, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Jul 8, 2016

Friday, July 8, 2016, C.C. Burnikel

Title: Shhhh the Js are coming!!!

C. C. has returned to the Friday wars with a different type of theme where common phrases which have the second word begin with "SH" it is replaced with a "J" and clued accordingly. I know I often complain that the letter J is left out of so many puzzles so of course I did love this effort, but naming it is was too hard. I loved all the long fill, much of it new and some of it learning moments. For example, we have AUTO PEN, INK SPOT,  COSSETS,  EASY JOB, BRETHREN,  MISNOMER,  IN MOTION, U. N. SPEECH, RED AS A BEET,  BEER O'CLOCK,  BIONIC LEGS,  I SMELL A RAT. What a great mix of cultural stuff. Well, speaking of culture, let's solve the puzzle.

17A. Art-loving athlete? : CULTURE JOCK (11). Going to college in 1965 after four years away at all boys boarding school was a definite culture shock.

31A. What you don't know about audio equipment? : RADIO JACK (9). You don't know Jack unless you go to the Shack.

47A. Difficult situation at Bed Bath  & Beyond? : PILLOW JAM (9). I have pillow shams on my bed and I am not embarrassed by them.

61A. Gem of a night out? : EVENING JADE (11). Evening shade just sort of sits there...I did love the show with BURT.


1. Wrap alternatives : PITAS.

6. Ill-fated Corleone hoodlum Luca : BRASI. A real mobster? According to wiki, Luca Brasi is a fictional character in Mario Puzo's novel The Godfather, as well as its 1972 film adaptation. In the film, he was portrayed by Lenny Montana, an ex-wrestler and ex-bodyguard for the Colombo crime family.

11. TD scorers : RBSRunning backs.

14. Response to a raise : I'M OUT. Or I fold, or just muck your cards. Sound familiar from Wednesday?

15. Element #86 : RADON. Perp time.

16. Fish whose blood is poisonous to humans : EEL. Of course C.C. would know eel blood is poisonous to humans and other mammals, but both cooking and the digestive process destroy the toxic protein. The toxin derived from eel blood serum was used by Charles Richet in his Nobel winning research which discovered anaphylaxis (by injecting it into dogs and observing the effect). Wiki.

19. "Agnus __" : DEI.

20. Home of the annual Norwegian Wood music festival : OSLO.  Wonderful excuse for

21. Heineken symbol : STAR. . C.C. used this before LINK.  Do you remember the puzzle where all the companies that use a Star in their logo?

22. Quick : SMART. That boy is as quick as a whip!

24. Sign on a door : PUSH. P U then the perps.

26. Texas county bordering New Mexico : EL PASO. Did not know it was a County. Read a Lawrence Block mini-mystery where he was trying to rhyme El Paso.

28. "__ Irish Rose" : ABIE'S. The modern version had a really fun cast. Turns out may have married Bernie, but she loves Batya.

34. Chinese checkers, e.g. : MISNOMER. Really fun word, and again we see C.C. playing with her heritage. It is a German variation of an American game that has nothing to do with checkers.

36. Firm : STABLE.

37. Fruit juice brand : POM. Oo buys this regularly.

38. Break up : END IT. Now done by text, I understand.

40. Goddess sister of Selene : EOS. A few years ago, I has this goddess of the dawn many times. LINK.

41. World Heritage Site org. : UNESCOUnited Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization...followed by, inexplicably...

44. Ban delivery : U. N. SPEECH.  BAN Ki-moon is secretary general of the UN. (From C.C.: Ban! This is Rich's clue.)

49. Foreigner in "Taxi" : LATKA. The late great Andy Kaufman.

50. Greensboro Grasshoppers' baseball level : CLASS A. Leave it to C.C. to craft a Friday baseball clue. (From C.C.:  Rich's clue as well. Along with many others.)

51. Surprised sounds : OHOS.

53. Appreciative sounds : CLAPS.

54. Wine holders : VATS.

56. "The Ghost of Frankenstein" role : YGOR. Or maybe IGOR?

60. "Away From __": Julie Christie movie : HER. This heart wrenching story of a woman who is institutionalized by her husband due to advanced Alzheimer's disease, is based on a short story by Alice Munro who was in a recent Friday puzzle.

64. Turkish bigwig : AGA.

65. Sculpted trunk : TORSO. The human variety.

66. Chocolate-caramel candies : ROLOS.

I loved the juxtaposition

67. It ends 11/6/2016 in the U.S. : DSTDaylight Savings Time. First Sunday in November.

68. Evil figure : SATAN.

69. "No good movie is too long and no bad movie is short enough" speaker : EBERT.


1. __ de gallo : PICO. No self-respecting South Floridian could get this wrong. Spanish for "rooster's beak," pico de gallo is a relish made of finely chopped ingredients like jicama, oranges, onions, bell peppers, jalapeño peppers and cucumbers, along with various seasonings. This condiment was so named because it was once purportedly eaten with the thumb and finger, an action that resembles a rooster's pecking beak. Food Network. Unlike salsa nothing is cooked.

