, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Jul 5, 2014

Saturday, Jul 5th, 2014, Melanie Miller

Theme: None

Words: 68 (missing B,F,J,Q,X,Y,Z)

Blocks: 25

   We have us a new Saturday constructor~!  Melanie has had 5 LAT puzzles, with the last one coming in Feb on a Monday.  Today's offering had some similar clues/answers to that grid, I noticed.  Chunky corners of 9's and 8's, with two 11-letter fills on the inside.  Fairly difficult for a Saturday, IMHO, but I was able to solve without any look-ups or cheating, and only the SW corner requiring some WAGs to complete.  The two longer answers:

20a. Ranks achieved by Armstrong and Lovell : EAGLE SCOUTS - Two astronauts who reached the highest 'rank' in the Boy Scouts - Wiki

53a. Events after shootings : WRAP PARTIES - Melanie's last puzzle was a "party" theme, and this in not the violent kind of shooting, but the movie set type - I worked on a made-for-TV film way back in '97, and we had us a Wrap Party the following summer with a preview of the finished show.

"OM" ward~! (working my 60a.)


1. Harassed, in a way : HEN-PECKED

10. Lenox brand : DANSK - their enameled steel cookware looks familar

15. Busy state to go into : OVERDRIVE

16. Boiling : IRATE

17. Made for the tube : TELEGENIC

18. Decalogue delivery site : SINAI

19. They may hook you up, briefly : RNs - Hook you up to IVs, tho I have seen certain movies....

22. Los __, city near San Luis Obispo : OSOS

24. Greenland capital : KRONE - this being the money kind of capital, not the city

25. Flanged bit of hardware : T-NUT

26. Powder holder : DONUT - Cute

28. Added a little to the pot : ANTED

30. Took in takeout : ATE - Nice clue alliteration

31. First lady after Bess : MAMIE - Truman and Eisenhower

33. Kind : MANNER

35. Kind of support : SPOUSAL

38. "Tritsch-Tratsch-Polka" composer : STRAUSS

39. "The Fox and the Hound" hound : COPPER - What does the fox say?

40. Stops running? : CLOTS - Ah, like wounds

41. Beluga output : ROE

42. Arabian capital : SANA'A - Yemen

44. "__ luego" : HASTA

48. Bald eagle cousins : ERNS

50. Settles : CALMS

52. Start of many a prayer : LORD

56. Crib cry : WAH - Two cries, and it's a guitar effects pedal....

57. Gugino of "Night at the Museum" : CARLA - a WAG with the --RL- in place

58. Exterminator's target : CENTIPEDE - among other creepy-crawlies; 'round here, it's ants, crickets and lately, wasps

60. Hindu principle of life : ĀTMAN - this was a WAG for me, too

61. "The Raven" feature : OCTAMETER

62. Pains : PESTS

63. Pump house? : SHOE STORE - Nailed it; I love women in platform pumps - so sexy - and if they zip up at the back....ha-muna ha-muna

1. Zoom : HOT-ROD - the verb, not the noun

2. Yet : EVEN SO

3. Hold on a mat : NELSON - Educated WAG

4. Start to date? : PRE - predate, as in 'comes before'

5. It's uncomfortable to be on it : EDGE

6. Sign of age : CREAK - I had CRACK to start, pretty close; that's 80% right

7. Large, long-billed marsh bird : KING RAIL

8. Satan : EVIL ONE - because MIROSLAV was too long; shoulda played for the NJ Devils....

9. Respectable : DECENT - Are you dressed?

10. Round snow toy : DISC - I had a wood and metal sled as a kid

11. "That's __!": "Funny!" : A RIOT

12. Otherworldly greeting? : NANU-NANU - Mork from Ork's greeting

13. Former bills : STATUTES

14. Bums' American counterparts : KEISTERS - anyone else see this as "B-u-r-n-s" first?  Once I had the K----STER, I figured out my eyes were getting a bit wacky

21. Look that way : SEEM TO

23. Recap : SUM UP

27. Stuns in an arrest : TASEs

29. Sith title : DARTH - Star Wars reference, which I won't miss~! Vader, Maul, and others

32. Rumba shaker : MARACA - shaking like your keister

34. Cavity opening? : NASAL

35. Cork alternative : SCREW-CAP - DAH~! I wanted TWIST-CAP, but I knew ROE was correct

36. Elizabethan property tax to benefit the disadvantaged : POOR RATE - the "T" was my last fill

37. Title words before "Nothing to hide," in a Journey hit : OPEN ARMS - Link away~!

38. Collide with : SLAM INTO

40. MIT rival, despite the distance : CALTECH

43. Some agents : NARCOs

45. Site of a 1976 anti-apartheid uprising : SOWETO - Part of Johannesburg, South Africa

46. Broker's customer : TRADER

47. Hold tight : ADHERE

49. Fall sound : "SPLAT~!"

51. Spiders' sensors, e.g. : SETAE - Latin for bristle, it's the hairs on a spider's legs, e.g.

54. Sweeps the set : PANS - another movie-making term

55. Virtual people, in a popular game series : SIMs - I love Sim City, but couldn't get into the virtual reality of the individual people version of the game (but I do have it).  Here's the crop circles that UFOs left on my farm in my last Sim City game

