).  I am not familiar with his work, but he seems to have a lot of ink.

34. Marble piece: SLAB.

35. Czech currency: KORUNA.  Here are some Czech coins.

39. Partner of Marcus: NEIMAN.  The high-end department store  Or, as we used to call the store ~ Needless Markup.  The store was originally founded by Herbert Marcus (Sept. 6, 1878 ~ Dec. 1950) and his sister, Carrie Marcus Neiman (May 3, 1883 ~ Mar. 5, 1953) in Dallas, Texas in 1907.
I associate the store with Stanley Marcus (né Harold Stanley Marcus; Apr. 20, 1905 ~ Jan. 22, 2002), who was the son of founder Herbert Marcus.

40. Zeno's home: ELEA.  Zeno of ELEA was a pre-Socratic philosopher.  He lived around 495 ~ 430 BCE.  A little before my time.

41. Just out: NEW.

42. Log: ENTER.

43. Deal preceder: ANTE.  Not as a business deal, but the dealing of cards in a poker game.

44. Place to nosh on a knish: DELI.  Yum!

45. Musician Rundgren: TODD.  For years, Liv Tyler (b. July 1, 1977), thought Todd Rundgren (né  Todd Harry Rundgren; b. June 22, 1958) was her father.  Her mother, Bebe Buel (b. July 14, 1953), was living with him at the time, but had a brief affair with Steven Tyler (b. Mar. 26, 1948) of Aerosmith fame.
Todd Rundgren is probably best know for his song, Hello, It's Me.

47. Braves slugger: AARON.  As in Hammerin' Hank Aaron (né Henry Lewis Aaron; b. Feb. 5, 1934).

54. Edible oil: CANOLA.

59. More disturbing, as details: GORIER.  Some of the recipients of the 32-Down Awards meet with very Gory endings.

60. Licorice-flavored brew: ANISE TEA.  Anise tea is actual an herbal tea that is thought to soothe an upset stomach.  How to Make Anise Tea.

61. Because: SINCE.

62. Demoted to the minors: SENT DOWN.  Think baseball.  A player who doesn't do well in the major leagues may be Sent Down to the minor league team.

1. Many Chrome runners: PCs.  As in Personal Computers.

2. Muppet Rizzo, e.g.: RAT.
Not to be confused with Ratso Rizzo.

3. Greek vowel: ETA.  Not the usual Estimated Time of Arrival we see in the puzzles.

4. Burrito seller's array: SALSAs.  Yum!

5. Ginsburg associate: ALITO.  Fooled me.  I was going for Elena Kagan (b. Apr. 28, 1960).  Ruth Bader Ginsburg (née Joan Ruth Bader; b. Mar. 15, 1933), Samuel ALITO (né Samuel Anthony Alito, Jr.; b. Apr. 1, 1950) and Elena Kagan are all Associate Justices of the United States Supreme Court.

6. Actress Gershon: GINA.  As in Gina Gershon (b. June 10, 1962)

7. Many an RPI grad: ENGR.  Hi, Spitzboov!

9. Honduran homes: CASAS.  More of today's Spanish lesson.

10. He played Fish on "Barney Miller": ABE VIGODA.  Abe Vigoda (né Abraham Charles Vigoda; Feb. 24, 1921 ~ Jan. 26, 2016) was a constant victim of death hoaxes beginning in 1982 when People magazine erroneously reported his death.  He lived another 34 years after this fake news.

11. Legal scholar Guinier: LANI.  Lani Guinier (b. Apr. 19, 1950) was nominated to be the United States Attorney General in 1993.  Unfortunately for her, some of her writings were deemed too controversial, hence her nomination was withdrawn.  She specializes in Civil Rights and is now a law professor at Harvard.

12. "The most private of private schools": Hugh Laurie: ETON.  Prince William (b. June 21, 1982) and Eddie Redmayne (b. Jan. 6, 1982) were classmates at Eton.

13. Marine threat: BERG.  As in an Iceberg.

20. Bled: RAN.  Adding a cup of vinegar or a half cup of salt to the rinse cycle will help hold colors from bleeding in the wash.

21. 2010s Caesars Palace regular, familiarly: CÉLINE.  As in Céline Dion (née Céline Marie Claudette Dion; b. Mar. 30, 1968).

22. Out of the sack: ARISEN.

23. "Heads or tails": CALL IT!

26. Vigorous spirit: ELAN.

29. Claim discovery, perhaps: ORE.

30. Phone in crime shows: BURNER.  Lots of burner phones were used on The Wire.

31. San __, Texas: ANGELO.  I am not familiar with this city in Texas, but here are some fun things to do in San Angelo.

34. Wisenheimer: SMART ALEC.

35. Proposal support?: KNEE.

37. __ Zion Church: AME.  As in the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church.
38. Last: Abbr.: ULT.  As in the Ultimate.

40. Turn into: END UP AS.

43. Naval brass: Abbr.: ADM.  Grace Murray Hooper (Dec. 9, 1906 ~ Jan. 1, 1992) was a Rear Admiral in the United States Navy.  She was a computer scientist and was involved in the development of COBOL.