2. Stern rival : IMUS.

3. Crossing cost : TOLL.

4. Signing facilitator : AUTOPEN. This 60 year old DEVICE.

5. Poker great Ungar : STU. Another sad STORY.

6. Members of a flock : BRETHREN.

7. Punjabi prince : RAJA. 23D. Woman whom Goya also painted clothed : MAJA. We have seen both versions here.

8. Flipped over : ADORED. Not a pancake, or mattress- a girl/boy?

9. A behavioral sci. : SOCiology.

10. Laundry challenge : INK SPOT. Use an alcohol based product, no longer hairspray.

11. Visibly embarrassed : RED AS A BEET. I love these two next to each other

12. Time for a cold one : BEER O'CLOCK. This is actually in the 2015 Oxford dictionary.

13. Skirt feature : SLIT.

18. Web feed document letters : RSS. RSS (Rich Site Summary; originally RDF Site Summary; often called Really Simple Syndication) uses a family of standard web feed formats to publish frequently updated information: blog entries, news headlines, audio, video. Wiki. Unknown to me.

25. Military support gp. : USO. Think Bob Hope.

27. Memory aids : LISTS.

28. Intensify : AMP UP. C.C. has clearly amp-ed up her game presenting more Friday and Saturday offerings.

29. Brain-controlled transportation devices : BIONIC LEGS. Two more exquisite fill.

30. "Something's fishy" : I SMELL A RAT. So cool.

32. Adversity, in the RAF motto : ARDUA. Per ardua ad astra. From adversity to the stars. Good to know some Latin. This was chosen in 1912 for the first royal flying corps.

33. "We R Who We R" singer : KESHA. I have only heard of her as Ke$ha. The song...

35. Catty remarks : MEOWS.

39. Actively operating : IN MOTION.

42. Hit, in a way : SLAP.

43. Mollycoddles : COSSETS. I only know this word from reading scads of British mysteries.

45. West Bank initials : PLO.

46. Not a hard nut to crack : EASY JOB. Seems like a random phrase and clue.

48. "Les Misérables" inspector : JAVERT. A great J word to finish.

52. EVINE Live competitor : HSNHome Shopping Network. QVC just would not work.

53. Libya neighbor : CHAD. Think we will ever learn African Geography?

55. Archaeologist's handle : ANSA. My son has been on numerous digs but I have no clue what this means

57. Severe blow : GALE. Refers to winds blowing.

58. Pure propane's lack : ODOR.

59. Come to a halt : REST.

62. Intl. broadcaster since 1942 : VOAVoice oAmerica.

63. Hurdle for srs. : GRE. So many tests...

What an odd ride for me, so much to love, so much to confuse...maybe C. C. will stop by; if not I gave my best shot....Lemonade out.

Jul 7, 2016

Thursday, July 7th 2016 Jeffrey Wechsler

Theme: Snarled up - as the downward-facing reveal explains:

38D. Needing to be bailed out ... or where 20-, 27-, 45- and 51-Across may be found : IN A JAM

The theme entries:

20A. Office supply : PRINTER PAPER. Paper jam. If this happens to my home printer I pretty much have to take the whole thing apart to fix it.

27A. Jaguar, for one : AUTOMOBILE. Traffic jam. A mostly permanent state of affairs for the 101 and 405 freeways in my bailiwick. I try to time my arrivals back at LAX to miss the worst of the parking lot effect.

45A. Malt option : STRAWBERRY. Fruit jam. Jan Hogrewe of Jan's Jam close by in Calabasas makes the best jams and preserves I've ever tasted.

51A. Certain trio member : JAZZ MUSICIAN. Jam session. And a great excuse to link the great Chet Atkins and "Jam Man", brought to a broader audience by a certain insurance company commercial.

Now then, not beating around the bush with this one - I thought the theme entries came across as very uneven. You have a paper in a paper jam, that's fair. but you don't have an automobile jam; you have a traffic jam, and the musical jam session is another step removed from the flow of the theme.

That said, still an entertaining puzzle. I circled right around before coming back to the north west corner to finish. Those three little downs at 1, 2 and 3 make for a tricky trifecta.

 Moving right along, unlike the 405 traffic:


1. Corner piece : ROOK. Chess. V8 moment after a looooong time. Here's a V8 checkmate:

1. f3 e5
2. g4?? Qh4#
3. Doh!

5. Singer James : ETTA

9. One of more than 21 million Indians : SIKH

13. British nobleman : EARL

14. Composer Janácek : LEOS. Thank you, crosses. Czech composer.

15. Perfect : IDEAL

17. Shot that can't be blocked : FREE THROW. I threw myself for a loop here by happily filling in FOUL THROW.

19. Complaint : PEEVE

22. Elbows, e.g. : PASTA. Food!  A study (of more than 26,000 Italians) widely reported over the last couple of days concluded that those who ate pasta as part of their diet had a lower body mass index. Be warned however - you don't find "unlimited pasta bowl and breadsticks" restaurants in Italy. I use Lidia Bastianich's recipe for marinara sauce. Simple and delicious. Try to get genuine San Marzano tomatoes - the difference in flavor is very apparent.