59. Ferret, for one : PET - My roomie in Cincinnati, OH had one - they bite...literally


Jul 4, 2014

Friday July 4, 2014 Jeffrey Wechsler

Theme: A Fourth of July tribute to America and to Ralph Ellison and the Invisible (American) Man

Oh, Jeffrey Wechsler, what did you do to me? When a puzzle begins with 1A as part of the theme you know you are going to have to work for your supper. Confidently putting in AMERICAN (the airline of the Admirals Club) and then ATL as 1D and MAD as 2D, I got slapped in the face with 3D which had to be RET(ired). Scuttling along like a beetle, I went to the next starred clue and knew Centurion was one of many AmEx cards, which gave me the theme; revived, I went back and fixed the beginning and had a mostly smooth solve. I loved the theme for this holiday with AMERICAN the unsaid beginning to each starred answer. The thought of the invisible American in each answer brought me to Mr. Ellison. Without any politics or religion subplot, there are so many reasons I am proud to be an American and proud to blog this fun work from JW.  A few unknowns and some  distant memories, but it all filled. Aside from the 9 short theme fill (if you see asterisks you know there are fill longer than the designated theme fill in the grid) there are some crunchy, yummy fill. INGENUE, PUMMELS, SNEERED,  TIEPOLO, UNTAMED, BIO-DOME, LET ME TRY, LUTENIST, TREE BARK all are great. Of course to get this many interesting things in the fill, you are going to need some short fill and JW goes the acronym route, I hope that does not make you acrimonious. So let's get to the fireworks.

1A. *Admirals Club carrier : AIRLINES. (8). American Airlines.

9A. *Rose variety : BEAUTY. (6). American Beauty.

29A. *Centurion card issuer : EXPRESS. (7). American Express. Worked for them for a while.

37A. *Entertainment phenomenon since 2002 : IDOL. (4). American Idol.

38A. *TV show that had a 50th anniversary celebration in 2002 : BANDSTAND. (9). American Bandstand.

41A. *Line of 18-inch dolls : GIRL. (4). American Girl.  This was 4 letters but the one I needed the most help on.

51A. *PBS cultural documentary series : MASTERS. (7). American Masters. I do appreciate PBS.

70A. *Armed forces support group : LEGION. (6). American Legion. Very important in New England where I grew up.

and the reveal

71A. Apt adjective for today that's needed to make sense of eight puzzle answers : AMERICAN. (8).


15. Cork, essentially : TREE BARK. I bet you did not know all of THIS.

16. "Right away, boss!" : I'M ON IT. An interesting vowel consonant progression, with its partner...

17. "I'd like a shot" : LET ME TRY.

18. Like some windshields : TINTED.

19. Condescends : STOOPS. These are not synonymous for me at all. How could you STOOP so low, does not equate to he CONDESCENDED to speak to the crowd. IMO.

21. __ tide : NEAP.

22. Toot : JAG. A bender.

25. River in Hades : LETHE. For Greek scholars, I guess I forgot about this ONE, not as famous as STYX. (4:28).

27. Stylish '60s Londoner : MOD. The mods and the rockers ruled my teen age years.

33. Beats badly : PUMMELS. Not to be confused with Pommel.

35. Know : BE SURE. My mind went here....

36. Kitchen spray : PAM. Did you this is  an acronym for Product of Arthur Meyerhoff?

44. Word with job or laborer : DAY.

45. Bahamian capital : NASSAU. A real gimme for us here in So.Fla.

49. Showed contempt : SNEERED.

52. Turkish honorific : AGA. Not a British cook stove.

53. Speak : ORATE. Not related to O Ration the favorite food for Orangutans.

55. Woven thing : WEB. Tangled usually...

56. Wax-wrapped import : EDAM. Cheesy. Sub theme? 50D. Parmesan alternative : ROMANO. I get them together.

58. Wiser partner? : SADDER. There are many things we all learn the hard way.

62. The NFL's "Golden Arm" : UNITAS. Loved those high tops.

64. Closed ecosystems : BIODOMES.

68. They're likely to be edited : RUN-ONS.

69. Renaissance musician : LUTENIST. New word for me. Just don't see that many Lutes outside of GOT.


1. N.L. East team : ATLanta Braves.  Are they and Cleveland next after the Washington Redskins?

2. Choler : IRE.

3. Like Gen. Powell : RETired.

4. NASA moon landers : LEMS. An unintentional SO to this blogger, and a reference to a junked name for the Lunar Excursion Module which is apparently now just LM.

5. "That's doubtful" : I BET. She asked you out?

6. Intl. alliance since 1949 : NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization. Acronym time. part II ( I do not count PAM as so few know this is an acronym).

7. Director Morris et al. : ERROLS. Flynn is too easy but is this one too HARD?

8. Video chat choice : SKYPE. Great tool for overseas business. Not an acronym, not a portmanteau, but close.

9. Small amount : BIT.

10. "8 Mile" star : EMINEM. Marshall Bruce Mathers, III is among the top ten in career album sales. He is an twisted acronym.

11. Top-notch : A-ONE. Do you like their steak sauce?

12. Wild : UNTAMED.

13. 18th-century Venetian painter : TIEPOLO. Just as Erroll Morris is arguably the greatest documentary director, this prolific PAINTER may be the best of his time, but is also not a household name.