46. Orchard Field, today: O'HARE.  The main airport in Chicago was renamed O'Hare in honor of Eddie"Butch" O'Hare (né Edward Henry O'Hare; Mar. 13, 1914 ~ Nov. 26, 1943) who was a naval aviator in the United States Navy.  He was shot down in the pacific theater during World War II.  The name of the airport was changed from Orchard Field to O'Hare International Airport in 1949.

47. Not to be missed: A MUST.  The musical Hamilton is a MUST SEE.  I saw the show last weekend.  It was fabulous!

48. Cardio readout: ECG.  As in an ElectroCardioGraph, sometimes abbreviated as EKG.  

49. Indochinese Peninsula nation: LAOS.

50. Cross letters: INRI.  A crossword staple.  From the Latin phrase: Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum.   As we learned from last week's entry in a puzzle, different theologies have slightly different interpretations on how this phrase should be translated.  So, let's just leave this alone.

51. Become part of: JOIN.

52. Refine: HONE.

53. Could hear __ drop: A PIN.

56. Volume One words, perhaps: A TO.  Youch!  This was an evilly tricky clue.  Think of the letters on the spine of an encyclopedia (do they even exist anymore?).  Volume One would contain articles beginning with A to perhaps B.  Or, maybe the first volume of the OED would have these words on its spine.

57. Morning coat?: DEW.

58. Title of respect, in Tokyo: SAN.  Today's Japanese lesson.

Hahtoolah here.  As Lemonade noted last week, he'll be sharing the Friday blog spot.  So, you got me today.  Hope you had as much fun with this puzzle as I did.  Fear not, however, Lemonade will be back (just like Arnold!).   In the meantime,  I will sometimes be sitting in for him on some Fridays.

QOD:  The nice thing about doing a crossword puzzle is, you know there is a solution.  ~  Stephen Sondheim (né Stephen Joshua Sondheim; b. Mar. 22, 1930)

Notes from C.C.: 

1) As Hahtoolah said earlier, she'll sharing the Friday blogging duty with Lemonade from now on.  Lemonade's workload has increased substantially the past few weeks. He does not have extra time for write-up. Each post often takes our team at least 3 hours. Thank you, Lemonade and Susan!
2) Happy Birthday to dear Pat (PK on our blog), who turns 78 today. Sorry, CrossEyedDave, I stole your cake again. PK was a newspaper reporter before, hence her always keen observations.

Mar 21, 2019

Thursday, March 21 2019 Ed Sessa

Theme: 'K, Abe! A promise to the president, or, in this puzzle, a "bake" scramble.

17A. *Hazards for herpetologists: SNAKE BITES. My first learning moment of the day - herpetology, the study of amphibians and reptiles.

26A. *Square-shaped ice cream treat: KLONDIKE BAR. Never tried one. Am I missing out?

44A. *Novel narrated by a horse: BLACK BEAUTY. I picked up an old copy of this book in a pub in England at Christmas. I'm not sure I'd have remembered if the horse was the narrator if I hadn't skimmed a few pages.

11D. *Pry: POKE ABOUT. I wanted POKE AROUND, but not enough room.

31A. *Doggie bag item: STEAK BONE Food! If you wonder what to do with steak bones, try melting a stick of butter or two and slow cooking (or sous vide) with the bones for a couple of hours, then strain it into a jar and refrigerate it. Use it to toss vegetables in, spread it on toast, toss pasta in it, eat it out of the jar with a spoon, the options are endless.

59A. Breadcrumb coating brand ... or, as two words, what is found in the answers to starred clues: SHAKE 'N BAKE. or "Shaken Bake". Doesn't it strike you as odd that there's an apostrophe to indicate the first missing letter, but not the second?

Nice puzzle from Ed. The reveal helped me complete STEAK BONE, I was at a loss to see what could follow "STEAK". I liked the theme entries going both across and down, and the interlocking of the two down entries with two of the across ones.

As always with Ed, some challenging cluing and some nice stuff in the fill. Let's take a tour:


1. Mosque leaders: IMAMS

6. Teddy-bearlike Star Wars figure: EWOK. Wicket W. Warrick for example.

10. What many icons open: APPS

14. Prime production: MOVIE. Amazon Prime, I'm guessing. I'd be more inclined to clue it "Prime product", as "production" implies that Amazon was the producer. (In my (humble) opinion.)

15. Vase-making dynasty: MING. Try not to drop it, these things don't come cheap:

16. Legal plea, briefly: NOLO. Nolo contendere, "I do not wish to contend", or "no contest".

19. Ring calls: TKOS. Technical Knock-Out called by the referee of a boxing match. The guy getting pummeled could always plead "nolo contendere" through his mouthguard.