25. Cause to roll in the aisles : SLAY. Slayed 'em! Knocked 'em dead!

26. Electrolysis particle : ION

30. Queen who succeeded William III : ANNE. Early 1700's baroque architecture in the UK is known as the "Queen Anne style".

31. Ring result : TKO. A Technical Knock-Out in Boxing when the ref stops the fight.

32. Support for many a 29-Down : WIRE. Not an underwire?

33. More degrading : BASER

34. Gucci competitor : PRADA

36. Parade sight : FLOAT

38. "My thoughts are ... " : I'D SAY

40. Economist Smith : ADAM. Author of "The Wealth of Nations". I studied Economics at school and found the whole thing fascinating. You graduated with a BA in Economics, rather than a BSc which I found amusing. It's not an exact science - too many moving parts.

41. Special __ : OPS

44. "The Daily Show" host Trevor __ : NOAH. Thank you, crosses. I haven't watched the show since Jon Stewart left.

48. Queen's subject : ANT. Not Queen Anne.

49. "__ a man who wasn't there" : I MET

"Yesterday, upon the stair,
I met a man who wasn't there.
He wasn't there again today,
I wish, I wish he'd go away..."

From Antigonish by William Hughes Mearns

50. Pug or Peke : BREED

55. Really enjoyed : ATE UP. Food! I made a paella mixta last night which I "ate up". When I see good-looking mussels, shrimp and chicken thighs at my local market, it's time to bust out the rice and saffron and go for broke. It's a sobering thought that a good-looking mussel is a girl with a beard. I also need food photography lessons. Any offers? Food! for instruction.

56. Hard times : LEAN YEARS

60. Haggard of country : MERLE

61. Sets a price of : ASKS. I started pondering whether I'd say "sets the price of" or "sets a price for" before I realized life is too short to waste on such ponderings.

62. Not in the pink : SICK

63. R&B-influenced genre : SOUL

64. Editor's mark : STET.

65. Catering aid : TRAY. "Death Star Canteen", Eddie Izzard, Lego animation. YouTube. Rated R for language.


1. NBA employee : REF

2. Homonym of 3-Down : OAR

3. Homonym of 2-Down : ORE

4. Habitual booster? : KLEPTO. I guess it's not an abbreviation any more. More properly "kleptomaniac". Fun clue.

5. Pre-coll. : EL-HI

6. Gull relative : TERN

7. Film for which Jessica Lange won her first Oscar : TOOTSIE. Best Supporting Actress for this 1982 movie. Later Best Actress for Blue Sky in 1994.

8. Plus : AS WELL

9. __ cup : SIPPY

10. Inventor's need : IDEA

11. Stock : KEEP IN STORE

12. "Try this" : HAVE ONE

16. "My Fair Lady" lyricist : LERNER

18. People mover : TRAMWAY. There's one in Hartsfield International Airport that amuses me - see 52D below.

21. "Norma __" : RAE. Because "JEAN" doesn't fit.

22. Square on a muffin : PAT. What? Oh! Pat of butter. Or Oleo, if you must.,

23. Relative of a puffin : AUK

24. What many a countdown clock does : STOPS AT ZERO. Or at "007" in James Bond movies. I seem to remember continuity problems in "Goldfinger" when each time the camera cut to the nuclear bomb countdown timer it had moved much more slowly than the time elapsing around it. Probably some physics time-warp weirdness.

28. Suffix denoting resemblance : -OID. Ovoid, spheroid, avoid. No, wait, not that last one.

29. Support garb : BRA

30. Gp. for drivers : AAA

33. Military aircraft hold : BOMB BAY

35. Bit of a cheer : RAH!

36. Org. regulating vaccines : FDA Federal Drug Administration.

37. __ school : LAW

39. Supports a cause : DONATES

40. Most dilettantish : ARTIEST

42. Opposite of post- : PRE- This is one of those clues when you wonder why the grid didn't just come "pre-filled".

43. Qantas hub, in itineraries : SYD. Why no "U" in Qantas? Because it's an acronym of "Queensland And Northern Territories Aerial Services".

45. Site of the George W. Bush presidential library : SMU. Southern Methodist. I hesitate between this and TCU when this clue crops up.

46. Eco-friendly wheels : TESLAS. Not the best news week for Telsa and Elon Musk.

47. Antarctic explorer Shackleton : ERNEST. I just finished reading "Endurance" by Alfred Lansing which tells the amazing story of the Trans-Antarctic expedition which took place 100 years ago. Gripping stuff.

49. Force : IMPEL

52. Pilot's alphabet ender : ZULU. Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo .... At Atlanta Hartsfield International Airport, the concourses are named A thru F. When you're on the people-mover, the stops  are announced "A - Alpha", "B - Bravo", "C - Charlie" ... then "D - David" so as not to confuse the passengers flying on Delta Airlines, whose flights mostly depart from the A and B concourses.