14. Until now, to CPAs : YTDYear TDate.

20. Mar. honoree : ST. PATrick.

22. Son and brother of George : JEB. Clearly Bush league cluing here. John Ellis Bush.

23. Tool for fellers? : AXE. More SSO here.

24. Tracking aid: Abbr. : GPSGlobal Positioning System.

26. Wellpoint competitor : HUMANA. Health care giants.

28. Broadband letters : DSLDigital Subscriber Line. Beginning to see red? 48D. PC port : USBUniversal Serial Bus. 62D. High-tech address : URLUniform Resource Locator.

30. Belarus currency : RUBLE. A lucky guess.

31. Historical period : ERA.

32. Shipping worker : SENDER.

34. Core : MIDST.

36. Korean musician with the hit "Gangnam Style" : PSY. 15 minutes over? Do you want a Link?

39. Certain parents, to their tots : DADAS.

40. __ in November : N AS.

41. Fed. procurement agency : GSAGeneral Services Administration.

42. Vamp opposite : INGENUE. Ah, all the poor ingenues who flocked to Hollywood.

43. Grade school focus : READING. 'Riting and 'Rithmatic.

46. Darn, say : SEW. Socks, not curses.

47. "There you __!" : ARE. Yes I am right here.

51. Pizza order : MEDIUM. Not in my house.

54. Drum with a sitar : TABLA. A total learning experience. Join and READ.

57. Yours, in Tours : A TOI.

59. Lavish attention : DOTE.

60. Linda of Broadway's "Jekyll & Hyde" : EDER.

61. Rice-A-__ : RONI. Still a San Francisco treat.

63. Federal ID : SSNSocial Security Number.

65. Karaoke need, briefly : MICrophone. Not always are you told it is an abbreviation.

66. That: Sp. : ESA.

67. Where many stand and wait: Abbr. : STN. Station. A little POETRY dear to me to end the day. MILTON.

A Happy Fourth of July to all of you, happy birthday America and many more; 238 candles! and thank you JW for another challenge which both suits the day but also shows the diversity of clues and life.  Lemonade out.

Jul 3, 2014

Thursday, July 3, 2014 Greg Johnson

Theme: Going Postal

Let's begin with the reveal:

36-A. What the answers to starred clues are comprised of : US POSTAL CODES.

The 2-letter postal codes of states are formed into common words and phrases. There are duplicates, but without looking at a map, do you know which ones are missing? (I immediately saw one glaring omission…)

14-A. *Approach : CO/ME NE/AR.  Colorado, Maine, Nebraska, Arkansas

16-A. *Overly ornate : FL/OR/ID. Florida, Oregon, Idaho

24-A. *Messing with one's head : MI/ND GA/ME. Michigan, North Dakota, Georgia, Maine

49-A. *Tom Wolfe coinage for the 1970s : ME DE/CA/DE. Maine, Delaware, California, Delaware

62-A. *Drink of the gods : NE/CT/AR. Nebraska, Connecticut, Arkansas

63-A. *Simple forecasting aid : WI/ND VA/NE. Wisconsin, North Dakota, Virginia, Nebraska

5-D. *Sell weaponry : DE/AL AR/MS. Delaware, Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi

39-D. *Appalachian resource : CO/AL MI/NE. Colorado, Alabama, Michigan, Nebraska.

I don't think I would have guessed this theme in a million years without the reveal!  But at least I was able to fill the entire thing in without any lookups. From a constructor's viewpoint, this was an especially difficult type of theme to create. Competing 6- and 8-letter entries necessitated asterisks to differentiate the theme entries.

I can understand why TX was omitted...but here's a challenge: Find your state that was omitted, and come up with a valid word or phrase that includes it, along with at least two other postal codes. (***See spoiler at bottom of this post)


1. Just the right amount of tight : SNUG. (See 61-down)

5. Hip-hop's Run-__ : DMC. From the 80's. Never heard of them, but evidently they were very influential to the genre.

8. Significant : OF NOTE.

17. Beef at the dinner table : RIB ROAST. and 34-Across. Butcher's offering : T-BONE. Are you getting hungry yet?

18. Provoke : FOMENT.

19. Sports drink suffix : ADE.

20. Healing aid, briefly : TLCTender loving care.

21. Some August babies : LEOs.

22. Cyrus the Great's domain : PERSIA. Here is an interesting timeline map that goes from 8000 B.C. to modern Iran. 1:10

28. Right in an atlas : EAST.

29. Author Dahl : ROALD. We have had him many times before.

31. Cease, with "off" : LAY.

32. High-tech debut of 1981 : IBM PC.

40. Dressing vessel : CRUET.

41. "Oh, yeah!" : BOO-YA.

42. Minor concern, maybe : AGE. HaHa, "minor" in this case being one who is under-aged.

43. In a way, informally : SORTA.

45. Cries of pain : YOWS.

52. "60 Minutes" first name : LESLEY. Stahl. I like her style.

54. Choice usually made secretly : VOTE.

55. Minute measures: Abbr. : CMs. Centimeters.

56. Rehab concern, familiarly : DTs.

57. Like old videos : GRAINY.

60. Zealous to the extreme : WHITE HOT.

64. Eucharist plates : PATENS.

65. Suffix for Brooklyn or Manhattan : -ITE.

66. "Lemme __!" : AT 'EM.


1. Tough spot : SCRAPE.

2. "I'm stumped" : NO IDEA.