20. Falco of "The Sopranos": EDIE

21. Designer Schiaparelli: ELSA. Thank you, crosses.

22. Classic mother-and-son statue: PIETA. This came up last week, I believe.

23. Didn't emulate Washington?: TOLD A LIE

25. Programming language with a coffee icon: JAVA

30. North-of-the-border gas: ESSO. They have the brand in the UK too. They had a brand of paraffin called "Esso Blue" and when the Police were recording the outro of "Message in a Bottle" they replaced one of the repeated"sending out an SOS" with "sending out an Esso Blue". It was remastered at some point because you can't hear that now.

33. Not sharp: DIM

34. What the fourth little piggy had: NONE

35. Erode: EAT INTO

38. Bettor expectations: PAYOUTS

40. Brought up: BRED

41. Shuttlecock's path: ARC. Fun game, badminton. I used to play against a fiercely-competitive Pakistani lady in London, she'd wipe the floor with me at squash, but we were more evenly-matched on the badminton court, mainly because she hadn't played before!

43. Dols. and cts.: AMTS.

48. Spelled-out strikeouts: KAYS. Baseball's "K". Henry Chadwick "the father of baseball scoring" used "S" to denote sacrifice, and chose "K" for a striKeout. Some scorers mark a regular K for a swinging strikeout, and a backwards K for a batter caught looking.

49. Best Buy buys: FM RADIOS. Why do I think of these things as outdated? I listen to the one in my car all the time.

54. Sacked out: IN BED

56. Great Plains tribe: OTOE

57. Eurasia's __ Mountains: URAL

58. Groups of two: DUOS

61. Poet St. Vincent Millay: EDNA

My candle burns at both ends; 
It will not last the night; 
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends—
It gives a lovely light

"Figs from Thistles: First Fig"

62. Funny Fey: TINA

63. Meant to be: FATED

64. Road sign animal: DEER

65. Fragrant arrangement: POSY. Carried by ladies in times past to ward off the pungent "aromas" of urban living.

66. Property claims: LIENS


1. "That's enough, thanks": I'M SET

2. Columbus' world: MONDO. Christopher's Italian world.

3. Be of use to: AVAIL

4. Ready to be recorded: MIKED

5. Use one's eyes: SEE

6. Estevez of "The Breakfast Club": EMILIO

7. Breaking point: WIT'S END

8. Service status: ONE-A. Fit to serve in the armed forces.

9. Metric wts.: KG'S Kilograms. "Two and a quarter pounds of jam weighs about a kilogram".

10. Treatment for 17-Across: ANTIVENOM. I had ANTIVENIN first. There are rattlesnakes in the hills around here where I hike. Always good to know where the nearest urgent care location is if the worst comes to the worst. Dogs are more likely to come a cropper than humans though.

12. Novelist's starting point: PLOT

13. Slugger Sammy: SOSA

18. Tolling place: BELL. Is a bell a place?

22. Karachi's country: Abbr.: PAK.

24. "Locked Up" rapper: AKON. I'm not sure I'd describe him as a rapper - he collaborates with rappers on his singles, but his vocal parts are more mainstream than hip-hop.

25. Iwo __: JIMA

27. Drop down: DIP

28. Lines in the sand, perhaps: ANTS. Odd one this - ants marching in line, in the desert or on the beach.

29. Hi-__ image: RES

30. First name in tea: EARL. I love Earl Grey, my favorite tea. Generally understood to be named for the second Earl Grey, Charles, who was Prime Minister in the 1830's and received a gift of the bergamot-flavored blend.

32. Host of the 1950s' "Your Show of Shows": SID CAESAR. Thank you, crosses. Before my time (and geography).

35. Drop off: EBB

36. Keep-on connection: TABS

37. Cal. neighbor: ORE. 

39. Sisterhood name in a 2002 film: YAYA. "Divine Secrets of the Yaya Sisterhood".

42. Mideast tunics: CAFTANS

45. "The Spanish Tragedy" dramatist: KYD. Alternative title "Hieronimo is mad againe". Here's Mr. Kyd:

46. "I guess it's fine": UM, OKAY

47. Genealogy chart: TREE

50. Largest UAE city: DUBAI

51. Fuming: IRATE

52. Like some casks: OAKEN. I hesitated over this, STEEL being a viable alternative.

53. Downhill runners: SLEDS

54. Fingered: ID'ED. Identified a suspect.

55. Art class subject: NUDE

56. Birthplace of seven presidents: OHIO

59. Oil additive brand: STP. They make gasoline additives too. If you get Marathon gas in your area, it's got STP additives in it to compete with Chevron's "Techron" brand.

60. Org. with Vikings: NFL. The Minnesota Vikings, as local lady C.C. will attest.

And here's the suitably-highlighted grid, and that's this edition of the blog "baked".


Mar 20, 2019

Wednesday, March 20 2019, Mark McClain

Theme: Homonyms.
Each theme answer contains a word or syllable, each with a different spelling, pronounced the same: "PEEK." The above image is of Pikachu - a species of Pokémon. His cheeks store electricity.

18. Breed also known as a Lion Dog: PEKINGESE. Tricky spelling. From "A compact toy companion of regal bearing and a distinctive rolling gait, is one of several breeds created for the ruling classes of ancient China."