53. Wedding tradition : CAKE

54. MIT center?: Abbr. : INST. Mass. Inst. Tech. as it is never known.

57. __ bubble : AIR

58. Record label for P!nk : RCA Note the stylized "!" in her name.

59. Something to look up to : SKY

And .. here's the grid. With that, my work here is done.


Jul 6, 2016

Wednesday, July 6, 2016 Vasu Saralathan

Theme: OVEREXPOSURE.  The first word of a two-word phrase is synonymous with the unifier, in each case indicating a person's state of total undress.

18 A. Hairless rodent used in lab experiments : NUDE MOUSE.  This poor critter has a genetic mutation resulting in an ineffective immune system.  This makes it an ideal subject for studying the effects of grafted tumors and other tissues, since it has no power to reject them.  It also has no body hair, which is quite remarkable for a rodent - hence it's name.  To me, the word NUDE, in its human context, connotes a kind of innocence that its synonyms lack.

37 A. Basic needs : BARE NECESSITIES.  This phrase implies a condition of having just enough to get by, eking out a sparse existence with nothing to spare.  It's also the name of a retail outlet selling several brands of clothing, lingerie and swim wear, but most famously, this song.

The word BARE feels neutral to me, not implying much of anything about the circumstances nor attitude of the unclothed person.

51 A. Unaided vision : NAKED EYE.  A mode of observing things without the kind of technical assistance that can be provided by lenses, magnifiers, light filters or other devices.  A NAKED person is likely to either have an agenda, or be thrust into an uncomfortable situation by someone who does.  These are my subjective responses.  YMMV, of course. 

Then, the unifier -- 56 A. In a pure and unembellished state, and a hint to the beginnings of 18-, 20-, 37- and 51- Across : AU NATUREL.  As defined in the clue, but also indicating a person in the buff.  Somehow, the phrase makes me think of Brigitte Bardot.   Maybe it's the French connection.

Hi gang, JazzBumpa here, trying to make sure we all have a decent time. Let's see what we can cover - or, perhaps, uncover.


1. Stock or bond : ASSET.  Financial ASSETS.

6. Hendrix dos : AFROS.   Hair.

11. Gullible one : SAP.  Somebody easily taken advantage of.  

14. Prophet swallowed by a big fish : JONAH.  Biblical story.

15. Party treat : GOODY.  Candy or other sweets.

16. Show on TV : AIR.  Here, show and AIR are both verbs.

17. Just eat up : ADORE.  I suppose, but am not fond of the clue.

20. Muscleman's display : RAW POWER.  Or oiled flesh.   I'm trying to maintain parity, but am having some difficulty with the photo attachments.  You can find examples here, ladies.

22. In the worst way : BADLY.  Positive form equivalent to superlative?  I don't think so.

23. "I don't have all day!" : NOW.  Stat! ASAP!

24. Online trackers : COOKIES.   A server message message stored as a text file by a browser, and sent back to the server at each browser visit.

26. "The Descent of Man" author : DARWIN.  Charles, [1809-1882] an English naturalist, geologist and pioneer in the field of evolution.

30. Chicken or turkey : FOWL.  And after 7 days in the fridge, foul.

31. Panhandle state : IDAHO.  Along with Oklahoma and Florida.  Did I miss any?

32. Hassan Rouhani's country : IRAN.   [b 1948] Lawmaker, academic, diplomat and, since 2013, the 7th president.

33. Maker of HEMNES furniture : IKEA.  Swedish provider of ready-to-assemble furniture, tasty meat balls and lingonberry jam.  They also serve a pretty darn good cheap breakfast.

40. Fish-eating duck : SMEW.   Males are mostly white with some black accents; females are red heads.

41. NERF missile : DART. Could also have been a BALL.

42. Concert sites : HALLS.   I went with ARENAS first, on a bad count.  

43. Unoccupied : IDLE. As a rest room stall.

44. Site of the first "Occupy" protest: Abbr. : WALL ST.   That den of iniquity.

45. Moral : ETHICAL.  Conforming to accepted standards of conduct.

49. Trending : HOT.   Like the latest whatever.

50. Oldest actor to play Bond : MOORE.  Roger. [b. 1927] 

59. "The Easter Parade" author Richard : YATES. [1926-1992] American novelist who achieved critical acclaim, but little commercial success.  In 2008 the movie version of his novel Revolutionary Road earned an Academy Award nomination for Kate Winslet.

60. Fury : IRE.  Anger.

61. Rub off : ERASE. As chalk.

62. Ready to draw : ON TAP. As ale.

63. "Dropped" drug : LSD.  Known as "acid" back in those hippy-dippy days of yore.

64. On pins and needles : ANTSY.  Or on edge, unsettled.

65. Scheme of high interest? : USURY.  Loans at extremely, sometimes illegally, high interest rates. Clever clue.


1. Cracked open : AJAR.  As a door, but, strangely enough, not a jar.

2. Carbonated drink : SODA.  Or pop, in the midwest.   What about where you live?

3. Cause of a school closing : SNOW.  Bad winter weather.

4. Old West marshal : EARP.  Wyatt [1848-1929] of OK Corral fame. 

5. Satirical publication that claims to be "America's Finest News Source" : THE ONION.  It is a-peeling.

6. '60s-'70s veep : AGNEW.  [1918-1996]  No politics!