3. Earthy colors : UMBERS. Had to look at perps to decide between ochres and UMBERS.

4. Angela Merkel's country: Abbr. : GER.many. This was a gimme.

6. Like the days of the week, in Span. : MASC.uline. WAG. I know very little Spanish, but with four letters, I guessed it would not be "fem." But now that I think of it, I could have gone with "neut."

7. Old PC component : CRTCathode Ray Tube.

8. Transgress : OFFEND.

9. __ insurance : FLOOD.

10. Asian menu assurance : NO MSG.

11. Gold or silver source : ORE.

12. Pie holder : TIN. My pies are baked in a pie plate. I associate a pie TIN with frozen ones.

13. D.C. summer setting : EDT.

15. "The Little Red Hen" denial : NOT I.

21. Short, for short : LI'L.

23. Michael of R.E.M. : STIPE. Should I link? Not a fan, so I'll let someone else who likes them pick their own.

24. Gruesome : MACABRE.

25. Hand lotion ingredient : ALOE.

26. __ best friend : MAN'S.

27. Major TV logo : EYE.

30. Go (for) : OPT.

33. AI game competitor : BOTArtificial Intelligence. BOTs are considered NPCs (non-player characters.)

34. Play (with) : TOY.

35. Annual celebrations, casually : B-DAYS. Does C.C. know yours? Send her a note - she remembers everything!

36. Impulse : URGE.

37. Took to court : SUED.

38. Housing plan unit : LOT.

40. Rotating piece : CAM.

43. Half-goat creatures of myth : SATYRS.

44. Lines of praise : ODE.

I would write a nice ODE to our Owen,
Perhaps pen a Pindaric type poem.
But alas I cannot.
A limerick’s all I got.
And, besides, I have to get goin’!

46. Dated : OLD HAT.

47. Sloppy kiss : WET ONE. Garfield just really doesn't appreciate them.

48. Nervous __ : SYSTEM.

50. Cybernotice for a party : E-VITE.

51. Late-night host O'Brien : CONAN.

53. Business sign abbr. : EST'D. Established.

55. IOU : CHIT.

57. Econ. yardstick : GNP.

58. "In Dreams" actor Stephen : REA. Did not remember this guy.

59. Fake being : ACT.

60. Doughboy's conflict, briefly : WWI.

61. Actress Mendes : EVA.

I laughed when I read this quote from her:
"I wanted to be a nun when I was very little. Well, that was until my sister told me that they don't get paid. Then I went off that idea quickly."
(Aren't you fellows glad that nuns don't get paid?)

***My missing state was MA.  So, my word was DE/MA/ND.

That about wraps it up for me this week!

Jul 2, 2014

Wednesday, July 2nd 2014 Tracy Bennett

Theme: I yam what I yam! Popeye's fans sign on to Twitter.

Hola all! Steve here - I'm in Mexico for a week, and this time it's vacation, not business, so I can really focus on the World Cup! Olé Olé Olé! Great effort by the USA. Let's look forward to Russia in 2018!

OK, fan-fest over. let's focus on Tracy's puzzle for today. I think it's her LAT debut, but a rummage around the interwebs will reveal she's been concentrating on "themeless" offerings for the Washington Post and the NYT. She might rethink her focus. This theme I  loved. It's a challenge sometimes to come up with a title in the blog for such a great idea, and I'm sure I'm a country mile away from the best offering. So let's move on to the expo instead. Here we have first-name nicknames applied to an occupation, all of which produce .... umm .. things in themselves. Yep, I can't even elegantly describe such an elegant idea! So let's get into the details ...

21A. Apt username for John, the labor organizer? : UNION JACK. The British flag, and John, who became Jack. All my explanations for the evolution of the nicknames are credited. They're certainly not mine! John = Jack

One of the most famous bearers of this name, John F. Kennedy, was known to friends and family as "Jack." But I wonder if he knew how much history that name had? John is a name with history stretching back far into Biblical times. However, during medieval times, the name John was altered slightly in the Germanic tongues to Jankin or Jackin. Out of that, we get the nickname Jack.

OK, July 4th is coming .. I'm slipping this one in early

41A. Apt username for Catherine, the handywoman? : DO-IT-YOURSELF KIT

I've just realized that if I reposted and credited every researcher cited for each nickname you'd have a blog longer than any other. I encourage you all to Google and enjoy the wordplay. Catherine = Kit

56A. Apt username for Margaret, the geometry teacher? : SQUARE PEG. What about an octagonal hole? Dang! Margaret = Peg

4D. Apt username for Dorothy, the Oktoberfest accordionist? : POLKA DOT. "We're not in Kansas anymore!" Toto! We're in Munich! Oh My! Dorothy = Dot

43D. Apt username for William, the rural worker? : FARM BILL Why did I think of apples on heads? William = Bill

So the theme was split between acrosses and downs, and five entries and no asterisks means that there's not a lot of leeway for the fill. No asterisks means no regular entry longer than a theme one. The fill had some sparkles and few, if any, clunkers. Bravo!

Here's Asterix the Gaul to celebrate France's win on Monday in the World Cup and to teach us all how to pronounce and spell "Asterisk".


1. Sprang : LEAPT. Would you ever use "sprang" over "leapt"? Style guide experts, please help ...

6. "Black __": 2010 Natalie Portman film : SWAN. Nothing to see here, move along.

10. Inseam unit : INCH. I've got 32 of 'em. One of the reasons I don't play basketball (the other big reason is a complete lack of talent for the game).