26. Angry display: FIT OF PIQUE.

49. When the volume is the highest: PEAK SEASON.

62. Survey surreptitiously: TAKE A PEEK.

Melissa here. There were some clever and sneaky clues in this one. Theme was easy to spot as soon as two theme answers were filled in.

1. About, in dates: CIRCA.

6. Words With Friends and such: APPS. I bet there are lots of cornerites who play that one. I prefer Draw Something. As much as I enjoy crosswords, Scrabble is too slow for me. It is quite popular in prison visiting rooms, as is dominoes.

10. They form a "cage": RIBS. Nice.

14. Bee-related: APIAN. Hee.

15. Cry while pointing a finger: LOOK. The "cry" tripped me up.

16. Rebecca's firstborn: ESAU.

17. General opening?: SOFT G. I still get tricked by this.

20. High regard: ESTEEM.

22. Nasty types: MEANIES.

23. Warm feeling: GLOW.

25. Gridiron official: REF. I wasn't aware that Gridiron Football was the term for American football.

31. Skill useful in delicate situations: TACT.

35. Big name in gaming: ATARI.

36. Like the Javanese calendar: LUNAR. Java is an island of Indonesia. Something tells me there may be a regular who has some pictures to share. See it at the bottom left? Things to see in Java.

38. Swear: VOW. I do.

39. Catholic univ. in San Antonio: MARYS.

40. Facebook titter: LOL.

41. Kagan on the bench: ELENA.

43. Symphonic rock gp.: ELO.

44. Port-au-Prince locale: HAITI.

46. "Otello" composer: VERDI.

47. Towns on some maps: DOTS.

51. Guffaw syllable: HAR.

53. Prominent fox features: EARS.

54. Alters to fit: TAILORS.

58. Souvenir with a slogan: T-SHIRT. Vote for Pedro.

64. Sanction: ALLOW.

65. Graph line: AXIS.

66. Westin competitor: OMNI. Hotels.

67. Rope often coiled: LASSO. Not noose.

68. Beer order: PINT.

69. Pop: SODA.

70. Moves rhythmically: SWAYS.


1. Detective's job: CASE.

2. Nasdaq debuts: IPOS.

3. Breach: RIFT.

4. Hurricane strength term: CATEGORY.

5. Colorful reef denizen: ANGEL FISH. So many different kinds.

6. The Eiger, for one: ALP. Impressive. Famous for cheese-making.

7. Work often recited: POEM.

8. Sack holding a pig, in an old idiom: POKE.

9. Winter sports mecca: SKI AREA.

10. Pass along, with dubious etiquette: RE-GIFT.

11. "It's clear now!": I SEE.

12. Barbershop member: BASS.

13. "X" author Grafton: SUE.

19. Austin-to-Dallas dir.: NNE.

21. Do some floor work: MOP. My mind went to dancing.

24. Singer Nelson: WILLIE.

26. Well-known: FAMED.

27. Writer Calvino: ITALO.

28. Seer's deck: TAROT.

29. Prescribed goal: QUOTA.

30. "A tradition __ any other": trademarked catchphrase for The Masters: UNLIKE.

32. Declares: AVERS.

33. Housing choice: CONDO.

34. Huck Finn creator: TWAIN.

37. Setbacks: REVERSALS.

42. Pet control ordinance: LEASH LAW.

45. Fitting: APROPOS.

48. Least forward: SHIEST. Superlative of shy. Have never seen that spelling. Collins dictionary says it is British spelling.

50. Didn't play: SAT.

52. In the manner of: ALA.

54. Bus alternative: TAXI.

55. Similar (to): AKIN.

56. San __: Riviera resort: REMO. Wikipedia has it as one word.

57. Transmit: SEND.

59. Ingrid's "Casablanca" role: ILSA.

60. Optimistic: ROSY.

61. There are five in ten: TWOS.

62. Word with dance or root: TAP.

63. Sedona, for one: KIA. Car model, not city.

Notes from C.C.:

1) Happy 81st birthday to Commander Al (Spitzboov), who has generously helped me with many problems over the years. Al served in the Navy Reserve for over 20 years and continues to be involved in various navy activities. Because of Spitzboov, Boomer and I have the best flag in the neighborhood. 
Argyle and Spitzboov
(August 23, 2014, Washington County Fair)

3) Happy 83rd Birthday to John28man! So happy that all your medical problems are under control and you continue to enjoy an active life, John!

Mar 19, 2019

Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Gail Grabowski & Bruce Venzke

"It's Show Time !"

17. Period with dreams, e.g.: SLEEP STAGE STAGE SHOW

25. Subject of some weather advisories: SMALL CRAFT. CRAFT SHOW

37. Apple tablet from 2013 to 2016: IPAD AIR. AIR SHOW

48. Summit Plummet at Disney World, for one: WATER SLIDE.  SLIDE SHOW

57. Perform in the theater ... and what can be done to the end of 17-, 25-, 37- and 48-Across: PUT ON A SHOW.


1. Factory work period: SHIFT

6. Choral part: ALTO.

10. Stand the test of time: LAST.  Has legs.

14. Hang around: TARRY.  The verb is pronounced differently than the adjective.

15. Deliberately avoid: SHUN.  That's a definition for the "English" but in the Amish community,  shun means to expel and ostracize.