7. Calling birds count, in song : FOUR.  From the 12 Days of Christmas.

8. Curtain holder : ROD.  And he never gets tired.

9. Wordsworth work : ODE.

There was a time when meadow, grove, and stream,  
The earth, and every common sight,  
To me did seem  
Apparell'd in celestial light . . .

10. It's just one thing instead of another : SYMBOL.  Representation, often by a solid object for something abstract.

11. Medina native : SAUDI.  Site of a man-made disaster this week.

12. Basilica part : AISLE.  Or theater, or arena.

13. Victimizes, with "on" : PREYS.  As one with an ETHICAL deficiency might do to a SAP.

19. Winery wood : OAK.  Used in making aging barrels.

21. Came out on top : WON.  Emerged victorious.

24. Proceed effortlessly : COAST.  Move without using power, as down hill or via momentum.

25. Completely dominates : OWNS.  Or pwns, as in computer games

26. "Mine!" : DIBS.  I called it!

27. Father of Seth : ADAM.  Genesis family.  No religion!

28. Steak order : RARE.  True - I RARELY order steak.

29. "I was nervous there!" : WHEW.  Sigh of relief.

30. "__ Jacques" : FRERE.   Sleepy brother John, in a song.

32. Poker declaration : I CALL.  Indicates matching a bet or raise.

33. Romance lang. : ITALian.

34. While away, as time : KILL.  No mater how much I kill time, it still marches on.

35. Slithery fish : EELS.   Long, slender fish that are members of the order Anguilliformes, and a few other similarly shaped, but unrelated, fish.

36. Deputy: Abbr. : ASST.  Assistant.

38. Historic Icelandic work : EDDA.  Either of two works, known as the Prose EDDA and the Poetic EDDA, set down in the 13th century, containing material going back several hundred more years. They are the main sources of Norse mythology.

39. Cry from a newly grounded teen : I HATE YOU.   The drama unfolds.

43. Lipton offering : ICE TEA.   Will this bring back the ICE vs ICED controversy?

44. Stir-fry pan : WOK.  A round bottomed cooking vessel of Chinese origin.

45. Yahoo! service : E-MAIL.  One of many providers

46. Overseas stints : TOURS.  Deployments.

47. Sharpened : HONED. As on a whetstone.

48. 401(k) kin : IRA.  Individual Retirement Account.

49. Claire and Phil's eldest daughter on "Modern Family" : HALEY.  

51. Untouchables leader : NESS.  Eliot, [1903 - 1957] Prohibition agent, during that dark period of American history.

52. Marino and Patrick : DANS.  Former NFL QB Marino [b 1961,] Sportscaster Patrick [b 1956,] long with my oldest grandson [b 1996.]

53. Rebuke from Caesar : ET TU.  "You too, Brutus?!?", to his erstwhile friend and assassination co-conspirator.

54. Class ring datum : YEAR. As of graduation.

55. Best Female Athlete, e.g. : ESPY.  Excellence in Sports Performance Yearly Award, presented by ABC TV, and formerly by ESPN.   This year's candidates are Breanna Stewart [UConn Basetball,] Elena Delle Donne [Chicago Sky Pro Basketball,] Katey Ledecky [Swimming,] and Simone Biles [Gymnastics.]

57. Java server : URN.  Big pot.

58. Source of a metaphorical smell : RAT.  Indicating that something is not right.

Well, that's it.  Hope you got through without losing your shirt or getting caught with your pants down.  I made it - barely.

Looks as if this might be Vasu's first LAT puzzle.  So - welcome and congrats on your maiden voyage!  This is a fine puzzle and we hope to see more of you [in a manner of speaking.]

Cool regards!

Jul 5, 2016

Tuesday, July 5, 2016 Janice Luttrell

Thene: No Reveal Tuesday - Duties of a prep cook.

10D. Fail to advance to a subsequent round : MISS THE CUT

20A. Martial arts wood-breaking move : KARATE CHOP

29D. Six-faced puzzle : RUBIK'S CUBE

53A. Shady advantage for a craps shooter : LOADED DICE

"Chop" refers to cutting foods into pieces that are not necessarily even, but all about 1/2" in diameter. "Cube" means to cut food into pieces that are even, like a square. "Dice" means to cut food into even, small squares about 1/4" in diameter.

Argyle here with my Ginsu at the ready. I felt this pinwheel was an apt Tuesday.


1. Like a three-dollar bill : BOGUS. The un-pc word fit also.

6. Schedule opening : SLOT

10. "Welcome" sites : MATS

14. Take over forcibly : USURP

15. Surrounding radiance : AURA

16. One with star power : IDOL

17. __ apso: dog : LHASA

18. Touchpad toucher : USER

19. California's __ Valley : SIMI

22. Plant generator : SEED. How does your garden grow?

23. All-purpose vehicle, for short : UTE

24. Like some angles : OBTUSE. Do NOT call Warden Norton this word~!

26. Marble rye pattern : SWIRLS

30. Rental period : MONTH

32. __ New Guinea : PAPUA. Some difference from Simi Valley.