14. Yoke attachment : OXBOW.

15. Tuscan river : ARNO

16. Writer Ephron : NORA

17. Authoritative reference book : BIBLE. Because "OED" or "Roget's Thesaurus" are either lacking or wildly excessive in the letter count department.

18. Protestant denom. : METH. 

19. Don't have to guess : KNOW

20. Gambler's fund : STAKE. I love the proximity to 23A but to me, a gambler's fund is a stash, or a bankroll. The stake is part of the stash.

23. Gambler's payment : ANTE

25. Misery : WOE

26. Fez bearer : HEAD. Great, wanted "Richie's Dad in Happy Days."

Mr. Cunningham didn't fit
29. Chamonix peak : ALPE

The biggest one you can see from Chamonix is called Mont Blanc. The biggest one you can't see is Alpe D'Huez.

32. ESPN data : STATS. Underpinnings of the Entertainment and Sports Programming Network. Thank goodness for ESPN - it was United States 101 when I first moved here. I can parrot those statistics until you all fall asleep. (Anyone awake?)

36. Equanimity : APLOMB. Word of the Day. I always show this when I go through the security checkpoint.

38. "Orinoco Flow" singer : ENYA. Funnily enough, I was debating recently whether "New Age" music is old enough to make the tag a misnomer. No issue with this clue.

40. Gun lobby gp. : NRA

44. False front : ACT

45. Goofball : DORK

46. Aquanaut's station : SEALAB. I wanted all kinds of stuff here - "Stingray", "20.000 Leagues under the Sea" but ahhh well. Here's the amazing Troy Tempest and Princess Maaaaarrrrrinnnnnaaaaa

Sealab? That's too deep. We are mere puppets.

47. "God helps __ ..." : THOSE ... who help themselves? Great, let me go nuts in the buffet line.

49. RhĂ´ne city : LYON. If you want to find out how I woke up in a tent in the middle of a roundabout on the outskirts of Lyon on a Thursday morning, let me know. I'll  be happy to tell y'all. It ended well.

51. Fall back (on) : RELY

52. La Brea muck : TAR

54. Ian of "The Hobbit" : HOLM. It's hard to know how you'll be remembered as an actor. Personally, I prefer his role as the "professional" athletic coach in "Chariots of Fire". Now, he's a halfling. Oh well,

61. Honolulu-born president : OBAMA. He really was. 'nuff said.

65. Reunion guest : AUNT

66. Gucci of fashion : ALDO

67. Watchful attention : VIGIL

68. Windy day toy : KITE

69. "Superman" woman : LOIS

70. Escape cleverly : ELUDE

71. Preppy shirt brand : IZOD, That makes me "preppy" - who'd a thunk it?

72. Legend : MYTH

73. Done in : SLAIN. I'm almost "done in" with 73 clue/answers! Girding my loins and off to the downs:


1. Alternatives to passing shots, in tennis : LOBS. Timely reference to "The Championships, Wimbledon". Note the "d", not a "t". Now you know how to pronounce Wimb-el-Don". Thank you.

2. Walk out : EXIT

3. Agnetha, Benny, Björn, and Anni-Frid, collectively : ABBA. Fresh clue to an old favorite. Lovely.

5. Many a middle schooler : TWEEN

6. With 28-Down, justice since 2006 : SAMUEL

7. Birdhouse warbler : WREN

8. Con : ANTI

9. In any way : NO HOW

10. Canon product : INK-JET. I wanted cameras ... this one look a little while.

11. Actress Gaye of "Ali" : NONA. Crosses all the way. I'll pay attention next time ...

12. Swamp beastie : CROC. I'm not convinced that crocodiles hang around in swamps. Gators, for sure.

13. Peddle : HAWK

22. Old cash register key : NO SALE

24. It's off-limits : TABOO

26. Really dug into : HAD AT

27. Prominent period : EPOCH

28. See 6-Down : ALITO

30. Chipper : PERKY

31. Type widths : ENS. Why do I always put in "ELS" and then go back and change it?

33. Bracelet spot : ANKLE. Funny that the reason for having to wear one is imediately below.

34. Courtroom event : TRIAL

35. Didn't do anything : SAT BY

37. Last thing Rhett called Scarlett : MY DEAR. Rhett's under-his-breath "last thing" might not have been so printable.

39. Kind of question : YES/NO

42. Clickable link : URL. A Uniform Resource Locator on the World Wide Web, as well all know so well.

48. Made explicit : STATED

50. "Gee whillikers!" : OH GOSH!

53. Royal domain : REALM

55. Treasures : LOVES

56. Munro pen name : SAKI

57. One may be popped in class : QUIZ

58. PassĂ© preposition : UNTO 

59. Tricky maneuver : PLOY

60. Make less explicit, perhaps? : EDIT

62. Madrid water : AGUA

63. Skirt length : MIDI Fill  in M__I and wait for the N, D or X.

64. Chrysler Building architect William Van __ : ALEN. I posted a great view of this iconic building one Wednesday that I blogged from NYC in January. I might have to dig the picture out again.

That's about it. No food! and no music links that I can see. HG and Marti can fill in my blanks! I'm wallowing in the land of tequila, huaraches and futbol! I'll be checking in from the pool.


Oh - here's the grid!

Jul 1, 2014

Tuesday, July 1, 2014 Gareth Bain

Theme: Brought to you by the letters O and G - Two across, two down and one in the center.