16. Nabisco nibble: OREO..

19. Screenwriter Ephron: NORA.

20. __ Ark: NOAH'S.

21. Rest area array: SEMIS.

22. Timber shaper: ADZE.

28. Stars and Stripes squad: TEAM USA.

30. Soup spheres: PEAS.

31. Delivery doc: OB-GYN.   Obstetrician-Gynecologist

32. Movie lab assistant: IGOR.

33. App annoyances: ADS.

36. Gp. that isn't gun-shy: NRA.

40. Real estate buy: LOT.

41. Have some grub: EAT.

42. Ranch grazers: COWS.

43. Botanical swelling: EDEMA.

45. Yellow Brick Road dog: TOTO.

46. Back-of-book lists: INDEXES.

52. Bit of pageant attire: SASH.

53. Fashionista Mary-Kate: OLSEN.   She and business partner / twin sister Ashley.

54. Flowers, in Florence: FIORI.

56. Pothole's place: ROAD.

62. Drive-__ window: THRU.
Wendy's claims the fast food industry innovation.   McDonald's opened their first drive-thru in 1975 in Arizona.

63. Chicago mayor Emanuel: RAHM.  The new mayor will be either Toni Preckwinkle or Lori Lightfoot. 

64. Scrabble 10-pointer: Z TILE.  The answer RAZE at 55d gave it away.
65. Diary securer: HASP.

66. Vein yields: ORES.  Pay dirt.

67. Several hairpin turns: ESSES.


1. Wall and Bourbon: Abbr.: STS.  Well known streets in Manhattan (NYC) and the French Quarter (NOLA).

2. Kubrick's out-of-control computer: HAL.  Stanley Kubrick / HAL 9000.  The groundbreaking film was 2001: A Space Odyssey

3. Dublin's land: Abbr.: IRE.

4. Faux ally: FRENEMY.  Psychiatrist Paul Dobransky M.D.,  explains, in How to Spot Friends, Enemies, Frenemies and Bullies

5. Proofer's find: TYPO.  If you see teh in my write ups, assume I meant the. 

6. Bronchial woe: ASTHMA.

7. Capital of Tibet: LHASA.

8. Yank: TUG.  

9. Ace's value, at times: ONE.

10. They don't like company: LONERS.  Henry David Thoreau and Ted Kaczynski both went off to live in the woods.  Compare and contrast.

11. Taco truck allure: AROMA.

12. Calligrapher's swirl: SERIF.

13. Wedding reception highlight: TOAST.

18. Mouth off to: SASS.

21. Visibly healed, as skin: SCARRED

22. Advice to sinners: ATONE.

23. Messing of "Will & Grace": DEBRA.  Will (Eric McCormack) and Grace.

24. Restaurant survey creator: ZAGAT.

26. Lexi Thompson's sports org.: LPGA.   The Ladies Professional Golf Association.

27. Sainted fifth-century pope: LEO I.

29. Mythical horned equine: UNICORN.

32. Cards with pics: IDS.

33. Amazon Echo's assistant: ALEXA.  I turned her off.  We no longer speak to each other.

34. Mosque toppers: DOMES.

35. Narc's discovery: STASH.

38. Cookware items: POTS.

39. AFB truant: AWOL.  Air Force Base / Absent Without Leave

44. Calls it off: DESISTS.

45. Ready to drive, as a golf ball: TEED UP. It's better to be teed up than teed off.

46. Figures of speech: IDIOMS.  They're a dime a dozen.

47. Hard-to-miss sign: NEON.

48. Value: WORTH.

49. Hawaiian hi: ALOHA.

50. Romanov royals: TSARS.  The Romanovs ruled Russia for 300 years until 1917.

51. "__ shoe fits ... ": IF THE.  Wear it.

55. Use a wrecking ball on: RAZE.

57. In favor of: PRO.

58. Former Mideast org.: UAR.  United Arab Republic.  The coalition of Syria and Egypt.

59. Embroidered pronoun: HIS.

60. World Cup shout: OLE.

61. Jazzman Montgomery: WES.

Note from C.C.:

Agnes mentioned their epic annual St. Paddy's Day celebration at her sister's house. Here is a picture of their gathering on Sunday night. Of the five sisters here, dear Agnes is the youngest (78 in a few weeks). Anne is the oldest, 91 years old. Agnes also has three older brothers: Bud, Bill and Jack.

L-R: Anne, Agnes, Eileen, Mary, and Peggy, 3/17/2019

Mar 18, 2019

Monday March 18, 2019 Kurt Mengel & Jan-Michele Gianette

Theme: Solo Act - The first words are synonyms of "only":
18. Tonto's friend, with "The": LONE RANGER.

23. Early Neil Diamond hit: SOLITARY MAN.

36. Offspring sans siblings: ONLY CHILD.

53. Used car selling point: SINGLE OWNER.

60. Something unlike any other: ONE OF A KIND.

Boomer here.  