33. Employment agency listing : JOB

34. Barbecue brand : WEBER. So barbecue can mean the grill but if you were wondering....

38. Gulf States native : ARAB. NOT the Gulf of Mexico states.

39. "Wheel of Fortune" purchase : AN I

40. Deep sleep : COMA

41. Newspapers and such : MEDIA

43. "I agree" : "YES"

44. Language of ancient Carthage : PUNIC. Wikipedia

45. Word before Kat or Glue : KRAZY. The Kat came way before the glue.

47. Place to chow down : EATERY

48. Rumormonger's output : GOSSIP

51. Grain bristle : AWN. Wild rye.

52. Price-per-barrel org. : OPEC. (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)

60. Prego rival : RAGU

61. Gumbo pod : OKRA

62. Burger and fries, e.g. : ORDER

63. Get a good grip on : GRAB

64. Hurt seriously : MAIM

65. King or tsar : RULER

66. To be, in Versailles : ÊTRE

67. Tournament passes : BYEs

68. Bottomless chasm : ABYSS


1. Cheapest way to buy, with "in" : BULK

2. Workplace watchdog: Abbr. : OSHA. (Occupational Safety and Health Administration)

3. __ gum: thickening agent : GUAR

4. Bear in two constellations : URSA

5. Kitchen flipper : SPATULA

6. Pasta cook's potful : SAUCE

7. Rife with vegetation : LUSH

8. Three-ply cookie : OREO

9. Silvery game fish : TARPON

11. "Farewell, chérie" : "ADIEU"

12. Dictionaries, encyclopedias, and the like : TOMEs

13. Playground feature : SLIDE

21. X-files subjects, briefly : ETs

25. FYI relative : BTW. "for your information"/"By the way"

26. E-junk : SPAM

27. Hard finish? : WARE

28. Tablet with a Smart Keyboard attachment : iPAD

30. Monopoly game need : MONEY

31. Japanese decorative belts : OBIs

33. Hip-hopper who married Beyoncé : JAY Z. Shawn Corey Carter.

35. Dog biscuit shape : BONE

36. Gulf States leader : EMIR

37. Risqué : RACY

42. Jackie O's second : ARI

44. Box opener of myth : PANDORA

46. Poise : APLOMB

47. Woolly female : EWE

48. Narrow canyon : GORGE

49. Eye-fooling pantings : OP-ART

50. Popeye's creator : SEGAR

51. First one-term president : ADAMS. John.

54. Thumbs-up : OKAY

55. R&B vocalist India.__ : ARIE

56. Beat but good : DRUB

57. Without much thought : IDLY

58. So-so grades : CEEs

59. Transposes digits, say : ERRs


Jul 4, 2016

Monday, July 4, 2016 Bruce Venzke & Gail Grabowski

Theme: No Reveal Monday - No need; straight rhymes. Totally different spellings.

17A. Pre-exam review session : REFRESHER COURSE

27A. Multinational military alliance : COALITION FORCE

49A. Reporter's trustworthy contact : RELIABLE SOURCE

63A. Coin-operated kiddie ride : MECHANICAL HORSE

Argyle here. No tribute puzzle here, nothing to slow you up so you can get out there to watch the parades.


1. Son of God, in a Bach cantata : JESU

5. Sacred wading bird of ancient Egypt : IBIS

9. English class topic : USAGE

14. Novelist Hunter : EVAN. One of his names. IMBd

15. Outstanding credit : DEBT

16. __ Valley, Calif.: 1960 Winter Olympics site : SQUAW
20. Prepare to propose : KNEEL

21. Figure skating leap : AXEL

22. Satisfied sounds : AAHs

23. Tel __, Israel : AVIV

25. Use an acetylene torch on : WELD

33. PIN requester : ATM

34. In a bit : SOON

35. Words before "Happy New Year!" : ... TWO, ONE ...

37. Explore eBay : SHOP

39. Vintage roadster : REO

41. Pop singer Diamond : NEIL

42. Medal of Honor recipients : HEROES

45. State firmly : AVER

48. Delta rival: Abbr. : UAL. United Airlines

52. "What have I gotten myself __?" : INTO

53. Bring in from the fields : REAP

54. Cries from successful solvers : A-HAs

57. Flu symptom : AGUE

59. Sounds of thunder : CLAPS. I hope it doesn't rain on your parade.

66. Spin docs : PR MEN

67. "If all __ fails ... " : ELSE

68. Out of the wind : ALEE

69. Shabby : SEEDY

70. Puts into words : SAYS

71. Where boats tie up : DOCK


1. Soda __: fountain worker : JERK. The term Soda Jerk came from the action the fountain attendant made when pulling the soda draft arm. This jerking motion coined the phrase “Soda Jerk.” The origin and date of the phrase are unknown.