17A. *"We're All Family Here!" Italian restaurant : OLIVE GARDEN

56A. *Goal for many an elite athlete : OLYMPIC GOLD

38A. "Gosh" ... and a hint to the answers to starred clues : "OH GEE"

3D. *Barbecuing option : OPEN GRILL

34D. *Kitchen safety item : OVEN GLOVE

Rabbit, rabbit! Argyle here. A straight two letter theme seems a bit retro but it may have been in the system for sometime. All the G's are hard G's.


1. Guy sib : BRO

4. "__ Smile": Hall & Oates hit : SARA

8. Dancer de Mille : AGNES. She had an interesting life. Bio (Also, a CSO to Irish Miss)

13. Mender's target : RIP

14. Hale-Bopp, e.g. : COMET. The Great Comet of 1997. Next return? Around the year 4385.

15. Go : LEAVE

16. Grow old : AGE

19. Hairbrush target : TANGLE

21. Submission encl. : SAE. (self-addressed envelope)

22. After-dinner candy : MINT

23. Grabs, in slang : GLOMS

25. "The Magic Flute" composer : MOZART

27. Yearly : PER ANNUM

30. Actor Silver : RON. (1946-2009) Number of Roles: 84. Best Known for Playing: Sleazy politicians and doctors.

31. Speakeasy owners' concerns : RAIDS

32. NCO nickname : SARGE

34. Have debts : OWE

37. Capri, e.g. : ISLE

39. Physiologist Pavlov : IVAN

40. Gibson of "Lethal Weapon" : MEL

41. Museum employee : GUIDE

42. Graph revelation : TREND

43. __ tai: cocktail : MAI

44. Insults : AFFRONTS

46. Individual : PERSON

49. Acting litigiously toward : SUING

50. Old horses : NAGS

51. Federation in OPEC : UAE. (United Arab Emirates)

53. Hid from the police : LAY LOW

59. Eggs, to a biologist : OVA

60. Home on the range : TEPEE

61. Jockey rival : HANES

62. Kilmer of "Willow" : VAL

63. Lauder of cosmetics : ESTÉE

64. Sign of stagnation : ODOR

65. Caribou kin : ELK


1. Naughty kid : BRAT

2. Capital of Latvia : RIGA

4. Like a moment of silence : SOLEMN

5. "__ imagining things?" : AM I

6. Guns, as a motor : REVS

7. Mr. T's group : A TEAM

8. Styled after : À LA

9. Austria's official language : GERMAN

10. Bottommost point : NADIR

11. Milestone, e.g. : EVENT

12. Text message status : SENT

14. Eyes, in many emoticons : COLONS

18. First name of three presidents : GEORGE

20. Clearing in the woods : GLADE

24. Bite-sized Japanese fare : SUSHI

26. "Avatar" actress Saldana : ZOE

27. Strait-laced : PRIM

28. Relaxation : EASE

29. Sister of Eva and Zsa Zsa : MAGDA

                  Zsa Zsa, Magda & Eva

33. Coral phenomena : REEFS

35. Have a yen for : WANT

36. Wraps up : ENDS

38. "Certainly, monsieur!" : "OUI, OUI!"

39. Literary technique involving incongruity : IRONY

41. Freeway sign word : GAS

42. Three-toned chords : TRIADS

43. Capt. Hook's henchman : MR. SMEE

45. __ Brush Company : FULLER

46. Looks inferior, comparatively : PALES

47. Luxor's country : EGYPT. The ruins of ancient Thebes.

48. Salsa holder : NACHO

50. Musical symbol : NOTE

52. "My goodness!" : "EGAD!"

54. Basic track shape : OVAL

55. Base on balls : WALK

57. Capital of Portugal? : PEE. The letter P.

58. Musician Yoko : ONO. Hello, old friend.


Jun 30, 2014

Monday, June 30, 2014 Jerome Gunderson

Theme: It's Puzzle Time! - Double AM's.

17A. Wishy-washy : NAMBY PAMBY

62A. Cookie brand : FAMOUS AMOS

11D. Elite group of athletes : DREAM TEAM. Note: The AM sound is missing.

35D. It's "played" by finger-pointers : BLAME GAME

52D. Wee hr., and a hint to a feature common to this puzzle's four longest answers : TWO AM

Argyle here. A theme excellent in its simplicity with some sparkly fill and we're good to go.


1. Cereal dish : BOWL. Remember we get cereal from Ceres, the goddess of agricultural fertility.

5. Defame in print : LIBEL. Slander - defamation by oral utterance.

10. Brink : EDGE

14. New York City theater award : OBIE. The off-Broadway award. Tony is the on-Broadway award.

15. Dutch-speaking Caribbean island : ARUBA

16. Dianetics creator Hubbard : L. RON. Dianetics is a set of ideas and practices regarding the metaphysical relationship between the mind and body which was created by L. Ron Hubbard and is practiced by followers of Scientology and separate independent Dianeticist groups. Wikipedia

19. Heating outlet : VENT

20. Baseball official : UMP

21. Ukrainian city of one million : ODESSA

22. "Othello" conspirator : IAGO

23. Give up the single life : SAY "I DO"

25. Standard : NORM

27. Took the first step : BEGAN

30. Very happy : ELATED

33. Exxon merger partner : MOBIL

36. Pigeon's roost, often : LEDGE. But we were thinking, "statue".

38. "Evil Woman" rock gp. : ELO. (Electric Light Orchestra)

39. Societal problems : ILLS

40. Thyme piece : SPRIG

41. Not at all wild : TAME

42. Agcy. that regulates tobacco products : FDA. (Food and Drug Administration)

43. Apple music players : iPODs

44. Greek island : SAMOS

45. Doe or sow : FEMALE

47. Slalom competitor : SKIER

49. Utility abbr. : ELEC.

50. Enterprise engineer : SCOTTY. Officer Montgomery Scott. The exact phrase, "Beam me up, Scotty", was never actually spoken in any Star Trek television episode or film.