I see SINGLE in the puzzle.  Reminds me that the Major League season begins March 28.  Baseball has always been my favorite sport, however I am taken aback by the contract given to Bryce Harper by the Phillies. $330 Million ????  I hope he can do something about his hair.  What bothers me the most is that one of my idols, Harmon Killebrew I believe earned $120,000 after his MVP year in 1969.  

I had a tough week at the VA hospital last week. A couple of treatments to fight cancer.  Very necessary but it knocked me on my butt for a few days. I even had to get a sub for bowling on Thursday.


1. Slick-talking: GLIB.

5. Crime organizations: GANGS.  Not always crime.  Reminds me of the "Gang of 8".  Four GOP and four Dems in the senate who wrote the prelude to border security and economic horizons for the U.S. 

10. On the Atlantic, say: ASEA.  "I joined the Navy to see the world, but what did I see?  I saw the sea."

14. Bow-and-arrow-carrying Hindu god: RAMA.

15. Spry: AGILE.

16. Running shoe brand: NIKE.  One of the PGA Players tournament commentators said Tommy Fleetwood looks like a homeless person who just robbed a Nike store.

17. Smartphone downloads: APPS

20. Copper-and-zinc alloy: BRASS.  Of course this was a group designation for all the officers in the Army.

22. Countries: NATIONS.

26. Fireworks reaction: OOH.  And don't forget AAH.

28. "Honest" prez: ABE.  Of course he presided before our time. But he will always be a benchmark President.

29. Suffix with ranch: ERO.  I had a few friends that drove Ford Rancheros.  It was kind of half sedan, and half pickup truck.  I thought it was a pretty good vehicle, but Ford discontinued it in the late 70s.

30. Work into a frenzy: STIR UP.  I think if you insert another "R", you have that nasty little thing on your cowboy boot to make your horse run faster.

32. Brother of Bobby Kennedy: TED.  Brother of John and Bobby.  Chappaquiddick did him in.

33. Lawman Wyatt: EARP.  Hugh O'Brien played him in adult western of the 60s.

35. Body art, briefly: TATS.  Never liked them.  But I respect others' choice.

40. Sheet music pitch indicator: CLEF.
43. Leaning Tower site: PISA.

44. "Survivor" station: CBS.  It also had the Big 10 (+4) hoops tournament.  Gophers made it to the semis and will get a nod for the NCAA March Madness.  Final Four will wrap up in Minneapolis next month.  I don't expect to see the Gophers there, but give them a couple of circles in your bracket.

47. Gauchos' lariats: REATAS.

50. Chair part: LEG.  Chairs have four, the rest of us have two.  If they don't work well, maybe a little GEL will help.

51. Paintings, etchings, etc.: ART.  Mr. Garfunkel.  I always wondered if that was his real surname.

52. 10-minute NFL periods, if they last that long: OTS.

57. Alike in many respects: SIMILAR.

59. Capital of Yemen: SANAA. Sha NaNaNa, hey ay ay Good bye

63. Repairs with turf, as a lawn: SODS.  Not sure if we still have a lawn.  I have not seen it for months.

64. Cap'n's mate: BOSN.  Could be a shortened "Old Spice" commercial

65. Birds in a gaggle: GEESE.

66. French cruise stops: ILES.

67. "The Simpsons" bus driver: OTTO. I suppose I OTTO watch "The Simpsons"some day so I get these clues.

68. __ Allan Poe: EDGAR.

69. Laundry brand: TIDE.  Tide is a year older than me - born in 1946.  Like me it has taken many baths and it still smells fine.


1. Clutches for: GRABS AT.

2. Carriage passenger's warmer: LAP ROBE.  Just do not feed "Rusty" Beef - a - reeno.

3. Stabbed by Buffy, as a vampire: IMPALED.

4. Voices below tenori: BASSI.  Beyond my expectations.  I only know tenor and bass.

5. Four qts.: GAL.

6. In days of yore: AGO.  A long, long time ago, I can still remember how the music used to make me smile.  Clear Lake Iowa, 1959

7. Fool: NINNY.

8. Eye twinkle: GLEAM.  When P & G made toothpaste, they spelled it wrong.  I don't think it's on the shelves anymore.

9. Sealy competitors: SERTAS.  It seems as though Mattresses last longer than cars.  Amazing how many ads are out there.

10. Year in Tuscany: ANNO.  Latin is a dead language, as dead as dead can be.  First it killed the Romans, and now it's killing me.

11. Lady of Italy: SIGNORA.

12. Barely manages, as a living: EKES OUT.  So if you are barely managing this puzzle, put some clothes on and eke it out.

13. Bubbly prefix: AER.

19. "__ That a Shame": AIN'T. My tears fell like rain.

21. Dutch painter Jan: STEEN.

24. Devastated Asian sea: ARAL.

25. Golfer McIlroy: RORY.  He was all over the TPC Sawgrass Saturday but managed to hang in there.

27. Some laptops: HPS.  I used to sell HPS Lamps - High Pressure Sodium.  The yellowish ones that replaced Mercury and Fluorescent in Street Lighting.