2. Tied, as a score : EVEN

3. Out of danger : SAFE

4. Hard to believe : UNREAL

5. Checkpoint requirements: Abbr. : IDs

6. Conduct, in report card comments : BEHAVIOR

7. Curly-horned goat : IBEX

8. Sprinkled widely : STREWN

9. GI show gp. : USO. (United Service Organizations)

10. Detachment of fighter jets : SQUADRON

11. Subtle glow : AURA

12. Nasty cut : GASH

13. Fleecy farm females : EWEs

18. "Don't Be Cruel" singer : ELVIS

19. Chin indentation : CLEFT

24. Simpson trial judge : ITO

26. Weather map "L" : LOW

27. Tens and twenties : CASH

28. "None of the above" choice : OTHER

29. Love, in Rome : AMORE

30. NBA great Shaquille : O'NEAL

31. __ d'Alene, Idaho : COEUR

32. Room-filling computer unveiled in 1946 : ENIAC. (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer)

36. Magazine you can read forward and backward? : ELLE

38. Like shiny shoes : POLISHED

40. Flipped during frying, as eggs : OVEREASY

43. Austrian "a" : EIN

44. The devil : SATAN

46. Tampa-to-Palm Beach dir. : ESE

47. Pest control target : ROACH

50. Unidentified flying radar blips : BOGIES

51. Transfer, as computer data : UPLOAD

54. Bandstand boosters : AMPs

55. "Present!" : "HERE!"

56. Summit : ACME

58. Golden St. campus : UCLA

60. Folksy Guthrie : ARLO

61. Tiny time meas. : P-SEC. One trillionth of a second, picosecond.

62. Search for : SEEK

64. Vague quantity : ANY

65. "__ Misérables" : LES

Happy Fourth!


Jul 3, 2016

Sunday, July 3, 2016 Mark McClain

Theme:  "First Cuts"- Saw can follow the first word in each theme answer.

27A. Something to deal with? : COPING STRATEGY. Coping saw. Another puzzle where the first themer starts in Row 4.

42A. Olympic sport since 1988 : TABLE TENNIS. Table saw.

67A. Music in a shell : BAND CONCERT. What's "in a shell"? Band saw. 

96A. Mouse feature : SCROLL WHEEL. Scroll saw. This is new to me. 

115A More than an idea : CONCRETE OBJECT. Concrete saw. New to me also.

14D. Domino effect : CHAIN REACTION. Chainsaw.

56D. Begging the question : CIRCULAR LOGIC. Circular saw.


119. A kind of one appears in this puzzle's seven longest answers : SAW

As I mentioned a few weeks ago that "we don't often see words that precede/follow theme type on Sundays. They're mainly the early week domain.Not easy to get a "Go ahead" from Rich with this type."

I'm not a tool person. When I googled those SAW images, DeWalt keeps showing up. They must be big.

Smooth sailing. The puzzle is solid made and the fill is quite clean. Reminds me of Gail's puzzles.


1. "Voilà!" : THERE!

6. Midday refresher : NAP. I wanted TEA.

9. "Monday Night Football" airer : ESPN

13. Note-to-self paper : SCRAP. I have lots of cute notebooks.

18. Dealt with a squeak : OILED

19. Busy as __ : A BEE

21. West Point mascot : MULE

22. ORD, on luggage tags : O'HARE. ORD stands for Orchard Field.

23. Clobbered, old-style : SMOTE. We just had it last Sunday.

24. Wine bottle info : YEAR. And 75. Red options, briefly : CABS. Cabernet.

25. Sticking point? : CRAW. Nice clue.

26. Hard to spot : FAINT. Not VAGUE.

30. Fence crossings : STILES

31. "We agree completely!" : AMEN!

32. Brewer's kiln : OAST

33. Pay attention to : HEED

34. Lady lobster : HEN

35. Like granola bars : OATY. Have any of you tried overnight oats? Mine has toasted coconut flakes mixed in, and various berries. So good.

37. Rene of "Nightcrawler" : RUSSO

38. Beyond belief : UNREAL

47. Sickly : WAN. Not ILL.

49. View from Catania : ETNA. Got via crosses.

50. It beat out Madrid as host city for the 2016 Olympics : RIO. Golf is back to the Olympics after many years of absence. Alas, lots of golfers skip it due to Zika. We also have 53. Dream Team org. : USOC