54. Lead-in for bytes or bucks : MEGA

56. Persistently demand : INSIST

60. Run a tab, say : OWE

61. Arabian sultanate : OMAN. 55D. Gulf States prince : EMIR

64. Rocker Hendrix : JIMI. Jimi Hendrix - Star Spangled Banner Woodstock 1969 (not for everyone) Link

65. Hole __: golf rarity : IN ONE

66. Tilt : LEAN

67. Valuable rocks : OREs

68. Like pet parakeets : CAGED

69. Prom night wheels : LIMO


1. Paycheck surprise : BONUS

2. 2012 Romney defeater : OBAMA

3. Popeye's hamburger-loving pal : WIMPY

4. Neighbor of Syr. : LEB. (Syria/Lebanon)

5. Peke or Yorkie : LAP DOG

6. "Dies __": Latin hymn : IRAE

7. Mooches, as a cigarette : BUMS

8. Flows out : EBBS

9. Bomb on stage : LAY AN EGG

10. TV's "Mistress of the Dark" : ELVIRA

12. Loud bell : GONG

13. Within: Pref. : ENTO

18. Swiss Alps melody : YODEL

24. Sacred wader of old Egypt : IBIS

26. Corrida cheer : ¡OLE!. "Bravo!"

28. Food for Fido : ALPO

29. Dweebs : NERDS

31. Red "Sesame Street" Muppet : ELMO

32. Performs : DOES

33. Annoy : MIFF

34. Shoppe modifier : OLDE

37. Floppy __ : DISK

40. Explicit : SPECIFIC

41. Hawaiian root : TARO

43. Suffix with infant : ILE. (infantile)

44. Religious divisions : SECTS

46. Grammy winner Morissette : ALANIS

48. Put out, as a publication : ISSUED

51. Marisa of "My Cousin Vinny" : TOMEI

53. Courtroom question type : YES/NO

54. Magic charm : MOJO

57. Mom's mom : NANA

58. Skyline haze : SMOG

59. Actress Skye : IONE

63. Every bit : ALL


Jun 29, 2014

Sunday June 29, 2014 Gail Grabowski

Theme:  "Let's Party"- LET is inserted into each theme answer.

22A. Tale about the making of a quilt? : COVERLET STORY. Cover story.

38A. Low-priced entrée item? : BUDGET CUTLET. Budget cut.

56A. Sign of embarrassment? : SCARLET FACE. Scarface.

82A. Sale on ornamental bands? : ARMLETS DEAL. Arms deal. Same insertion approach as 15D. So no odd man out in Gail's set.

97A. Shopper comparing iPad prices? : TABLET HUNTER. Tab Hunter.
119A. Oldest in a delivery line? : SENIOR TRIPLET. Senior trip.

15D. Wine bar tip containers? : GOBLETS OF MONEY. Gobs of money.

51D. Bargain mall in the Sahara? : OUTLET OF AFRICA. Out of Africa.

I like when added LETs are not the diminutive suffixes, i.e,  the new *LET words are not rooted in the old words, so Gail's theme choices work very well.


1. Indian in "The Big Bang Theory" : RAJ. The Simpsons Indian guy is APU.

4. Durable do : PERM

8. "That's the spot!" : AHH

11. Shape seen at some crossings : OCTAGON

18. Mil. mailroom : APO

19. First aid plant : ALOE

20. Nice friend : AMIE. I have no AMIE in Nice. 

21. 1953 Biblical epic : THE ROBE. Never saw it.

25. Fuel storage unit : COAL BIN

26. Group mailing aid : E-LIST. Not a term I use.

27. User shortcuts : HOT KEYS. Keyboard shortcut. Like Ctrl + P for Print.

29. Russian city on the Oka : OREL. Never heard of the city, or the Oka River.

30. Ennui, with "the" : BLAHS

31. Political satirist Stewart : JON. Do you like John Oliver also? That's the funniest clip I've seen in a long time. You'll forgive I'm Too Sexy.

32. "Didn't mean to do that!" : OOPS

34. Faith group : SECT

37. Hollandaise ingredient : YOLK

43. __:CON: Weather Channel twister probability index : TOR. I had to google. It stands for Tornado Condition.