31. "__ be my pleasure": IT'D.

34. Angel dust, for short: PCP.  I cannot spell what the technical name is for this drug, but it can really take you for a loop.  Worse than Zoledronic Acid.

36. Shakespearean "frequently": OFT.

37. Jack and Jill went up one: HILL. Duh.

38. "Understood": I SEE.  I see said the blind man, but he really didn't.

39. Old Nigerian capital: LAGOS.  Was the Nigerian capital made of plastic blocks?  Oops, I am confused with the Legos at Mall of America.

40. __-Magnon: CRO. My gosh - these guys are hundreds of centuries old.  I'll bet not even can find your Cro-Magnon ancestor, but they probably say they can.

41. "Better if we skip this": LET'S NOT. And say we did.

42. Most simple: EASIEST.

44. Tubular ricotta-filled pastry: CANNOLI.  The mob guys always order these on "Law and Order".

45. Covered with crumbs before cooking: BREADED.  I don't know about crumbs, but breaded fish fillets are tasty Friday meals.

46. Street in Berlin: STRASSE.  Also in Hardheim.  I lived at Sieben Eister Sandweg Strasse for a few months.  (They did not have enough room in the barracks.)

48. "Not likely!": AS IF.

49. Stored fodder: SILAGE.  There are silos as farm buildings in Minnesota.  Even with the hemispherical roofs, the snow is causing problems.

54. In one's birthday suit: NAKED.  Eke it out

55. "Norwegian Dances" composer: GRIEG.

56. "__ something I said?": WAS IT.

58. Pre-stereo: MONO.  We have had this before, and I had a MONO record player before and so did many of you.

60. "Name a price--I'm flexible," in ads: OBO.  I hate Best Offers on eBay.

61. Intel-gathering govt. group: NSA.

62. __ Spiegel: German magazine: DER.

Note to TTP and other bowlers on our blog:

The gentleman second from left is a young bowler from Minnesota. Around 8-10 years ago I was in a classic league with Matt McNeil and we both bowled anchor for our respective teams.  One night I swept three games from him with an 814 series. I think it was the only time in the league that anyone took three from Matt.  This week he has qualified second on the PBA tour and the finals will be on FS1 on Thursday at 7:00 PM Central time.  I do not recognize the 4th and 5th qualifier.  Third is Bill O'Neill and whoever survives the stepladder will face the master from Australia, Jason BelMonte. I will be watching.


Mar 17, 2019

Sunday March 17, 2019 Matt McKinley

Theme: "Going Green" - Each theme entry is a different definition of "green"





113A. Green: COLOR FOR ST PATRICK'S DAY. Apt for today.

36D. Green: NEW ON THE JOB.


This type of theme is called Definition. You definite various meanings of a certain word or phrase.

The theme entries in this category are often made-up. In today's set, only 42D is a solid in the language phrase. 

1. Boxer who defeated Holyfield twice: BOWE. Riddick.

5. Contentious shoulder piece?: CHIPChip on one's shoulder.

9. Equal-split offer: HALF. Half and half.

13. Rugby tussles: SCRUMS. Like this.

19. Lang. of Livorno: ITAL.

20. Border Patrol city of the Southwest: YUMA. Also 46. Southwest formation: MESA.

21. Three Rivers river: OHIO.

22. "That's enough!": QUIT IT.

27. Samson's betrayer: DELILAH. My luggage bag is Samsonite. Still sturdy. Been with me since 1995.

28. Pub bud: LAD.

29. Apostle also called Levi: MATTHEW.

30. Habit wearer: NUN.

31. Happy eating word: NOM.

33. Kewpie and kachina: DOLLS.

34. Kings, e.g.: MEN.

42. Not a Crimson fan: ELI. Harvard Crimson.

45. Break-in sound?: AHEM. Guttural break-in.

47. Hawaiian goose: NENE.

48. Prepare to take off, perhaps: UNTIE.

49. Printer function: SCAN.

50. Premier League soccer anchor Rebecca: LOWE. Learning moment for me.

51. Nissan model: SENTRA.

53. Ownership proof: DEED.

54. Suffragist Julia Ward __: HOWE. No idea.

55. Terrible year?: TWOS.

56. Metal containers: TINS.

57. Heart and soul, e.g.: NOUNS. Nice clue.

59. Slapped-on restraints: CUFFS.

60. Cremona Christmas: NATALE. Alliteration.

62. AEC successor: NRC.

63. Beast in a Beatles' title: WALRUS. "I am the Walrus."

64. Iowa summer hrs.: CDT.

71. Land in the Seine: ILE.

72. Try again: RE-HEAR. Try a case.

74. Really irritate: VEX.

75. Bully's words: OR ELSE.

77. Come to __: AN END.

78. Tenth of a grand: C NOTE.

80. Part of a cook's job: PREP. My friend Carmen had to prep a special meal last Thursday. Her step-daughter Xiao Pan got married the next day. Here is Xiao Pan observing some Cantonese ritual: burning incense, offering food to your departed ones, asking for their blessings, etc. Then you can eat the food.