51. Unisex wrap : SARONG

52. Back : FUND

54. Sonoran flora : CACTI

55. Brand that evolved from Standard Oil of Indiana : AMOCO

57. Needles : TEASES

59. Bummed : MOOCHED. Not DEPRESSED.

61. Salon indulgence : MANI-PEDI. Don't think I can paint my big toe like this. Pro work. 

64. Old hand : PRO

65. Tracy Marrow's stage name : ICE-T

66. Road or gang ending : STER

71. Carnival stop : ISLE. Carnival Cruise Line.

77. Organ with a drum : EAR

78. Thought-out : REASONED

80. Misery : ANGUISH

83. Coca-Cola brand : FRESCA. Not in our house. We're loyal to Pepsi.

86. Gale's 40, on the Beaufort scale : KNOTS. Tiny clue/answer dupe with  3D. Tie the knot on the fly : ELOPE.

87. Sam of "Jurassic Park" films : NEILL

88. Breyers shelfmate : EDY'S

90. Not effective : FUTILE

93. MLB line score letters : R H E (Runs, Hits, Errors)

94. Forum attire : TOGA

95. Air pressure meas. : PSI

98. Rudely sarcastic : SNARKY. Tricky for me to catch sarcasm at times. 

100. Some entryways : RAMPS

103. Operate with a beam : LASE

104. Rapper __ Wayne : LIL

105. Falco of "The Sopranos" : EDIE

106. Certain language unit : SIGN. This refer to sign language, correct?

108. Montand of cinema : YVES

112. Make a decision : CHOOSE

118. Ladder units : RUNGS

119. Houston player, to fans : STRO. And 123. 119-Across, since 2013 : ALer (American Leaguer). Glue entry.

120. Penzance pad : FLAT. Got via crosses.

121. Site of Theban ruins : LUXOR. Also a casino in Vegas. Also an ex-Cornerite who liked to attack others. He might be lurking.

122. Paraplegic "Glee" teen : ARTIE.  I think we had this clue a while ago.

124. Dog seller : DELI. Hot dog!

125. Artist with the album "25" : ADELE

126. Voting groups : BLOCS

127. "The Swiss Family Robinson" author : WYSS. I learned this while making a puzzle with Don G.

128. Barfly : SOT

129. "... your laments, / Wherewith you now __ King Henry's hearse": Shak. : BEDEW. This might be Rich's clue.


1. Puccini heroine : TOSCA

2. Sideline greeting : HI MOM

4. Vitamin A form : RETINOL. Ingredient in eye creams.

5. Steinbeck title place : EDEN. East of Eden.

6. Skeptic : NAYSAYER

7. Provides a false alibi for : ABETS

8. Rush drummer Neil : PEART. Splynter might have linked this picture before.

9. Handles the intros : EMCEES

10. Swells : SURGES

11. Trivialize : PLAY DOWN

12. Dvorák's "__ World Symphony" : NEW

13. Ease : SOFTEN

15. Training guide? : RAIL. Clever clue or a bit far-fetched?

16. "Rule Britannia" composer : ARNE

17. Strokes : PETS

20. Big time : ERA

28. "Ya __ believe!": 1973 Mets catchphrase : GOTTA

29. Like so : THUS

30. Avoid : SHUN

36. "Zeus and the Tortoise" storyteller : AESOP

37. Baltic port : RIGA

39. Permanently mark : ETCH

40. It will get you a hand : ANTE

41. Let go, with "off" : LAID

42. Mine vehicles : TRAMS

43. Point toward : AIM AT

44. Wilderness Road pioneer : BOONE (Daniel). Solving crosswords is how I learn American history.

45. Away : NOT IN

46. Nashville-to-Louisville dir. : NNE

48. Look up to : ADMIRE

52. Maidenhair, e.g. : FERN. I don't know it has a specific name: Maidenhair. Also 58. 52-Down cell : SPORE

54. Cedar Rapids college : COE

60. Numerical prefix : OCTA. Eight.

62. Drops back : EBBS

63. Short races : DASHES

68. Stand up to : DEFY

69. Diner and sleeper : CARS

70. Rhyme writer's Muse : ERATO. She loves our Owen!

72. Sleep soundly? : SNORE. Another great clue.

73. River in Hades : LETHE

74. Ranger of the '50s : EDSEL. I had to ask Boomer for explanation.

76. Suffer : AIL

79. Distorts : SKEWS

80. Hill builders : ANTS

81. Its atomic number is 10 : NEON. Is this a gimme for you? We had a terrifying chemistry teacher and I was scared to attend her class.

82. Prefix with byte : GIGA

84. Army E-7s : SFCs. OK, Sergeant First Class.

85. Despicable character : CUR

89. Forthwith : DIRECTLY.  Do you use "forthwith" in your daily conversation? I just use "straightforward with".

91. Response to a doorbell : I'LL GET IT. Nice fill.

92. West Texas grassy plain : LLANO

95. Pulitzer-winning WWII journalist : PYLE (Ernie)

96. An article may be written on it : SPEC. On spec. Same with crossword puzzles.

97. 1968 #1 hit with a four-minute coda : HEY JUDE

99. Chocolate bites : KISSES. And 101. Loves a bunch : ADORES. Sweet.

102. Many nonvoters : MINORS

106. Nine-time Grand Slam singles champ : SELES

107. Author Calvino : ITALO

109. Nettled : VEXED

110. French school : ECOLE

111. Spread : STREW

112. Chesapeake delicacy : CRAB. If you had a choice, would you rather live near the beach or by the mountain?

113. Attack with, as insults : HURL

114. Not bamboozled by : ONTO

116. Outlying mail rte. : RFD

117. Prove untrustworthy, in a way : BLAB