44. They're sometimes written by guests : OP-EDs

46. RĂ­o de la Plata country: Abbr. : URU. Uruguay.

47. Identical : SAME

48. Respond to a tort, perhaps : SUE

49. Not in time : TOO LATE

52. Class-conscious one, briefly? : PROF. Great clue. 

53. Bleeping overseers : CENSORS

55. __ Dhabi : ABU
60. Searches carefully : SIFTS

61. Glassmaking ingredient : POTASH

63. Alarmed cries : EEKS

64. Court tactic : LOB. Tennis court.

65. Disease-stricken tree : ELM

66. Fly off the shelves : SELL

67. Yoga posture : ASANA

69. Dummies : DODOS. Not our sweet Dodo.

71. Caracas crackers? : LOCO. Just "crazy" in Spanish.

74. Org. concerned with CFCs : EPA

76. Sky god after whom a weekday is named : TIU. Tyr in Norse myth.

77. Radius, e.g. : BONE

78. Webpage button under a bill : PAY NOW

80. Gets in the game : ANTES

85. "The Book of __": 2010 film : ELI

86. "Star Trek" diagnostic tool : BIO-SCAN

88. Three-part snack : OREO. And 81D. Nabisco snack brand : NILLA

89. Altar attendant : ACOLYTE

91. E.T. from Melmac : ALF

92. Retro sign word : OLDE

94. Co. involved in arrangements : FTD. Flower arrangements.

95. Rugged ridge : ARETE

96. Infamous 1974 bank-robbing gp. : SLA

100. Pieces of 8? : ARCS. Oh, in number 8, there are a few ARCS.

104. Sword handle : HAFT

106. Distance swimmer Diana : NYAD

107. Brit. lexicon : OED

108. Flat substitute : SPARE. Tire.

109. Pool accessory : RACK

111. Fake it, in a way : LIP SYNC

115. __ Sound : PUGET

116. "Let me repeat ..." : AS I SAID

122. Swiss tourist city : LUCERNE. Have you been here, Marti/Steve?

123. "Chocolat" actress : OLIN (Lena)

124. Parting words? : OBIT

125. Galoot : APE

126. Fit to be tied : IN A RAGE

127. Target in some sports : NET

128. Carry on : WAGE. As war.

129. TV's "Science Guy" : NYE (Bill)


1. Zoom past : RACE BY

2. Theater near Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Boulevard : APOLLO

3. Merry : JOVIAL

4. What a junker might be good for : PARTS

5. Angular shape : ELL

6. Shad output : ROE. With grits, as we learned last week.

7. Means : METHODS

8. One way to run : AMOK

9. Addition to the staff : HIRE

10. "Psst!" : HEY YOU

11. Available without a scrip : OTC

12. Hand-waving kid's cry : CHOOSE ME

13. Rip : TEAR

14. Van Gogh inspiration : ARLES. I see his bedroom every day.

16. It's a cinch in Sapporo : OBI

17. Former Giants pitcher Robb : NEN. This often stump non-sports fans. He's in the 300 save club. Total 314 career saves.

20. Case worker: Abbr. : ATT. ADA too. We also have 35D. Place for a case : COURT

23. '60s Israeli prime minister : ESHKOL (Levi). Never heard of the guy.

24. Hit, say : SONG

28. They're often blitzed : SOTS

31. Herod's kingdom : JUDEA

33. Control group handout : PLACEBO

36. Hair piece : TRESS

38. "You __!" : BETCHA. So Minnesotan.

39. California's motto : EUREKA

40. Easy gaits : TROTS

41. Place for a link : CUFF

42. Jittery : TENSE

45. "I'd rather not" : PASS

49. Pub array : TAPS

50. English horn kin : OBOE

52. Full legislative assembly : PLENUM. New word to me. Dictionary says it's rooted in Latin "Plenus", meaning "full". Opposite of "Vacuum".

54. Nonsensical : SILLY

57. Put on again : RE-AIR

58. "The Tempest" king : ALONSO

59. Hard to crack : CODED. Not for Snowden. I'm worried about what Russian intelligence agency does to him.  The 31-Across Right Said Fred song applies to Putin as well.

62. French high spots : ALPES

68. One way to fly : STAND BY

69. College URL ending : DOT EDU

70. Orthodontic device : SPACER

72. Maker of the Commando rifle : COLT

73. Toddler's boo-boo : OWIE

75. Race site for more than 300 years : ASCOT

77. Sea bed? : BERTH. Another great clue.

79. Bunches : A LOT

80. Shame : ABASH

83. Artist's rental : LOFT

84. Like sea lions : EARED

87. "Matzo Balls for Breakfast" author : ALAN KING. Never had Matzo balls. You?

90. Jump to one's feet : LEAP UP

93. Israir alternative : EL AL

95. Suffered humiliation : ATE CROW. What many of you wanted on Thursday.

98. National Inventors' Day is observed on his birthday : EDISON. Neat trivia.

99. It's prohibited : NO NO

101. Sleeve type seen in sportswear : RAGLAN. OK, can you show me a picture?

102. Spine-tingling : CREEPY

103. Parlor piece : SETTEE

105. It's a stunner : TASER

108. Ill will : SPITE

110. "Flashdance... What a Feeling" singer : CARA

112. Athlete dubbed "O Rei do Futebol" : PELE "The King of Football".

113. Pique : SNIT

114. Taoist force : YIN

116. Poetic pugilist : ALI

117. It may be blocked by a screen : SUN

118. Bad ending? : DEE

120. Sched. uncertainty : TBA

121. Drilling equipment : RIG

Happy Birthday to Barry G, the Cal Ripken, Jr. of our blog. Barry test-solved my very first solo puzzle and has been patiently giving me solid feedback over the years. Thank you so much, Barry!  Longevity noodles from your in-laws today or going out to celebrate?

Barry, his wife & son (Joshua)