Xiao Pan, 3/14/2019
Xiao Pan and her dad Lao Pan, 3/15/2019

81. Recognized: KNEW.

84. Pacific island nation: FIJI.

85. Winter truck attachment: PLOW.

86. Zoomed past: SPED BY.

88. Unproductive: IDLE.

89. Walked: TROD.

90. "Mean Girls" actress: LOHAN (Lindsay). Used to be a tabloid favorite.

92. Jim Davis canine: ODIE.

93. "The Nutcracker" dip: PLIE.

94. Sad sound: SOB.

99. Himalayan beast: YAK.

100. Until now: AS YET.

101. One of the 91-Down: MET. 91. Citi Field team, on scoreboards: NYM. Tiny dupe.

102. Moving wheels: VAN.

104. Needing bailing out, maybe: IN A SPOT.

107. 60 secs.: MIN.

109. Museum works: FINE ART.

118. Allowing for the possibility that: EVEN IF.

119. With 109-Down, obsession: IDEE. And 109. See 119-Across: FIXE.

120. Hot message: SEXT.

121. Against-the-wind sailing maneuver: TACK.

122. Handy reference: ROGET'S.

123. Springlike, as weather: MILD. Look forward to the spring. Such a long winter.

124. Skip-a-round privileges: BYES.

125. Barrie's bosun: SMEE.


1. Texas city nickname: BIG D. Dallas.

2. Siouan tribe: OTOE.

3. Interactive Facebook feature: WALL.

4. Diminutive: ELFIN.

5. Roxane's lover: CYRANO. Cyrano de Bergerac.

6. One may come over a crowd: HUSH.

7. Prankster: IMP. Dear Spitzboov!

8. Name of six popes: PAUL.

9. Ballpark staple: HOTDOG.

10. Yellowfin tuna: AHI. Our local Aldi carries Ahi tuna.

11. Three-time Tony winner __-Manuel Miranda: LIN.

12. Daze: FOG.

13. Blew big-time: SQUALLED.

14. In a snippy manner: CURTLY.

15. Falling-outs: RIFTS.

16. Bryce Canyon locale: UTAH.

17. Clock-climbing trio: MICE. Does the clue refer to this nursery rhyme? Never heard of it.

18. Slow cooker dish: STEW.

24. Jewish month after Av: ELUL. Final month of the Jewish calendar. Also 49. Synagogue: SHUL.

25. Hide seeker: TANNER.

26. Appalachian range: SMOKIES.

32. The NCAA's Spartans: MSU.

33. 1971 American Airlines debut: DC-TEN.

34. Ice cream treat: MALT.

35. Self-help website: EHOW.

38. 1936 Literature Nobelist: O'NEILL. Eugene.

39. Vacation home for dogs?: KENNEL. Great clue as well.

40. QBs' concerns: INTS.

41. Bring about: INDUCE.

43. Allowed: LAWFUL.

44. Actually existing: IN ESSE.

51. Word with way or case: STAIR.

52. Wings: ANNEXES.

58. Frodo pursuer: ORC.

59. Psychiatrist Jung: CARL.

61. Spot during a program: TV AD.

63. Reacting to a tearjerker: WEEPY.

64. Skillfully makes: CRAFTS.

65. 2003 AFI Life Achievement Award recipient: DE NIRO.

67. Promise: AVOWAL.

68. Acquire: GET.

69. Kind of skiing: NORDIC.

70. He has the answers: TREBEK. You can beat the odds.

73. Geraint's beloved: ENID.

76. Decide not to attend: SKIP.

78. Intimate with: CLOSE TO. I was very close to Carmen when I worked in Guangzhou. I often went to their home for dinners. Xiao Pan was a shy little girl then. Hope I can see them again someday.

Carmen, Lao Pan, Xiao Pan and Xiao Pan's new husband, 3/15/2019

79. Like seven Nolan Ryan games: NO HIT.

80. Mani mate: PEDI.

82. Lamb pen name: ELIA. Charles Lamb.

83. Common pay period: WEEK.

85. End-of-season games: PLAYOFFS.

87. Shylock's adversary: PORTIA.  "The Merchant of Venice".

95. __ de corps: ESPRIT. Also a big brand in Asia.

96. Filled in: TEMPED.

97. Throws out: EVICTS.

98. Like many basements: DANK.

100. Together: AS ONE.

103. Homes in the woods: NESTS. Birds' needs are so little.

104. Bakery specialist: ICER.

105. Porto-__: Benin's capital: NOVO.

106. Shake __: hurry: A LEG.

108. Accident investigation agcy.: NTSB.

110. Eliot's "__ Bede": ADAM.

111. Track event: RACE.

112. Youngster: TYKE.

114. Edge of a canyon: RIM.

115. Star Wars initials: SDI. Strategic Defense Initiative. Reagan's Star Wars.

116. Smartphone no.: TEL.

117. Ferdinand II of Aragón, por ejemplo: REY.
